Classification of log quality
The species Dinizia excelsa had the highest conicity value of 1.10 cm.m − 1 (Table 3), and its logs were classified in the superior class of quality. The higher the conicity value, the more conical the log will be. Considering the standard deviation, there is a large dispersion between the conicity data. However, according to data presented in Table 4, 95% of the logs were classified in the superior quality class for the conicity because the logs had values lower than 3 cm.m − 1, corroborating results found by Garcia et al. (2012) and Araújo et al. (2014). It was also observed that the highest taper was found in the basal part of the trees, and this phenomenon occurs because the taper is characterized by the decrease in diameter from the base to the top of the tree (Nassur et al. 2013). The logs evaluated were from a forest with an advanced stage of succession. This explains why the lower conicity values were found, since it is more pronounced in isolated trees or on the periphery of the plantations (Burger and Ritcher 1991)
Regarding flattening, more than 95% of the evaluated logs of the present study were classified as superior class (IBDF 1984), because they have mean flattening values greater than or equal to 90% (Table 4). The higher the flattening value, the more circular and less flattened is the log shape. This result indicates that there is no significant deviation in the circular shape of the logs and that flattening showed satisfactory results for the five tropical species evaluated. Thus, as flattening will not affect the production of a square center block and will not negatively interfere with lumber yield (Vital 2008). The average flattening values found for D. odorata and A. lecointei species were higher than those found by Luz et al. (2021), when evaluating the same species, showing better quality of the logs evaluated in this study.
The species H. heterocarpum, A. lecointei, and Q. paraensis showed the best curving results with 95% of the logs belonging to the superior class with a curving value of less than 3%. Q. paraensis showed the highest mean curving value (Fig. 2a). However, this characteristic was observed in only 5% of the logs of this species, which indicates satisfactory results. The results observed for A. lecointei showing that practically all logs were classified in the superior class corroborating with Luz et al. (2021). The higher curving values found for the species D. excelsa and D. odorata (Fig. 2a) may affect the yield of the sawn wood, as they may limit the determination of the length of the pieces produced and, consequently, decrease the yield of the sawn wood (Vital 2008). In this case, the sectioning processes in smaller logs result in a greater amount of waste due to the increase in the number of cuts. The results observed for the curving of D. odorata showed a mean of 4.22% and was present in 47.37% of the logs evaluated. These results were lower than those found by Luz et al. (2021), who observed average curving for the same species of less than 3%, the maximum value allowed for the superior class (IBDF 1984). In general, the divergence between the results observed in this study and the literature is associated with genetic factors, species characteristics, soil growth and unfavorable climatic conditions, as highlighted by Vital (2008).
The only species that did not present logs with buttresses was A. lecointei (Fig. 2b). The logs with the highest mean values for the length of the buttresses were those originating from the species H. heterocarpum, D. odorata and D. excelsa, which can be seen in Fig. 3g, 3b e 3e. Longer buttresses generate a greater amount of waste in the unfolding process because there is no industrial use of sawn wood from the region where the buttresses are present. This is because during the formation of the buttresses, there is differentiated activity of the cambium cells, causing marked and disordered growth at the base of the tree. This differentiated growth results in the deviation of the wood grain, in the alteration of the contractions and, consequently, in the waste of raw material (Vital 2008). The D. odorata data showed a high incidence of buttresses and high mean values (Fig. 2b and 3b), confirming the statement by Embrapa (2004) that buttresses of this species can reach one meter in length.
According to IBDF (1984), surface cracks are only considered a defect in the log when it is greater than 5%, negatively influencing the classification of logs. The lower number of surface cracks for the species D. odorata allowed us to classify it in the class of superior quality for the production of sawn wood (Table 4), corroborating Luz et al. (2021), who found similar mean values of surface cracks. The high frequency and high mean value of surface cracks observed for Q. paraensis species can affect the yield of sawn wood. In this species, the cracks reach both the outer region of the log, where the side board will be removed, and the core region that would be used for the manufacture of the sawn pieces. In this case, it is necessary to section the pieces since the destination market does not accept sawn wood with the presence of cracks or microfissures. In this case, the band saw operator decides the best positioning of the split log to obtain the best performance in sawn wood.
All species showed diametral cracks, which can be better understood by the presence of radial parenchymal cells, which according to Jankowsky (1990) has low mechanical strength and by the difference between tangential and radial contractions. D. odorata species showed lower values for these cracks.
The logs of A. lecointei showed larger diametral cracks (Table 4 and Fig. 3a). The high cracking rates are one of the main problems faced by the timber industries, which significantly reduce their yields, mainly due to the characteristics of the processed species and the low technological level, during the processing of tropical logs. The occurrence of these cracks causes greater generation of waste, which consequently results in waste of raw material and reduction in industry profits.
For the anullar ring crack, Q. paraensis, A. lecointei and H. heterocarpum presented higher numbers of logs classified in the superior class and class I. The superior class cracks are of the peripheral type and do not significantly affect the yield of the superior class sawn wood, as this part corresponds to the side board, shavings and sapwood regions, which will be removed during the sawing of the pieces. The cracks when they reach the center of the log (class I) mainly affect the part closest to the pith and have less influence on the yield of the sawn wood than when they reach the middle region of the log, which is the main region covered by the heartwood.
The highest mean values of heartwood percentage, observed for the species D. odorata and H. heterocarpum (Table 3), are important obtaining higher wood yields. This fact is more important when the wood produced is destined for the international market, which requires more homogeneous characteristics. Thus, the higher the proportion of heartwood in the logs, the greater the production capacity of sawn wood with uniform color, as indicated by Haselein et al. (2004). In addition, the wood from the heartwood region has greater natural durability due to the absence of nutritive materials and, mainly, due to the fact that the extractives are undesirable and/or toxic to xylophagous agents. The lower percentage of heartwood observed for the species A. lecointei contributes to greater waste generation during the sawing of logs, considering that, in the international market, the sapwood is not used for the production of sawn wood. Thus, for this species, approximately 32% of the volume of its logs was not used for timber production for export due to the high percentage of sapwood (Fig. 3d).
Except for D. excelsa, the net volume of the species represented the total volume of wood minus the sapwood volume. Therefore, for D. excelsa, the difference of approximately 10% for the total volume of logs (Table 3) is not due to the discount of the sapwood but to the fact that 70% of the logs of this species have heartwood and hollow rot (Fig. 3c and 3e). Logically, the incidence of rot or degrading agents in logs affects the yield of sawn wood. The lowest mean net volume for A. lecointei is due to its low heartwood percentage (Table 3). However, the species A. lecointei did not suffer damage caused by hollow logs, heartwood rot or pronounced cracks.
Yield of sawn timber for export
D. excelsa was the species with the highest production of sawn wood (Table 5), as expected, mainly due to the higher net volume (Table 3) available for the production of sawn wood, as sapwood was also used for this species. Despite the higher yield among the species evaluated, the amount of unprocessed sawn timber for export was high because approximately 60% of the sawn timber was not used for this purpose. It should be considered that approximately 70% of the logs had hollow wood and heartwood rot, as well as a high incidence of curving, surface cracks (Fig. 2a e 2c) and diametrical cracks (Table 3), which are characteristics that negatively affect the yield of the sawn wood. The lumber yield values for D. excelsa for export corroborate with the values found by Tonini and Ferreira (2004), are higher than those found by Santos et al. (2017) and lower than those found by Lima et al. (2020). However, this divergence is associated with the type of sawn wood accepted in the foreign market, which are pieces only without defects.
Among the species evaluated, D. odorata had the highest percentage of heartwood and net volume (Table 3), which probably explains why this species had the second highest yield (Table 5). This value could have been higher if the sapwood was also used and if the quality requirements for the exported wood were not so strict, since the logs of this species had a high incidence of curving and buttresses (Fig. 3f and 3b). The values found for this species were similar to those found by Lima et al. (2020) and higher than those found by Melo et al. (2019).
The species H. heterocarpum showed no hollow or heartwood rot that would interfere with the net volume value. However, this species had approximately 20% of the total volume with sapwood. If sapwood was used, the yield could increase and reach values close to or above 35%, which would be within the use standards of CONAMA 474/2016 (BRASIL 2016). No significant difference was observed between the timber yields of H. heterocarpum and A. lecointei. However, the higher value of 6% for H. heterocarpum contributes to less exploitation of the wood from the forests during the production of the same volume of wood, as well as less waste generation and higher profitability of the companies.
The lowest values of sawn wood yield were observed for the species A. lecointei and Q. paraensis, which can be explained by the smaller diameters (Table 1), corroborating the statement by Wade et al. (1992), by the percentage of heartwood and net volume (Table 3). In addition, the species A. lecointei showed the worst results for diametrical cracks (Table 4) and, as a result, a low yield of sawn timber for export (Table 5). However, the values found were higher than the values of Marchesan et al. (2018) when evaluating the yield of first quality wood, without defects and without sapwood. These authors reported that the logs analyzed showed attacks by xylophagous organisms, a fact that reduces the volume of wood to be accepted by the international market. The lumber yield of Q. paraensis was lower than those found by Melo et al. (2016) when evaluating Qualea sp. and by Stragliotto et al. (2019) when evaluating Q. paraensis. The higher yield percentages may be associated with the possibility of using processed wood with sapwood, which is not accepted for the production of sawn wood for the international market.
The species D. excelsa showed higher yields in sawn wood than that provided by CONAMA Resolution 474/2016 (BR ASIL 2016), which is 35%. The species D. odorata presented an average value of sawn wood yield consistent with the values proposed in this Resolution. However, the species H. heterocarpum, A. lecointei and Q. paraensis showed lower sawn wood yield values. However, it is noteworthy that all yields explored in this study only portray the yield values of sawn wood with an exclusive focus on the foreign market, which is already known to be more demanding in quality suits and does not allow wood with cracks of any magnitude and, or sapwood. Thus, although it was not the focus of this study, it was observed that part of the waste obtained, after separation for export, may still be reprocessed for the domestic market, even with smaller dimensions.
The experimental results confirm that to obtain higher yields of sawn timber from tropical forest trees, it is crucial to observe the quality of their logs as a determining factor to guide the felling of the trees. In addition, taking into account the stricter requirements for the commercialization of wood in the foreign market, the selection of logs, based on their quality, reduces the possibility of obtaining pieces with sapwood and defects, even if present in small magnitudes. These actions can avoid unnecessary disturbances to the forest ecosystem, as they make logging more efficient and help in the conservation of forest resources. Thus, it is possible to extract fewer trees to produce the desired amount of sawn wood. This fact is based on the efficiency of the splitting process of logs with superior quality, which will result in higher yields in sawn wood. In addition, lower waste production is observed, which is also one of the major problems faced by the mechanical wood processing industries.