Study design and participants
This was a prospective study design.Neonates diagnosed with HIE at the First Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China from January 2018 to October 2021.According to the grading criteria, children with HIE were graded according to the < Diagnostic criteria for neonatal ischemic-hypoxic encephalopathy>[6].
A total of 60 infants diagnosed with neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, aged within 1 day, were diagnosed in the neonatal unit of our hospital. The inclusion criteria were based on the diagnostic criteria of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, a history of severe fetal intrauterine distress and abnormal obstetric conditions that could explicitly lead to fetal intrauterine distress, or a history of significant asphyxia during delivery; neurological symptoms appearing shortly after birth and lasting for more than 24 hours, such as altered consciousness, altered muscle tone, abnormal primitive reflexes, convulsions in severe cases, and increased fontanelle tone; exclusion of intracranial Convulsions caused by hemorrhage, birth injury, electrolyte disturbance, genetic metabolic diseases, intrauterine infections, and other congenital diseases was excluded. All cases were not treated with hypothermia prior to MRI examination.The child was seen again 1 month after treatment and a prognostic assessment was performed by the associate neonatologist, all newborns were successfully scored on NBNA at follow-up.They were selected and divided into favourable outcome and adverse outcome groups according to the NBNA (neonatal behavioral neurological assessment, NBNA) scores[7].
The control group consisted of 60 full-term normal neonates, 34 males and 26 females(The number of male and female gender was the same as the HIE group), aged within 1 day,they had no neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, asphyxia, epilepsy, congenital heart disease, or other conditions that could potentially affect cerebral blood flow, and no additional medication was given in association with them who underwent routine MR scan and 3D ASL for other diseases, and all neonates had an Apgar 4–10 score and no abnormalities on MR scan.
Study selection
All of them underwent cranial MRI examination within 1 day after birth. Parents of the neonates gave informed consent and signed the informed consent form. NBNA scores were completed at 28–30 days after birth to assess the prognosis of the neonates, and the prognosis was grouped according to the score, with 35 or more points being the favourable outcome group and less than 35 points being the adverse outcome group.The NBNA score was performed by two experienced neonatologists and the MRI 3D ASL images were reviewed by two associate radiologists.
A 3.0T MR scanner (GE Discovery MR750, General Electric, USA), ADW4.6 workstation and 16-channel dedicated head coil were used to examine sequences including T1WI, T2WI, DWI and 3D ASL in the transverse position and T2WI in the sagittal position.3D-ASL sequence parameters: TR = 4376 ms, TE = 11 ms, flip angle = 111°, FOV = 16 cm×16 cm, layer thickness = 4.0 mm, PLD(post labeling delay time,PLD) = 1025 ms[8], 3 NEX(Number of Excitation,NEX). DWI was performed using planar echo imaging (echo-planar imaging, EPI) with TR 4 000 ms, TE 50 ms, layer thickness 4 mm, b-value of 0, 1 000 s/mm2, and 2 NEX.
Data extraction and assessment of study quality
The neonate was sedated with 5% chloral hydrate 0.5 ml/Kg orally 30 min before the examination to ensure that the neonate completed the MRI examination in a sleepy state. The neonate's head was fixed with a sponge to prevent head movement, and cotton balls were inserted into the neonate's ear to protect hearing. To reduce the risk of transporting the neonate from the ward to the MRI examination room and to monitor the neonate's condition in real time, a neonatologist accompanied the neonate until the examination was completed and the neonate returned to the ward.
All data were uploaded to the GE AW 4.6 workstation .The CBF maps were obtained using Functool software. All measurements and reading were performed by experienced associate radiologists. The CBF value of the area of interest was measured, and the ROI size was (10 ± 2)mm2, ROI should be selected to avoid blood vessels, more cerebral sulci, and other locations, and the same site was measured three times each, and the average value was taken as the final result. The level of the area of interest was determined according to the anatomical landmarks.
The area and location were ensured to be the same for all neonates.Mirror drawing method was used to ensure that the contralateral ROI is in a symmetrical position. The area of interest included bilateral basal ganglia, thalamus, and frontal white matter. The ROIs were outlined at the corresponding sites on the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map. The ADC values were measured, and co-alignment of ROI ranges of 3D ASL images with ADC maps.
The neonate was sedated with 5% chloral hydrate 0.5 ml/Kg orally 30 min before the examination to ensure that the neonate completed the MRI examination in a sleepy state. The neonate's head was fixed with a sponge to prevent head movement, and cotton balls were inserted into the neonate's ear to protect hearing. To reduce the risk of transporting the neonate from the ward to the MRI examination room and to monitor the neonate's condition in real time, a neonatologist accompanied the neonate until the examination was completed and the neonate returned to the ward.
All data were uploaded to the GE AW 4.6 workstation .The CBF maps were obtained using Functool software. All measurements and reading were performed by experienced associate radiologists. The CBF value of the area of interest was measured, and the ROI size was (10 ± 2)mm2, ROI should be selected to avoid blood vessels, more cerebral sulci, and other locations, and the same site was measured three times each, and the average value was taken as the final result. The level of the area of interest was determined according to the anatomical landmarks.
The area and location were ensured to be the same for all neonates.Mirror drawing method was used to ensure that the contralateral ROI is in a symmetrical position. The area of interest included bilateral basal ganglia, thalamus, and frontal white matter. The ROIs were outlined at the corresponding sites on the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map. The ADC values were measured, and co-alignment of ROI ranges of 3D ASL images with ADC maps.
Statistical analysis
SPSS 20.0 software (IBM SPSS Statistics 20, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) was used for statistical analysis. Measures were expressed with chi-squared test;One-way ANOVA was used to observe whether there were differences between mean values of CBF for Control group, adverse outcome group and favourable outcome groups in the same region of interest.Multiple comparisons were performed using the LSD method (homogeneity of variance) and the Tamhane method (uneven variance) based on the homogeneity of variance test results.
The correlation analysis between CBF values in the area of interest and NBNA score in different prognostic groups was performed by Pearson's method, and r values were listed separately. r > 0 was positive correlation and r < 0 was negative correlation.|r|=0 for no correlation at all, 0<|r|<0.3 for low correlation, 0.3≤|r|<0.8 for moderate correlation, 0.8≤|r|<1 for high correlation, and |r|=1 for complete correlation to assess the correlation between CBF and NBNA scores.All statistical results were considered statistically significant at P < 0.05.
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to analyze the predictive value, the sensitivity and specificity at the recommended cutoff value and the best cutoff value of ROC.