The stability and function of ecosystems is dependent upon the myriad trophic connections that control the transfer of energy within the system (Saint-Béat et al. 2015). Thus, identifying trophic dynamics as revealed by food webs is essential to the understanding of any ecosystem. Historically, trophic ecology has excluded cryptic organisms, especially parasites, resulting in limited knowledge of their role in community processes (Lafferty et al. 2008; Johnson et al. 2010). With the rise in interest in both cryptic ecology (Brandl et al. 2017; Pearman et al. 2018) and parasite ecology, the impact that these organisms have on trophic structure is being rapidly unveiled (Lafferty et al. 2006; Brandl et al. 2018, 2019; Timi and Poulin 2020).
Parasites can have direct and indirect effects on trophic dynamics through their effects on hosts. Directly, parasites increase energetic demands of their hosts which can lead to reduced host fitness (Holmstad et al. 2005; Hudson et al. 2006; Hatcher et al. 2012; Wood and Johnson 2015). This is partly due to the high metabolic cost associated with physiological responses to parasitism, such as mounting an immune response, replacing materials removed by the parasite, and wound repair (Zhou et al. 2020). Additionally, antiparasitic behaviors among hosts, such as avoiding certain habitats, reduced foraging, and excessive grooming, are especially costly where resources are limited (Giorgi et al. 2001; Luong et al. 2017). Indirectly, parasites can affect trophic interactions by increasing the susceptibility of hosts to predation (Ebert 2005; Johnson et al. 2010), as well as facilitating the transmission of diseases (Pingen et al. 2016).
Terrestrial hematophagous, or blood-feeding, arthropods (e.g., mosquitoes, ixodid ticks and fleas) are well-studied vectors of pathogens (McHugh 1994; Pingen et al. 2016). Mosquitoes alone are responsible for over 400,000 human deaths from malaria and dengue each year (World Health Organization 2020). Ixodid ticks transmit a variety of pathogens, including pathogenic fungi, protozoa, viruses, and bacteria (Brites-Neto et al. 2015), which are responsible for more than 15 infectious diseases (Brites-Neto et al. 2015; Esser et al. 2016; Fatmi et al. 2017; Vandegrift and Kapoor 2019). Bubonic plague, which caused more than 25 million human deaths in Medieval Europe, is perhaps the most well-known vector-borne disease (VBD) transmitted by fleas (Glatter and Finkelman 2021). Factors contributing to the emergence of VBDs include environmental conditions and the competence of both arthropod vectors and their hosts (Esser et al. 2019). Blood-feeding arthropods with low host specificity and wide host range (generalists) can have major impacts on the spread of diseases within and among communities (Wodecka and Skotarczak 2016).
Incorporating parasites into food web studies can be challenging due in part to the cryptic nature of most parasites, especially those that have complex life cycles (Lafferty et al. 2008). While many externally attaching parasites (ectoparasites) can be easily found on hosts, some are primarily free-living and feed briefly on multiple hosts (often called “micropredators” (Penfold et al. 2008)) making their trophic connections particularly difficult to interpret (Lafferty and Kuris 2002; Lafferty et al. 2008). Host range estimations often do not accurately represent natural systems due to biases in sampling methods, varying host assemblages, and differing infection probabilities among hosts (Dallas et al. 2017). Even with extensive sampling efforts, rare, cryptic and transient hosts, or hosts that are otherwise difficult to catch can be completely missed (Kent 2009). Further difficulties arise when hosts undergo ontogenetic or diel niche shifts, such as permanent habitat and dietary changes commonly seen in fishes (Kimirei et al. 2013).
Among the many parasitic arthropods infecting marine fishes, gnathiid isopods (“gnathiids”) are the only ones that specialize in feeding on blood (Smit and Davies 2004). They are among the most common ectoparasites of teleost and elasmobranch fishes and are ubiquitous in marine environments (Grutter 1994; Ferreira et al. 2009; Coile and Sikkel 2013). As such, their biomass likely exceeds that of terrestrial blood-feeding arthropods (Smit and Davies 2004; Tanaka 2007; Kirkim et al. 2011; Quattrini and Demopoulos 2016). Considering the profound effects blood-feeding arthropods have on terrestrial communities, investigating the dynamics of gnathiid-host interactions is essential to our understanding of ecological processes in marine environments.
Gnathiids can cause behavioral changes, increased mortality, and even potential infection by blood-borne pathogens among hosts (Davies 1995; Smit and Davies 2004; Raffel et al. 2008; Hayes et al. 2011; Curtis et al. 2013; Sikkel and Welicky 2019). Other, sublethal effects of gnathiid infection can include anemia (Jones and Grutter 2005), decreased cognitive function (Sellers et al. 2019), impaired movement (Allan et al. 2020), and the release of stress hormones (Triki et al. 2016; Allan et al. 2020). The severity of impact on their hosts depends on several factors, including the size of the blood meal acquired, the size of the host fish, and the intensity of infection. For example, a single gnathiid can cause mortality in small, larval fishes, whereas mortality in large hosts requires heavy infestation (Grutter et al. 2011a; Artim et al. 2015; Green et al. 2015; Sellers et al. 2019). The extent to which these effects impact host populations, and ultimately communities, depends on both the host range and selection bias of gnathiid isopods.
In ticks, the degree of host specificity can be influenced by life history stage, host phylogeny and availability, as well as geographic location (Esser et al. 2016). Host specificity in fleas generally decreases as the ecological similarities among hosts increases (Bitam et al. 2010). In mosquitoes, even species with strong host preferences exhibit plasticity in their foraging behavior in areas where preventative measures are more widely applied and preferred hosts are less accessible (Chaves et al. 2010; Takken and Verhulst 2013). In addition to behavioral defenses, hosts can develop resistance to blood feeding by arthropods, thereby reducing both future infestation (Wikel 1999) and the risk of infection by vector-borne pathogens (Wikel 2013). Whether fishes similarly develop resistance to gnathiid infection is unknown.
While gnathiids are regarded as “generalists”, susceptibility to gnathiid infection has been shown to vary among fishes in the Caribbean (Coile and Sikkel 2013; Sikkel et al. 2014; Jenkins et al. 2018), and host preferences have been suggested for some gnathiids found on the Great Barrier Reef (Jones et al. 2007; Nagel and Grutter 2007). Much of what is known about the range of hosts exploited by gnathiid isopods has resulted from examining wild-caught fish (Sikkel et al. 2006, 2009; Nagel and Grutter 2007; Farquharson et al. 2012; Coile and Sikkel 2013; Coile et al. 2014). However, these methods likely misrepresent natural patterns of host exploitation, as they rely on the opportunistic capture of potential hosts, which gnathiids can abandon when the fish is captured (Grutter 1995, 1996; Sikkel et al. 2004). Because most of the gnathiid life cycle is spent free living, this limitation can be overcome by sequencing host DNA within blood meals of wild-caught gnathiids (Nagel, L., & Lougheed 2006; Jones et al. 2007; Hendrick et al. 2019).
DNA barcoding is a valuable tool in the study of host-parasite interactions, allowing for host identification from free-living stages of hematophagous arthropods (Alcaide et al. 2009; Lassen et al. 2012; Brugman et al. 2015; Reeves et al. 2016). These methods involve the amplification of targeted genes that are highly conserved among taxa, yet are distinguishable among species (Nagel, L., & Lougheed 2006; Jones et al. 2007; Borland and Kading 2021). Blood meal sequencing has identified the hosts of many blood-feeding arthropods, including some gnathiid species found on the Great Barrier Reef (Nagel, L., & Lougheed 2006; Jones et al. 2007) and in the Caribbean (Hendrick et al. 2019; Sikkel et al. 2020). However, to our knowledge, no study has compared these data to assemblages of available host fish.
In this study, we employed a large-scale sampling effort to collect recently-fed, free-living gnathiid isopods across five sites in the eastern Caribbean. We sequenced 1,060 individual gnathiid blood meals, resulting in the most comprehensive host range assessment among marine blood-feeding arthropods to date. Our main objective was to assess the community-dependent variation in host exploitation by Caribbean gnathiid isopods. Because gnathiids are considered host generalists, we hypothesized that fishes that are both highly available and highly susceptible to infection are exploited most frequently. To test this, we calculated selection ratios of gnathiid host use to relative biomass of fishes (host availability) at collection sites.