Field observation, mineralogy and clay mineralogy, geochemistry of major, minor/trace, and rare earth elements and stable isotope analysis of the calcrete profiles are discussed as follows.
2.1. Field Observation
Calcrete occurs as gravel or granular layer at the upper part of the profile below the black soil and red teri soil. In the lower part of the profile shows an alternative layer of hard, compact, and chalky layer. Calcrete profile has a maximum thickness of 10 feet between black soil outcrop and weathered granite basement rocks in the metamorphic terrain and red soil and shell limestone basement rocks in the sedimentary terrain. Such similar observation has already been reported in Coimbatore region (Hema and Sankar, 2004) and Pandalgudi region (Udayanapillai et al., 2014, 2015). Calcrete profile in the sedimentary and metamorphic terrain shows the undulating profile below the red teri soil and black soil. Undulation in the calcrete profile below the teri soil and black may be due to the differential evapotranspiration of alkaline-rich groundwater. Soil consists of sand and clay content (Udayanapillai and Perumal, 2010). Elevated beak of the calcrete zone may be happened, due to the more porosity and permeability of sand grain. Calcrete profile is controlled by clay mineral content which will not be permeable to groundwater fluctuation, during the evapotranspiration process. Calcrete profile shows varied forms of massive, chalky, laminated calcrete, nodular, oolitic, and gravel calcrete forms (Fig. 2a-d). Micro-morphological feature of calcrete depends on the degree of carbonate availability from pedogenic or groundwater resources (Perumal and Udayanapillai, 2015, 2019). C3 and C4 plants represent arid and semi-arid climate conditions (Hema and Navin, 2004; Perumal and Udaiyanapillai, 2020). Rhizome concretions of calcrete were also observed in the roots of the plants Prosopis juliflora (C3) Arecaceae (C4), Acacia (C4) in both sedimentary and metamorphic areas. This indicates the causes for more evapotranspiration activities in the study area. Stylolite (CaCO3) banding of calcrete was also observed in the bottom of the compact teri sandstone beds. Alkaline rich groundwater has been derived from the sources of calc-alkaline and per-alkaline compositional basement rocks, such as from hornblende -biotite gneiss, crystalline limestone, calc-granulite, charnockite and granite, shell limestone, and calcareous sandstone rocks which causes for more calcrete development within the pedolith part of this study area.
2.2. Petro Mineralogy
Petro-mineralogical characters are shown in the photomicrographs (Fig. 3a-f). Petro-mineralogical study establishes petrography and textural characters. Horea Bedlean (2004) has been classified into alpha and beta calcrete. Alpha calcrete represents micro-nodules, circum-granular cracks, whereas beta calcrete represents microbial coating, needle fibre calcite, calcified microtubules, septal fabric, microcodium, and calcified pellets (Wright and Tucker, 1991; Horea Bedlean, 2004). But, it is not a hard and fast rule in possessing above micro-morphological characters (Udayanapillai et al., 2015). Petro-mineralogical characters of the area shows micritic calcite or microsparitic calcite rimming around quartz grain, lensoidal precipitation of micritic calcite, displacement of biotite flakes by micritic calcite and deep brown dendritic impregnation of sesquioxide (Al2O3Fe2O3) preservation. Sesquioxide preservation indicates arid and semi-arid climate. Such observations have already been reported in the calcrete of the Pandalgudi region (Udayanapillai et al., 2015) and calcrete of the Coimbatore region (Hema et al., 2010). Some calcrete section show calcified tubules, calcified microcystis, clay clast surrounded by a calloform structure of micritic calcite rimming. Micritic calcite precipitation in the pedogenic part of the soil may be due to the alkaline-rich groundwater fluctuation or from pedogenic leaching of meteoritic or surface water. Such similar observation have already been reported from various areas (Udayanapillai and Thirugnanasambandam 2006; Perumal and Udayanapillai, 2019, 2020).
2.3. XRD Analysis
Clay mineralogy of calcrete through XRD analysis is tabulated in (Table 2). Based on `d´ spacing values and their intensity, silicate minerals quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, hypersthene, gypsum, and little gypsum were identified. Clay minerals kaoline, palygorskite, sepiolite, beidellite, smectite, illite and montmorillonite were also identified from calcrete (Fig. 4a-d). Such similar observations of mineralogy and clay mineralogy in calcrete have already been reported in various areas (Hema and Navin, 2004; Udayanapillai and Thirugnanasambandam, 2012; Perumal and Udayanapillai, 2019; 2020).
2.5. Statistical Evaluation
Results of major element oxides, minor/trace elements, and rare earth elements of calcrete are interpreted with advanced geostatistical techniques, such as, multiple correlations, principal component analysis (PCA), and cluster analysis.
2.5.1. Multiple Correlations
Multiple correlations of all elements are presented in (Table 8). It is observed from the matrix that CaO shows high negative correlation relation with SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3,MgO,, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, trace elements Sc, V, Cr, Ni, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Hf. U and rare earth elements Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu. CaO is mainly obtained from groundwater and lithogenic and pedogenic associations are as added sources in the calcrete. CaO shows positive relation with Cu, Zn, Sr, Pb which indicates that they have derived from the same source of groundwater or surface water. High MgO content in calcrete may be due to Ph variation, PCO3 and landscape setting (Queen 2006). Contact of groundwater movement and soil boundary reflects high Mg content in the bottom samples (Queen 2006, Udayanapillai 2019). In the study area, there is uniformity in the concentration of CaO and MgO content in the first profile and second profile. But in the second profile, CaO content is more than MgO content which shows less value of MgO content than in the first profile. Alkaline rich water derived from the sedimentary basement aquifer, especially calcareous sandstone/shell limestone causes for higher concentration of CaO content and low MgO content than the first profile, which originated from the aquifer water of metamorphic basement rocks of weathered granite zones.
Distribution of Al2O3 vs K2O shows a high degree of positive correlation which reflects the clay mineral impurities in the calcrete. Al2O3 shows a high negative correlation with CaO, TCO3 and a low degree of negative relation with P2O5 and a low degree of positive relationships with all remaining elements. The clay minerals from the pedogenic and lithogenic sources, such as montmorillonite, illite, kaoline minerals may contribute Na2O, K2O, and Al2O3, during the calcretization process. Such relations of Al2O3 vs K2O in calcrete have been explained in various areas of calcrete deposits (Queen 2006, Hema et al., 2010; Udayanapillai and Thirugnanasambandam, 2012; Perumal and Udayanapillai 2020).
Fe2O3 vs CaO and TiO2 show a high degree of negative correlations and low degree of a negative relationship with the elements P2O5, Cu, Zn, Sr, Pb and a positive relationship with all other elements, as they are derived from different sources like, alkaline water and lithogenic/pedogenic association.
Fe2O3 vs Al2O3 show a high degree of positive correlation which may be due to the formation of sesquioxide preservation, during calcretization processes. A low degree of negative correlation exists with alkaline water resources elements, like CaO, P2O5, Cu, Zn, Sr, Pb and low positive relations with all remaining elements. Sesquioxide preservation in calcrete under tropical climates has already been reported in the Coimbatore calcrete (Hema et al., 2010) and Pandalgudi region (Udayanapillai et al., 2015). Presence of dendritic sesquioxide preservation in the thin section analysis supports the evidence of the calcrete formed under an arid and semi-arid climate.
SiO2 concentration might have contributed to calcrete from unaltered detrital quartz and feldspar from lithogenic/pedogenic sources during calcretization. SiO2 shows a negative correlation with alkaline water resources elements of CaO, P2O5, Cu, Zn, Pb and positive relations with all pedogenic/lithogenic elements. Other oxides Na2O, MnO, TiO2, and P2O5 are in less concentration in calcrete which mainly contributed from lithogenic/pedogenic sources, during the calcretization process.
Multiple correlations of many minor/trace elements, except Cu, Zn, Pb, and Tn, show a negative correlation with CaO. This result indicates that these exceptional elements are added to the alkaline water along with the carbonate phase, during the calcretization process. Other elements are obtained from the lithogenic/pedogenic sources, during the cacretization processes.
2.5.2. PCA Analysis
Many researchers have applied PCA in various geological studies (Srinivasa et al., 2013; Sridhar et al., 2014; Udayanapillai and Kaliammal 2016; Kuttalingam et al., 2018). PCA analysis reveals the data, eigen value, percentage of variance and cumulative variance, and component loading score of the PCA. The result of the five PCA components accounts for 97.07% of cumulative variance. PCA factor has been considered above the eigen value of 1(one). PCA components are associated with certain major oxides, minor/trace elements, and rare earth elements. They are given as follows in Table 8.
First component includes the greatest amount of variation in the sample. Fifth component has lesser significance. PCA components are systematically decreased from the first component to fifth component. Thus output of the PCA elements data can be used to highlight both the similarities and differences within a dataset.
2.5.3. Cluster Analysis
Cluster analysis mentions a direct relation between the parameters. It is performed on the basis of correlation materials (elements) and the arithmetic average of the correlation coefficient (Davis 1973; Harper 1999). Numerous researchers have applied cluster analysis in various geological studies. (Praus 2007; Srivastava et al., 2015; Udayanapillai and Kliammal 2016; Kuttalingam et al., 2018). In this study, cluster analysis is applied for observing 1). Ionic similarity of major elements, minor/trace elements, and rare earth elements. 2). Identifying similarity of the aerial grouping of calcrete profile samples composition. Ionic similarity of two calcrete profile samples and aerial grouping of similar two profile samples are interpreted by a paired group of dendrogram analysis and Euclidean distance method or Wards method group of dendrogram respectively. There are 3 paired groups of ionic clusters of major, minor/trace and rare earth elements established with the average relative similarity values of 175 (Table 9). Aerial grouping cluster of calcrete profile samples through wards group has established the two profile similarities of the chemical distribution as follows (Fig. 8a&b).
Profile – 3P1 + 2P1 – IP1 –relative distance – 280
Profile – IP2 + 4P2–2P2 + 5P2 + 3P2 – relative distance – 240
The above two aerial grouping clusters represent the average relative distance of 1120.
Thus, interrelationship and relative affinities of each parameter have been interpreted through these geostatistical techniques.
Table 8
Principal Components, Eigen values, Percentage Variances, Cumulative variances and PCA Components.
% variance
loading score
1. SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 + MgO + Na2O + K2O + TiO2 + Sc + V + Ga + Rb + Cs + Lu + Yb + Zr + Lu + Hf + Nb = 47.12%
2. MnO + Cr + Co + Ba + Eu + Y + Dy + Ho + Er + Tm + Tb + Sr = 22.05%
3. Th + U + La + Ce + Pr + Sm + Gd + Nd = 14.43%
4. P2O5 + TCO3 + LOI + CaO = 9.38%
5. Cu + Zn + Pb = 4.87%
2.6. Isotope Geochemistry
Results of stable isotope geochemistry of δ13C and δ18O, CaO, MgO, CaO/MgO, and Z values of two calcrete profiles are given in (Table 10, Fig. 9a&b). Palaeo-environment of carbonate deposits is determined through stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen (Eren et al, 2008; Chen et al., 2002). Concentration of carbon isotopes depends on the availability of plant species (Hema et al., 2010). Oxygen isotopes are widely used in palaeo-climate interpretation (Bradley, 1985; Chen et al., 2002). In general, stable isotopes of δ13C and δ18O values in carbonate reflect the genesis of the environment.
Table 9
Three paired group of ionic clusters of major, minor/trace and rare earth elements geochemistry.
Sl. No
Cluster components
Similarity distance or Correlation coefficients
SiO2 + Al2O3-Fe2O3 + MnO + CaO + Na2O + K2O + TiO2 + P2O5 + TCO3 + Sc + LOI + Sc + V-Cr + Co-Ni + Cu + Zn-Ga
Rb + Sr + Y-Zr + Nb-Cs + Ba
Hf-Pb + Th-U + La-Ce + Pr-Nd + Sm-Eu + Gd + Tb-Dy + HO + Er + Tm + Yb + Lu
Table 10
Stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and Oxygen (δ18O), CaO, MgO, CaO/MgO ratio and Z values in calcrete profile section 1&2.
S. No
δ13C ‰
δ18O ‰
CaO %
MgO %
CaO/MgO %
P1- 1 (Top)
P1-5 (Bottom)
P2-1 (Top)
P2-5 (Bottom)
Numerous scientists have analyzed the environmental significance of carbonate deposits through stable isotope signatures (Keith Weiber, 1964; Kumar et al., 1992, Ramkumar, 2008; Cerling and Quade, 1993, Paul knaults et al., 2000; Andrew and Hairuo 2004; Sinha et al., 2006, Armstrong Altrin et al., 2009; Hema et al., 2010; Nagarajan et al., 2013, Ersel Goz et al., 2014, Gazquez et al., 2017; Perumal 2017; Deiron et al., 2019; Hansen et al., 2019; Aeberty et al., 2010, Jackson et al., 2021). Hema et al., (2010) explained the stable isotope of oxygen and carbon in the regolith calcrete of Coimbatore region and C4 and C3 Plants causes for the diagenetic environment of δ13C and δ18O isotopes development in the calcrete deposits.
Singh et al., (2011) discussed the pedogenic carbonate from the Siwalik section in the Ramnagar basin to reconstruct the paleo-vegetation history over the past 12Ma. Carbon isotope records of the younger part (> 7 Ma). C3 and C4 plants such as Prosopis juliflora (C3), Arenacea (palm tree, C4) Acacia (C3) cause for the reconstruction of the diagenetic environment of stable isotopes of δ13C and δ18O values in pedogenic calcrete of the study area.
Stable isotope values of two calcrete profiles of the Sathankulam region are plotted on a bivariate climate plot (Fig. 10) (Julian Andrews et al., 1998) indicates an environment of weaker monsoonal climate or an arid environment. Singh et al., (2012) established the palaeo-precipitation record using oxygen isotopes in foreland basin sediments, NW India. Oxygen isotopes varied from − 12% to -5.89%. They observed progressive increasing oxygen isotope value in aridity period and low level range of oxygen isotope, during monsoonal precipitation.
The diagenetic environment of a stable isotope of δ13C and δ18O of calcrete profiles plotted on the diagram (After Keith and Weiber, 1964; Kumar et al., 1992, Ramkumar 2008, Gazquez, 2017) of the study area represents the meteoric diagenetic environment field or fresh continental water origin. (Fig. 11).
Hudson (1977) proposed a discriminatory diagenetic environment plot of δ13C and δ18O isotopes diagram (Fig. 12). He classified 17 environmental field regions in this diagram. Later many scientists applied this diagram to identify the carbonate environment (Nagarajan et al., 2008; Armstrong-Altrin et al., 2009; 2011).
Stable isotope value of carbon and oxygen of the two calcrete profile of the area plotted on Hudson Plot (1977) diagram falls on the field 12 and 13 which represents meteoric cement and freshwater limestone environmental field. CO2 degassing from alkaline water, evaporation, and evapo-transpiration, rainfall, temperature and mode of formation are the important factors that are attributed to the formation of calcrete. Discrimination of environment of marine and freshwater limestone has been established by Z values of stable isotope signature. (Keith and Weiber 1964; Stela Cuna et al., 2001, Armstrng-Alrin et al., 2003). Z value of stable isotopes are calculated in the following formula
Z = a (δ13C+50) + b (δ18O+50)
Where a & b are constants that have the values of 2.048 and 0.498 respectively.
Carbonate with Z values above 120 has been a marine environment. Those having a Z value below 120 have been considered as freshwater-type environments. Z value as 120 is treated as the intermediate environment of both marine and freshwater. Z value of two calcrete profiles of the area falls within the values of below 120 which indicate freshwater type origin of environment.