Path Length Effect: The film preparation, handling and irradiation methods were similar to those described in our previous work [15], [24]. Full detail can be obtained there, but essential detail is repeated here for completeness. EBT3 films were cut into 3cm x 20.3cm strips along the short side of the film. The light source of the scanner is across the short side of the scanner bed and the longer side of a film strip is positioned on the scanner bed to be parallel to the light source, perpendicular to scan direction. Film was irradiated at 10cm depth of plastic water with 10cm backscatter in a phantom that was 30 cm x 30 cm area presented to large area beams to achieve uniform dose across the film. Film pieces were irradiated on an Elekta Synergy linear accelerator (linac) using a 6MV beam and a 40cm x 40 cm field size, giving doses to the film of 0MU, 500MU and 1000MU which is equivalent to 0Gy, 5.64Gy and 11.28Gy respectively. An EPSON V700 flatbed scanner was used to scan the film. The scanner bed was then removed and the film was scanned using as support (substitute ‘scanner bed’) variously, a piece of acrylic sheet, an opaque laminating paper, another piece of EBT film and finally with no bed at all. For the latter, a hole was cut in the middle of a scanner bed and the film piece was placed over the hole to scan it with no bed directly beneath the area of interest.
Irradiated EBT3 films were left in the box for two hours[25], [26] and then scanned using the EPSON V700 scanner with the above ‘beds’. The film piece was taped down to the bed to flatten the curvature. Gloves were used all the time during handling the film to avoid any contamination from fingerprint marks. The following settings were used for the scanner
- Mode: Professional
- Document Type: Film (with Film Area Guide); this setting allows transmission scanning
- Film Type: Positive Film
- Image Type: 48-bit colour
- Resolution: 508dpi
- No Colour Correction was applied
The film piece was placed at the central position on the scanner bed and on the other materials used as substitute scanner beds to ensure the whole film piece is in the scanning area. Each film piece was scanned 5 times. The scanned images were saved as *.tiff (tagged image file format) which were read and separated into three colour channels in ImageJ V1.49 software. The film pieces were rotated by 1800 and the whole process was repeated.
In ImageJ an average profile was generated across each film for each combination using a rectangular ROI cropped 1mm in from the film edge [15, 24]. The average profiles for each dose level, each orientation, each bed type and each colour channel were analysed in MS Excel where they were normalised to the mean of the central 100 data points. For each bed type and each dose level there are 10 scans, 5 in initial orientation and 5 in 1800 rotation. Averaging these 10 scans eliminated any asymmetry in profiles resulting from the scanner or from the film itself. Since, the aim of this experiment is only to compare the relatively small effects of different bed materials, making the profile symmetric not only does not affect the result but also helps to clearly visualise these small effects when presented graphically.
Mirror effectSchoenfeld et al[10] showed the schematic diagram of the mirror system used in a 10000XL EPSON scanner which uses five mirrors. An Epson V700 scanner was dismantled and its mirror system was found to have four mirrors. Five mirrors were used to represent the larger number and were placed at angles as described by Schoenfeld et al[10] to simulate the scanner mirror positions and angles between the light source and the camera (Fig. 1). A piece of linear polariser sheet was stuck on the Epson V700 scanner bed placed in front of the light source and 5 photos were taken using a Canon 7D camera fitted with a 50mm lens. The linear polariser was rotated by 100 increments until it reached 1800 from its original position. 5 photos were taken for each of its positions. The mirrors were then taken out one by one starting from mirror 5 until no mirrors were left and the whole process was repeated, with the camera re-positioned for each mirror arrangement. The images were captured as RAW, which were converted to *.tiff format using Canon software and then were read and separated into three colour channels in ImageJ V1.49 software. A rectangular ROI was selected covering only the part of the photo illuminated by the V700 light source. The mean pixel values of each colour channel of the selected ROI were measured using ImageJ V1.49 software and recorded in an MS Excel spreadsheet. The pixel values were normalised as a percentage of the average of 00 and 1800 polariser sheet angles Results were plotted as normalised pixel values (Y axis) against linear polariser angle (X axis). The uncertainty was calculated as the standard deviation of pixel values of five photos as a percent of mean pixel values.
The following settings were used for the Canon 7D camera
- ISO: 100
- Shutter speed; 1/500
- Aperture: f4.5
- The room light was on
No colour correction was applied when converting the RAW image to .tiff image