Mosquito colonies
Four mosquito colonies with well-characterised susceptibility/resistance profiles against non-volatile contact pyrethroids (using WHO tube assays) and against volatile pyrethroids using custom plate bioassays (12, 20), were used to validate the approaches developed in this study. All colonies, two susceptible; Ae. aegypti (New Orleans) and An. gambiae (Kisumu) and two resistant; Ae. aegypti (Cayman) and An. gambiae (Tiassalé) are maintained and were provided by LITE (Liverpool Insect Testing Establishment). Colonies are maintained under insectary conditions: 27+2oC, 80%+10% relative humidity and a 12h light:dark photoperiod.
Aerosol insecticidal formulations
All aerosol cans used for the present work were purchased in a retail store and are household pyrethroid-based insecticide formulations. Since this work is concerned with methodology, manufacturer and product names are omitted to avoid commercial interest. The cans used are from two manufacturers and comprise household insecticides for personal protection: (A) 300 ml can with isobutane 20 – 30%, naphtha (petroleum) 10 – 20%, 1R-trans phenothrin 0.10 - 0.50% and prallethrin 0.10 - 0.50%; or (B) 380 ml can with BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) 0.005%, polyglycerol oleate 0.90%, butane and propane 30%, N – paraffin 7.5%, imiprothrin 0.040%, permethrin 0.056%, D-trans allethrin 0.108% and water 61.40%.
Aerosol insecticidal testing
The step-by-step of our protocol for testing aerosol insecticides is provided in additional file 1.
All aerosol insecticidal bioassays were performed in the PG-chamber located in the Liverpool Insect Testing Establishment (LITE). The chambers were designed as outlined by WHO (15) and manufactured by Atlas Clean Air Ltd, United Kingdom. The PG-chamber has an interior measurement of 180 x 180 x 180 cm, with all internal wall panels made from polished stainless steel, for easy cleaning of insecticide or solvent residues (Fig. 5A, B). Insecticide vapour after each test is vented through an extractor duct located in the ceiling connected to a remote extractor fan. Screening of mosquito mortality and/or behaviour throughout testing was performed through glass observation windows at the front and on each side of the chamber (Fig. 5A and 5C).
For aerosol deployment and air circulation, an automatic aerosol dispenser facing the back wall and a 30-cm diameter fan facing upwards were sited at the centre of the chamber (Figure 5B). For the fan set-up, a spirit level was used to check that the fan was horizontal to ensure even air-flow circulation.
To recover mosquitoes after aerosol testing and for chamber decontamination, full personal protective equipment was worn including a white antistatic coverall, disposable overshoe, respirator helmet (3M™ Versaflo™ M-206 Helmet) or safety face mask and googles and disposable gloves.
Assembly of remote-controlled aerosol dispenser (RCAD)
Although the use of an automatic aerosol dispenser is recommended by the WHO guideline, specifications are not provided. Applying an automatic dispenser is crucial to address as manual spraying - in addition to being physically difficult - may create spatial bias and introduce variation in the duration of spraying.
Commercial automatic aerosol spray dispensers (Fig. 1S- A, additional file 2), can deploy the recommended WHO standard burst of 0.65 ± 0.10g. However, fixed spraying burst length (single click burst), is not feasible for testing formulations dose-response knockdown effect. To overcome this limitation, we assembled the RCAD to operate on switch on/off mode (Fig. S1-B, Additional file 2). For this purpose, we modified a commercial automatic aerosol dispenser by replacing the receiver relay with a universal wireless relay module (Fig. S1-C, Additional file 2), which allows us to pair the spray device to an on/off transmitter.
The RCAD reproducibility was tested for consistency in the aerosol deployment of insecticide within a fume hood by weighing the can before and after spraying either 3 or 5 bursts for 3 seconds of the aerosols described above. Using the same spray can, the discharged burst in grams from the RCAD was then compared to manual spraying using the same criteria. This allowed us to identify whether the primary source of variation in the burst density was the result of variation in the interior pressure of the can, the propellant concentration, or heterogenous application by the manual operator.
Validation of the alternative approach for testing aerosol insecticidal
Chamber and equipment decontamination
Chamber decontamination must be performed after each test, but the thorough internal washing method recommended by WHO guideline (15) uses water piped through a hose; in our routine, this approach was the most time-consuming step for bioassay’s set-up so we designed and tested a wipe-based decontamination procedure.
Briefly, the wipe-based decontamination is performed by spraying 5% of detergent solution (Decon 90) and surface scrubbing using a sponge with the following scrubbing with a stainless-steel squeegee window cleaner. Then, any detergent residue was removed by rinsing all surfaces with deionized and then applying a stainless-steel squeegee window cleaner.
To verify the effectiveness of the wipe-based approach, assuming < 20% threshold for unsatisfactory decontamination as WHO guideline (15), after each PG–chamber decontamination, susceptible mosquitoes (Kisumu) were tested using WHO cone bioassays (14). For each chamber, six cones with 10 mosquitoes each, one per surface, were fixed onto walls. To provide a stringent test, cone tests were performed for an exposure period of one hour, applied to WHO tube assays (12). After exposure, mosquitoes were transferred to a holding cup and provided with 10% glucose for a 24-hour period after which mortality was recorded. Holding cups were kept at 27 ± 2 °C temperature, 80 ± 10% humidity and 12:12 hour photoperiod (light: dark).
Cages and other movable equipment were decontaminated by soaking in 5% Decon 90 solution for a minimum of 2 hours then rinsed thoroughly with tap water and deionized water. To verify the effectiveness of cage decontamination, two cages with 10 susceptible mosquitoes (Kisumu) were kept at 27 ± 2 °C temperature, 80 ± 10% humidity and 12:12 hour photoperiod (light: dark) for scoring the 24 hours mortality. Only batch of clean cages with zero mortality was used for bioassays.
The removable parts of the fan were treated as above whilst the fan blades and wireframe were cleaned with 5% volume of Decon 90 on a sponge.
Dual-Cage bioassay approach
To enable aerosol droplets diffusion to the interior of cages, all-around mesh cages are recommended. To provide this we modified a 24.5 x 24.5 x 24.5 cm (650 µm mash aperture - BugDorm-4M2222 Insect Rearing Cage), by using the cage’s meshed sleeve to replace the plastic on the bottom. Since PG–chamber assays are time-consuming and could be prone to locational heterogeneity, we also incorporated a split wall at the centre of the cage (Figure 5C). This doubles assay throughput, and also allows side-by-side testing of strains for comparison (e.g. resistant and susceptible mosquitoes).
To assess whether this added internal dividing wall might lead to an uneven aerosol droplet spreading within the cages, the knockdown of mosquitoes from the same colony was tested in parallel in each side. In addition to knockdown at the end of the trial, we scored knockdown every 5 min for 60 min, following direct observation at each of the four chamber’s glass windows as well as based on bioassay footage recorded at 60 frames per second with 1.1 x zoom using an action camera (The Xtreme I+ 4K, Campark). In some tests, at the same time as cage assays, 50 mosquitoes were released within the same chamber for direct comparison between the standard free-flying and cage-based approaches.
Dual-cage assay validation
Despite a fan for insecticide dispersion being applied for testing volatile products using a cage-base assay, this airflow is not required for testing free-flying mosquitoes against aerosolized insecticides following the WHO guidelines (14). For commercial formulations, manufacturer instructions recommend a spray burst for 3 - 6 seconds, which in our testing system corresponds to 5 - 9 grams. Such a spray duration created residual droplets and gathering of spray foam on the chamber’s surface facing the aerosol deployment direction, suggesting poor homogeneity in dispersal.
To facilitate homogenous aerosol dispersion, we implemented a fan with a set-up as described beforehand. To assess whether the fan affected mosquito knockdown, two alternative conditions were tested: a) fan ventilation for 1 min at the start of the assay and b) fan ventilation for the full 1-hour assay duration. For each setting, a pairwise comparison between the free-flying and cage-based approach was performed through side-by-side assays using 50 free-flying resistant mosquitoes (Cayman colony) and four cages with 25 mosquitoes each containing either susceptible (New Orleans) or resistant (Cayman) colonies. One cage from each colony was placed into the opposing chamber corners.
To investigate the impact of the fan’s airflow disruption on the free-flying mosquito’s knockdown a covering was applied to the chamber’s floor with a grid of 36 squares of 30 X 30 cm. The number of knocked-down mosquitoes within each square was recorded after 1h-exposure to aerosol. At the end of the trial, both free-flying and cage-confined mosquitoes were transferred to a holding cup and provided with 10% glucose for a 24-hour period after which mortality was recorded. Holding cups were kept at 27 ± 2 °C temperature, 80 ± 10% humidity and 12:12 hour photoperiod (light: dark).
Analysis used a binomial generalized linear model (GLM) using the IBM SPSS v26 software, with knockdown or mortality as the independent variable and airflow ventilation length and bioassay type (cage-based and free-flying mosquitoes) as factors.