Quantifying the mobility of molecules in living cells is a very important issue for understanding the regulation of physiological mechanisms. The FCS and SPT techniques are highly suitable for such studies. However, because they strongly differ in acquisition methods, analysis, and experimental parameters, they are not easily comparable. In addition, the photo-physical properties of fluorophores (i.e. blinking, lifetime, etc.) affect the two techniques in different ways. For these two techniques to produce complementary information, it is necessary to properly characterize their windows of sensitivity and identify their limitations.
FCS is known to be particularly suited for the quantification of fast diffusion events but the classical ACF analysis often misses low-frequency events, whereas SPT allows the study of diffusion heterogeneities on a molecule-by-molecule basis, and potentially gives access to the monitoring of rare molecular events. One main limitation of SPT remains its low sensitivity to fast displacements because a large number of photons must be detected to allow accurate localization of single molecules, which requires integration times in the millisecond (ms) scale, while FCS is using sampling in the microsecond scale (µs). However, labeling with bright fluorophores presently allows obtaining good frame rates and track particles for tens of time points 36. The optical settings and configurations used in FCS or SPT are also quite different, with each instrument response functions (IRF) that must be considered to define their influence.
We, therefore, reasoned that a measurement-driven comparison between the two techniques was instrumental. For that purpose, we first characterized the influence of the setups on the diffusion measurements of calibrated beads. Whereas the use of simple models such as beads is widespread in FCS characterization, few works have dealt with this concept in SPT. We selected this solution, over in silico simulations of random behavior generation, because this approach displays the advantage of taking into account instrumental functions and real experimental noise. Thus, we could compare the performances of both techniques with relatively simple experimental settings. We show that SPT gives reliable results with high accuracy for diffusion coefficients below 4 µm2/s (Tt > 0.25 s/µm3), while FCS allows measurements from 1 to 15 µm2/s (Tt < 0.33 s/µm3).
To better control the measurement and analysis parameters of heterogeneous samples, we developed a benchmark based on a mixture of tracks from bead populations with different diffusion coefficients. Interestingly, our SPT analysis workflow, relying on the result distribution fitting by a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), discriminated quite well between the two initial subpopulations and obtained values very close to the expected ones (i.e., measured in the initial mono-populations). Moreover, the proportions of populations given by the analysis were also close to those used to make the mixtures, with very low variability. Taken together, we can consider that the proportions are reliable with a relative uncertainty as low as 10%.
We then applied this validated workflow coupling SPT and FCS to the elucidation of the RNA polymerase II choreography in cell nuclei. Labelling of the RPB1 subunit of polymerase II (RNAP II) with fluorescent proteins, or Halo tags and adequate ligands, allowed us to measure RPB1 molecular dynamics. The analysis of RNAP II SPT trajectories with H-MSD showed that 20% of RPB1 molecules appeared immobile for more than 60ms. Among RPB1 trajectories, we discriminated at least two main populations by SPT/H-MSD. The fastest population, representing approximately 20% of RNAP II particles, displayed a mean transit-time (Tt) of 4.2 s/µm3 (D60ms = 0.5µm2/s), and an anomalous coefficient very close to 1 (mean ɑ=0.95), which reflects fairly well a free Brownian diffusion. This value is in the same order of magnitude as those found for the free diffusion of transcription factors 23,37, but it is an order of magnitude lower than the measurements of GFP multimer diffusion in the nucleus 38. This could indicate that free RPB1 and transcription factors have a slowed down Brownian diffusion in the nucleoplasm. The second mobile population that we identified by SPT/h-MSD had a mean transit-time (Tt) of 777 s/µm3 (D60ms = 0.02 µm2/s), and a mean anomalous coefficient ɑ=0.31, and represented 60% of particles. This RNAP II subpopulation thus displayed a highly constrained subdiffusion and a very slow motion, even if it was distinct from bound immobile RNAP II.
We also established that most RPB1 diffusion measurements by FCS exceeded the speeds caught by SPT in our benchmark, even though such molecules probably contributed to the background noise of SPT acquisitions. RPB1 mean diffusion measured by FCS was characterized by Tt = 62.10− 3 s/µm3 (Dɑ=5.7 µm²/sα) and α = 0.61. These values are very close to those that we previously observed for CYCT1 39,40, which suggests that these RPB1 mobility measurements may correspond to RNAP II molecules involved in the transcription pause release process. FCS, which is more sensitive to fast diffusions, hardly detected the subpopulations analyzed in SPT, with most molecules displaying transit-times 2 to 4 orders of magnitude higher than those identified by FCS, thus highlighting the complementarity of the two approaches.
The FCS data histogram distribution was imperfectly fit by Gaussian functions and displayed an array of relatively fast-diffusing molecules with a continuous range of diffusion parameters. We assume that within this range, there are no strict categories of RPB1 behaviors but rather transitions between states of interactions progressively evolving. Such behaviors may refer to the recent concepts that multivalent and dynamic interactions can drive phase separation 41 and that the function of large complexes could be maintained while molecules are constantly exchanged 42.
Interestingly, another spatiotemporal clustering analysis described foci predominantly occupied by a single RNAP II at the same time point 43, in agreement with data from immunogold labelling in live cells, concluding on the absence of significant RNAP II clustering 45. This was also recently confirmed with an investigation of RNA nanodomains that evidenced small RNAP II complexes mainly displaying only one RNAP II molecule 46. The absence of regions of high RNAP II concentration in our observations is thus completely consistent with these highlights. Still, we observed in our SPT movies subdomains oversampled by fast-moving of RNAPII. Quite remarkably, the population measured by FCS shown a motility with 3 to 6 magnitude order greater than which measured in other subpopulation (Supplementary fig S4) and subdiffusion (α = 0.61).To understand the mobility of RNAP II involved in this process we can think of the dynamics of a ball in a pinball machine, which presents very fast movements in a constrained space which increases the probability of encountering its targets. When these oversampling movements are observed with a sufficient integration time (30s-1 min) we obtain the image of a stronger concentration of fluorescence in these bumper-like domains. We hypothesize that this could be a mechanism for RNAP II recruitment and regulation of transcription. It is interesting to note that CYCT1, a cofactor of the transcriptional pause release, was also described to oversample the nuclear environment3. Moreover, we previously highlighted that CYCT1displays very similar diffusion properties, in subdomains whose size is in the same order of magnitude as that of TAD (Topologically Associated Domains) 39,47. Taken together, our results thus reinforce the arguments in favor of the "RNAP II clustering" concept 9. The proper execution of RNAP II activity would rely on the increased probability of RPB1 to visit subdomains via an oversampling without necessarily increasing its concentration in a specific site (pinball-dumper effect). Interestingly, the study of Herpes Simplex Virus replication recently evidenced the possibility for RNAP II to visit in a repeated manner nearby DNA binding sites without clear boundaries between territories, which may be a common process 50. In that frame, highly dynamic interactions would ensure the transcription complex activity is maintained despite the exchange of molecules 42. Such a link between subdiffusion, topological frameworks and recruitment/regulation steps in transcription is emerging in the field 48 and starts to be described at the molecular level 49.
Altogether, our combined experiments suggest an RNAP II dynamic model with at least four kinetic subpopulations: a) chromatin-bound RNAP II, b) RNAP II slowly-diffusing in a Brownian manner, and two major subpopulations: c) subdiffusive and slowly-diffusing RNAP II and d) fast-diffusing and oversampling RNAP II molecules. Moreover, our data also suggest the potential existence of other subpopulations. Future work will be aimed at elucidating whether we can identify and investigate these minority subpopulations to refine our knowledge of the transcription process.
In addition, FCS gave us access to molecular concentration in focal volume and indicated the presence in average of 2.6 +/-1.4 RPB1 molecules per focal volume, i.e. approximately 14 molecules per µm3. Considering the previous estimation by Zhao et al., of 80,200 RNAP II molecules per nucleus in U2OS cells43 (i.e. around 37 molecules per µm3), this would mean that FCS detected almost one-third of RPB1 molecules. In a first approach, we can extrapolate that the remaining two-thirds of RNAP II molecules, around 25 out of 37 molecules per µm3, could be observed by SPT. Within this category, 20% of SPT trajectories (i.e. 13% of total RNAP II) were immobile (4–5 molecules/µm3). This estimate stands in agreement with the number of chromatin-bound RNAP II proposed by Cisse et al with another microscopy method 9. Besides, about 40% of RNAP II (i.e. 15 molecules/µm3) displayed a strong sub-diffusive behavior (mean anomalous coefficient ɑ=0.31). Taken together, these data point out a global view of a majority of RNAP II molecules that are strongly restricted, and potentially involved in regulatory steps. In SPT, only 25% of trajectories (i.e. 15% of total RNAP II ; 6–7 molecules/µm3) could be considered free, according to their anomalous coefficient ɑ=0.95. This is again in agreement with the literature, including recent FRAP measurements concluding on a minority fraction of freely diffusing RNAP II 44.
In conclusion, we hypothesize that the observed mobilities are associated with the mechanism of recruitment of RNAPII to transcription regulation. We propose two models of RNAPII recruitment that can account for the observations and measurements of RPB1 dynamics. Both models encompass a free population slowly diffusing in an almost Brownian walk. The first model displays a single type of cluster and two steps corresponding to successive stages of regulation (Fig. 7A): in a first step, RNAP II is "trapped" in a nuclear subdomain with a strong oversampling of this space (pinball-bumper effect), and in a second step it presents a very slow subdiffusion leading to its immobilization on chromatin. We can assume that it is then the first step corresponding to the entry into the topologically active domains (TADs) which induces the oversampling and the first level of sub-diffusion, while the association with the cofactors induces the second step. We can also think of a second model where RNAP II is trapped in two types of clusters via two distinct co-existing mechanisms (Fig. 7B). In some clusters, significant oversampling could correspond to "RNAP II trapping" in gene regions controlled by e.g. transcriptional pausing (similarity with CYCT1 subdiffusion), whereas in other clusters "RNAP II trapping" would induce a strong and constrained diffusion that may correspond to transcriptional regulations without transcriptional pausing.
This study paves the way for future work that will be aimed at investigating which of these two hypotheses correspond to the reality of RNAP II recruitment to active genes, and at identifying the molecular mechanisms responsible for RNAP II subdiffusion. In that frame, the coupling of FCS and SPT acquisitions on the same instrument would represent an interesting instrumental development to simultaneously acquire molecules by both methods in a spatio-temporal manner, and we are moving forward in that direction.