It was possible to apply a costing approach for medical oncology through an analysis process consisting of three steps.
First step: Identification and allocation of indirect costs in the "medical oncology" analysis section
In the first step, we identified and allocated all the indirect costs (incorporable and supplementary) to the medical oncology analysis section (ONCO SA), which is the object of the cost analysis, by using the cost drivers of this step.
We have tried to keep the current titles of the expenses as they are presented in the accounting plan of the University Hospital. The expenses of the subcontracting agents concern the cleaning of buildings, stretchering, guarding and the outsourcing of medical secretarial services. The following table shows the basis for charging indirect costs and the total costs charged to the ONCO SA.
Table 2 Total costs charged to the " ONCO SA "
Title of expenses
Basis of allocation for the first step
Subcontractor expenses
Day worked
905 174,40
Laundry and linen costs
Kg of treated linen
13 150.90
Purchase of supplies
Total value of supplies delivered
63 069.04
Food costs for patients and medical staff
Total on-call (staff) Sick Day
361 294,90
Disinfection of premises
Liter of disinfectant
17 497.23
Treatment of hospital waste
Kg of treated waste
48 172.80
depreciation of tangible capital assets
Annual allocation to departments
540 564,85
Purchase of medical gases
Number of departments
67 677.33
Postage and telecommunications
Number of departments
19 423.61
Purchases of non-stackable supplies
Number of departments
260 185,00
Personnel costs
Total annual salary
5 381 675,06
Insurance and Worker's Compensation
Number of staff
11 404.02
Salary processing for staff
Number of staff
2 640,00
7 691 929,14
Step 2: Allocation of indirect costs charged to the oncology department (SA ONCO) between the Day Hospital Unit (U-HDJ) and the Hospitalization Unit (U-HOSP)
In the second step, we allocated the various indirect expenses retained in the first step to the functional units making up the ONCO SA (U-HDJ and U-HOSP), using the allocation bases from the second step.
The following table presents the allocation bases used in this second step and the total costs charged to the two units (HDJ and HOSP) constituting the SA ONCO:
Table 3 Total costs charged to U-HDJ and U-HOSP
Nature of expenses
Basis of allocation for the second step
Amount charged U-HDJ
Amount charged U-HOSP
Overheads (water, electricity, telecommunications, etc.)
Total number of shifts worked
235 533,35
111 752,59
Expenses of subcontractors
Number of officers assigned
684 248,76
220 925,64
Laundry and linen costs
Number of inpatient beds
4 934,96
8 224,94
Purchase of supplies (logistics store)
Total number of shifts worked
32 671,35
30 397,69
Patient feeding and staff costs
Total number of shifts worked
74 520,00
94 872,50
Disinfection of premises
Liter of disinfectant
10 510,29
6 986,94
Treatment of hospital waste
Total number of shifts worked
32 671,35
30 397,69
Depreciation of tangible capital assets
Annual allocation (unit specified)
271 370,71
269 194,14
Total other operating expenses (a)
1 346 460,77
772 752,13
Personnel costs (salaries and allowances)
Total number of shifts worked
3 842 138,75
2 502 187,92
Insurance and Worker's Compensation
Total number of shifts worked
7 734,34
3 669,68
Salary processing for staff
Total number of shifts worked
1 952,22
Total staff costs (b)
3 851 825,31
2 506 425,38
Total cost (a) + (b)
5 198 286,08
3 279 177,51
The distribution of total costs charged to the "HDJ" and "HOSP" units according to the nature of the expenses (personnel or other operating expenses) is presented in the following graph:
Step 2: Third step: Calculation of the costs of medical oncology services
- Calculation of the cost per day of hospitalization (hospitalization unit)
The cost of a day in the inpatient unit of the oncology department is calculated as the total cost charged to this unit based on the total number of inpatient days in 2019.
Table 4 Cost per day of hospitalization
Total cost charged to the HOSP unit (a)
Number of Inpatient day (b)
cost per day (a)/(b)
3 279 177,51
- Calculation of the cost of medical procedures performed in the HDJ unit
In addition to chemotherapy, which is the main activity of the HDJ unit, other medical acts are also carried out: transfusion, ascites puncture and administration of medication (mainly morphine infiltrations).
In this context, the method of relative value units is better adapted to the context of the study, because it allows us to differentiate and position the chemotherapy act in relation to the other medical acts performed at the HDJ level.
To do this, we first tried to measure and compare the complexity of the other medical acts in relation to the chemotherapy act by using weighting units. Thus, the total number of relative units produced by the HDJ unit is the result of this first step.
In a second step, we divided the total costs previously allocated to the HDJ unit (personnel and other operating expenses) over the total number of relative units produced by that unit to obtain the cost per relative unit.
In a final step, the cost of the different medical procedures (excluding direct expenses: medical consumables and drugs) was obtained by multiplying the relative value attributed to each procedure by the cost of the relative unit. We will present these different phases in turn:
Referring to some works (S.Finkler, 1999 and B.J.Yun , 2015) , we implemented a methodology in order to determine the relative values of medical procedures used at the HDJ level. The complexity of the medical procedure and the time required to perform it are the variables included to assign relative weights to the different procedures.
- Determination of time spent performing medical procedures
The time spent by a health professional to perform a procedure is undoubtedly an important determinant of its value. The following table presents the average time spent performing medical acts determined from empirical observations made at the HDJ.
Table 5 Time spent performing medical acts
Number of observations
Average time in minutes
Chemotherapy act
147 mn
Blood transfusion
95 mn
Ascites puncture
103 mn
injection of the drug
16 mn
The table shows that the average time required to perform a chemotherapy procedure at the HDJ level exceeds that for each of the other medical procedures.
- Measurement of the complexity of the different procedures
the time required to perform a medical act does not fully describe the professional effort required. While in some cases the time taken to perform the procedures is almost equal, the degree of intensity and effort required per unit of time varies considerably from one procedure to another. The value of a procedure will thus have to take into account the differences in complexity. This includes mainly two elements:
* The intensity of the physical and mental effort involved;
* The diagnostic skills and clinical judgments required.
To take into account the degree of complexity of the different procedures, we asked 5 physicians in the medical oncology department to rank on a 10-point scale the complexity of the different procedures performed in the HDJ unit. The following table presents the average scale obtained, using the medical evaluation of the complexity of the different acts.
Table 6 Complexity attributed to the medical acts performed at the HDJ level
Complexity factor (Scale from 1 to 10)
Chemotherapy act
Blood transfusion
Ascites puncture
injection of the drug
Analysis of the table shows that medical staff rank the complexity attributed to the chemotherapy procedure as the most important. However, the complexity per unit of time of a medical procedure thus takes into account both the time spent and the complexity factor assigned to the procedure.
- Determining the relative value assigned to each procedure
To determine the value of each medical act, we assigned a value of 1 to the chemotherapy act, which corresponds to the main product of the HDJ. The value of the other procedures is determined by evaluating the complexity per unit of time of each of them in relation to the chemotherapy procedure. The following table presents the method for determining the relative values of the other procedures.
Table 7 Relative value attributed to medical acts performed at the HDJ level
Average time in mn
Complexity factor (c)
Complexity per unit of time
Relative value (with chemotherapy act as standard reference =1.0)
Chemotherapy act
Blood transfusion
Ascites puncture
injection of the drug
- Determination of the total number of relative value units
The total number of relative value units attributed to each medical procedure is determined by multiplying the number of procedures by the relative value attributed to the procedure:
Table 8 Total number of RVUs attributed to medical acts performed at the HDJ level
Procedure (act)
Number of acts (a)
Relative value attributed to the act (b)
Total number of RVUs (a)*(b)
Chemotherapy act
15 476
15 476,00
Blood transfusion
Ascites puncture
injection of the drug
16 056,58
- Calculation of cost per relative unit of value
To obtain the cost per unit of relative value of the various medical acts carried out at the HDJ level, we divided the total cost of the charges (personnel and other expenses) charged to the HDJ on the total number of relative units produced:
Table 9 Calculation of the cost per unit of relative value
Total cost (personnel and other expenses)
Total number of RVUs
cost per RVUs
5 198 286,08
16 056,58
- Calculation of the cost of medical procedures performed in HDJ
Finally, the cost of the various medical acts is determined by multiplying the cost per relative unit by the relative value attributed to the act.
Table N°10 Calculation of the cost of medical procedures performed in HDJ
Nature of the acts
cost per RVUs
Value attributed
Cost of the acts
Chemotherapy act
Blood transfusion
Ascites puncture
injection of the drug
The cost of a chemotherapy procedure is equal to the cost per relative unit since the procedure has been assigned a value of 1.