Annual data have been obtained from 2010 to 2018 for TOP10 EU countries within the automotive industry, that is, Belgium (BE), Czech Republic (CZ), Germany (DE), Spain (ES), France (FR), Hungary (HU), Italy (IT), Romania (RO), Sweden (SE) and Slovakia (SK). However, the year 2018 has been excluded due to the most missing data. Furthermore, companies that missed more than two years in the 2010–2017 estimation period or missed the first or the last year of it have also been excluded. To differentiate between ownership structures, the BvD independence indicator has been used among the sample used sample of 3,008 automotive companies. Table 1 describes in detail all the data used for the estimation.
Table 1
Description of data used to explore GMM instruments
Macroeconomic data the World Bank* | GDP | The sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for the depreciation of fabricated assets or depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in constant local currency. |
Consumption | Final consumption expenditure (formerly total consumption) is the sum of household final consumption expenditure (formerly private consumption) and general government final consumption expenditure (formerly general government consumption). Data are in constant local currency. |
Savings | Gross savings are calculated as gross national income less total consumption, plus net transfers. |
Microeconomic data Orbis, Bureau van Dijk+ | EBIT | Earnings before interest and tax to explore the return on assets. All operating revenues minus all operating expenses (or gross profit minus other operating expenses). |
Total assets | Total assets of the company (fixed assets plus current assets) |
Cash | Detail of the Other current assets to explore Acid-test, i.e. only the amount of cash at the bank and in the hand of the Company. |
Debtors | Trade receivables to explore Acid-test (from clients and customers only). |
Current Liabilities | Current liabilities of the company to explore Acid-test (loans, creditors, and other current liabilities). |
Source: Authors’ illustration including citations from the World Bank online database (*) and Orbis (+)
Table 2 shows the number of observations and medians among dynamic panels and its comparison between automotive companies (group A, having less than 50% of shares at maximum for one stockholder) and the high-ownership structure (group D, having a majority owner with 51% and more). After the previously described data exclusion in the above paragraph has been employed the most affected case by the missing data is evident in HU and SE, low-ownership structured companies. The rest of the sample is considered representative enough to estimate the relationship even for this case. Whereas in most countries the median return on assets (ROA, explored as EBIT on total assets) of companies having a majority owner is surprisingly at a lower level, the exception is ES, FR, and RO. This might be primarily related to the fact that, with more concentrated ownership, it is easier to decide on reinvesting the profit, which is particularly related to the need to realize investments in research and development. This was mentioned above when describing the three largest countries in terms of car production. It can be assumed that large concerns tend not to fall behind in research and development in the competition so as not to lose their position in the market. With less concentrated ownership, the manager will be responsible to a wider base of owners, and the pressure on the performance of the business and the uncertainty of his position will be greater. Both of these factors can be reflected some extent in the result of the median ROA value.
Furthermore, the median of the liquidity acid test in Table 2 (LQ, explored as a sum of cash and debtors, both on current liabilities) is lower in such a group of firms in half of the countries. Liquidity shows smaller deviations than profitability in terms of the concentration of ownership. At the same time, it is clear that the median values for liquidity show values that oscillate close to the value 1, which is common in the literature as the lower limit of the recommended band. In this situation, the values of what can be paid are equal to what is required to be paid. Regardless of the concentration of ownership, the companies analysed keep liquidity at the lower limit of the recommended band or even below it. This is understandable because under European conditions there is a developed financial market and the availability of free funds grows according to that. Larger values would indicate managerial conservatism, which would be detrimental to profitability. Excessive holding of liquid items usually appears to be inefficient. For less concentrated ownership, the liquidity value is the lowest for Hungarian companies. However, it is also the least represented item in terms of the number of observed subjects. In this context, the subsequent division of both groups according to the size of the companies will be interesting. However, the evidence does not suggest anything related to the lower power of financial management. From a macroeconomic point of view, the share of consumption in GDP (r-CNS) is greater than the share of savings of each country. In ES, FR, and IT, r-CNS is even close to 80%, in CZ, HU, and RO this ratio is below 70%, in contrast.
Table 2
| Obs. | ROA | LQ | r-CNS | r-SAV |
Country | A | D | A | D | A | D | (%) | (%) |
BE | 198 | 504 | 8.29 | 4.59 | 1.24 | 1.24 | 75.19 | 24.25 |
CZ | 351 | 2 277 | 8.10 | 6.90 | 1.31 | 1.00 | 67.15 | 25.06 |
DE | 423 | 1 458 | 7.01 | 6.98 | 1.08 | 1.24 | 72.66 | 27.08 |
ES | 1 350 | 3 933 | 3.71 | 4.31 | 1.11 | 1.03 | 78.82 | 19.48 |
FR | 648 | 4 032 | 3.25 | 3.71 | 1.09 | 1.03 | 77.68 | 21.32 |
HU | 99 | 423 | 7.58 | 5.53 | 0.71 | 0.78 | 69.75 | 23.87 |
IT | 2 475 | 4 842 | 3.80 | 3.78 | 0.93 | 0.96 | 79.73 | 18.52 |
RO | 360 | 1 566 | 6.36 | 7.91 | 1.08 | 0.97 | 68.77 | 30.90 |
SE | 90 | 891 | 6.42 | 5.84 | 0.84 | 0.93 | 72.28 | 27.41 |
SK | 162 | 999 | 6.93 | 5.67 | 0.87 | 0.75 | 74.11 | 22.83 |
Note: Group A consists of automotive companies having low ownership concentration (less than 50% of shares at maximum for one stockholder), and group D of those having high ownership concentration (a majority owner with 51% and more).
Source: Authors’ calculations
The first obvious thing in Fig. 2 is that the size of the companies is not possible to take into account if one wants to analyse TOP10 automotive leaders among the EU countries. Due to non-existing companies of a particular size, e.g. medium-sized in HU and SE within low ownership concentration, or medium-sized in SE within high ownership concentration, it is not distinguished between the size of companies in the sample. On the other hand, apparent differences in the ROA median can be caused not just by the ownership structure, but also, further, by the size of the companies. A very good example is, in contrast, a higher ROA median of very large companies in HU within the group of companies with a low ownership concentration or a higher CZ one within the group of companies with a high ownership concentration. However, the number of such companies matters according to their weight within a panel. Second, the data distribution varies, while the ROA median is a few times even on the core border of the box diagram. Methods as generalized least squares would therefore be ex-ante rejected to analyse such time series due to the problem of non-normality or even heteroskedasticity among residuals. Even the duration of the estimation period is too short to deploy these particular methods, that is, GLM, GLS, or panel GEE, for further analysis.
Last but not least is the economic development in our estimated countries in Fig. 3. It follows that, for highly concentrated ownership, the dispersion of values is significantly greater than for companies with a low concentration of ownership. At the same time, between firm sizes and countries, it is clear that the median ROA is very similar for more concentrated firms. No apparent reason can be found in this analysis. Therefore, it is essential to perform a deeper analysis based on the most critical factors. Two factors have already been indicated above: the profitability of total assets and liquidity. In this particular business, the relationship with the economy should be determined in some way. Using GDP is common in the literature. However, distinguishing between the impact of savings and consumption, both measured on the GDP, is unique. The reason for splitting the gross domestic product into consumption and savings is mainly the fact that the area of savings in particular brings positive effects to the automotive industry. On the one hand, the growth of savings signals the possibility of using savings for investments, which have been a very important item in the automotive industry in recent years, especially for research and development of car safety and their ecological operation. On the other hand, growth in savings can signal future effects in terms of sales. The willingness of households to exchange an older car for a new one increases with the growth of the ability to finance from their resources. Nevertheless, it may also mean that the level of interest rates is such that it is worthwhile for households to save. This can theoretically reduce the availability of funds in the form of credit. However, with more concentrated ownership or with a holding arrangement of the management structure, the availability of funds often does not depend on the external environment but the creation of internal financial resources and subsequent cash pooling. Nonetheless, this fact is not currently part of the research, but it provides a good prerequisite for the development of existing research.
To see a clear economic development, all variables in Fig. 3 have been indexed on the value from 2010 which means 100% then. Especially the development of savings (SAV_index) could play a crucial role to support the profitability of those automotive companies among TOP10 countries. On the contrary, consumption (CNS_index) seems to be much more correlated with the GDP index. Such the most evident trend of the SAV_index tends to be in HU, CZ, and also DE. However, ES or IT with the lowest economic growth in the middle of the estimation period has a similar trend. Nonetheless, this may be related to negative expectations for the future and an attempt to secure oneself in this regard. This could be a negative signal in terms of future sales if we do not count on the export of production, but both Spain and Italy are among the important exporters of cars. At the same time, the growth of savings can improve the availability of funds from the banking sector for the realization of investments in research and development for companies in the automotive industry.
The use of the generalized method of moments (GMM) while working with panel data is justified, especially when working with a dynamic panel when the observed period for estimating the regression coefficients is shorter (T ≤ 10), but the cross-section of the panel includes a larger number of companies. Thanks to the generalization of the method of moments, the problem of heteroscedasticity of the residual component is also solved with the two-step corrected model. The method itself was originally constructed in their work by Andersen and Hsiao (1981) and subsequently by Hansen (1982). However, Arellano and Bond (1991) also contributed to its development and pointed out the problem of serial correlation across the idiosyncratic errors, which can be understood as a panel residual component. Arellano and Bover (1995) later modified the one-step corrected difference estimator, which differed from the previous version by rejecting homoscedasticity. In the following years, however, Blundell and Bond (1998) focused on the error component of the models, focusing in particular on the possible distortion of the results due to systematic errors in the estimation of the studied effects of the two-stage estimation. They constructed a system GMM model that allows the inclusion of a much larger number of instrumental variables. The problem of error correction was solved finally by Windmeijer (2005), whose technical specification of the robust component of the model revealed not only several false significant results but also different signs of significant coefficients. A robust vector of errors has become essential to correctly estimate the two-stage coefficients of the dynamic panel GMM model. Without this Windmeijer correction, the GMM two-step standard errors are biased.
The system GMM estimator, as this technique is commonly referred to in the literature, with data arranged in panels, was thus constructed based on modifications of the two-step estimation using the techniques proposed by Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond with the contribution of Windmeijer. However, regardless of all the work, even such a two-step system GMM model has been criticized mainly for the following: (i) On the one hand, the testing of the exogeneity of the variables of the regression equation has not been fully solved, when the authors in the past tended to assume that the variables cannot be interpreted as strictly exogenous. These were subsequently introduced into the model as either predetermined variables or endogenous variables. However, endogeneity tests are finally developed by Kiviet (2022). (ii) When specifying an error vector robust to heteroskedasticity of Windmeijer corrections, it was not possible to test for oversizing of the estimate by variables using Sargan (1958) or the Hansen-J test (1982). This alternative was introduced by Sanderson and Windmeijer (2016). They also highlighted an issue that has been completely ignored for years, on the contrary, model under-identification, discussed in the past by Cragg and Donald (1993) or Kleibergen and Paap (2006). In addition, this issue comes to the forefront when, in the discussion, Windmeijer (2018) drew attention to the possible collision of the Sargan-Hansen and Kleibergen-Paap test results. Kripfganz (2019) subsequently introduced a modified version of GMM estimators with panel data and presented that at the Stata conference in London. Among others, these modified estimators employed many newly introduced diagnostic tests, including modifications of the Sargan and Hansen tests for use with the Windmeijer error corrected two-step estimation. (iii) In the case of many studies, it is not even entirely clear how to test the lag setting of the instrumental variables, which do not enter the basic estimation equation but are related to the error component of the model with a robust error vector. Kripfganz and Swarz (2019) state that only if the homoscedastic residual component of the model is confirmed, the moments can be tested using the Hausman test. However, Andrews and Lu (2001) already present the MMSC test (model & moment selection criteria), which makes it possible to compare models precisely in terms of their setting of the moments of the variables of the regression equation, including the moments of the instrumental variables.
A system GMM model with a dynamic panel including cross-sections with the missing data is generally described by the following equation (X):
$${y}_{it}= \sum _{j=1}^{p}{\alpha }_{j}{y}_{i,t-j}+{x}_{it}{\beta }_{1}+{w}_{it}{\beta }_{2}+{v}_{i}+{ϵ}_{it} i=1,...,N t=1,...,{T}_{i} , \left(1\right)$$
where \({\alpha }_{j}\) indicates the total number of p parameters for the estimation of the explanatory variable ROA, \({x}_{it}\) means \(1\times {k}_{1}\) vector of strictly exogenous variables and \({\beta }_{1}\) is \({k}_{1}\times 1\) vector of parameters to be estimated, respectively \({w}_{it}\) means \(1\times {k}_{2}\) vector of predetermined and endogenous variables and \({\beta }_{2}\) is \({k}_{2}\times 1\) vector of parameters to be estimated, \({v}_{i}\) represents panel effects that can be correlated with regressors, and \({ϵ}_{it}\) is the residual component, i.e. the panel of idiosyncratic estimation errors, having a variance \({\sigma }_{ϵ}^{2}\).