Bleached softwood Kraft fibers (Södra Black R, Sweden) with average length and width of 2100 and 30.0 μm, respectively, were used as the raw material. The cellulose fibers were characterized by the coarseness of 135 μg/m, ash content of 0.25%, brightness of 89.5%, and pH of 4.8.
Wheat starch (C*Flex 20002, Minneapolis, MN, USA) was used as a functional additive in the study. The starch was characterized by the amylose content of 31.2±0.16%, the lipid content of 0.25±0.02%, and the protein content of 0.30±0.01%. An aqueous solution of starch (concentration of 5%) was stirred at 70±3°C in the presence of 0.5% sodium hydroxide (CAS no, 1310-73-2, ChemPur, Poland) to reduce the temperature of starch gelatinization (Kolpak et al. 1978, Okano and Sarko 1985). The starch was separately modified with four silane coupling agents, i.e. methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) (Sigma Aldrich, CAS no, 1185-55-3, St. Louis, MO, USA), tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) (Sigma Aldrich, CAS no, 78-10-4, St. Louis, MO, USA), n-octyltriethoxysilane (NOTES) (Sigma Aldrich, CAS no, 2943-75-1, St. Louis, MO, USA) and 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane (WR) (Sigma Aldrich, CAS no, 51851-37-7, St. Louis, MO, USA).
Production of paper sheets
Before paper manufacturing, either as native or in a modified form, cellulose fibers were immersed in deionized water for 24 h for better defibrillation during paper sheet production. A lubricancy of diluted suspension of pulp was measured by the Schopper-Riegler apparatus (Labormex, Poland) according to SIST PN-EN ISO 5267-1:2000/AC:2003. Pulp suspension in water in terms of the Schopper-Riegler number was 14±0.8. The Rapid-Köthen sheet former (Labormex, Poland) was applied to prepare paper sheets with a diameter of 200±0.1 mm and an average thickness of 0.5±0.02 mm. The paper sheets were vacuum dried in the Rapid-Köthen sheet former for 600 s at temperature of 95±1°C. Then the sheets were conditioned at the set temperature of 18°C and relative humidity of 50%.
The cellulose fibers were modified after forming paper sheets, i.e. the additives were applied at both surfaces of already produced sheets. An aqueous solution of wheat starch (concentration of 5%) was first stirred at 70±5°C in the presence of 0.5% sodium hydroxide to reduce the starch gelatinization temperature. The starch structure was loosened to make it easier for silanes to penetrate amylose and amylopectin chains. The obtained suspension was cooled down to 25±5°C, and while mixing, 2.5% concentration of organosilicon compounds (i.e. MTMS, TEOS, NOTES, or WR) was added. The prepared formulations were applied as coatings using 100 g/m2 for paper sheets produced according to the Rapid-Köthen sheet former procedure. After modification, sheets were conditioned for 7 days in a laboratory chamber at temperature of 18±1°C and relative humidity of 50%. Five paper sheets were produced for each option of the modification.
The application of the additives resulted in the following options of the investigated materials, i.e. Control - untreated paper, WS - paper treated with wheat starch only, WS+MTMS - paper treated with starch modified with MTMS, WS+TEOS - paper treated with starch modified with TEOS, WS+NOTES - paper treated with starch modified with NOTES, WS+WR – paper treated with starch modified with WR. For each option of the materials 5 samples were prepared.
Sorption experiments
The samples of dimensions of 0.5 · 50 · 30 mm were used for investigating hygroscopic properties. The dimensions and the number of samples for each option of the examined material resulted from the error analysis based on the total differential method (e.g. Taylor 1997). It was assumed that the relative error of the equilibrium moisture content determination should not exceed 2% for the lowest level of air relative humidity. Before starting sorption experiments, all samples were stored for 3 weeks in closed containers over phosphorus pentoxide to approach the dry state. The experimental set-up consisted of two chambers, as described by Majka and Olek (2007; 2008). The outer chamber encased the inner chamber to stabilize air temperature inside the set-up. The samples for all options of the examined material were placed in the inner chamber, and a fan forced airflow. The air relative humidity was controlled by saturated salt solutions listed in Table 1. The sorption experiments were performed at temperature of 22±1ºC for both adsorption and desorption modes. The stability of air parameters during the sorption experiments was controlled by measuring temperature and relative humidity with an electronic thermohygrometer (LB 706, LAB EL, Poland). The samples were weighed at least twice at each relative humidity level specified in Table 1. After completing sorption experiments, the samples were placed in a laboratory dryer at temperature of 103ºC to determine the oven-dry mass. Each equilibrium moisture content value was determined as the average of 5 observations for each material option.
Table 1. Salt solutions and chemicals applied in sorption experiments and recorded values of relative humidity at temperature of 22±1ºC
Salt solutions
and chemicals
Relative humidity; ‑
Modeling sorption isotherms
As obtained for all options of the investigated material, the adsorption and desorption isotherms were parametrized with three structural models. The first equation was the three-parameter Guggenheim, Anderson, and De Boer (GAB) model, still the most frequently applied equation for describing sorption isotherms in wood science. The GAB model was used in the following formula:
where EMC; kg/kg – equilibrium moisture content, RH – air relative humidity, Mm; kg/kg – monolayer capacity, CGAB – equilibrium constant related to the monolayer sorption, KGAB – equilibrium constant related to the multilayer sorption.
The model was often transformed into another mathematical form in which the ratio of relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content was the parabolic function of relative humidity (e.g., Babiak 2007; Skaar 1988, Thybring et al. 2021):
where a, b, c – fitted parameters are functions of the original coefficients of the GAB model.
The GAB equation assumes binding water onto primary sorption sites and forming the monolayer of water, i.e., the primary water. These water molecules are converted into the secondary sorption sites, and additional layers of water are sorbed, i.e., the secondary water. The model assumes that the molecules of the secondary water are less strongly sorbed than the ones of the monolayer water. The application of the GAB model in wood science was questioned due to (a) deviation of empirical data from the parabolic relation (e.g., Nakano 2006, Olek et al. 2013), (b) the decrease of the ratio of primary and secondary water contents with temperature (Zelinka et al. 2018), (c) the prediction of too low monolayer capacity and the capacity decreases with increasing temperature (Thybring et al. 2021).
It was already postulated to develop and apply new models describing sorption isotherms (e.g., Zelinka et al. 2020). Therefore, the four-parameter Generalized D’Arcy and Watt (GDW) equation developed by Furmaniak et al. (2007a, b) was utilized as the second model in the present study. The GDW equation assumes the existence of the primary sorption sites on solid surfaces and postulates that each active site can adsorb only one water molecule. The already adsorbed water molecules can be converted into the secondary sorption sites. The most important feature of the GDW model is related to three possible scenarios of the secondary water sorption resulting from the mathematical structure of the equation:
where EMC; kg/kg – equilibrium moisture content, RH – air relative humidity, mGDW; kg/kg – monolayer water content (the maximum content of water bound to the primary sites), KGDW – kinetic constant related to sorption on the primary sites, kGDW – kinetic constant related to sorption on the secondary sites, w – ratio of water molecules bound to the primary sites and converted into the secondary sites.
The mentioned three scenarios of the secondary water sorption depend on possible values of the w parameter: (a) w < 1 – water molecules bound on the primary sites are not completely converted into the secondary sorption sites (i.e., the number of the secondary sites is lower than the primary sites), (b) w = 1 – all primary water molecules are converted into the secondary sorption sites, and the GDW model is reduced to the GAB model (Furmaniak et al. 2007a), (c) w > 1 – each primary water molecule is statistically converted into more than one secondary sorption site, and the higher w values are obtained, the more intensive process of water cluster formation occurs.
The third applied equation was the four-parameter model proposed by Yanniotis and Blahovec (2009) and denoted here as the Y-B model. It assumes that the primary water is sorbed according to the Langmouir mechanism. In contrast, the remaining water is less strongly bound due to the solution formation according to the modified Raoult’s law. The following form of the model is given:
where a1, a2, b1, b2 are the coefficients to be fitted. The first component of the sum is recognized as the content of water sorbed on active sorption sites, while the second one involves the content of water forming solution with the solid. The solution formation mechanism is less realistic than the water cluster arrangement according to the GDW model. However, Yanniotis and Blahovec (2009) proposed a method for classifying water vapor sorption isotherms. The fitted coefficients of the model were used to calculate additional parameters, which were originally denoted as D10, Rfi, and X4. The relations of positive or negative values of the additional parameters were the criteria for the isotherms classification (Table 2).
Table 2. The relations of the additional parameters for sorption isotherms classification according to Yanniotis and Blahovec (2009)
Type of isotherm
Langmuir-like (type I)
sigmoid more to the Langmuir-like (type IIa)
sigmoid more to the solution-like (type IIb)
solution-like (type III)
Static water contact angle analysis
The sessile droplet contact angle was measured at the standard conditions, i.e., at temperature of 20±1°C and air relative humidity of 50%, using a Kruss contact angle measuring device (Kruss, Germany). A water droplet of 4.0 µL volume was placed on the surface, and a camera took a picture of the droplet within 30 s. Every sample was evaluated in five repetitions.