In this investigation, the spear's head from the Al-Qala museum, Cairo, Egypt date back to the 19th century. The degree of deterioration was determined for the spears by employing visual inspection [54]. It was based on an estimation of corrosion depth, surface condition and the part of the cross-section converted into corrosion products. Small fragments from the spears were analyzed by using metallographic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM&EDS), small samples from the objects were analyzed by using an Inspect S 50 (FEI), to know their chemical composition, to show the microstructure and surface characterization of the objects. The spears are mainly made of iron; the analytical results are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The corrosion products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). A list of identified corrosion products is shown in Table 3. Naturally, the corrosion products are dependent on the surrounding [55]. Metallographic and Scanning Electron microscopic examinations declared that the spear's heads suffered from deterioration spots such as pitting surfaces, micro-cracks, and grieve corrosion (Figs. 8–12). There is a natural tendency for most pure metals to return to their more stable, corroded states. Because of this, metal objects need to be protected from environmental conditions and pollutants which encourage corrosion. In some cases, as the metal corrodes the oxide film that forms acts as an insulating barrier, which slows the rate of corrosion to an acceptable level via the formation of oxide coatings from protective layers, called passivation layers. When iron corrodes, however, it does not usually form a protective film [56]. As the iron objects were partially protected from aeration by patches of oxide, etc., certain areas became anodic and other cathodes, so that the corroding metal behave in the presence of an electrolyte as if it were several tiny galvanic cells. Iron continues to corrode until no metal is left unless some other protective coating is applied to protect it from the elements. Metallographic examination showed that there are particulars of charcoal between the grains of iron metal (Figs. 8, 9, and 10), in the case of charcoal-reduced iron, the incidence of significant impurities are likely to be so low that little useful information would be gained by chemical microanalysis [57]. In pre-modern cultures, iron was extracted from its abundant ores by heating with charcoal (carbon) in a small furnace, perhaps 1 m high. While the reduction of iron ores to iron is straightforward, the high melting point of iron (1550 oC) makes its liquefaction very difficult. The non-metallic part of the ore, however, forms “slag” a glassy material, which liquefies around 1200 oC and enables the particles of iron to coalesce as a heterogeneous lump or ‘bloom’. If this bloom is allowed to remain in contact with carbon for some hours, or even days, then an alloy of iron and carbon, steel, is formed. If the steel is allowed to cool in the air after being worked hot, then its hardness is comparable to bronze, but of course, steel is far cheaper than bronze [58]. Under air cooling, equilibrium conditions will prevail. The carbon that was dissolved in the iron above 900 oC comes out of the solution as a lamellar arrangement of iron carbide and ferrite with a distinctive microscopic appearance called pearlite. On the other hand, if steels are quenched, their hardness increases enormously. Its resistance to indentation can measure the hardness of a metal by a given load. This can be reported using the Vickers Pyramid Hardness (VPH) scale, whose units are kg/mm2. Hardness values between 300 VPH and 700 VPH are easily obtained, even with medieval alloys, compared with perhaps 120 VPH for modern mild (low-carbon) steel. This is because, when steel is quenched, then martensitic, a material of lathlike microscopically appearance and great hardness, may form [59–61]. By using a Carbon/Sulfur analyzer, it has been shown that the alloy contains 0.93%wt carbon and 0.15%wt sulfur. Through the above-mentioned results, the iron alloy used in the spears heads is steel, whereas the main forms of iron alloys used throughout history are cast iron, wrought iron, and steel. Wrought iron contains little carbon (not more than 0.35%), steel has a moderate carbon content (between 0.6% and 2%) and cast irons have a high carbon content greater than 2% but generally less than 5% [62, 63]. Until the mid-19th century, the use of wrought iron was generally limited to relatively small items such as tie rods, straps, and nails. The microstructure of wrought iron is easily recognized, consisting primary of ductile α–iron (ferrite) matrix with slag inclusion (a glassy material that is deliberately added or worked into the iron during manufacture), mostly FeO and SiO2 [64, 65]. Wrought iron melts at 1535°C [66] and is remarkably malleable and generally ductile (unless it has been overworked and not annealed by re-heating), with similar strengths in tension and compression [67], the more wrought iron is worked the stronger it becomes [68]. Corrosion products identified by XRD analyses are composed of Hematite (Fe2O3), Feroxyhite FeO(OH), and Magnetite (Fe3O4). Dust particles can be also recognized which include Quartz (SiO2) and Calcite (CaCO3) accumulated above the corrosion layers. Iron exposed to the atmosphere develops a moderately protective film of oxides and hydroxide forms [69]. There is an inner layer of magnetite along with other amorphous iron corrosion products, and an outer layer of iron hydroxide oxides [70]. The appearance of martensite as a micro constituent does not, of course, prove the deliberate employment of steel on the part of the smith. He may well have quenched everything he made because it might improve the tool or weapon, and was unlikely to do much harm, at the low carbon contents likely to be found. As described above, the smelting process resulted in a heterogeneous ‘bloom' consisting of a spongy matrix of metal and slag [71]. In the production of steel, the diffusion of carbon from charcoal was likely to produce a bloom with a carbon content that varied considerably from one area to another of the bloom. It was up to the smith to forge out a homogenous plate of the metal relatively free from slag impurities (slag is released from the bloom during forging). The quality of the final product was therefore highly dependent on the skills of the smith. XRD diffraction data showed that the composition of the corrosion products of the metallic parts of the spears mainly consists of Quartz, Calcite, Feroxyhyte, Magnetite, and Hematite in a minor amount, moisture and oxygen are required for metals to corrode see Fig. 6, Table 3. The corrosion products of the spear’s heads were removed by using a 5% solution of Citric Acid mixed with 1%Thiourea to soluble the corrosion; this can be subsequently washed away. This was done with regular checks and removing loosened corrosion products with nylon and iron brushes, this procedure was followed by washing these parts with deionized water [72]. This step resulted in dissolving and removing the soluble corrosion products, after that, all the treated spears heads again were soaked in a 2% solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to equilibrate the Acidic condition from the last step, assisted by gentle mechanical cleaning with nylon and iron brushes from time to time to dissolve the rest of Acid and the corrosion. While citric acid is relatively safe on most objects, care should be taken to ensure that cast iron, cast steel, spring steel, or combinations of these are not left unattended for long periods, because these metals will actively corrode. Prolonged gas evolution (which you will see as bubbling) indicates that the iron surface is corroding. With harder alloys, this can also cause hydrogen embrittlement in which the hydrogen is generated within the metal and the stress of the gas pressure cracks the metal [73]. Gas evolution can also result in pitted, weakened, or destroyed objects. Because some mechanical cleaning techniques can be quite severe, they should be used very carefully, especially with small or fragile objects. Techniques that can be used with care include simple wire brushing [74]. This is often very effective in removing loose or flaking rust. Wire brushes are available in a range of bristle materials, for example, steel and brass, and grades, for example, coarse to fine, so take care to select one appropriate for the object. If in doubt regarding the type of iron or the duration of acid treatment, more time should be spent removing corrosion products by mechanical means [75]. Once the worst deposits are removed, a short treatment in citric acid should clean the object, with a reduced risk of damage. Some forms of corrosion leave spots on the object, which cannot be removed by citric acid. These can usually be picked off mechanically [76].