The knowledge of amphibian and reptile apicomplexan parasite diversity has increased notably in the last decade due to the use of molecular methods (O’Dwyer et al. 2013; Tomé et al. 2014; Harris et al. 2015). Here we analysed 145 individuals from 18 amphibian and reptile species from Iberian Peninsula to characterize the genetic diversity of haemosporidian and haemogregarine parasites. None of 86 individuals from five amphibian species were infected by these blood parasites. In contrast, six Hepatozoon and one Haemocystidum lineages were found infecting four reptile species. Notably, more than a half of these haplotypes had not been previously recorded in former studies. Moreover, our outcomes also revealed six new reptile – parasite records, thus identifying new host records for these parasites. These findings highlight the great unexplored diversity of apicomplexan parasites in reptiles from this region. Next, we will discuss these outcomes in detail.
Amphibians are hosts of a wide variety of hemoparasites including Haemogregarina, Hepatozoon, Lankesterella or Schellackia among others (Muriel et al. 2021). The presence of Haemoproteus in these animals is very unusual, having been identified only three species to date (Fantham et al. 1942), while haemogregarine parasites, and Hepatozoon species particularly, are more frequently recorded (e.g. Leal et al. 2009; Netherlands et al. 2015; Maia et al. 2016b). This is the first work studying apicomplexan parasites in Iberian amphibians, so although some infections have been found in reptiles from nearby localities (e.g. Marzal et al. 2017; this study), the absence of infected individuals could be explained by different factors. Firstly, these parasites normally have mosquito, leeches and ticks as principal vectors (Bardsley and Harmsen 1973; Desser 2001). However, while reptiles are mostly terrestrial, amphibians spend much of their time into the water. The absence of infected individuals in our samples could be due to the absence of appropriate aquatic vectors infecting amphibians in the study area or to the short exposure time to terrestrial vectors (Ball 1967; Barta and Desser 1984; Bennet et al. 1992). In addition, the available vectors in the area may have very specific feeding habits and amphibians would not be part of it or even a certain specialization of the parasite haplotypes infecting reptile species instead of amphibians (Apperson et al. 2004; Maia et al. 2016b; Fecchio et al. 2019). Another possible explanation is that the effects of the infection will result in the death of individuals, and only those whose good condition allowed them to survive were captured in this study (Bensch et al. 2007). Finally, amphibians can recognize both physical and chemical cues from some potential parasites, avoiding sites where vector or parasite densities are high (Kiesecker and Skelly 2000; Ferguson and Smith 2012).
The genus Plasmodium was not found in this study, in contrast with other studies in reptiles (e.g. Matta et al. 2018; Harris et al. 2019). On the contrary, two positive samples of Haemocystidium sp. and six of Hepatozoon sp. were found among reptiles studied. The reports of Haemocystidium sp. worldwide are still limited in literature, being found almost exclusively infecting some gecko and turtle species (Telford 2005; Javanbakh et al. 2015; Maia et al. 2016a) Thus, there is much work to be done about this controversial genus. Thus, to our knowledge, it represented the first report of Haemocystidium in western Europe and the first in the species Tarentola mauritanica. The phylogenetic analysis remained like those previously described (González et al. 2019; Austen et al. 2020) with a clade formed by chelonians and other by lacertids and snakes. The new isolate found from T. mauritanica could be placed together with this second clade, closely related to haplotypes from other gecko and a snake species. The presence of a Haemocystidium haplotype from a snake predator in a potential prey clade like the geckos, could be explained by the snake`s diet. It is suggested that certain Hepatozoon sp. could be transferred to a predator when consuming preys harbouring the parasite (Allen et al. 2011; Tomé et al. 2012, 2013). In this case, Naja annulifera could have acquired the Haemocystidium parasite from an infected gecko, explaining why the sequence is so close to that found in the geckos.
The haemogregarine genus Hepatozoon was the most time detected parasite found in this study with six haplotypes from six infected individuals. Hepatozoon is frequently reported infecting reptiles worldwide, with usually high prevalence (e.g. Ujvari et al. 2004; Maia et al. 2012, 2016b). Our results showed that the occurrence of Hepatozoon varied among species, as we only detected parasites in three of the thirteen species studied. Differences in susceptibility to infection among species could be associated with host immune defences, that can lead to prevent or better tolerate the infection (Klein 2004; Lindström et al. 2004). Alternatively, both the parasites and the vectors that transmit them may have a high degree of affinity for certain species of reptiles (Maia et al. 2016b; Fecchio et al. 2019). This may explain why some host species were more likely to be infected than others. Moreover, the host related variables, for example age or size (Brown et al. 2006; Salkeld and Schwarzkopf 2005), methodological aspects (Harris et al. 2011) or ecological factors (Sehgal et al. 2011; Gupta et al. 2013) must be also considered when analysing infection levels from different species and from different geographical areas.
Among the infected species, we found two Hepatozoon haplotypes infecting the lacertid Podarcis virescens in this study. One of them (JX531954) was previously reported infecting P. bocagei from Tanes (Spain) (Maia et al. 2012). Thus, this haplotype could be specific from Podarcis sp. and widespread distributed in western Spain. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the haplotype was closely related to other North African lacertids haplotypes. The other new isolate (ON332722) fell in a group with other Podarcis species hosts from North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula (P. hispanica and P. vaucheri). Our findings represented the first report of Hepatozoon parasites infecting the species P. virescens.
Moreover, the haplotypes found infecting Malpolon monspessulanus in this study also represented the first assessment of the occurrence of Hepatozoon sp. in this species. According to the phylogenetic analyses, the two new isolates appeared to be closely related to each other forming part of a group with other snake haplotypes from North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. The third haplotype identified was previously reported by Tomé et al. (2013) from Psammophis sibilans in North Africa and was also included in the snake group previously mentioned. This result followed the idea that some Hepatozoon parasites are not host-specific (Maia et al. 2016b; Tomé et al. 2021). The apparent switch of host genus may be facilitated by the hosts similarity (both are snakes), and therefore it is assumed that they will have more similar immune defences to deal with (Medeiros et al. 2013; Maia et al. 2016b; Clark and Clegg 2017). Furthermore, this may be more likely to occur when these hosts share a habitat (Maia et al. 2016b). However, they belong to different countries separated by a geographical barrier. In this sense, other studies with avian haemosporidians have reported the same patterns across the Strait of Gibraltar, finding the Plasmodium lineage LK6 (H158) in birds of Spain and Africa (Matta et al. 2015).
Finally, the Hepatozoon haplotype from Mauremys leprosa found here belonged to a previously reported lineage from the same species in a nearby locality (Marzal et al. 2017) and was very closely related to another M. leprosa haplotype of the same locality.
In conclusion, despite the low number of individuals infected by Haemocystidium sp. and Hepatozoon sp., a high percentage of new "lineages" have been detected, pointing out the lack of knowledge about the diversity of these parasites in the Iberian Peninsula. It is for this reason that much information is still required. Further studies should focus on the transmission and ecological factors influencing the infection patterns by these parasites and the effects on the host fitness. The knowledge of this information can be critical to understand their impact on biodiversity and can also have implications for conservation, especially in host groups as threatened and vulnerable as amphibians and reptiles.