The mixed method research design was applied in this study, quantitative design was used to assess the quality and accessibility of chronic disease services during COVID-19 and to predict the factors affecting quality and accessibility. To gain more insight and get a rich detailed understanding about the barriers and facilitators affecting both quality and accessibility of chronic disease a qualitative design was used . The core principle behind this type of research is that combining qualitative and quantitative data reveals new information that cannot be revealed by either type of data alone 9.
Quantitative. A descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional design was used. Descriptive correlational designs are used to gather information from a representative sample of the population to describe/explore a phenomenon or examine relationships among phenomena 10.This design was deemed appropriate for this study where the study variables were described and the relationships between the dependent variables (Quality and accessibility of chronic disease services) and the independent variables (Socio-demographic variables) were examined.
Qualitative. An exploratory design was used.
Quantitative. The study was multisite as it was conducted at five hospitals in northern Jordan. The inclusion criteria for selecting these facilities were: representing different health sectors (including public, teaching, and private sectors), providing different chronic disease services, and being main and large facilities. These facilities belong to different health sectors: Public (Al-Ramtha Hospital and Al-Mafraq Governmental Hospitals), Private (Irbid Specialty Hospital and Irbid Islamic Hospital), and teaching university hospital (King Abdullah University Hospital).
Qualitative. The study was conducted at Irbid Specialty Hospital.
The participants were selected as follows: Healthcare providers were working in direct contact with chronic diseases patients as physicians, nurses, and pharmacists in Jordan. All held an academic qualification such as diploma, bachelor’s degree, or Master’s.
Quantitative. A total of 412 healthcare providers were recruited using the convenience sampling method, due to COVID-19 restrictions which made random sampling impossible. The sample size was determined based on the sample-to-variable ratio. For hierarchical or multiple regression analysis, as recommended by Tabachnick and Fidell (1989) and cited in 11, five participants were selected for each predictor variable as a "reasonable minimum requirement". In our analysis, we had a ratio of 37 participants:1 predictor.
Qualitative. Twelve healthcare providers were recruited using the purposive sampling method, to acquire in-depth information according to their experiences12.The sample size was determined based on saturation of data.
Quantitative. Self-reporting instrument in the Arabic language was used to collect quantitative data in this study. The instrument contained the following sections:
Demographic Variables. Each of the following variables was assessed: age, gender, marital status, job title, educational level, place of working, place of residence, region, work experience, attending training and development courses, ways of commuting to the workplace.
Accessibility. The measure of access (Access-31) was developed using a literature review and the qualitative method 13 was used to assess the accessibility of chronic disease services . The Access-31 comprises 22 items. Items are rated on a binary scale of problem/no problem. The original instrument had some modifications, i.e., deleting the affordability dimension, which is not applicable as we measured the barriers of chronic disease patients’ accessibility, not healthcare providers, so a pilot study of 30 participants was carried out, then reliability was tested using Kuder Richardson. The resulting scores of KR20 =.77 and KR20 >0.7 were considered acceptable.
Quality. The quality of health care services was assessed using a questionnaire developed by 14. The questionnaire comprises 34 items. Items are rated on a 5-point Likert -type scale, ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree. Questionnaire was tested to ensure it was valid and reliable by the original author, Cronbach alpha was .92 14.
Semi-structured questions were designed to conduct focus group discussion. Focus group discussions were used due to the major role of group participants, rather than the major role of the group moderator in the individual interview, to collect data 15. The interviews were conducted in Arabic. A total of two groups from healthcare providers from the assigned hospital, with each interview session lasting between 45 and 60 minutes. The interviews were face-to-face. All discussions were recorded through a recorder application and later only themes and chosen verbatim were translated into English.
Data Collection
Before data collection began, the study objectives, ethical considerations, inclusion, and exclusion criteria, the possibility of withdrawing at any point during the research phase were explained to all prospective participants . Those individuals who agreed to participate were asked to provide permission for the researcher to use findings for scientific research and to sign the consent form.
Quantitative. For the quantitative part, the data collection took place in 2021 (September - November). Data collection occurred using the instruments described above. Participants received the study instrument packet to be filled out in a private room at the hospital.
Qualitative. For the qualitative part, the data collection took place in 2022 (June - July) at Irbid specialty hospital in northern Jordan. Data collection was carried out using semi-structured predetermined questions. The study interview sessions were then scheduled based on the participants’ availability.
Data Management and Analysis
Quantitative. Data was securely stored, and only the researcher had access to them. All completed questionnaires were coded in Microsoft Excel, reviewed for accuracy, and imported into IBM© SPSS© statistics version 25. The analysis plan began by assessing the data for missing values and outliers. Before running the statistical analysis tests, a standard data check was conducted to make sure that the data were free of missing, outliers, and undefined values. Some missing values were found in certain items and not replaced due to the large sample, and to make sure that missing data did not bias the results. Little's Missing Completely at Random (MCAR test) was insignificant (p=0.981), implying that the values are missing completely at random, reflecting no systematic bias in the data. The normality test was satisfied based on Skewness values for scale variables (accessibility and quality of healthcare services) and was found to fall within the acceptable range (-0.5 to 0.5), which indicates that both variables are normally distributed. The box plot shows no significant outliers or extreme values in the data set. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample. The sample and variables were described by measures of central tendency and dispersion appropriate to the level of measurement. The frequencies and percentages are used to represent categorical data such as marital status. Multiple linear regression was used to predict the quality and accessibility of healthcare services. Before conducting multiple regression, Spearman rho, point biserial, and point multi-serial correlation were used as a preliminary step to assess the potential correlation between the independent variables and the outcome. The findings of correlational analysis could provide some idea of what to expect as far as the strength of the prediction model that will be generated using multiple regression.
Qualitative. For the qualitative part, permission to record the meetings was obtained from all participants. Data was securely stored, and only the researcher had access to them. All completed interviews were coded in and checked for accuracy. Data analysis began by identifying key concepts. Coded data were then categorized into themes and subthemes and analyzed using thematic analysis using Microsoft Word and highlighting and identifying patterns of themes in the interview data. Thematic analysis was used to collect patterns across the verbatim 16.