3.1. Hatchery status and nature of fingerling production.
Analyses have been done on data from 61 authenticated fish hatcheries that produce different species of fish fingerlings for Kenya’s aquaculture industry. The hatcheries were found to produce fingerlings for Monosex Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Mixed sex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Common carps (Cyprinus carpio), and Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The finding revealed that 44 hatcheries (72.13%) only produced Mono sex Nile tilapia fingerlings, 25 hatcheries (40.98%) produced Mixed sex Tilapia, 23 Hatcheries (37.70%), and 19 Hatcheries (31.14%) produced Clarias gariepinus + Monosex Tilapia and Carps + Monosex Tilapia respectively. 15 Hatcheries (24.59%) produced Trout fish with 16Hatcheries (26.22%) producing Clarias gariepinus fingerlings only. (Fig. 3. 1).
3.1.1. Year of Hatchery establishment
On the year of Hatchery establishment, the finding indicates that 27 Hatcheries (44.26%) were established back in 2016 and below. 14 Hatcheries (22.95%), 11hatcheries (18.03%), 6 Hatcheries (9.83%), and 3 Hatcheries ( 4.92%) were established in 2018,2019,2017, and 2021 respectively. No Hatchery was established in 2020. Table 3.1
Table 3.1
Year of Hatchery establishment
Year | Number of Hatcheries | Percentage |
2016 and Below | 27 | 44.26 |
2018 | 14 | 22.95 |
2019 | 11 | 18.03 |
2017 | 6 | 9.83 |
2021 | 3 | 4.92 |
2020 | 0 | 0 |
Total | | 100 |
3.1.2. Sources of broodstock
The finding indicates that the hatchery managers obtained their broodstock from various sources. 38 hatcheries (62.29%) obtained their broodstock from Kenya marine fisheries research institute KMFRI,13 Hatcheries (21.31%) obtained from other hatcheries around, and 4 ( 6.56%) Hatcheries indicated that they get their broodstock from private farmers. However, 6 Hatcheries outsourced online for broodstock and could not justify the source
Table 3.2
Sources of broodstock | Number of Hatchery | percentage |
Kenya marine fisheries research institute. | 38 | 62.29 |
other hatcheries around | 13 | 21.31 |
Private farmers | 4 | 6.56 |
Other sources | 6 | 9.83 |
3.1.3. Equipment and facilities present and functioning at the Hatchery
Hatchery facilities are paramount for quality fingerling production. On this matter the finding indicates that 60 hatcheries (98.36%) had oxygen cylinders, scoop nets, and packaging bags available in 59 Hatcheries out of the 61 (96.72%. similarly, seine nets, Hapa nets, screens for inlet and outlet, weighing balance, water holding facilities, and water quality meters were available in 58, (95.08), 58,( 95.08), 54, (88.52), 54, (88.52), 54, (88.52), and 51( 83.60%) Hatcheries respectively. Incubation facilities were only available in 44 hatcheries (72.13%). Table 3.3
Table 3.3
Equipment and facilities present and functioning at the Hatchery
Equipment and facility | Number of hatcheries | Percentage |
Oxygen cylinders | 60 | 98.36 |
Scoop nets and perforators: | 59 | 96.72 |
Packaging bags: | 59 | 96.72 |
Seine Net: | 58 | 95.08 |
Hapa nets | 58 | 95.08 |
Screens for inlets and outlets | 54 | 88.52 |
Weighing Balance: | 54 | 88.52 |
Water holding facilities | 54 | 88.52 |
Water quality meter | 51 | 83.60 |
Incubation facilities | 44 | 72.13 |
3.1.4. Status of Nursery ponds Breeding ponds and Holding ponds in the Hatcheries.
The finding of this research unearthed that 27 Hatcheries (40.52%) have between 1 to 4 ponds for their activities, 19 hatcheries (28.72%) had 5 to 9 pond holding facilities, 11 (16.52%) have 10 to 14 facilities. 7 hatcheries (10%) and 4 Hatcheries (6%) had 15 to 19 and above 20 pond facilities respectively. Figure 3.3.
3.2. Hatcheries Biosecurity status
An assessment was also done on hatcheries’ Biosecurity through selected measures that were commonly practiced to prevent disease outbreaks and spread to other farms. the findings were summarized in table 3.4.
Table:3.4. Biosecurity measures are maintained at the Hatchery.
Biosecurity measures at the farm | Number of Hatcheries | Percentage |
Record keeping | 58 | 85.29 |
Limiting the Movement of Visitors | 58 | 85.29 |
Cleaning of Hatchery units | 57 | 83.82 |
Removal of dead frys | 57 | 83.82 |
Maintenance of Hatchery Hygiene | 55 | 80.88 |
Stocking of disease-free broodstock | 54 | 79.41 |
Use of protective clothing | 54 | 79.41 |
Disinfection of equipment | 53 | 77.94 |
Use of foot bath | 53 | 77.94 |
Use of good water source | 52 | 76.47 |
Maintenance of proper water temperature | 52 | 76.47 |
Disease monitoring at the Hatchery | 52 | 76.47 |
Supply a Balance diet to broodstock | 52 | 76.47 |
Quarantine procedures | 52 | 76.47 |
Water quality monitoring | 51 | 75 |
Use of Vaccination | 28 | 41.18 |
Based on the findings Record keeping, limiting visitors’ movement in the hatchery, cleaning of Hatchery units and removal of dead fries were perfect biosecurity measures undertaken by 58 Hatcheries(85.29%), 58 hatcheries (85.29%), 57 Hatcheries (83.82%), and 57 hatcheries ( 83.82%) respectively. 55 Hatcheries (79.41%) had good maintenance of hatchery hygiene, similarly stocking of disease-free broodstock, and use of protective clothing was practiced by 54 hatcheries (79.41%). Disinfection of equipment and use of foot bath as a biosecurity measure was similarly practiced by 53 Hatcheries (77.94%). However, the use of good water quality on the farm, water temperature maintenance, disease surveillance and monitoring, supply of broodstock with a balanced feed diet, and clear Quarantine procedures as biosecurity were common in 52 Hatcheries (76.47%). Water quality monitoring and the use of Vaccines in the hatchery were only reported in 58 hatcheries (75%) and 28 hatcheries (41.18%) respectively.
3.2.1. Reporting of diseases and treatment by the hatchery managers
According to the findings, 52 hatcheries managers (86.66%) had so far recorded an incident of fish disease during the production cycle. On disease case reporting criteria, it was found that the majority of hatchery managers 55 Hatcheries (90.16%) report disease cases at the county government fisheries offices nearby, 40 Hatchery managers (65.57%) reported to Kenya fisheries service offices, 38 Hatcheries (62.29%) reported their case at Kenya marine fisheries research institute. However only 15 (24.59%) Hatchery managers report disease cases from their hatcheries to local NGOs dealing with aquaculture projects such as Musingi, FAO, and farm Africa Table 3.5
Table 3.5
Where Disease problems in the Hatchery are reported
Where to report fish diseases | Number of Hatchery | Percentage |
County Government fisheries office | 55 | 90.16 |
Kenya fisheries service | 40 | 65.57 |
Kenya Marine fisheries research institute KMFRI | 38 | 62.29 |
Local NGOs dealing with aquaculture | 15 | 24.59 |
3.2.2. Type of fish diseases and infections at the Hatchery.
According to the finding, No cases of the Tilapia lake Virus have been so far reported in Kenyan Hatcheries., However, the most common disease was mainly nutrition-related diseases as recorded by 33 Hatchery managers (54.09%) followed by fish Gill rot, and Dropsy diseases by 23 Hatcheries (37.70%) and 22 hatcheries (36.06%) respectively. Argulosis case was reported in 9 Hatcheries (14.75%) Table 3.6
Table 3.6
Nature of diseases recorded in broodstock
Nature of Diseases recorded in the Hatchery | Number of Hatcheries | Percentage |
Nutritional diseases | 33 | 54.09 |
Gill rot | 23 | 37.70 |
Dropsy | 22 | 36.06 |
others please specify | 18 | 29.50 |
Argulosis | 9 | 14.75 |
Tilapia lake Virus | 0 | 0.00 |
3.2.3. Disease treatment and management at the Hatchery
Lime and potassium permanganate are the most commonly available chemical used as a disinfectant in most hatcheries in Kenya as reported by 51 Hatchery managers (83.60%). 44 hatchery managers (72.13%) also use lime and potash in disease case treatment. Lime and salt mixed together were reported to be used by 38 Hatcheries (62.29%) for disease handling. However, 30 Hatcheries (49.18%) and 18 hatcheries (29.50%) used lime, and salt mixed with potash and Lime combined with antibiotics respectively for disease treatment at the hatcheries. Dipterax chemical is not commonly used in Kenyan Hatcheries as cased by only 2 hatcheries (3.27%). Sumithion is totally not used as none of the hatchery managers reported having used the chemical for aquaculture production. Table 3.7.
Table 3.7
Chemicals used for disease treatment in the Hatchery
Chemicals used in disease treatment | Number of Hatcheries | Percentage |
Lime and permanganate | 51 | 83.60 |
lime and potash | 44 | 72.13 |
Lime and salt | 38 | 62.29 |
Lime, salt and potash | 30 | 49.18 |
lime and antibiotics | 18 | 29.50 |
Dipterax | 2 | 3.27 |
Sumithion | 0 | 0.00 |
3.2.4. Problems in fish Biosecurity and fish health management
The hatcheries managers identified several problems they encounter during the fingering production cycle. According to the findings, most of the hatcheries have dire financial problems that influence their operations as reported by all the respondents 61 hatchery managers (100%). Lack of experienced manpower at the hatchery and lack of knowledge about diseases are also among the major problems experienced by hatchery management units in Kenya as indicated by 56 (91.80%) Hatchery managers and 55 (90.16%) hatchery managers respectively. Lack of proper medicine and lack of knowledge of medicine application were the least problems identified during the study by 48 Hatchery managers (78.68%) and 27 hatchery respondents (44.26%) respectively. Figure 3.3.
3.4. Result Discussion
The current research examined the biosecurity and fish health management practices at selected government-authenticated fish hatcheries in Kenya. Limiting the intrusion of any invading disease and pathogens into an aquaculture facility is the main objective of a biosecurity program in an aquaculture system. Tilapia according to findings is main fish species whose fingerling are on high production among the reported hatcheries both monosex and mixed sex Tilapia. This is followed by Clarias gariapinus fingerlings as well as trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Common carps (Cyprinus carpio) are only produced by handful of hatcheries located in the central Kenya. Furthermore, the biosecurity issue was evaluated by the following approaches: availability of recordkeeping, daily cleaning of hatchery units and maintenance of Hatchery hygiene, stocking disease-free broodstock, use of foot bath and protective clothing, Disinfection of hatchery equipment, Maintenance of proper water quality parameters, Disease surveillance and monitoring, supply of balance diet to broodstock, use of Quarantine facilities and procedure, and possible use of vaccines in the hatchery. All the biosecurity parameters were above the optimal required level by the government quality inspection unit at the Kenya fisheries service.
Although the hatchery managers had limited awareness of biosecurity procedures, their level of biosecurity was nevertheless pretty acceptable.
The bedrock of sustainable aquaculture is the generation of high-quality fish seeds (Rimmer, etal 2013, and Jia etal 2017). Kenya has been self-sufficient in the large-scale production of fingerlings of different fish species to fish farmers over the past 10 years since the introduction of economic stimulus programs., but the fish seed quality has declined after the devolution of the aquaculture sector to the county governments (Nyonje etal, 2011). This has been attributed to Inbreeding, poor broodstock management, and negative brood selection, particularly in private hatcheries. Therefore
the structures and facilities of a hatchery are crucial for producing quality fish seed that is bio-secure. The hatchery should be located in an area with an adequate water supply and all necessary facilities for hatchery operation, such as facilities for incubations and quarantine, circular tanks for breeding and hatching, good water supply, overhead separate hatchery buildings, office spaces for staff, and storage areas (Hood, et al 2019, Muniesa, et al 2022, and Bernoth, 2008). However, A according to the findings majority of Hatcheries operating in the country has basic infrastructure and facilities in place nearly all but not limited to oxygen cylinders for aerations, packaging bags, scoop nets and perforators, Holding Hapa nets, water holding facilities, incubation facilities and water quality meters for measuring water quality. This is an indication of elaborate biosecurity measures in place among the government-authenticated fish hatcheries mandated to supply fish farmers with quality fingerlings in Kenya which is in line with Hood, et al (2019), Muniesa, et al (2022), and Bernoth, (2008) findings on the need to have an elaborate hatchery infrastructure and facilities in place for sustainable seed aquaculture production.
On the quality of broodstock in the current study, it was discovered that the hatchery managers had kept enough broodstock in good condition. The hatchery staff used healthy, disease-free broods and made sure that they were the right age and weight for spawning. The majority of the hatchery managers obtained their broodstock from the Kenya Marine fisheries and research institute. This might be one of the factors that enabled them to make high-quality fries and make them somehow disease free. Other hatcheries supplied some managers with broodstock, others could even obtain it from private farmers with very little knowledge of biosecurity and disease surveillance measures. This explains the presence of diseases recorded in some hatcheries.
According to Lekang, (2013). Most hatchery owners keep their facilities clean and sterilize their equipment on a regular basis. Fish infections can spread from the holding facility to the holding unit via fish and rearing waters, as well as through common equipment and staff. In relation to this author, the finding showed that most hatchery managers take disease treatment very seriously. As majority 83.60% commonly use lime and potassium permanganate for sterilization and disease treatment. Other chemicals commonly used include lime and potash, salt mixed with potash, and Lime combined with antibiotics. Dipterax and Sumithion being chemicals are not preferably used by the majority of the hatchery operators. This is a clear indication that they are moving away from the use of chemicals in aquaculture production for sustainability. This is also in line with the report made by Syanya, &Munala (2022) That the use of chemicals in aquaculture production in developing countries is on the decline due to quality issues initiated by EU export regulations for aquaculture products.
The availability of pathogen-free water sources to hatcheries is a crucial illness prevention strategy (Bernoth,2008, Subasinghe,2019, Moyo, & Rapatsa,2021). With reference to these author’s views, nearly all of the hatcheries in the current study used good-quality water. Furthermore, the majority of hatcheries took regular measurements of water quality parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen levels, and water temperature. It was discovered that no hatchery owners had used Sumithion and fish vaccines This was a clear indication given the limited number of fish disease vaccines now in use, The administration of vaccines does not stop the spread of diseases. But only have side effects for the user in long run (Liu etal 2022, and Toranzo,etal, 2005).
On the disease outbreak, none of the hatchery managers reported a case of tilapia virus diseases. This is because the government has high surveillance and is on high alert for the entry of Tilapia lake virus disease in the country. However, the most common disease experienced by the majority of hatcheries in the country is nutrition related. Other diseases such as Dropsy, gill rot, and fungal infection were equally reported. Therefore, one of the most significant biosecurity measures is disease surveillance. Owners of hatcheries frequently checked the fish and spawn for any infections. However, owners of fish hatcheries reported very few infections, which may be because they were unaware of fish diseases and there were no reporting locations or diagnostic labs available. In this study, diseases such as argulosis, fungal infection, gill rot, dropsy, and nutritional disorders were discovered in brood fish in some hatcheries. Other researchers such as Pridgeon,, & Klesius,(2012), Hernández, etal, (2009), and Master, et al, (2008) also reported experiencing similar disease conditions in Hatcheries in their studies. Moyo, & Rapatsa, (2021) has recently documented the myriad problems that Hatcheries facilities and fish farmers face during fish production. Which includes a lack of extension services, a lack of information on emerging fish farming technologies, disease management, lack of market for their fish product. Similarly, according to the finding of this study, all hatchery managers reported that they are facing financial problems to expand their hatcheries and for the smooth running of the farm. In addition to finances, lack of experienced manpower on the farm, lack of knowledge about diseases, and lack of proper medicine are some of the foreseen drawbacks in the Hatchery management units in the country.