Study design and setting
Facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted on 421 pregnant women who were attending at Abebech Gobena Maternal and Child (MHC) Hospital. The hospital is found in Addis Ababa Lame Kura sub-city woreda 02. Abebech Gobena maternal and child hospital is established in 2021. The hospital gives maternal and child health service. The hospital services gives family planning, delivery, antenatal care, postnatal care, expanded program on immunization (Epi) and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) service. The hospital had 14 health centers and one hospital catchment. On average quarterly data shows 1294 pregnant women follow monthly. The study was conducted from July 1–30, 2022.
Sample size and sample procedure
All pregnant women attending at antenatal care service clinic were taken as a source population while those pregnant mothers who were available during data collection period were considered as a study population. The total number of pregnant mothers who will visit the clinic within the three months of data collection period was calculated and used to determine the interval, and systematic random sampling technique was used to include every three pregnant mothers available at the clinic during the data collection period. A single population proportion formula with an assumption of 95% confidence level, a 5% margin of error and a 46.6% had common mental disorder among pregnant women in Hawasa referral hospital(21). Then the final calculated sample size was 421.
Sampling procedure and Technique
Systematic random sampling techniques were used to select by taking 2022 hospital monthly antenatal care follow report, from previously three consecutive average monthly (February, March and April) data which was 1294. Study participants by using skip interval of K = N/n = 1294/421 = 3.075 ≈ 3, n = total sample size K = skip interval N = Total study population. 1294 the number of quarterly attend in 2022. The first study participant was selected by lottery method first cases that attend the hospital on the day of data collection and then follow every 3th study participant.
Study variable
The dependent variable was Common Mental Disorder and measured as a dichotomous variable (yes/no). We measured PTSD as a dichotomous variable (yes/ no). Independent variables included socio-demographic factors (age, sex, educational status and occupational status), clinical variables (history of chronic medical illness), substance-related factors (alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, khat chewing), while psychosocial factors embraced social support
Operational definition
Common mental disorder
Defined based on the cut off score of the self-reporting questionnaire (SRQ-20) items, participants who score 6 or more would take as CMD(7).
History of mental illness
when subjects have at least one or more known self-reported mental illness before the study period.
Alcohol use
Ever use was defined as use of alcohol even once in lifetime, and current use was defined as use of alcohol in the past three months
Khat use
Ever use was defined as use of khat even once in lifetime, and current use was defined as use of khat in the past three months.
Smoking ciggarate
Ever use was defined as use of cigar ate even once in lifetime, and current use was defined as use of ciggarate in the past three months.
Chronic medical illness
When subjects have at least one or more known self-reported chronic disease before the study period.
Data Collection Procedures and tools
A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic variables, socio-economic status, psychosocial factors, clinical factors and substance chronic medical problems, stage of pregnancy, and the presence of mental illness. The study employed the self-reporting questionnaire 20 of item (SRQ-20). This consists of 20 yes/no questions with a reference period of the previous thirty days. It had an acceptable level of reliability and validity in developing countries and is recommended by the world health organization (WHO) as a screening tool. It has previously been used to measure maternal illness in a four-country study which included Ethiopia where a cut-off score of 6 or more was used to separate probable non-cases of common mental disorder.
Regarding substance use such as cigarette smoking, alcohol drink and chat chewing once or more in lifetime. Chronic medical illness when subjects have at least one or a more known self-reported chronic diseases before the study period.
Data quality control and Management
The questionnaire was first prepared in English and translated in to local language (Amharic). It was pretested on 5% of the sample size a week before the beginning of the actual data collection period at Gandhi memorial hospital. Based on the pretest necessary revision was made to the questionnaire. At the end of each data collection day, the researcher checkout the completeness of the filled questionnaires. Any error, ambiguity, incompleteness, and other encountered problems were addressed on the follow day’s activities. Any missing values were checked before data analysis.
Data processing and analysis
Data was checked for its completeness, editing, clean and coded then enter into Epi info 7.2.01 and was exported to (SPSS) version20 for analysis. Descriptive analysis like percent and frequency were computed and presented using appropriate figure and table. Bivariate logistic regression was used to identify variable associated with common mental disorder among pregnant women. Variables with p-value < 0.25 in bivariate analysis were considered as candidates for multiple logistic regressions. Multiple logistic regressions were used to identify factors independently associated with dependent variables. P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Strength of association was measured using odds ratio, and 95% confidence intervals.