Different strains of EcPVs are present in a localized population of horses in China
Sequence analysis showed that a total of 61,077,096 sequence reads of 150 bp were generated from the tissue sample, of which 6,054 (0.0099%) could be annotated to known mammalian viruses (EcPV-1, Gemycircularvirus, Picobirnavirus, Murine leukemia virus, Human endogenous retrovirus W, etc). Among the various mammalian virus sequence reads obtained from the tissue sample, 1,690 reads shared more than 99.2% nucleotide identity with E6, E7 and L1 genes of EcPV-1 reference strains (GenBank accession nos. MF288893 and AF498323).
PCR results showed that the intranasal papilloma and seven nasal swabs (3%, 7/230) were positive for EcPV-1, four nasal swabs (1.74%, 4/230) and two semen samples (16.7%, 2/12) were positive for EcPV-2, and three semen samples (25%, 3/12) were found to be positive for EcPV-7 (Table 1).
Table 1
Information of thoroughbred horse nasal swabs and semen included in this study
Sample place | Farm | noc N/S | Sexa M/F | Average ageb | EcPV-1 | EcPV-2 | EcPV-7 |
Yili | A | 37/0 0/6 | 6/31 6/0 | 5.4(3–10) 6.3(5–8) | 0 0 | 4(10.8%) 1(16.7%) | 0 1(16.7%) |
B | 96/0 | 30/66 | 10(0–13) | 4(4.2%) | 0 | 0 |
Changji | C | 41/0 0/6 | 7/34 6/0 | 6.3(4–12) 8.1(6–12) | 0 0 | 0 1(16.7%) | 0 2(33.3%) |
Urumqi | D | 56/0 | 10/46 | 4.4(0–8) | 3(5.4%) | 0 | 0 |
| Total | 242 | 65/177 | 7.2(3–13) | 7(2.9%) | 6(2.5%) | 3(1.2%) |
aM/F: male/female |
bAge in 2019 |
cN/S: nasal swabs/semen |
Complete genomic profiling of the different EcPV strains reveal high sequence identity with the reference strains
The complete genomes for EcPV-1, 2 and 7 were obtained by PCR analysis using primers mentioned in Table S2. The complete genome of EcPV-1 identified in this study is 7611 bp long (GenBank accession no. MN164462) and designated as EcPV-1 G2. It shares 99.3%- 99.4% nucleotide identity with previously submitted genome of EcPV-1 to GenBank. E6, E7, E1, E2, E4, L1 and L2 ORF of EcPV-1 G2 shared high nucleotide (98.8–99.8%) and amino acid identity (98.6–99.8%) with EcPV-1 reference strains. In accordance with a previously published study by Dong et al., 2017 [7], the sequences of the eight L1 genes in the various EcPV-1s found in Chinese horses, share up to 99.8% nucleotide identity (GenBank accession nos. MN164462, MT364343-MT364349).
The complete genome sequences of the EcPV-2, that was identified in the horse semen (7802 nt), named XJ-KS1391, (GenBank accession no. MW410986), shared a 99.87% sequence identity with EcPV-2a (GenBank accession no. EU503122) and a sequence identity of 99.05% with EcPV-2b (GenBank accession no. HM461973) indicating that EcPV-2 XJ-KS1391 and EcPV-2a share a closer genetic relationship. E6, E7, E1, E2, E4, L1 and L2 ORF of EcPV-2 XJ-KS1391 share high nucleotide (98.3–100%) and high amino acid identity (98.4–100%) with EcPV-2 reference strains. The L1 genes in six strains of EcPV-2 from these horses have a nucleotide identity of 99.8–100% (GenBank accession nos. MW410986, MW429199-MW429203).
The complete genomic sequence of the EcPV-7 as identified in the horse semen (7619 nt, named XJ-zs1, MW410987), shares 99.75% sequence identity with the complete genome sequence of EcPV-7 reference strain (GenBank accession no. JX035935). The E6, E7, E1, E2, E4, L1 and L2 ORFs of EcPV-7 XJ-zs1 share high nucleotide (98.9–100%) and amino acid identity (98.2–100%) with EcPV-7 reference strains. Three L1 genes of EcPV-7 found in Chinese horses show nucleotide identity as high as 99.4–99.7% (GenBank accession nos. MW410987, MW429204 and MW429205).
L1 gene sequence comparison show identity with reference L1 genes
Moreover, the sequencing and comparison of the L1 gene in the EcPV-1, 2 and 7 strains in Chinese horses show a 98.8–99.1% nucleotide sequence identity with the reported EcPV-1, 2 and 7 strains.
Phylogenetic tree based on L1 genes analysis of EcPV-1 to 9 reveal that EcPV-1 from Chinese horses were clustered into a dependent branch, together with EcPV-1 reference strains, into Zatapapillomavirus lineage. Moreover, Chinese EcPV-2 strain was clustered into EcPV-2a branch of Dyoiotapapillomavirus lineage, whereas, EcPV-7 was clearly related to EcPV-7 reference strain of Dyorhopapillomavirus lineage (Fig. 1).