FFPE tissues represent the largest available archives of human material [4]. The advantage of FFPE blocks is simple and relatively safe handling, cheap storage, wide availability and suitability for the application of immunohistochemical and other analyzes. Isolation of nucleic acids from archived biological material such as FFPE tissue blocks for PCR analysis is increasingly used in clinical practice [14] and is a significant source of DNA for use in forensics [15, 16]. However, in retrospective studies and forensic analyzes, FFPE tissues are often the only and last available material for further molecular analysis [17]. For further molecular analyses it is necessary to obtain DNA of adequate purity and yield [18]. Therefore, it is extremely important to examine the yield and purity of DNA molecules isolated from FF and FFPE tissue. It is still unclear whether the reduction in yield of DNA isolated from FFPE tissue is most affected by the age of the paraffin tissue blocks, the type of FFPE tissue, the quality of the initial tissue treatment, or changes in reagents and processes of tissue fixation [19]. Tissue type, fixation process, post-fixation processes and DNA isolation are the basic steps in the process of tissue embedding in paraffin and molecular analysis where should look the possibility for optimizing and obtaining a larger amount of pure DNA.
Methods for analysis of isolated DNA require optimal DNA concentration, so the yield of isolated DNA from certain sample is very important. DNA yield depends on the type of biological material from which it was isolated, but also on the applied method for DNA isolation. There are various data in the literature about yield and concentration of DNA isolated from FF and FFPE tissues, but most of these data refer to tumor tissue. Ferruelo et al. isolated DNA from healthy FFPE liver tissue excluded during autopsy whose yield ranged from 47 ng/μl to 130 ng/μl depending on the age of paraffin blocks and the OD260/280 ratio was in the range of 1.69-1.96 [20]. Funabashi and co-workers succeed to isolated DNA from healthy autopsied FFPE liver tissue in yield range from 7.6-1045.6 ng/μl, from spleen 10.5-1009.5 ng/μl, and from the brain in range 6.3-335.2 ng/μl depending on the applied method for DNA isolation as well as the length of archiving of paraffin blocks [21].
Since, 4% unbuffered formalin was used in laboratories for tissue fixation, all tissues paraffin embedded decades ago, were fixed in unbuffered formalin [22]. Unbuffered formalin degrades rapidly and has a limited shelf life. In recent years, 10% buffered formalin has been used [19, 23]. To determine the effect of different types of formalin on the quality of isolated DNA tissues that were excluded during forensic autopsies were fixed in buffered formalin and unbuffered formalin. Results presented that purity of isolated DNA from tissue fixed in buffered formalin as well as in unbufferd formalin are within the optimal values. Yield of DNA isolated from tissues fixed in buffered formalin is higher than DNA isolated from tissue fixed in unbuffered formalin, which is consistent with data from the literature [24]. Regarding the integrity of DNA, DNA isolated from tissue fixed in buffered formalin was more preserved integrity, than DNA isolated from unbuffered formalin.
Optimization of the method for isolating high quality DNA is very important. There are contradictory data in the literature with which method for DNA isolation is obtained better quality of DNA. Isolation of DNA with Commercial kit is faster and easier but the yield of isolated DNA is lower compared to the extraction with PCI method [25]. Our results presented that DNA isolated with PCI method is superior in term of purity, yield and integrity compared to DNA isolated with Commercial kit. DNA samples isolated using Commercial kit contains much more protein, salt, carbohydrates, lipids and other impurities. Also DNA yield is significantly higher in samples isolated by PCI method compared to Commercial kit, which can be explained by the loss of DNA during washing of silica gel membranes on which is adsorbed DNA [26]. It is also observed that the quality of DNA is more affected by the method used for isolation rather than the type of formalin used for tissue fixation.
DNA quality is significantly affected by type of FF (formalin fixed) and FFPE tissue. There are different opinions about which organs are suitable for DNA isolation that will be used for further molecular analysis. The quality of DNA isolated from different organs often varies due to changes in the cellular composition of these tissues. Tissues that have no homogeneous cellular composition (pancreas, colon, lungs) should be avoided because the yield and purity of DNA isolated from them are poor [1]. The highest yield of DNA was isolated from liver tissue, which can be explained by the high cell density as well as the presence of polyploidy cells that are presented in the liver in 30-40% [27]. In this study DNA isolated from FFPE liver tissue had the best purity and yield, but this DNA was inferior integrity compared to DNA isolated from FFPE heart and brain tissues. It is known that liver tissue is subject to rapid autolysis because it contains a large number of highly catabolic enzymes, while muscle tissue decays much more slowly [28].
DNA quality is greatly influenced by the length of tissue fixation in formalin from which DNA is isolated [29-31]. The results presented that the purity of the samples was similar in all DNA samples regardless of the duration of tissue fixation. Nam and coworkers also concluded that prolonged tissue fixation does not affect the purity of isolated DNA [32]. However, prolonged tissue fixation leads to decrease in yield of isolated DNA especially after 14 days of tissue fixation. Literature data presented that high yield of DNA is obtained from tissues fixed in unbuffered formalin up to 7 days. After 16 days of fixation DNA yield decreases by 50%, and after 32 days of tissue fixation DNA yield values are very small [33]. Moreover DNA integrity depends on the length of tissue fixation in formalin, i.e. with prolonged time of tissue fixation in formalin, the success of PCR amplification decreases [29, 30, 32, 34]. DNA quality also depends on the length of archiving FFPE tissue blocks. Values of absorbance ratios indicating the purity of DNA samples are within optimal limits except for DNA samples isolated with Commercial kit. The yield of DNA isolated from FFPE tissues storage up to 30 years is satisfactory and optimal for further molecular biological analyzes. However, the DNA yield in these samples is twice lower than in DNA samples isolated from the tissue immediately after autopsy, i.e. without further fixation and paraffin embedding. This points to the fact that tissue fixation and paraffin embedding processes inevitably lead to decrease of DNA yields regardless of the length of storage of paraffin blocks. In literature data DNA yield is different in relation to the length of storage of FFPE tissues, and this is related to tumor tissues [26, 35]. The conclusion is that the age of paraffin blocks has no significant effect on the yield and purity of isolated DNA [36, 37]. The success of PCR amplification of DNA fragments isolated from FFPE tissues and archived over a long period of time is different. The results of some studies for tumor FFPE tissues had revealed that the success of PCR amplification depends significantly on the age of paraffin blocks [38], while other studies have made known that the increase in amplification success does not depend on their age [10, 39]. The success rate of PCR amplification of DNA fragments isolated from autopsy FFPE tissue does not decrease linearly with age of paraffin blocks [40]. In this study it was observed that DNA integrity yet depends on the age of paraffin blocks.
To determine the extent to which DNA quality depend on the formalin fixation process, and to what extent on paraffin embedding we compared the yield, purity and integrity of DNA isolated from healthy FF tissues and DNA isolated from FFPE tissues. If we compare the quality of DNA isolated from fresh tissues immediately after autopsy with DNA isolated from FF and FFPE tissues, we can conclude that both the process of fixation and the process of paraffin embedding affect the quality of isolated DNA. Although the purity of the DNA isolated from almost all tissue samples is satisfactory, the DNA yields changes significantly. In all examined FF or FFPE tissues samples DNA yield was significantly lower than in control tissue samples (DNA isolated immediately after autopsy before formalin fixation of tissue). The largest decrease in DNA yield was observed after tissue fixation in formalin, especially with prolonged formalin fixation, and additionally after paraffin embedding of tissue. It can be concluded from our results that the length of tissue formalin fixation has a greater effect on yield of isolated DNA than the length of archiving of FFPE blocks. The process of tissue fixation in formalin and paraffin embedding of tissue also affects on integrity of DNA. Formalin leads to fragmentation of DNA molecules, due to the formation of cross-links between proteins and DNA molecules as well as the breaking of phosphodiester bonds in nucleic acids [40, 41]. In process of embedding tissue into paraffin, if residual water is not replaced with paraffin it can lead to further degradation of DNA molecule [14]. Also inadequate storage conditions of paraffin blocks (humidity, temperature and mold) over time can lead to further DNA degradation [14].