4.1 Climatology of observed NSWS
Fig. 4 shows the annual and seasonal spatial distribution of mean and standard deviation of observed NSWS for 1960-2020 over the TP. Annually, the few stations on the West and center of the plateau display greater mean NSWS (between ~3.5 and ~4.5 m s-1) compared to the stations in the East and South-east (~2.0 m s-1). The spatial pattern of the standard deviation of observed NSWS for 1960-2020 resembles the spatial pattern of the mean, with higher values (greater than ~1.0 m s-1) for stations in the West and center of the plateau compared to stations in the East (Yao et al. 2018). Following this spatial distribution, it appears that stations with higher mean NSWS display also the higher standard deviation, as shown by the scatter plot of mean versus standard deviation in Fig. S1 in the supplementary material. Seasonally, the spatial distribution with lower values of mean and standard deviation in the West does not change. Overall, there are greater values recorded for all the measuring stations during spring compared to winter, summer and autumn, and stations with greater mean are also the ones with greater standard deviation.
To identify the geographical features behind the detected spatial pattern, the mean NSWS of each station is plotted against the station elevation (Fig. 5a). It is evident that stations at higher elevations are the ones with greater mean NSWS. By grouping stations into classes with increasing averaged elevation, stations display greater mean and standard deviation of NSWS (e.g., red star vs. light-blue star; Fig. 5b). As stations in the West and center of the plateau are the ones located at higher elevation (Fig. 5c), the spatial pattern identified in Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b is explained. Therefore, elevation differences driven by the topography are responsible for the spatial distribution of mean and standard deviation of observed NSWS, with station mean and standard deviation increasing for increasing elevation. Note that mean NSWS decreases from stations in the West to stations in the East when plotting the mean of NSWS of each station against the station longitude (Fig. S1 in the supplementary material). However, this zonal dependency of mean NSWS results from having just a few stations at high elevation in the West of the plateau. In fact, when using the GTOPO30 data to calculate the elevation meridional-mean and to see how elevation changes according to the longitude over the TP (Fig. 5c), it is shown that the plateau has greater altitude in the West compared to the East: the apparent zonal dependency is driven by the real elevation dependency. The elevation dependency of NSWS (i.e., terrain enhances wind speed and high-elevations regions more influences by strong large-scale synoptic flows) is not something new, and various studies (McVicar et al. 2007; Miller and Davenport 1998; Wood 2000) have already shown that wind speed increases exponentially with increasing altitude, especially over the TP (Yao et al. 2018).
To further explore the climatology of NSWS over the TP, the seasonal cycle for 1960-2020 is analyzed. As shown by Fig. S2 in the supplementary material, greater NSWS is recorded during spring compared to the rest of the seasons, in line with what has been shown by Li et al. (2017), Li et al. (2021), and Zhao et al. (2019). Wind is stronger during spring because it is the time of the year when extra-tropical cyclones are active (Li et al. 2021). By using the k-means clustering, differences in the seasonal cycle anomalies among the observed NSWS series are explored. We identify three classes of stations with different seasonality (Fig. 6). To note that we chose three partitions in the cluster analysis because with this number it is reached a good balance between coherent patterns and sufficient distinction between classes. One class (hereafter, Cluster 1, which includes most of the stations – 65 stations; Fig. 6a) displays a NSWS maximum during spring (i.e., March and April). Another class (Cluster 2; Fig. 6b) includes 18 NSWS series that have a maximum in February-March-April and a minimum in July-August-September. The third class (Cluster 3; Fig. 6c) includes 21 stations with greater NSWS during spring and early-summer (i.e., from March to July) compared to the rest of the year. When also looking at the magnitude differences in the NSWS seasonal cycle between the three classes (i.e., when plotting the mean NSWS annual cycle for each cluster identified using the seasonal cycle NSWS anomalies; Fig. 7a), the mean Cluster 2 seasonal cycle is overall greater (~2.0-3.8 m s-1) than the one for Cluster 1 (~1.8-2.5 m s-1). Similar to the highest NSWS values recorded in Cluster 2, Cluster 3 stations reach on average ~1.8-2.5 m s-1 during late spring. Fig. 7b shows the spatial distribution of the seasonal cycle clusters. Stations belonging to Cluster 1 are mostly located in the East of the TP, while stations from Cluster 2 are found in the center of the plateau, with only a few stations in the East (mostly South-east). Cluster 3 stations are located all along the western and southern border of the TP, in the North, and a few are also found in the East. Unfortunately, the sparse and biased distribution of measuring stations over the TP is a challenge for the comprehensive understanding of the spatial pattern of NSWS clusters across the plateau. For example, does Cluster 2 include all stations at the higher elevations of the center of the plateau? For answering to such types of questions, it is necessary to analyze a more spatially complete dataset, as the reanalysis outputs (see Section 4.2).
4.2 Observations vs. reanalyses
To investigate the performance of the selected ECMWF reanalyses in simulating NSWS, the spatial distribution of mean NSWS for 1981-2018 is plotted in Fig. 8 for observations, ERAINT, ERA5 and ERA5-Land. Despite the differences in the horizontal resolution, all the three datasets are able to capture the higher NSWS in the center of the plateau. But, thanks to the higher resolution, better model physics, more data assimilated, and its more advanced assimilation method, ERA5 and ERA5-Land show differences in mean NSWS due to more-local topographic features, which ERAINT cannot reproduce. For example, especially in the South-east of the TP, the latest reanalyses can differentiate between NSWS conditions in valleys (lower values) and along ridges (higher values). In general, ERAINT tends to overestimate mean NSWS over the TP (Fig. 9). Even if both ERA5 and ERA5-Land slightly underestimates the NSWS conditions, the latter dataset better matches the spatial differences in mean NSWS over the plateau compared to ERAINT and ERA5 (R2 for ERA5-Land is 0.48, greater than the 0.42 and 0.45 of ERAINT and ERA5, respectively). Statistics shown in Fig. 10 enable a more detailed comparison between the performance of the three reanalysis datasets in simulating NSWS during 1981-2018. Mean Pearson’s correlation does not differ notably among the reanalyses (between 0.4 and 0.5), even when the seasonal cycle is removed from the monthly NSWS series (mean correlation drops almost equally by ~0.12 for all the three datasets). Mean RMSE is greater for ERAINT and ERA5-Land (0.96 and 0.89 m s-1, respectively) compared to ERA5 (0.8 m s-1). The large RMSEs in ERAINT and ERA5-Land are partly caused by the large biases, which is positive for the former (0.46 m s-1) and negative for the latter dataset (0.55 m s-1). As already seen from Fig. 9, similar to ERA5-Land, ERA5 tends to underestimate NSWS, with a mean bias of 0.3 m s-1. Overall, the performance of the three reanalyses in simulating monthly NSWS series for 1981-2018 does not differ significantly in terms of mean correlation, mean RMSE, and mean bias. Only ERA5 displays a lower mean RMSE and bias compared to both ERAINT and ERA5-Land, even if it is also negatively biased.
The improvements in NSWS simulation of ERA5 and ERA5-Land can be detected when looking at the mean seasonal cycle. Following results of Fig. 9, mean NSWS seasonal cycle of ERA5 and ERA5-Land is negatively biased, but captures the higher NSWS conditions observed during March and April (Fig. S3 in the supplementary material). In addition, when applying the k-mean clustering to modelled NSWS anomaly series, only the seasonal cycles of ERA5 and ERA5-Land grid-series can be clustered in three classes (Fig. 11). Within the ERAINT data, just two classes with different seasonality can be identified. Fig. 12 compares the cluster-averaged (i.e., average over all the stations/closest grid-points in the cluster) seasonal cycles of NSWS calculated using observations with the ones calculated using ERAINT, ERA5, and ERA5-Land. Here we can see that ERAINT, captures the annual variations in the two classes that it simulates, even if it overestimates the annual mean of NSWS. In contrast, both ERA5 and ERAINT are negatively biased when simulating the NSWS seasonal cycle of Cluster 1 and partly lack in capturing the greater wind magnitudes during March-April. But, in Cluster 2 and Cluster 3, the two latest ECMWF reanalyses, even if positively biased (bias smaller than the one shown by ERAINT), properly follow the observed annual variations of NSWS.
The spatially-homogeneous reanalyses can now be used to explore how the different classes are distributed over the TP (Fig. 13), something we could not do using the spatially-heterogeneous observation datasets (see Section 4.1). Cluster 1 (red areas) in all the three datasets surrounds the plateau and it largely occupies the eastern side of the plateau. Instead, Cluster 2 (blue areas) is dominant in the center-west of the TP and over a few limited areas in the East. Cluster 3, which appears in ERA5 and ERA5-Land, occupies a large area in the northeastern plateau, which corresponds to the Qaidam basin, the largest topographic depression inside the TP (Yin et al. 2008). Fig. 14 plots the 1981-2018 mean NSWS of each grid point in a given dataset with its modelled elevation, with the scatter points colored according to the class they belong to. In all the reanalyses, grid-points from Cluster 1 go from the highest to the lowest elevations, while grid-points in Cluster 2 are the ones with the higher elevations and the greatest mean NSWS. Cluster 3, which appears only in ERA5 and ERA5-Land, includes grid-points in a shallow band with elevation between 2800-3500 m a.s.l. (i.e., the depression of the Qaidam basin) with mean NSWS between 2 and 4.5 m s-1 (generally higher than the one of Cluster 1 and in the same range of Cluster 2). The clear differences in the seasonal cycle at the Qaidam basin can be associated with the blocking effect of the surrounding mountainous terrain (Zhao et al. 2019). In fact, as the Quidam Basin is aligned North-west, it shows greater wind conditions during summer when the dominant southwesterly winds prevail strengthened by the blocking effect of the surrounding terrain.
Not only measuring stations located in the Qaidam basin are classified in Cluster 3, but various other stations over the TP are grouped in Cluster 3 (see Fig. 13). Similarly, a few grid points of ERA5 and ERA5-Land outside the Qaidam basin appear to belong to Cluster 3. The reason behind such localized Cluster 3 stations and grid points could be related to the valley and mountain orientations: for example, the main wind direction coincides with the path of the westerly jet stream and the orientation of valleys and mountains (Yao et al. 2018). In ERA5 and ERA5-Land, where complex topography can only be modeled partly, Cluster 3 grid points outside the Qaidam basin are uncommon.
The reason why ERAINT only identifies two classes when clustering the seasonality, while the latest datasets can see three classes (i.e., the Qaidam basin’s wind conditions), may be related to the lower resolution, the worse modeled physics, less data assimilated, and the less advanced assimilation method compared to ERA5 and ERA5-Land (Dee et al. 2011). For example, thanks to the higher resolution, the orography is better simulated in ERA5 and ERA5-Land: the mean elevation difference between actual station elevations and modeled elevations of the closest grid-point of ERAINT is -645.3 m, and it decreases for ERA5 and ERA5-Land (-599.7 m and -450.2 m, respectively). The more realistic topographic representation may help to better identify the different NSWS conditions in the comparatively low-elevated area of the Qaidam basin.
To summarize, ERA5 better simulates NSWS over the TP compared to ERAINT probably due to its considerable increase in horizontal and vertical resolution and a decade of improvements in representation of model processes and data assimilation (Hersbach et al. 2018). The simulated NSWS in ERA5-Land do not match better the observed one compared to ERA5, as ERA5-Land shares with ERA5 most of the parametrizations and does not benefit of any changes in the physics of the model or in the data assimilation (Muñoz-Sabater et al. 2021). To notice that the elevation of the measuring stations is generally lower than the one of the nearest grid cells, especially in the mountainous southern TP (Li et al. 2017). This is because most of the stations across the Plateau are located in valleys, where it is easier to access. Therefore, the station elevation may not be a representation of the closest grid point, and such elevation mismatch could contribute to the differences between observed and simulated wind.
4.3 The added value of downscaling
To evaluate if the downscaling adds value to the NSWS simulations compared to the downscaled product, the spatial distribution of mean NSWS for 1991-2018 is plotted in Fig. 15 for observations, ERA5, and the two downscaled products WRF-9km and HAR. As already seen from Fig. 8, ERA5 shows higher NSWS values in the center of the plateau (as also seen in the observations) and simulates NSWS conditions following the complex terrain features (e.g., the large valleys in the South-east of the TP). Instead, WRF-9km only shows strong mean winds in the southern part of the plateau, with weaker winds from the center to the North. Mean NSWS in HAR is greater in the West, and it decreases by moving to the East. HAR, similar to WRF-9km, does not display the feature with higher wind conditions in the center-west of the TP, and a general lower NSWS in all its surroundings. Fig. S4 in the supplementary material confirms those discrepancies between observed NSWS and NSWS from the two downscaled products. When plotting the mean observed NSWS against the simulated one, WRF-9km poorly simulates wind conditions: the scatterplot has R2 = 0.17 and all the scatter-points are greatly positively biased (i.e., NSWS higher in WRF-9km compared to observations). For HAR, R2 is still lower than for ERA5 (0.42 and 0.46, respectively) and modeled NSWS means are in general higher than the observed ones. When it comes to the modeling of the seasonal cycle (Fig. S5 in the supplementary material), in a similar way both WRF-9km and HAR overestimate the observed one, not showing any improvements compared to the downscaled ERA5. For these reasons, when it comes to aggregated climatology, the two downscaled products WRF-9km and HAR do not better simulate NSWS over the TP compared to ERA5. But the added value of downscaled products should be searched in the better modeling of shorter spatial- and time- scale processes, as the diurnal cycle (Ou et al. 2020).
Therefore, we explore here the mean diurnal cycle of observed NSWS and then we compare it with the one simulated by ERA5 and the two downscaling products (Fig. 16). Fig. 16a shows that the mean 3-hourly sub-daily variations of NSWS calculated using the 27 stations of the HadISD dataset peaks at 9 UTC (~15-16 local time), in line with what shown by Zhao et al. (2019). The annual averaged diurnal cycle from ERA5 and WRF-9km also peaks around 9 UTC. Instead, the diurnal cycle of HAR peaks earlier (around 6 UTC). WRF-9km displays the lowest correlation value compared to ERA5 and HAR. In addition, WRF-9km largely overestimates the magnitude of the diurnal variations (mean positive bias and RMSE of ~2.5 m s-1). Even if for HAR there is a large mean RMSE (~1.5 m s-1), it is mostly caused by the high mean positive bias (~1.3 m s-1). ERA5 displays a much smaller mean RMSE compared to WRF-9km and HAR, and such mean error is largely caused by the average negative bias of ~0.5 m s-1.
To further explore the observed 3-hourly diurnal cycle of NSWS, we apply the k-mean clustering to the dataset of 27 observed series. By conducting the cluster analysis with an increasing number of classes (Fig. 17 - top row), the anomalies of the mean diurnal cycle do not drastically change in shape (always peak at 9UTC), but the peak becomes more pronounced. The more pronounced diurnal cycle seems to be partly related to station elevation: the classes which peaks more, are the ones with greater mean elevation. When looking at the clusters identified in the simulated diurnal cycles (Fig. 17 - bottom row), all the classes in ERA5 peaks at 9 UTC and differ only in how this peak is pronounced. This is partly shown also in HAR, but, especially in WRF-9km, the identified classes do not only differ in how the 9 UTC peak is pronounced, but also in the time when it is recorded and in the overall shape of the mean diurnal variations.
Zhao et al. (2019) previously investigated diurnal variations in NSWS over the TP, finding remarkable regional characteristics with respect to the diurnal variations. For example, in the eastern of the plateau, the minimum and the maximum in the recorded wind speed occur about 1 hour later than in the west; or the diurnal cycle at the stations in the Qaidam Basin differ significantly from the one observed at the other stations elsewhere on the plateau. Unfortunately, for this study hourly data were not available, and the use of 3-hourly outputs for exploring the diurnal cycle characteristics may mask possible regional differences.
Therefore, for what is shown here, HAR and WRF-9km do not improve the simulation of the mean diurnal cycle over the TP, even if additional analysis (using hourly statistics) may be needed. To conclude, both HAR and WRF-9km do not show a significant added value in the simulation of NSWS statistics over the TP compared to the downscaled product ERA5. The dynamical downscalings may improve their performance in simulating NSWS over the TP by enhancing the momentum transports in the planetary boundary parameterization scheme and better considering the unresolved topographic features (Li et al. 2015). As shown by Gómez-Navarro et al. (2015), WRF models perform better in simulating NSWS over complex terrain when an appropriate planetary parameterization scheme (i.e., one that explicitly considers the effects of sub-grid topography) is chosen. In addition, considering the complicated geographical environment, the biases could arise from the planetary boundary parameterization that does not pass the decreased momentum in the upper levels of the atmosphere to the near-surface layers over the TP. Moreover, improvements could be reached when dynamic downscaling will use dynamic land surface characteristics rather than static ones.