Several important new observations were made during the time course studies focused on the effects of WD on liver mitophagy rates and NAFLD progression in the liver-specific PARKIN knockout mice. We found that relative rates of mitophagy declined as early as six weeks after starting WD, establishing that reduced mitophagy flux is an early feature of NAFLD. Also, when considering potential mechanisms by which NAFLD may inhibit mitophagy, our observations suggest that inflammation and fibrosis are not likely to contribute. FVBN mice fed WD did not develop inflammation, fibrosis or increased levels of circulating liver enzymes, despite the presence of marked steatosis as early as one-week after initiating the WD. While FVBN mice are known to be resistant to CCL4-induced liver fibrosis and less susceptible to alcoholic fatty liver disease compared with other strains35,36, this is the first report of their protection against the inflammatory and fibrotic aspects of NAFLD in response to WD feeding of which we are aware. That fact that relative rates of mitophagy were intact one-week after starting the WD when steatosis was clearly present suggests liver lipid levels alone are insufficient to suppress mitophagy and that some other secondary change in response to steatosis likely contributes. In parallel, we found that the onset of the primary pathogenic features of NAFLD, namely steatosis, hepatic insulin resistance, inflammation and fibrosis, occurred earlier in liver-specific PARKIN knockout mice in response to WD feeding, but that over time the differences were no longer apparent, although steatosis remained elevated in the LKO male mice. These data suggest that PARKIN-mediated mitophagy protects against the immediate stress of WD and slows the progression but not severity of NAFLD. This may reflect declining rates of mitophagy in WT mice due to the WD feeding, such that WT and LKO mice converge with regards to the effects that reduced rates mitophagy produce on mitochondrial function and NAFLD progression.
Mitochondrial mass and function are, in part, maintained through the production of new mitochondria via mitochondrial biogenesis and the selective removal and degradation of dysfunctional mitochondria by mitophagy. Mitochondrial dysfunction likely contributes to disease progression via multiple mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive, including excessive and incomplete fatty acid oxidation and accumulation of lipotoxic intermediates, reactive oxygen species production, altered cellular calcium dynamics and NADH-reductive stress37–39. Several independent studies demonstrate that impairments in the mitophagy pathway lead to abberant mitochondrial function40–42, and genetic studies in mice where genes involved in regulating mitophagy are deleted implicate the loss of mitophagy specifically in liver with enhanced hepatic disease progression15,30,43,44. For example, BNIP3 is an atypical mitochondrial protein that contains a BH3 domain and plays a role in mitophagy by recruiting autophagosomes to mitochondria through direct interaction with the microtubule-associated protein 1-light chain 3 (LC3). Loss of BNIP3 results in increased hepatic lipid synthesis, reduced AMPK activity, elevated reactive oxygen species, inflammation, and features of NASH in mice livers, suggesting that reduced mitophagy leads to NAFLD30. Furthermore, genetic deletion of PARKIN accelerates acute and chronic alcohol-induced liver injury and steatosis, as well as acetaminophen-induced liver injury43,44, and, as noted earlier, liver-specific PARKIN knockout mice display impaired mitochondrial respiratory capacity and are more susceptible to diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance15. Lastly, ALCAT1 is an acyl-CoA dependent lysocardiolipin acyltransferase that catalyzes the remodeling of aberrant cardiolipin in common metabolic diseases including obesity and type 2 diabetes, and whose expression is upregulated in liver of mouse models of obesity45. Overexpression of ALCAT1 in primary hepatocytes leads to several features of NAFLD including steatosis, impaired autophagy, and mitochondrial dysfunction, whereas deletion of ALCAT1 restores mitophagy and reduces steatosis, reinforcing a link between mitophagy and NAFLD45, as we observed here. Thus, our data add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that mitophagy plays an important role in liver by protecting against disease progression. Importantly, this function of mitophagy appears to be sex-dependent, as there were no differences in disease endpoints when comparing WD-fed female LKO and WT mice at either timepoint. Female mice may be less dependent on mitophagy to maintain liver mitochondrial homeostasis due to increased mitochondrial electron transport chain protein levels, enhanced coupling of mitochondrial respiration to ATP synthesis, and reduced reactive oxygen species production compared with males46–48, allowing a buffer against nutritional stress independent of mitophagy.
Although our data clearly demonstrates that nutritional stess in the form of WD feeding is associated with reduced liver mitophagy, the underlying mechanism for this effect remains a major outstanding question. One possibility is that reduced mitophagy results from a generalized loss of macroautophagy, which has been reported in models of obesity-associated fatty liver49–51. Notably, reduced macroautophagy in these reports occurred in extreme models of genetic obesity (ob/ob or db/db) or after long-term high-fat diet feeding of 16 weeks or more49–51. Whether macroautophagy is reduced in response to short-term dietary stress, such as six weeks where we first observed reduced mitophagy here in mito-Keima mice, remains untested to our knowledge.
Another possibility is that alterations in mitochondrial dynamics upstream of mitophagy, particularly the formation and/or release of mitochondrial-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) contacts, referred to as mitochondrial associated membranes (MAMs), contributes to reduced mitophagy. PINK1 and PARKIN accumulate at mitochondrial-ER contact sites in response to mitophagic stimuli and release of mitochondria from the ER following degradation of mitchondrial-ER tethers, such as mitofusin-2 (MFN2), is proposed as an initiating event in the mitophagy pathway that reduces mitochondrial-ER contacts52,53. Increased MAMs were reported in liver of rodent models and patients with advanced NAFLD, suggesting that impaired release of mitochondria from the ER contributes to reduced mitophagy54,55.
A final potential explanation for reduced mitophagy in the context of NAFL, which could also explain increased MAM levels, is that mitophagy signaling is impaired. Multiple forms of mitophagy exist and both PARKIN-dependent and independent mechanisms have been described56. In addition to PARKIN, BNIP3 and NIX are known to regulate mitophagy. BNIP3 and NIX are both thought to act upstream of PARKIN and may contribute to PARKIN’s mitochondrial accumulation following membrane depolarization57–59. Both proteins act as scaffolds capable of binding LC3, thus facilitating delivery of mitochondria to the autophagosome57–59. While PARKIN is best described in the context of mitochondrial damage induced mitophagy60,61, BNIP3’s role in mitophagy is best described in the context of cancer, hypoxia and in liver during fasting30,62–64, while NIX’s role is best known in the context of reticulocyte maturation59,65 and NIX is not expressed in mouse liver30. Thus, reduced mitophagy is likely to involve alterations in PARKIN or BNIP3 signaling and not NIX. As described above, PARKIN-mediated mitophagy signaling involves the synthesis of poly-ubiquitin chains on outer mitochondrial membrane proteins by PARKIN, which facilitates recognition of damaged mitochondria by adaptor proteins, such as OPTN, NDP52 and P62 that bind ubiquitin and mediate delivery to the autophagosome60,66,67. PARKIN catalyzes the synthesis of ubiquitin chains consisting of lysine six-, 11-, 48- and 63-based linkages to stimulate mitophagy23,68. Interestingly, pan-protein lysine acetylation of mitochondrial protein from liver increases dramatically during high-fat diet feeding and is associated with metabolic dysfunction69,70. Moreover, acetylation of lysine residues within ubiquitin are widely reported71–74 and acetylation of ubiquitin impaires poly-ubiquitin chain formation75. These observations raise the intriguing hypothesis that acetylation of outer mitochondrial membrane ubiquitin may interfere with PINK1-PARKIN-mitophagic signaling, which will require further testing.
In summary, WD feeding reduced relative rates of mitophagy in liver early during the progression of NAFLD in a sex-independent fashion and was associated with the onset of steatosis but not inflammation or fibrosis. In addition, liver-specific deletion of PARKIN, a key mitophagy signaling protein, accelerated the onset but not long-term severity of the primary features of NAFLD in a sex-dependent fashion, where male but not female mice were affected. These findings enhance our understanding of the role of the mitochondria and mitophagy in hepatic disease progression during nutritional stress. They also highlight the need for future studies to determine the mechanism by which WD and high-fat diet feeding reduce mitophagy in liver and to understand why female mice are less reliant on hepatic mitophagy to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis compared with male mice.