Currently, enterprises appoint cutting conditions according to reference data or on the recommendations of manufacturers. Often this information does not provide rational processing conditions. The situation is getting worse if we talk about modern automated metalworking equipment. The tool's premature failure involves high economic losses due to damage to the processed detail surface and according to receiving a manufacturing defect. Prevention of premature exit of metalworking tools will allow investigating changes of their operability under the effect of temperatures arising during cutting. Research subject: interchangeable cutter elements (plates) The goal of research: determine rational machining conditions based on electromagnetic properties of instrumental materials.
The article analysed existing methods for determining the temperatures of the ultimate operational capability of cutting elements from tool hard alloys (THA). We analysed the existing test facilities. As a result, a new facility was developed to determine the temperature of the ultimate operational capability of cutting THA elements, eliminating existing devices' identified shortcomings. A description of the developed method of determining the temperature of ultimate operational capability by changing the electrical conductivity of cutting elements from instrumental two-carbide titanium-tungsten-cobalt hard alloys WC-TiC-Co is given.
As a result of the work, electrical conductivity was studied depending on alloys' test temperature of group WC-TiC-Co. We determined the temperature conditions of ultimate operational capability of alloys 15%TIC+79%WC+6%CO, 5%TIC+75%WC+10%CO and obtained the corresponding temperature range of ultimate operational capability based on the obtained data. The obtained results can be used to determine rational cutting conditions when processing with these tool materials.