3.1 Wear rate and friction coefficient
The mass loss of the carbon slide plate before and after the test was used to evaluate the wear of the pantograph slide plate. The carbon slide plate was weighed before and after the test using an electronic balance with an accuracy of 0.1 mg. The wear rate W of the plate was calculated as follows.
where ma and mb are the masses of the slide plate before and after wear (g), respectively; and L is the sliding distance of the test (km). Figure 4 shows the wear/friction coefficient–relative humidity curve of the slide plate. Under the same experimental conditions, with an increase in the relative humidity, the wear rate decreased. When the RH increased from 20–40%, the wear rate decreased significantly from 0.0879 to 0.0197 g/km. When the humidity increased from 20–30% RH, the increase in wear rate was 0.0303 g/km; however, when the humidity further increased from 30–40% RH, the increase in wear rate was 0.0379 g/km, which is approximately 25% higher than that in the previous stage. The influence of humidity on the wear rate exhibited nonlinear characteristics.
The friction coefficient was calculated from the tangential and normal force data obtained by the data acquisition system as
where µ is the friction coefficient; Ft is the tangential force; and Fn is the normal force. As shown in Fig. 4, the friction coefficient decreased with an increase in humidity. After the humidity reached 30% RH, the friction coefficient stabilised at approximately 0.46, which is consistent with the experimental results of previous research [16]. This may have been the result of the formation of a layer of adsorbed water film on the contact area of the slide surface owing to an increase in relative humidity that protected the contact pairs. However, as the relative humidity increased to a certain threshold, the adsorbed water film reached saturation. As the water vapour in the air continued to increase, the friction coefficient did not change significantly [17].
3.2 Surface macrostructure analysis of different wear states
To compare the surface friction and wear morphology of the metal-impregnated carbon slide plate under different humidity conditions, macrographs of the wear surface of the pantograph slide plate under different wear conditions were obtained using a NREEOHY DZ-Y500L electron microscope, as shown in Fig. 5 The wear surface of the plate under different humidity conditions had a particular arc erosion area, and arc erosion marks gradually appeared on the surface of the plate with an increase in the relative humidity. In the process of current-carrying wear, when an off-line phenomenon between the pantograph and catenary contact pairs occurred, a voltage difference occurred between the pantograph and catenary and caused an arc [18, 19]. Arc erosion on pantograph–catenary contact pairs manifests primarily as accelerated oxidation, melting evaporation, and splashing [20]. As shown in Figs. 5a–c, the erosion marks on the slide plate surface were primarily arc ablation holes under the experimental conditions. In the macroscopic view (Fig. 5d) of the slide plate with abnormal wear in actual service, copper was present on the friction surface because the current of the slide plate was more extensive in actual service where the instantaneous current of the start-up acceleration section exceeded 700 A. At the same time, owing to the phenomenon of intensified vibration caused by aerodynamic and line conditions, the Joule heat and arc heat on the slide plate surface were significantly increased compared with those of the experimental conditions [18, 21]. At higher temperatures, copper was distributed on the slide plate surface, and the contact wire melted, spattered, and then resolidified on the slide plate surface after cooling.
Evidently from the macroscopic view of the copper–silver alloy wire surface after the wear test (Fig. 6), some differences existed on the surface after wear under different humidity conditions. Under low-humidity conditions, more apparent scratches appeared on the copper–silver alloy contact line. Further, with an increase in humidity, the phenomenon was improved and the surface became smoother, thus indicating that the mechanical wear was reduced after an increase in humidity.
3.3 Surface microstructure analysis of different wear states
To further explore the microscopic differences in the wear surface of the sliding plate under different humidity conditions, the surface of the sample was observed using an OLYMPUS OLS4100 laser confocal microscopy system. A comparison of the surfaces of the normal and abnormal wear sliding plates is shown in Fig. 7. Evidently, the 20% RH and abnormal wear state of the slide surface had more prominent mechanical wear scars, and the surface-material peeling was more distinct. When the test humidity increased to 30%, dense dark streamlines appeared on the surface of the slider, and the direction was consistent with that of the relative motion of the pantograph–catenary contact pair. As mentioned previously, when a separation exists between a pantograph and catenary, an arc is generated and it will be extinguished only when the pantograph and catenary return to contact. In this process, the arc root follows a relative sliding trajectory and leaves a black streamline on the slide plate surface [19]. When the relative humidity increased to 40%, the width of the dark streamlines on the surface increased, whereas the dark streamline traces on the surface of the pantograph slide plate were sparse but coarser under normal wear conditions.
Studies have reported a correlation between the contact pair surface roughness and wear rate. The higher the roughness, the smaller the actual contact area, and the higher the offline and arcing rates [22]. To investigate the effect of slide plate surface roughness, the roughness measurement module of the Japanese OLYMPUS OLS4100 laser confocal microscopy system was used to compare the middle wear area of three slide plate samples with that of an actual service slide plate. Each piece was 5-mm long. The average roughness of the surface of the pantograph slide plate under different wear conditions was calculated and analysed, and the results are presented in Table 2. On average, the slide plate surfaces after the test and that of the actual service exhibited two trends. Under the test conditions, the roughness decreased with an increase in relative humidity. In the actual service, the humidity of the abnormal wear slide plate was lower, whereas the surface roughness of the wear surface was higher than that of the normal wear slide plate surface. Holm [23] believes that the wear between a pantograph and catenary depends primarily on three aspects: pure mechanical wear, electrical wear, and wear under the action of mechanical and electrical coupling. Electrical wear and mechanical–electrical coupling wear caused by the current on the surface of a slide plate are the primary wear mechanisms under current-carrying conditions and affect the wear of a slide plate [24]. Owing to the differences in contact pressure, running speed, and current-carrying conditions between the test and the actual service process, the arc erosion on the slide plate surface and the temperature of the contact pair during the actual service process were much higher than those of the test conditions. At this time, the slide plate surface exhibited noticeable morphological differences under the action of the arc. Because the arc erosion on the surface of the abnormal wear slide plate was more severe and the temperature of the contact pair was higher than that during sliding, a considerable amount of copper melted. Thus, the arc erosion pits distributed on the surface increased the roughness of the surface, increased the off-line rate and burning rate of the slide plate, and further promoted the occurrence of arc erosion [25–27]. Under the experimental conditions, the electrical wear and arc ablation were lighter owing to the small loading current. According to the wear rate, the surface material removal rate of the 20% RH sample was much higher than that of the 30% and 40% RH samples. Under mechanical wear, the surface roughness of the low-humidity slide plate was minor. Compared with the other two humidity conditions, the contact relationship between the slide plate and contact wire was good, and the arc ablation was reduced. The inconsistency between test conditions and service conditions may be the reason for the differences in surface roughness.
Table 2
Surface roughness of pantograph slide plate under different wear conditions
Test condition
Actual service
20% RH
30% RH
40% RH
Abnormal wear
Normal wear
Ra (µm)
3.4 Influence of humidity on slide plate wear
The above analysis can only explain the differences in the surface morphologies of slide plates. However, humidity directly influences the surface wear of slide plates. The surface image and element distribution of the pantograph slide plate under different wear conditions were obtained using a JSM-IT500LV scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer.
Humidity plays a crucial role in metal wear. In addition to the aforementioned water film, friction pairs can be directly protected to reduce wear. A thicker water film under high humidity can be used as an electrolyte to accelerate the corrosion and oxidation rate of metal surfaces, thereby affecting the friction and wear performance. With a gradual increase in the air water-vapour content, the surface can form a more protective oxide layer to reduce the wear between metal friction pairs [17, 28–30]. In the atmospheric environment, the water vapour attached to the metal surface can be ionised to generate H+ and OH– ions under current action. Thus, the hydroxide group composed of OH– ions produced by ionisation can further promote the adsorption of water vapour molecules on the surface and accelerate surface tribochemical and electrochemical oxidation. Moreover, the H+ ions can enhance the oxidation of O2 in the atmosphere, thus accelerating the formation of surface copper oxides and gradually creating a more complete surface oxide film [29, 31].
Figure 8 shows the SEM and EDS scanning results of the pantograph slide plate surface under different wear conditions. Under the condition of 20% RH test and abnormal wear state, numerous arc erosion marks were produced on the slide plate surface, and copper aggregated in the area of severe arc erosion. In particular, a large amount of copper aggregated on the surface of the abnormal wear slide plate owing to intense arc erosion, whereas only a small amount was distributed in other areas. The slide plate surface did not form a complete oxide layer and could not provide good lubrication for the slide plate; thus, it exhibited a high wear rate and friction coefficient (Figs. 8a and 8d). With an increase in relative humidity, the distribution of the oxide layer on the sliding plate surface gradually became complete. Under the condition of 30% RH, a uniform dispersion of copper appeared on the sliding plate surface, and the overall colour of the SEM image deepened (Fig. 8b). Under a 40% RH and normal wear state, obvious cracks appeared on the slide plate surface; however, a relatively complete oxide film was formed. The copper element was completely dispersed, and the overall colour of the surface was considerably different from that of light grey at 20% RH. At this time, the wear rate and friction coefficient were significantly lower than th ose at 20% RH.
Humidity affects the formation of abrasive particles on a slide plate surface. Figure 9 shows the wear particle distribution on the slide plate surface under different humidity conditions. Evidently from the EDS results, the surface abrasive particles were predominantly copper particles. Under low-humidity conditions, the surface free energy of the material was high owing to the lack of water vapour in the atmosphere. Owing to the adhesion of copper and copper–silver alloy wires distributed on the slide plate surface material under high temperatures during the wear process, a large number of small abrasive particles were generated and significantly increased the wear of the contact pair. When the relative humidity was high, water vapour covered the slide plate surface, thereby reducing the surface free energy and generating fine abrasive particles. During the wear process, abrasive particles of different sizes can cooperate, and large particles provide support. Small particles play a role in repairing the surface, thereby reducing surface wear [29, 32]. This is consistent with the observed wear particle distribution on the normal and abnormal slide plate surfaces during actual service.
In general, under the condition of high humidity and repeated mechanical wear and arc ablation thermal stress, cracks are continuously initiated, thus resulting in the damage and shedding of the slide plate surface material, the surface is protected by the oxide and water films. In the case of low humidity, under the action of arc ablation and slight abrasive wear, the surface of the pantograph slide plate cannot form a surface film without sufficient water vapour and easily adheres to the copper–silver alloy wire, thus forming a large number of small copper abrasive particles and resulting in adhesive and abrasive wear. At the same time, in actual service conditions, owing to the instantaneous large current, the pantograph–catenary contact stability is poor, and arc erosion increases. Thus, the surface of the adhesive wear was more severe than that of the test conditions, and the surface smoothness was significantly damaged and caused more serious wear.