A. Fuel Properties
The 95 gasoline measured from the experiment with a density of 0.73 kg/L is lower than the standard, which is 0.741 kg/L. The viscosity of 0.72 cSt is in the standard range, which is 0.40–0.80 cSt.
The kerosene measured from the experiment with a density of 0.800 kg/L is lower than the standard, which is 0.807 kg/L. The viscosity of 1.19 cSt is lower than the standard, which is 1.24 cSt.
The diesel fuel measured from the experiment with a thickness of 0.814 kg/L is lower than the standard, which is 0.837 kg/L. The viscosity of 3.44 cSt is in the standard, which is 1.80–4.10 cSt.
B. Effects of Temperature Changes of Pyrolysis with HDPE and PET by Mobile Pyrolysis Reactor
1) Effects of temperature changes on sampling.
It was found that the products obtained from pyrolysis of high density polyethylene produce liquid products more than from the pyrolysis of polyethylene terephthalate, which is essentially gas and solid. The high density polyethylene plastic breaks down at lower temperature than polyethylene terephthalate plastic. The pyrolysis of high density polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate at the temperature of 400, 425 and 450ºC produce the oil 22.5, 27 and 40.5 L, respectively. It was found that the temperature at 450ºC is the temperature that produce the most amount of pyrolysis oil in this experiment.
2) Effects of Temperature Change on Sampling Time
From the density analysis of pyrolysis of high density polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate at the temperature of 40ºC, it was found that the density values at 400, 425 and 450ºC are 0.668, 0.67 and 0.672 kg/L, respectively. The densities of each condenser are 0.672, 0.69, 0.7063 and 0.7102 kg/L, respectively. Considering the difference sampling time of 10 minutes, the densities are 0.672, 0.722 and 0.729 kg/L, respectively. The density has increased significantly according to the temperature of the pyrolysis, the collecting samples from each condenser, and for a longer collecting time.
From the viscosity analysis of pyrolysis of high density polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate, at temperatures of 400, 425 and 450ºC, the viscosities are 3.287, 3.289 and 3.297 cSt, respectively. Considering each condenser, the viscosities are 3.297, 3.350 and 3.366 cSt, respectively. For the sampling time of 10 minutes, the viscosities are 3.297, 4.599 and 4.725 cSt, respectively. The viscosity has increased according to the temperature of the pyrolysis, the collecting samples from each condenser, and a longer period of collecting time.
To increase the purity of the liquid products obtained from pyrolysis of high density polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate at various temperature ranges. It was found hydrocarbon compounds with C5-C7 at temperature lower than 65ºC. Hydrocarbon compounds with C6–C12 were found at temperature range of 65–170ºC. The C10–C14 were found at temperature range of 170–250 ºC. Finally, at above 250ºC, there was C14–C19 hydrocarbon.
3) Results of Purification by Distillation
The amount of pyrolysis oil obtained from the purity of distillation at various temperatures of the distillation in the first sample collecting at the temperature range of lower than 65, 65–170, 170–250 and more than 250ºC are gasoline, kerosene and diesel with volumes of 60, 90 and 39 mL, respectively. In the second sample collecting, 10 minutes after the first one, at the temperature range of lower than 65, 65–170, 170–250 and more than 250ºC, it was found gasoline, kerosene and diesel with volumes of 55, 70 and 29 mL, respectively.
In the second sample collecting, 20 minutes after the first one, at the temperature range of lower than 65, 65–170, 170–250 and more than 250ºC, it was found gasoline, kerosene and diesel with volumes of 47, 75 and 31 mL, respectively. Immediately collecting sample when the temperature reaches the specified point, the distillation product increases the volume of gasoline, kerosene and diesel.