Determining the factors underlying phenotypic variation in natural populations is important for comprehending the evolution of species and their biological diversity and is a fundamental task of evolutionary biology (Coyne & Orr, 2004). Morphological characters are shaped by multiple selective pressures, especially those involved in various components of the life history of organisms. Secondary sexual characters undergo relatively fast evolutionary divergence due to sexual and natural selection (Svensson & Gosden, 2007). Natural selection favors morphological traits linked to growth, reproduction, and survival resulting in greater reproductive success for certain environments. In contrast, sexual selection underlies morphological changes that favor reproductive success through intra-sexual competition, inter-sexual mate choice, or post-copulatory processes (Kraaijeveld et al., 2011; Maan & Seehausen, 2011; Safran et al., 2013).
The study of interspecific interactions is crucial for understanding sex-linked ecological and evolutionary patterns (Cothran, 2015). Reproductive interference (henceforth referred as ‘RI’) is defined as any type of interspecific interaction between sympatric species associated with their mating systems caused by incomplete recognition between species (Gröning & Hochkirch, 2008; Burdfield-Steel & Shuker, 2011). This process may negatively affect the reproductive success of at least one species (Hochkirch et al., 2007). RI between species can lead to the displacement of key characters in reproductive interactions (i.e., reproductive character displacement - henceforth referred as ‘RCD’) (Howard, 1993), which generally results in a divergence of these characters alleviating RI and thus reinforcing reproductive isolation (Servedio & Noor, 2003; Coyne & Orr, 2004; Kyogoku, 2015). Characters of coexisting species should be more divergent in sympatry than in allopatry. The more similar the characters of interacting species are in sympatry, the greater the consequences of RI on reproductive success (Pfennig & Pfennig, 2010; Konuma & Chiba, 2012). In turn, the degree and direction of divergence of sexual characters may differ according to their function or the moment of the reproductive event in which RI occurs (Gröning & Hochkirch, 2008). In other cases, adaptive promiscuity may exist, and competition for exploitation (for females beyond their species) is propitiated, which may prevent divergence and even generate convergence of sexual characters (Grant, 1972; Grether et al., 2009; Tobias et al., 2014; Drury et al., 2015; Sobroza et al., 2021) with consequent maintenance or intensification of RI (Takakura et al., 2015; Wheatcroft, 2015; Yamaguchi & Iwasa, 2015).
In sympatric areas, intraspecific sexual selection pressures may join interspecific interactions generating a mosaic of selective pressures with different outcomes in terms of morphological variation (Grether et al., 2009). Secondary sexual characters may play a role in specific recognition, so their divergence can be explained by natural selection (Mayr, 1963; Bennet-Clark & Ewing, 1970). However, it has been postulated that mate choice and specific recognition are part of a continuum and that sexual selection may also lead to reinforcement or RCD (Ryan & Rand, 1993; Boake et al., 1997; Liou & Price, 1994; Mendelson & Shaw, 2012). In cases where the female is the selective sex, it is hypothesized that female choice that promotes isolation will result in the divergence of male sexual characters to avoid RI or hybridization (Butlin, 1987; Gröning & Hochkirch, 2008; Hoskin & Higgie, 2010). RCD has been reported for body size (Ding et al., 2018; Sağlam et al., 2019), characters for grasping the female and genital characters (Kawano, 2002; Kameda et al., 2009; Anderson & Langerhans, 2015; Kosuda et al., 2016; Sağlam et al., 2019; Nishimura et al., 2022) or other types of characters (Marsteller et al., 2009; Kawakami & Tatsuta, 2010; Roth-Monzón et al., 2017). In many works where RCD is evaluated, one or a few characters linked to sexual reproduction are analyzed. However, phenotypic divergence can occur due to selective pressures along multiple phenotype axes simultaneously so that divergence can be multidimensional (Haines et al., 2021; White & Butlin, 2021; Vega-Sánchez et al., 2022).
Animal genitalia, especially in the male, can exhibit relatively complex morphologies and show fast and divergent evolutionary changes compared to other body parts (Tuxen, 1970; Eberhard, 1985; Leonard & Córdoba-Aguilar, 2010). Sexual selection may play a key role in the evolution of genitalia (Eberhard, 1985, 2010; Hosken & Stockley, 2004; Simmons, 2014). In turn, genital divergence can be explained by natural selection, as it contributes to reproductive isolation among species by promoting speciation (Eberhard, 1985, 2010; Masly, 2012; Wojcieszek & Simmons, 2012; House et al., 2013). Phenomena such as RCD may contribute to differences in genitalia between species in sympatric zones, whereby mechanical or interlocking incompatibilities between male and female genitalia may be frequent (Masly, 2012). The relative importance of natural and sexual selection in genitalia evolution continues under discussion (Jennions & Kelly, 2002; Eberhard, 2010; Simmons, 2014; Brennan & Prum, 2015; Eberhard & Lehmann, 2019; Sloan & Simmons, 2019), although there is evidence that multiple selective pressures may be determinant in the morphological evolution of the genitalia (Langerhans et al., 2005; Song & Wenzel, 2008; McPeek et al., 2009; Simmons et al., 2009; House et al., 2013; Simmons, 2014; Frazee & Masly, 2015). This multiplicity of selective regimes can cause what is known as "mosaic evolution", where different portions of the same structure can respond in a mixed manner to concordant or antagonistic selective pressures (due to their multi-factorial nature) and where even shape and size of the same structure can diverge differentially (House & Simmons, 2005; Song & Wenzel, 2008; Werner & Simmons, 2008).
Morphological variation in non-genital contact characters used during pre-copulatory or copulatory mating can be explained by some of the natural or sexual selection hypotheses that may generate genital morphological diversity (Robson & Richards, 1936; Eberhard 1985, 2004, 2010). These characters also possess a pattern of rapid evolutionary divergence and generally have the function of grasping or grasping the female during mating by resembling functionally genital ''claspers'' (Eberhard, 1985, 2010). The intra-specific phenotypic variation can be considered as the raw material on which selection acts (West-Eberhard, 2005; Eberhard, 2009), and the patterns of variation are helpful in understanding the evolution of different morphological characters. In general, sexually selected display traits show high within-species phenotypic variation (Cuervo & Møller, 1999; Eberhard et al., 1998; Eberhard, 2009). High values of coefficient of variation (CVs) indicate directional selective forces, while low values of CVs are associated with stabilizing selective pressures (Eberhard et al., 1998; Eberhard, 2009).
Phenotypic plasticity refers to the ability of organisms of a species to change their morphology, behavior, or physiology in response to environmental variation (Stearns, 1989; West-Eberhard, 2003; Whitman & Agrawal, 2009). When characters express some degree of phenotypic plasticity, environmentally based phenotypic differences among species and populations can underlie the patterns of morphological variation (Jennions & Kelly, 2002; Garnier et al., 2005; Song & Wenzel, 2008). The case of morphological divergence in environmental gradients deserves particular mention. In these cases, morphological differences between populations may be due to selective pressures for species differentiation and morphological changes linked to an environmental cline (Goldberg & Lande, 2006). Therefore, among the requirements for testing RCD, it is necessary to separate allopatric/sympatric context effects from other ecological effects. The environment can directly or indirectly influence genetic and phenotypic variation. Therefore, geographic variation among different populations is expected (Sota et al., 2000; Kosuda et al., 2016). Controlling for the effects of correlation between phenotype and environmental or geographic clines allows for finding patterns of divergence that might otherwise be undetectable (Goldberg & Lande, 2006). Variation in latitude or altitude is mainly linked to changes in temperature, an abiotic factor that affects animal growth, causing a substantial impact on the observed phenotypic variation results (Bergmann, 1847; Allen, 1877; Rensch, 1938; Atkinson, 1994).
Examples of this RI exist in many animal and plant groups (e.g., Levin, 1970; Armbruster & Herzig, 1984; Hettyey & Pearman, 2003; Dame & Petren, 2006; Gröning & Hochkirch, 2008; Matsumoto et al., 2010), and among them, arthropods have been shown to provide interesting models for studying this phenomenon (Shuker & Burdfield-Steel, 2017). Although some cases of ecological character displacement have been described in insects and arachnids, there are fewer examples of RCD in these taxa due to the difficulty of empirically evidencing this process (Waage, 1979). However, in arthropods, evidence of RCD was found in pre-copulatory characters used during courtship (Marshall & Cooley, 2000; Jang & Gerhardt, 2006; Kronforst et al., 2007; Dyer et al., 2014; Rundle & Dyer, 2015; Yukilevich, 2021) and there are also examples of RCD in genital characters (Kawano, 2002; Kawakami & Tatsuta, 2010; Kosuda et al., 2016; Nishimura et al., 2022). In arachnids, there are some suggestions that RCD might be occurring between species in sympatry (Barth, 1990; Stratton, 1997; Agnarsson et al., 2016; Muster & Michalik, 2020), as is the case of genital characters between Paratrechalea spider species with RI (Costa-Schmidt & de Araújo, 2010).
The study of phenotype variation and its causes may be complicated because adaptation can be viewed as a multivariate process acting on sets of characters (Lande & Arnold, 1983; Schluter & Nychka, 1994; Blows, 2007). Organisms can be interpreted as composite objects, with characters not necessarily independent of each other that respond in complex and different magnitudes and directions to different selective pressures (Klingenberg, 2009). Geometric morphometrics (GM) helps address the inherent complexity of characters separating their size and shape to evaluate the effect of selective pressures on these two dimensions of the phenotype (Bookstein, 1998; Adams et al., 2004; Zelditch et al., 2004). Indeed, shape metrics are better descriptors of genital morphology diversity, containing more information than size measures (Slice, 2007; Shen et al., 2009). These type of studies are ideally performed in species where the function of the characters to be assessed is well-known. Arachnids have proven to be exceptional models, although morphological quantification techniques have generally been applied mainly in systematic or ecomorphological studies (Costa-Schmidt & de Araújo, 2010; Kallal et al., 2019; Santibáñez-López et al., 2021; Wilson et al., 2021; Bellvert et al., 2022). Some studies have demonstrated the usefulness of these techniques in addressing sexual dimorphism (Fernández-Montraveta et al., 2017; Kallal et al., 2019), as well as the combination with other approaches such as the analysis of phenotypic variation (by the coefficient of variation -CV) of certain characters in some arachnids (Eberhard et al., 1998; Peretti et al., 2001; Calbacho-Rosa et al., 2019; Lai et al., 2021).
Although studies applying fine morphological quantification methodologies in scorpions are scarce, these organisms appear to be excellent models for this type of analysis (Bechara & Liria, 2012; Santibáñez-López et al., 2017). It is known that different selective pressures act on specific scorpion characters (e.g., pedipalps, pectines, chelicerae) as demonstrated in studies that have evaluated their CV, allometric patterns, or where selection pressures behind dimorphic characters have been explored (Peretti et al., 2001; Carrera et al., 2009; Fox et al., 2015; Santibáñez-López et al., 2017; Visser & Geerts, 2021). Furthermore, during an elaborate courtship, both sexes displayed unique characters with functional roles such as stimulation or increased female receptivity with non-genital contact structures (e.g., the caudal gland in ‘rubbing with telson’, the sting in ‘sexual sting’) or grasping characters to overcome female resistance (e.g., apophyses in pedipalps, chelicerae) (Polis & Sissom, 1990; Carrera et al., 2009; Peretti, 2001). In particular, these characters were extensively studied in the family Bothriuridae in the evolutionary framework of sexual selection (Peretti et al., 2001; Carrera et al., 2009; Olivero et al., 2014, 2019; Peretti, 2010). Lastly, scorpions present indirect sperm transfer via a sclerotized spermatophore deposited in the substrate (Weygoldt, 1990; Proctor, 1998). This spermatophore is regenerated each time the male mates from two chitinous halves (i.e., hemispermatophores) produced in internal glandular structures called paraxial organs (Polis & Sissom, 1990). These genital characters are incredibly complex and can be divided into subunits offering interesting opportunities for studying the evolution of genitalia (Peretti et al., 2001; Peretti, 2003, 2010; Mattoni et al., 2012; Monod et al., 2017). For example, some characters follow a distinctive pattern of characters under sexual selection pressures (i.e., evolve rapidly and divergently), while others show only minor variations coinciding with what is predicted for characters under natural selection, such as structures with mechanical constraints or with key reproductive functions such as sperm passage (Peretti, 2010; Mattoni et al., 2012). The morphological diversity of sexual characters and spermatophores of scorpions responds to diverse (and not mutually exclusive) evolutionary hypotheses (Peretti, 2010). These mixed patterns result from complex synergistic or antagonistic interactions between different selective pressures (Peretti, 2010), so this genital structure could be found under mosaic evolution. This offers great possibilities for the morpho-functional study of diverse characters and contexts and allows different outcomes in a scenario of RCD.
There are several records of interspecific mating in scorpions (Auber, 1963; Matthiesen, 1968; Probst, 1972; Le Pape & Goyffon, 1975; Peretti, 1993; Peretti et al., 2000). Although many scorpions use pheromones for sex encounter, males are vagrant in scenarios of indirect competition for females, and there are records of overlapping species distributions and coexistence of species, phenomena such as RI or RCD between closely related species have not yet been extensively assessed. Here, we explored the occurrence of RCD in two closely related scorpion species of the genus Urophonius Pocock, 1893 (U. brachycentrus and U. achalensis, Bothriuridae) (Ojanguren-Affilastro et al., 2020) that have partially sympatric ranges with overlapping reproductive seasons and share the same habitat requirements and life-history traits (Maury, 1969; Acosta, 1985; Ojanguren-Affilastro et al., 2020). These scorpions have winter habits and adaptations for this lifestyle, which is rather peculiar among scorpions (Ojanguren-Affilastro et al., 2020; Garcia et al., 2021). These species do not possess specific recognition through chemical signals, which, together with a promiscuous mating system with scramble competition, leads to an asymmetric RI scenario with heterospecific mating (Oviedo-Diego et al., 2020, 2021). The coexistence of these species raises the question of whether there are morphological, reproductive barriers, that may hinder or prevent the culmination of heterospecific mating, given the costs they may entail in terms of gamete loss, female plugging (Oviedo-Diego et al., 2019, 2020; Romero-Lebrón et al., 2019) or potential hybridization. For these reasons, we evaluated the existence of RCD in the shape and size of somatic characters used in courtship (non-genital contact characters) and genital characters of hemispermatophores to observe whether these metrics responded concordantly or follow a mosaic pattern under specific recognition and sexual selection pressures. Additionally, we determined the phenotypic variation by analyzing the coefficient of variation of these characters in contexts of sympatry and allopatry of both species to complement the analysis of the selective regimes that could explain the morphological variability in these species. Complementarily, we consider the influence of environmental and geographic factors on the morphological patterns found. The results from multiple lines of evidence account for the inherent complexity of sexual characters in scorpions and provide clues about the possible selective pressures behind their evolution.