According to the open-source digital elevation model (DEM) data, GIS software was used to identify the location of the samples collected for the flume study. According to Fig. 3, the in-situ slope ranges between 20–30 degrees, and the slope seems stable under rainfall conditions. As a further investigation, the slope profile was interpolated from the DEM data, analyzed in a limit equilibrium software, and found that the slope is safe, with a Factor of Safety of more than 1.5. The present study attempted to experimentally study the effect of varying slope angles for a given soil type under varying rainfall intensities.
According to the laboratory parametric studies (IS:2720 (Part 4) 1985), the soil was in a boundary classification with high sand and silt contents. 50.6% sand, 46.6% Silt, and 2.8% clay content was present in the soil. Table 1 shows the parameters obtained from the laboratory experimentations (Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) 1987).
Table 1
Specific gravity (G)
Natural bulk unit weight (γ)
13.54 KN/m3
Liquid limit
Plastic limit
Friction angle of undisturbed sample (ϕ)
The cohesion of undisturbed sample (C)
32 KPa
The model landslides were conducted for two different slope profiles. The slope model was set with the parameters given in Table 2. The significant results obtained from the experimentations are EPWP from the 6 locations of pore pressure sensors, as per Fig. 1. Each location of the sensors is marked from S1 to S6. The slope failure profile observed at the end of each test is shown in Fig. 4. The amount of soil displaced is higher in the 60-degree slope profile than in the 45-degree slope. The time taken for failure in the 60-degree slope almost doubled from the 45-degree slope. This was due to the lesser rainfall intensity and higher unit weight of the model slope. Hence, the slope and rainfall intensity is not the only controlling parameters. Still, geotechnics also plays a vital role as the failure time was different for the same soil with varying field densities. The EPWP values are taken as moving averages to understand the increasing and decreasing pattern of the EPWP values more clearly. The density also affects the infiltration of the water into the soil, which later affects the critical slip circle formation of a landslide.
Table 2
Summary of the laboratory experiments
Initial Moisture content (%)
Average simulated rainfall (cm/h)
Unit Weight
Before Rainfall
24 hrs after rainfall
Cohesion (C)
The angle of internal friction (ϕ)
Cohesion (C)
The angle of internal friction (ϕ)
Test 1
Test 2
Figure 5 shows the few images taken from the first test with the cameras used to capture the landslide event. The pictures shown here are at a time interval of two minutes and somewhere between 520 seconds and 640 seconds when the first surface cracks were formed. According to the data obtained, an average rainfall intensity of 21.3 cm/hour was provided. The rainfall intensity is relatively higher, so the failure happened much faster. In addition, the unit weight of the slope model is lesser; hence, it only took less time for water to percolate into the slope model, causing the EPWP generation much faster.
According to the EPWP values obtained for the 45-degree slope profile, a sudden decrease in the values was observed between 600 and 700 seconds from the start of the experiment. These result from cracks in the soil surface, causing the pore water pressure to dissipate. The apparent surface failure was observed between 760 and 880 seconds. Hence, in some locations, EPWP increases once the slope profile is reformed into the next possible shape. Here minor variations were observed in the S2, S4, and S5 locations. These are due to the crack formation in the soil. The formation of the cracks can be in any location. Hence it is critical to identify such locations and use pore pressure sensors in those locations in case of field monitoring of EPWP variations.
The failure was prolonged in the 60-degree slope profile because of the higher unit weight and lesser rainfall intensity. The general knowledge is that the increase in slope value will decrease its mobility against failure. Here it is evident that the slope value and general soil properties are not the only parameters to be considered while predicting a slope failure. Figure 7 shows a significant surface movement initiated between 1180 and 1240 seconds. In the EPWP values, the pore pressure decreased after crack formation and started rising after the failure. Also, the peak EPWP values are lesser for 60-degree slopes considering 45-degree slopes. This indicates that the pore water pressure development could be higher for lower slope values.
The landslide flume technique is one of the most useful methods to identify soil’s behavioral characteristics to identify an impending disaster. Such studies can be further elaborated to identify the most suitable parameters to be considered while developing a landslide early warning system. The EPWP in the soil seems to be one of the dependent parameters of the rainfall intensity and slope of the soil profile. Hence there cannot be a unified approach to predicting the landslide based on EPWP values alone. Thus, the prediction parameters for any LEWS shall be multi-dimensional. Also, most parameters will be site-specific; for every location, site-specific early warning systems are recommended for better results.