The Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) correlates of early waveforms, MMN and N400 entities namely, amplitude and latency, were analysed at scalp areas of left anterior region (F1, F3, FC1, FC3), right anterior region (F2, F4, FC2, FC4), left central region (C1, C3, CP1, CP3), right central region (C2, C4, CP2, CP4), left posterior region (P1, P3, P5, PO3) and right posterior region (P2, P4, P6, PO4). These regions were chosen in order to assess and explore the effect of rule abstraction task of the Working Human Mind in real-time at the said targeted area as the underlying specific areas of human brain have been proposed to be the nidus seeding zones responsible for neural dynamical processing antecedent to abstract regularities that incidentally happens to the singular and primal neurophysiological event, quintessential to learning of the so-called structured means of communication known as language. In the present study, the patterning of amplitude and latency components of ERP early waveforms, MMN, N400 in response to different events/stimuli of standard stimuli, phoneme deviant stimuli and rule deviant stimuli were comparatively assessed across proviso of both consonant and vowel condition, i.e., when the rules were applied and run-on on vowels in a three syllabic CVCVCV non-word and on the three-syllabic consonants non-word. The comparison was made within the condition amongst different stimuli classes and also across the vowel and consonant conditions.
Behavioural Test
When after the long exposure of the test stimuli, participants underwent a 2-alternative forced choice test, where 8 pairs of novel test non- word were created, out of which one word has the same rule as standard stimuli ABB rule while the other word has ABC rule implemented according to the condition (on vowel in vowel condition and on consonants in consonant condition). The percentage of correct response were than compared against the chance (being chance of 50%). In vowel condition participants performed above the chance level (mean = 61.25%, SD of 11.536). Participants performed above chance in the consonant condition as well (mean = 60.416%, SD of 12.319) (refer Table No.1). When comparing both the condition no significant difference was appreciated between the consonant and vowel condition suggesting that participants learn the rule independently of whether it was implemented over consonants or vowel in a rule learning task. However previous studies have found a significant difference between rule processing over consonants and vowels, where participants found it difficult to learn rules over consonant in a non-word stimulus, though the exposure of participants to the implemented rule was of 5mins duration, whereas it was 45mins in the current experiment. Similar response was observed when participants were presented with tokens instantiating the rule during approximately 30 minutes30. This suggests that the lengthy exposure to the words with abstract pattern should have given participants enough time to identify the rules over both consonants and vowel.
In the vowel condition when a standard auditory stimuli is presented repeatedly to the participant subject with infrequent deviant stimuli (either the rule deviant or phoneme deviant) in vowel condition, no significant difference could be appreciated across any of the said component during presentation of phoneme deviant stimuli, whereas rule deviant stimuli over vowel condition evoked and set in motion an appreciably significant difference in amplitude (i.e., a significantly increased amplitude on rule deviant stimuli presentation) globally, across the anterior, central and posterior EEG leads. The deviant rule stimuli of ABA (vis-à-vis ABB rule) evinces a significantly heightened ERP amplitude [epitomizes neuronal pools firing in synchrony of Event-Related Synchrony (ERS)] across P50 early component, MMN and N400 waveforms along vowel axes, represents inherent neural dynamical response to novel stimuli of ABA rule deviant phenomenology amidst sequential ABB prototype. It has been documented that neural dynamical phenomenon of ERS exemplifies the distinctive featured response of distributed neuronal pools to a novel stimulus, that was replicated in the present research paradigm in the singular prototype of rule deviant stimuli across vowels entities. Such an archetypal response characterizes the rule/principle abstraction qualia of vowels, that sets in motion the “abstraction principle”, the distinguishing neurophysiological feature (feature detector) of vowels.
Such a singular observation further substantiates the rule abstraction paradigmatic role of vowels (vis-à-vis lexicon access), while neural dynamically processing a novel non-meaningful word (non-sense word). This phenomenology/singular event of rule abstraction (abstraction principle) seemingly is an innate inherent paradigmatic originating maxim of language making its appearance early on the neural dynamic landscape of ERP waveforms, the early component. This observed change in early component at 45 milliseconds (ms) has been appreciated by change in the acoustic stimuli and has been proposed to reflect the arousal level of the participant subjects listening to the speech arrayed sequences31. Morris et al. in 201632 documented similar findings with P50 dynamics after subtle variations on the quality of synthesized diphthongs that was further replicated by Monte-Ordoño and Toro in 201730 after the onset of last syllable at around 50 ms. The MMN ERP waveform has been observed after the presentation of deviant and novel auditory stimuli, including speech33,34. Even though N400 component has been traditionally associated with lexical processes, some studies have observed that N400 waveform is related to abstract structure processing in a rule learning task35. N400 has also been observed during abstract grammar processing36 and with non-members in a categorization task37 that further substantiates the role of N400 ERP waveform in rule deviant stimuli across vowel condition.
Another interesting observation is the appreciation of the underlying neural dynamical processes involved across categorical stimuli of standard, phoneme and rule deviant protocols. The spiking and an enhanced amplitude across rule deviant stimuli represents the neural conception of a novel stimulus (vis-à-vis rule deviant) that needs to be learnt and consolidated as memory across the interfacial neuronal system of Mirror Neuron System (MNS) through the self-iterating neural mechanisms transforming the singularity of Event-Related Synchrony (ERS) into open neural gates of Event-Related Desynchrony (ERD), facilitating flow of information that is tangible, reproducible and learnt38.
The observation in terms of latency of early component, MMN and N400 of ERP variables in vowel condition displayed no significant change in latency across the said ERP waveforms when the same were comparatively evaluated across the façade of standard stimuli and phoneme deviant stimuli. However, a significant difference in latency of respective ERP waveforms could be appreciated globally across the anterior, central and posterior EEG leads when assessed comparatively along the two experimental conditions of standard stimuli and rule deviant (refer Table No.3). Such differential latency profile could be observed more acutely in N400 component of ERP waveform equally along both the right and left hemispheres. However, a statistically appreciable difference in latency (a quantal decrease) across early component and MMN variable of ERP waveform was more profound along left hemispheric EEG Lead as compared to that observed along right hemispheric EEG leads. Significantly longer latency in early components with attention condition than divert condition was observed by Morris, Steinmetzger & Tøndering, 201632. Although significant difference is found only with rule deviant in terms of decreased latency in the present study, such a decrease in latency with deviant stimuli were observed while deviating the phonemic category, duration and loudness when semi-synthetic vowel stimuli were presented in an oddball paradigm39.
It is interesting to observe that vowels, one of the primary elements of language, initiate an innate rule/principle abstraction principle during neuronal processing and on violation, elicits a patterned response in form of statistically significant increased amplitude globally in ERP waveforms of early component, MMN and N400 with a decreased latency in appearance of early component and MMN waveforms with antecedent enhanced timeline for N400 waveform. The gate in form of an enhanced amplitude (the exotic gate of ERS) and decreased latency in exogenous component with increased endogenous N400 latency is the basic neuronal effect so observed here and such an event, incidentally, is contributing to the underlying parametric principle of language superimposed with constraints of time.
In consonant condition significant increase in the amplitude of early component, P50 (at around 53 ms) could be appreciated on presentation of phoneme deviant globally across anterior, central and posterior electrode sites whereas similar comparative increase in amplitude could be appreciated locally and singularly across posterior parietal EEG electrode site of P50 only, on presentation of rule deviant stimuli (vis-à-vis averaged amplitude graphic on standard stimuli presentation). Such a comprehensive and unqualified ERP waveform amplitude peaking across phoneme deviant stimuli presages and proclaims the discriminatory lexicon access function of consonants, as had been documented by previous studies as well27,40.
However, the amplitude variability pattern across MMN and N400 ERP waveforms across varied EEG electrode sites was different. A significantly increase in ERP waveforms amplitude in the phoneme deviant stimuli (vis-à-vis standard stimuli in MMN waveform at around 180 ms) could be appreciated globally across all EEG electrode sites, though the rule deviant stimuli paradigm could also elicit significant increase in amplitude of the waveform across select frontal, central and posterior EEG electrode sites of F4, C1, C2, P3, P5, PO3 and P2. A similar observation could also be appreciated across N400 ERP waveform response to the paradigmatic research protocol wherein a global amplitude increase on presentation of phoneme deviant stimuli (vis-à-vis standard stimuli) could be appreciated, though a localized amplitude increase could be appreciated on presentation of rule deviant stimuli (vis-à-vis standard stimuli) across select central and posterior EEG electrode sites namely CP3, C2, C4, CP2, CP4 and P3, PO3, P6, respectively (refer Table No.4). This is an interesting observation in across the premise that consonants, in their pristine edifice, are primally involved in lexicon access and such a dual divergent profiling across both phoneme and rule deviants gives an ambivalent spectrum and flavour to the entity of consonants, underscoring the fact that consonants (so conscripted in the present research design) on voicing essentially need the spousal support and patronage of vowels. Moreover, as highlighted earlier, the primacy and novelty of a stimulus is singularly etched on the stochastic trajectorial phase-space of human mind as ERS (Event-Related Synchrony), the distributed neuronal pools firing in phase and synchrony in response to a perceivable and legitimate neural stimulus that with the timeline and time frame of neurophysiological cellular and molecular correlates of memory and learning is morphed and transformed into ERD (Event-Related Desynchrony)41,42.
It would be worthwhile to mention that such a patterned reinforced neural dynamical global response to the trisyllabic syllable of CVCVCV being manipulated experimentally across phoneme axis in consonant condition underscores the fact that presentation of novel consonant phoneme acoustic (through phoneme deviant stimuli) recruits dedicated neuronal pools across the cortical hemispheres to evolve the archetypal peaking neural response of an unlearnt behaviour (metamorphosed into blunting decreased amplitude response of a learnt behaviour)42,43. The heightened ERP waveforms (Event-Related Synchrony, ERS) are neural dynamical closed system gates of mesoscopic scale that transmuted and translated through the molecular neurophysiological synaptic mechanism of memory into neural dynamical open system gates of Event-Related Desynchrony (ERD)44, the neural dynamical response at mesoscopic level narrating appearance of a learnt memory of the event on the horizon of human mind stochastic trajectorial phase-space reflective of underlying ongoing cellular neurophysiological process of successful flow of neural information. ERS, on the other hand, represents the neural dynamical response to a novel event with closed neural gates wherein, flow of neural information taking place only on successful acquisition of learnt memory neural molecular synaptic correlates45,46, being represented mesoscopically through open neural gates of ERD.
Nevertheless, it is interesting to note the ambivalent ERP character response in consonant condition across the two deviant stimuli of phoneme and rule precept, as could be distinguished from the singular response in rule deviant stimuli when executed through vowel preceptorial landscape highlighting abstraction principle of salience of vowels. It further corroborates the admixed qualia of consonants in assessing lexicon from the available and learnt lexical repertoire through their specific neural signature pool and the associative abstraction role of consonant that essentially need to be admixed with vowel (for voicing) from the pre-formed neural linguistic plasma/sea in a rule learning task across select distributed neuronal pools47. The increased amplitude of early component of ERP suggests the processing of a novel syllable transitions present within the deviant stimuli. Such processing likely involves online updating of the incongruent information present in the deviant stimuli (vis-à-vis the standard stimuli)30. The increased amplitude with respect to MMN component after presentation of both phoneme and rule deviant stimuli have been reported typically due to the by local, physical changes in the auditory input49, the association of N400 ERP waveform with the lexical search need further elaboration49,50 and observations of the present research protocol that exemplifies a significant dual response in both deviant stimuli conditions (rule and phoneme) further substantiates the reliance of consonants on vowels, the logical and mutual betrothal, for making their appearance on the horizon of the neurolinguistic plane51. In consonant condition significant difference could be appreciated in the latency of novel phoneme deviant stimuli (vis-à-vis standard stimuli) in the early component of ERP and MMN, P50 globally in anterior, central and posterior electrode sites. Though with rule deviant stimuli a localised response was appreciated in latency of MMN in select anterior and posterior EEG electrode sites. On the other hand, the latency correlate of N400 endogenous (representing associative cognitive neural processing) ERP waveform increased in phoneme and rule deviant stimuli protocols. This response with the phoneme deviant stimuli profiled a more generalized response across central and posterior EEG electrode sites with rule deviant stimuli registering a significant response at only at select anterior EEG electrode sites (F1 EEG lead).
Such responses demonstrate different neural electrophysiological responses on violation of abstract rules over distinct phonetic categories of vowel and consonants in a task involved in pattern generalization and lexical decision, with such a distinctive characteristic across neural feature detectors of vowels and consonants appears early on the stochastic trajectorial phase-space of Human Mind as could be appreciated along both exogenous and endogenous variates of ERP waveforms. The differential changing consonant patterning initiates neural dynamical processes of lexicon access and mining, the sematic learning, with enhanced MMN and N400 ERP waveform response on variation and deviation of phonemes and variable vowel abstraction rule patterning initiates neural dynamics that give rise to the singularity of syntactic learning.
Such an inferential undermines the neural categorical connectomes of vowels and consonants in rule/principle abstraction and lexicon recognition and access that go on to form constructs for syntax and semantics, respectively.
The differential neural dynamic responses as exemplified by categorical representation in form of significant decrease in latency and or increase in amplitude suggest and support the modular fractal functioning of the human mind, where the fractals of latency and amplitude iterate and self-iterate that tend to form a pattern, reproducible and validated, specific for unitary and replete language constituents of vowels and consonants. The increased amplitude of ERP waveform exemplifies Event-Related Synchrony (ERS) of neuronal pools firing in phase and archetypal of innate neural processing of information consolidation and representation of the arrival of the novel stimulus on the stochastic trajectorial horizon of Human Mind that is subsequently transformed through saturation of the self-iterative neural processing into memory and learning exemplified on the mesoscopic scale as Event-Related Desynchrony (ERD), the harbinger to open neural gate system facilitating flow of information for further processing and association. The global response along categorial comparative analysis of deviant and standard stimuli within and across consonants and vowels conditions further necessitates the presence of an interfacial neuronal system, Mirror Neuron System (MNS), that uphold the primacy of neural dynamics of ERS and ERD, the gateway for facilitation of flow of tangible, adequate and reproducible neural information essential for association and cognitive processing.
The results of the present study add to a growing literature demonstrating that vowels and consonants trigger different neural responses, as exemplified during abstract rule learning wherein early ERP components, MMN and N400 waveforms could form potential candidates for detection of the neural signature of vowel and consonant profiles in the field of neurolinguistics, that could act as the platform for development of the hierarchical fractal algorithm needed in the domain of Brain-Computer Interface [BCI], an offshoot of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The segregation and categorisation of constituent letters of any language into vowels and consonants (during its evolution and growth through phonemic environment) on the basis of the different articulatory mechanistic seem to profile the constituent letters [vowels and consonants], phonemes, syllables, words, phrase and sentence and determine their orderly placement giving rise to a meaningful word, and hence evolving a definite means of communication which is viable in the present scenario and is tend to be valid and reproducible in the future and hence supporting the argument that the architecture of the mind is more pervasively modular.
Limitations of the Present Study:
This study had the following limitations:
- The Ag/AgCl surface electrodes might have caused errors during recoding because of movement of electrodes on scalp causing poor signal quality (more noise, poor contact).
- The room was sound attenuated but not perfectly quiet so it might have assed additional distraction to the subject.
- In the present study, Electrooculogram recordings were not taken and therefore if eye blinks artefacts might have occurred.
- The head movement during the recording might have affected the results by causing small variation to the distance between eyes and monitor. A head rest could have solved this problem.
Future perspectives:
ERP waveform such as Early component at around 40 to 75ms, MMN and N400 can be studies for the detection of the neural signature of the vowels and Consonants described by the linguists in a non-invasive fashion which can further explore the vast field of brain computer interface and possible implication of neural signature of spoken language. The phonological processing of vowel and consonants through the amplitude and latency of said waveform may provide some useful insight. Also, to reveal the underlying neural mechanism we can also combine other ERP components in the generation of the different neuronal patterns of phonological processing of phonemes and abstraction of rule applied to a word in a language during a rule learning task. Moreover, rule abstraction principles on different phonemic classes of consonants and vowels need further analysis through ERP components to get a better insight of the language processing and comprehension.