A total of 13 patients were enrolled in the study. These patients had undergone renal puncture at the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University between January of 2020 and October of 2020 due to their condition. Hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) staining showed that the patients’ kidneys had varying degrees of renal fibrosis. The study excluded all patients with general health conditions affecting cardiopulmonary function/mental status and allergies to alcohol. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University and followed the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its subsequent amendments to the ethical standards. All patients signed written informed consent forms. [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 was provided based on compassionate use. All patients underwent PET/CT examinations, and immunochemical examinations were performed on the kidney tissues collected before the patients were enrolled in the study (see Table 1 for patients’ information).
The average age of the patients was 42.0±17.0 (18–69 years). All patients showed pathological findings (HE and PAS staining) of renal interstitial fibrosis. Five patients had mild fibrosis, five had moderate fibrosis, and three had severe fibrosis. The evaluation parameters (including glomerulosclerosis, renal tubular atrophy, interstitial inflammation, and fibrosis) corresponded to three grades of Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ, respectively, equivalent to affected proportions of < 25%, 25–50%, >50%.
Imaging and image analysis
Imaging was performed after the patient was in the Department of Nephrology, Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University. Each patient provided a detailed medical history and underwent a physical examination before imaging. The dose of intravenous radiotracer was 0.05–0.07 mCi/Kg, and imaging was performed 50–60 min after radiotracer injection. All patients were required to urinate as much as possible to prepare for imaging. Urination reduces the influence of the residual radiotracer in the renal pelvis and calyces. Some patients with poor renal function were given diuretics. For the whole-body inspection, the scope was from the base of the skull to the base of the thigh, using five to six beds (three min/bed). The matrix was 128×128, the PET layer thickness was 3 mm, and all PET images were reconstructed iteratively. All of the above inspection procedures were communicated to patients before obtaining written informed consent.
The image interpretation of [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 PET/CT was based on visual and semi-directional analysis and was evaluated by two experienced nuclear medicine doctors. The mean standardized uptake value (SUVmean) of a round sphere with a diameter of 2 cm was selected from the liver as the kidney background, and the SUVmax of the kidney lesions was divided by the SUVmean in non-lesion tissues to calculate the target background ratio (TBR). Nuclear medicine physicians and nephrology physicians checked the patient’s general condition (mental state/blood pressure/heart-rate/body temperature) until 120 min after radiotracer injection and were required to report any abnormalities.
The kidney tissue was stained by an antibody against fibroblast activation protein-α (FAPα), treated with formalin, and then embedded in paraffin. All kidney tissues were obtained from the archives of the Department of Pathology, Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University. The immunohistochemical image was evaluated by the scoring system adopted by Henry et al. in which kidney tissue is evaluated as 0 (no FAP immunostaining), 1+ (<10% of stromal cells showing positive FAP staining), 2+ (10–50% of stromal cells showing positive FAP staining), and 3+ (>50% of stromal cells showing positive FAP staining).
Statistical Analysis
SPSS software (version 26.0; IBM, Armonk, NY) was used for statistical evaluation, and Graphpad8.0 was used for graphing. Measurement data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the different degrees of renal fibrosis between groups. The Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric rank-sum test was used for the groups that did not meet the parameter test conditions. P<0.05 indicated statistical significance.