The principle of suture or primary anastomosis and open abdomen with VAC treatment was feasible but had a high risk of anastomotic leakage and EAF formation after small intestinal perforation. The 90-day mortality rate of 20% was comparable with other reports on patients with secondary peritonitis treated with intestinal resection and proximal ostomy (1, 2).
After primary suturing or anastomosis, the leakage rate was high (25%). Another concern was related to the frequent development of EAF in 15% of cases, which was preceded by leakage in only one case. A systematic review of different negative pressure techniques including commercial negative pressure kits, VAC-pack, negative pressure with sequential closure, Bogota Bag and Artificial Burr in the open abdomen reported a higher incidence of EAF formation in septic patients than non-septic patients (12.1% vs. 3.7%) (33). A prospective analysis of the International Register of Open Abdomen (IROA) by Coccolini et al. included 649 patients treated with an open abdomen, and 51.2% of the patients were diagnosed with peritonitis (34). EAF occurred in 12% of the peritonitis group but this incidence did not differ significantly from that in the control group without peritonitis. In another cohort study of 43 patients treated with VAC due to secondary peritonitis, an EAF rate of 37% was reported (30).
Pipariya et al. studied 50 patients with secondary peritonitis treated with primary repair/resection and compared this cohort with 50 patients who had undergone repair/resection with proximal stoma formation (35). Non-traumatic perforation was the most common aetiology (61%) and most often confined to the terminal ileum (73%). The leak rate in the primary repair/resection group was 8%, and in the stoma group, approximately one-third developed stoma complications (prolapse, hernia, necrosis, and retraction). However, a critical study limitation was that patients in the stoma group had more severe peritonitis and were in poorer condition. A comparative study consisting of 30 primary repairs and 30 loop ileostomies after non-traumatic ileal perforation showed an increased rate of postoperative complication in the primary repair group; a further 20% of the primary repairs had a leakage (36).
Primary anastomosis without a diverting stoma has become an accepted treatment modality in colonic perforations with peritonitis due to diverticulitis (37–39). Damage control with a delayed anastomosis at a second look is another approach (40–50).
The outcome after Hartmann’s procedure (HP) and primary anastomosis (PA) in patients with perforated diverticulitis was investigated in two contemporary systematic reviews (51, 52). They showed favourable results for PA in terms of stoma reversal rates, reversal-related morbidity, lower overall persistent stoma rate, decreased morbidity, overall mortality, and major complications. Furthermore, two recent RCTs studying PA and HP in patients with perforated diverticulitis concluded that stoma reversal and 12-month stoma-free survival were significantly improved in the PA group, without showing a significant difference in mortality or morbidity (37, 53). Other randomized trials and systematic reviews have also provided evidence supporting PA (39, 51, 52).
Two recent systematic reviews investigated damage control surgery (DCS) after perforated diverticulitis. They showed that 62.1–73% of patients received colorectal anastomosis at secondary operation, with a leakage rate of 7.3–13% and postoperative mortality of 9–9.2% (41, 48).
Our study limitations include its retrospective design and a relatively long inclusion period. Nevertheless, as the pathophysiology of peritonitis secondary to bowel perforation was similar, irrespective of the underlying cause, we found it relevant to perform this study even though the number of patients was relatively small. Furthermore, a limited number of surgeons performed all treatments at a single centre, making our approach to open abdomen and VAC uniform and comprehensive.