In tributaries with stable water temperatures (i.e., spring-fed tributaries), southern Asian Dolly Varden abundance and the species ratio in two congeneric salmonids were stable throughout the seasons, consistent with our initial hypothesis. In contrast, seasonal variation in white-spotted charr abundance was not explained by water temperature stability. We found no evidence of winter immigration/aggregation in these tributaries, whereas some previous studies reported winter immigration to warmer tributaries [20, 21]. Water temperature had significant positive effects on the proportion of white-spotted charr during summer, consistent with previous studies [8, 13], but had negative effects during late autumn and winter (Figure 3). The change in the trend, however, is an artefact caused by the consistent dominancy of the southern Asian Dolly Varden in spring-fed tributaries throughout the season, in which the water temperature is lower in summer but higher in winter. Overall, water temperature alone did not explain the abundance and species ratio of the two congeneric salmonids, where temperature-dependent competition has been reported [8, 13]. We discuss the importance of taking seasonality into account when understanding the abundance and distribution of potentially competing salmonids, as well as implications for global climate change.
The southern Asian Dolly Varden dominated in spring-fed tributaries throughout the season, and the abundance and ratio of the southern Asian Dolly Varden were stable. This is partly because the southern Asian Dolly Varden is a more cold-adapted species than the white-spotted charr [e.g., 1, 32]. Accordingly, the former may be competitively dominant over the latter in spring-fed tributaries where the temperature is colder in growing seasons (from spring to summer) [8, 13, 33]. However, the seasonal variation in the white-spotted charr abundance was not explained by temperature variation. There are several reasons for the conflicting results. First, the southern Asian Dolly Varden performed “comparatively better” under lower temperatures, but white-spotted charr may always be superior for direct competition [8, 13]. Thus, irrespective of temperature, white-spotted charr might have immigrated to the tributaries when they needed [e.g. for nursery or escape from the flood, 34]. Indeed, in spring-fed tributaries, the abundance of age 0+ white-spotted charr was remarkably higher in August or September than in July, despite stable water temperature and high abundance of southern Asian Dolly Varden. This immigration may provide some benefits to age 0+ white-spotted charr, such as providing shelter from predators and foraging habitat. These results suggested that white-spotted charr may not be negatively affected by competition, in contrast to southern Asian Dolly Varden, supporting the above interpretation. Second, in later summer or autumn, interference competition might have become weaker due to the preparations for breeding or overwintering. In fact, the feed intake and growth rate are greatly reduced from late summer in salmonids [35, 36]; furthermore, aggressive interactions decrease or disappear in winter [37, 38]. Thus, white-spotted charr could have immigrated to the cold tributaries due to the release of competition even though they are subdominant.
While previous studies have demonstrated the winter immigration or aggregation of salmonids in warm tributaries [20, 21], we found no evidence in our tributaries, including spring-fed tributaries; rather, both the numbers of southern Asian Dolly Varden and white-spotted charr decreased in winter. Previous studies have demonstrated winter immigration in masu salmon and rainbow trout, both belonging to the genus Oncorhynchus, whereas the number of sympatric white-spotted charr declined [39]. Thus, species- or genus-specific winter ecology might explain the different outcomes. In winter, anchor ice and reduced water discharge limit the space for wintering habitat [40], and therefore, interspecific competition for refuges could be stronger. In contrast, a previous study also reported winter aggregation in mixed species of salmonids [41], suggesting a lack of strong interspecific competition. Since winter is one of the critical seasons for the survival of salmonids [42], especially during juvenile stages, it is crucial to understand if or how interspecific competition occurs during winter.
Water temperature had significant effects on the proportion of the two congeneric salmonids, but the effects changed according to the seasons. This could indicate the existence of an optimal temperature (i.e., 6-8°C for the southern Asian Dolly Varden), but the narrow temperature range in October and December and the consistently high proportion of the southern Asian Dolly Varden in spring-fed tributaries suggest that the seasonal change in the temperature effects merely reflects the temperature regimes in the two types of tributaries rather than the seasonal reversal of the competitive relationship. These quantitative relationships, however, provide an important implication. The proportion of the two species sharply changed within a narrow temperature range (9-13°C) during summer (July and August) when the temperature was high. Irrespective of the mechanisms (e.g., species-specific habitat preference, temperature-dependent competition), this indicates that temperature fluctuation significantly affects salmonids, especially for the southern Asian Dolly Varden, which are cold-adapted species and competitively inferior [8, 13].
In summary, despite numerous studies on competition among salmonids, seasonal changes in interspecific competition and resultant distribution and abundance have been critically overlooked. Global warming strongly affects cold-water fish such as salmonids, particularly at the southern limit of a species distribution [43–47]. Nakano et al. [32] indicated that the southern Asian Dolly Varden is more vulnerable to global warming than the white-spotted charr using single-species models that do not account for season. However, some studies have noted that species replacement between competing species can occur as global warming progresses [e.g., 48], and thus, considering biotic interactions in the species distribution model is crucial [49–51]. The impact of global warming on the southern Asian Dolly Varden and white-spotted charr may change when considering season and competing species. Therefore, future studies require more realistic models that consider these factors.