(Moran 2010) and (Lopez et al., 2013), studied water quality in this shallow (hanging) aquifer, detecting, in general, significant levels of nitrates, sulfates, chlorides, and, in the urban zone, punctual anomalies of heavy metals (mercury, barium, strontium, cadmium, lead, phosphorus, and silver). These authors report the highest anomalies in heavy metals for the industrial zone, and in places where irrigation is done with recycled water from a water storage tank from the industrial zone. The distribution of the wells sampled in these studies coincides, roughly, with the distribution of the ground settlement faults that have been documented in the valley (Risk Atlas of the Municipalities of San Luis Potosí and Graciano Sánchez; Institute of Geology, UASLP), which suggests that, if the lower boundary of this aquifer has been fractured, water contaminated with these heavy metals is possibly infiltrating into the deep free aquifer housed in the granular medium that fills the valley.
The results of the sampling and analysis of water from 22 wells and 7 wells in this study show anthropogenic contamination. The anthropogenic contaminants (fecal coliforms, total coliforms, and trace elements) have a direct relationship with drainage systems, and the sites where contents exceeding the permissible limit by NOM-127-SSA1-1994 for human consumption were detected in groundwater may indicate areas where there is an advanced deterioration of the drainage pipes, and which also have conduits for percolation to depth.
In the area of El Saucito, one of the settlement structures that have been monitored for almost 30 years is located, and affects a large number of neighborhoods in the northern part of the city, some of which were urbanized using drainage materials that are very susceptible to fracture in the event of a land settlement phenomenon, which could be a source of severe contamination to the shallow hanging aquifer, and, according to these results, infiltrate to the deep free aquifer. On the other hand, the Santiago River with a distance of approximately 12.7 km (Cuevas, 2015) is the natural riverbed of the city, which historically represented the natural edge that limited the growth of the urban stain and since then flooding causes road safety and environmental health problems; the fracturing of the land within this river plays an important role in flooding time. During the rainy season, part of the water infiltrates into the San Miguelito mountain range and the other surface water flows down and feeds the Santiago River following its course from east to northeast, connecting with the rest of the territory and the wastewater treatment plant of the Tenorio Tank located in the industrial zone, joining in a single flow to the northeast, passing by the side of the Agronomy School where well #19P and well #18P are located, These wells are contaminated with fecal coliforms and total coliforms, and the wells located in Soledad also have anthropogenic contamination.
It is safe to assume that both factors: land settlement and rupture of old drainage may be contributing to the contamination of two aquifers in the San Luis Potosi Valley. In this case, the ground settlement structures that fracture the cemented and hardened material that supports the shallow hanging aquifer are more towards the central-eastern part of the valley, which could facilitate the infiltration of contaminated water towards depth.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Nitrate and nitrites ion occur in soils and water as part of the nitrogen cycle in the earth. Nitrate constitutes the major total amount of nitrogen available in surface waters. Nitrogen occurs naturally in soils, typically bound to organic and mineral matter in the soil. Life depends, among other things, on the proportion of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) that is available in the medium. Normally there is much more nitrogen than phosphorus Yan et al. (2016). However, at concentrations that exceed the norm of nitrates, they can cause methemoglobin, that is, oxygen deficiency in the blood, causing death. In this study area, only one 8N sample presented a concentration of 15 mg/L as shown in table III.
The biogenic contaminants have a clear relationship with human wastes that are normally channeled through the drainage system and are driven to their dispersion towards the NE part of the VSLP in the cultivated areas in that sector of the valley. In this sense, the dispersion of organic pollutants should be preferentially manifested towards that part, and nevertheless, the location and the values found in the wells of the central part, where most of the population and commercial activity is concentrated, allow us to suppose that there is also percolation of drainage wastes towards the hanging aquifer and that this occurs due to rupture of the drainage pipes. A major problem of this situation lies in the possibility that this biogenic contamination penetrates the deep free aquifer because part of the distribution of drinking water comes from that aquifer; This possibility has been confirmed in this study, at least in one of the wells (well 2P), which contains a high concentration of total coliforms (up to 150 NMP/100), and according to NOM-127-SSA1-1994, the permissible limit for total coliform organisms in water for human consumption is 2NMP/100 (most probable number per 100ml), although most of the wells sampled have contents of < 3 NMP/100. This contamination is already reflected as increasing in 13 more wells (values between 5 and 16 NMP/100; see Table IV), covering a very wide area. The contrast of the area where this type of contamination with a clear anthropomorphic relationship is detected, with the system of ground settlement faults in the VSLP, suggests that both phenomena have a connection, given that this differential subsidence is linked to rupture of the "tepetate" layer that supports the shallow hanging type aquifer that is known to be contaminated (Moran 2010, Lopez et al., 2013). The percolation conduits to the deep aquifer are constituted by these faults. The well with a high value of these contaminants is located in an area where the greatest development of ground settlement has been detected, the most representative evolution of which is the Aeropuerto fault, monitored for more than 20 years. Table IV presents the results of total coliforms in the wells and wells studied in the VSLP, and these values show that only one well (well 2P) contains a high concentration of total coliforms (up to 150 NMP/100), and according to NOM-127-SSA1-1994, the permissible limit for total coliform organisms in water for human consumption is 2NMP/100 (most probable number per 100ml). However, 13 more samples (44%) have concentrations between 5 and 16; 8 of these (wells 15P, 16P, 17P, 18P, 19P, 20P, and 22P) have concentrations between 11 and 17 NMP/100. The other 15 samples have < 3 NMP/100. The bacteriological results of the studied samples reflect the low quality of water for supplying the population in the valley. As for the wells, well 24N has a concentration of 11 NMP/100 and well 27N has a concentration of 5NMP/100, both located in Soledad.
Permissible limits Non-detectable fecal coliform organisms NMP/100ml
For example, well 3P with a concentration of 8 NMP/100, well 12P with a concentration of 13 NMP/100, wells 15P and 16P with a concentration of 11 NMP/100 and 16 NMP/100, well 17P with a concentration of 14 NMP/100, in well 18P with concentration 10 NMP/100, in well 19P with concentration 17 NMP/100, in well 20P with concentration 16NMP/100, in well 22P with concentration 7 NMP/100, and well 28P with concentration 11NMP/100. (Table IV). The other 15 samples have < 3 NMP/100.
The bacteriological results reflect the low quality of water for supplying the population in the valley. The noria 24N has a concentration of 11 NMP/100, and the noria 27N has a concentration of 5NMP/100.
Concerning fats and oils, their detected content varies in value from 2.65 to 7.7, and the concentration increases in the wells towards the center of the valley following the direction of the subway flow. Of the eight wells where fats and oils were detected in the water, all have low concentrations (between 2.65 and 7.70 mg/L) concerning the NOM-002-SEMARNAT-1996 standard, which establishes 26 mg/L as the permissible limit. Only four of the water samples have concentrations above 6.2 mg/L, but all of them show contamination in the process because since fats and oils are a product of the anthropogenic activity, the fact that they are present in the wells reveals that they have percolated into the deep aquifer. This is supported by two important factors: the central zone of the VSLP has the highest concentration of ground settlement faults. This is logical since in the center of the city of San Luis Potosí there are restaurants, hotels, public bathrooms, the train station, etc., and the concentration increased towards the wells in the center following the direction of the subway flow.
Another factor to consider is the presence of trace elements (with some heavy metals) in the wells of the deep free aquifer. The values detected are presented in table V.
Manganese (Mn) is considered a mineral associated with igneous and metamorphic rocks containing divalent manganese as a minor constituent; in particular, it is significant in basalt, due to its dominant mineralogy of olivines, pyroxene, and amphibole. Small amounts are present in dolomites and limestones replacing calcium (Hem 1985). Being the previous source, the main responsible for the contribution of Mn in the study area. This element is normally found in the organism, being an activator of certain enzymes. When ingested in large doses, it is a poison that mainly affects the central nervous system; in appreciable quantities, it produces an unpleasant taste in the water, which makes its presence noticeable when drinking and its toxic action more easily avoided (Catalan 1981).
The permissible limit for human consumption according to NOM-127 is 0.15 mg/L; one sample exceeds this permissible limit; well 18P, with a concentration of 0.84 mg/L (Fig. 6a).
Arsenic is important in water chemistry, especially since the modern use of pesticides has become widespread since these products contain this element. Arsenic is found free in nature as a steel-gray, brittle solid (Catalan 1981). High concentrations of arsenic are commonly associated with sediments partially derived from volcanic rocks of acid or intermediate composition (Appelo and Postma 1996). The presence of this element is likely due mostly to the occasional input of arsenic-containing fertilizers; however, it may also be due to the dissolution of arsenic-bearing volcanic rocks within the study area.
Long-term exposure to arsenic via drinking water at concentrations of 0.05 mg/L and even lower, causes skin, lung, bladder, and kidney cancer and skin alterations such as pigmentation changes and thinning of the skin. Immediate symptoms of acute poisoning include vomiting, abdominal pain, and hemorrhagic diarrhea (Revuelta 2003). The permissible limit established for arsenic (As) in NOM127-SSA1-1994 is 0.05 mg/L. The samples out of range are: the 24N Soledad waterwheel with a concentration of 0.05mg/L. Wells 12P with a concentration of 0.126mg/L, 18P with a concentration of 0.09mg/L. (Fig. 6a)
Cadmium is not considered, biologically, neither beneficial nor essential for man, but a toxicant that acts on the kidney and liver producing nausea and vomiting. Cadmium poisonings produce arterial hypertension and it is a proven carcinogen (Catalan, 1981).
As for its presence in groundwater, its probable source is of external origin and it is not so much associated with the dissolution of minerals containing cadmium in their composition. Water contaminated by cadmium generates corrosion of the pipes used because cadmium is a contaminant of galvanized iron and zinc (Catalan 1981).
The permissible limit for Cadmium (Cd) in human consumption is 0.005mg/L according to NOM-127-SSA1-1994, the samples that exceed the limit are the waterwheels. 24N with a concentration of 0.0067mg/L and 26N with a concentration of 0.0119mg/L. Wells 11P with a concentration of 0.0169 mg/L, 12P with a concentration of 0.0206 mg/L, P14 with a concentration of 0.005 mg/L, 17P El Ranchito with a concentration of 0.0085 mg/L, 20P with a concentration of 0.01068 mg/L, and 29P with a concentration of 0.00524 mg/L. (Fig. 6b).
These values indicate that for the shallow aquifer, the zone where the N24 wells are located, the contamination by this metal in the shallow aquifer is only slightly higher than the standard (0.0067 mg/L), while for N26 it is double this value (0.0119 mg/L). Wells P14 and P29 show incipient values, or rather, at the limit of the standard (0.005 and 0.00524 mg/L, respectively). Wells P11, P12, and 20 show values twice to four times the norm (0.01068, 0.01690, and 0.02060 mg/L), which is highly worrisome.
Mercury is one of the most widely distributed metals in the environment and is known for its high toxicity (mainly methylmercury); it is harmful to the environment and can bioaccumulate. It can come from both natural and anthropogenic sources. It is released naturally by mobilization generated in the earth's crust, by volcanic activity, or by rock erosion. Anthropogenic sources are associated with the use of fossil fuels and the mining industry. An important source is currently represented by the remobilization and release of waste deposited in soils, sediments, water bodies, and garbage dumps, as well as the incineration of municipal, medical and hazardous waste, in addition to cremations and releases to the ground in cemeteries. (Zambrano et al., 2014).
The maximum allowable limit for Mercury (Hg) is 0.001 mg/L. The samples that exceed this limit are wells 23N with a concentration of 0.004mg/L and 25N with a concentration of 0.002mg/L. Wells 11P with a contraction of 0.002 mg/L, 18P with a concentration of 0.0015 mg/L, 20P with a concentration of 0.002 mg/L and 22P with a concentration of 0.0012 mg/L (Fig. 6c). From the distribution of the wells and wells, and the values recorded for these trace elements in the sampled waters reported here, it is inferred that they come from the leaching of sediments derived from the historical metallurgical processes of mining in Cerro de San Pedro due to the distribution of elements (Mn, As, Cd, Hg) that were detected in this area.
In the Risk Atlas for the municipalities of San Luis Potosi and Soledad de Graciano Sanchez (the northeastern part of the valley), a series of ground settlement fault segments are recorded, which may represent infiltration conduits for water into the deep aquifer. Given that the maximum concentration detected (0.004 mg/L) is from well 23N, and that well 20P located in the same area of the valley has (0.002 mg/L), double that allowed by the standard, it can be argued that there is infiltration of this element from the shallow aquifer to the deep aquifer. However, for well 11P located in the NW of the VSLP, outside the influence of the zone of influence mentioned here, the possible contamination factor is the Peñazco municipal dump, located in that sector, given that land settlements also occur in that area, which is why it is known as the "Tierra Rajada" site (to NW of the valley).
The most common damages occur in: the nervous system, affecting brain functions, which can cause degradation of the ability to learn, personality changes, tremors, vision changes, deafness, muscle incoordination and memory loss; DNA and chromosomes; allergic reactions, skin irritation, tiredness, and headache; negative effects on reproduction; with changes in sperm, birth defects and miscarriages (Zambrano et al., 2014).
The detected values of the aforementioned trace elements represent contamination levels because they exceed the permissible limits of the NOM-127-SSA1-1994 standard, the results of trace elements represent a danger to groundwater, nitrates, fecal coliforms, and total coliforms, with concentrations lower than those reported (Moran 2010, Lopez et al., 2013) in the superficial aquifer, are evidence of infiltration of water from the hanging aquifer into the deep free. These results corroborate that part of the nitrate, fecal coliform, total and trace coliform contaminated waters in the shallow hanging aquifer reported in previous studies (Moran, 2010, Lopez et al., 2013), are infiltrating into the shallow free aquifer, through the lattice of ground settlement faults in the valley. The extensive study of the waters of the deep aquifer wells allowed us to verify that the waters of the intermediate-free aquifer are showing signs of anthropogenic, biogenic, and heavy metal contamination. This is of great importance especially if the use of water from these wells is reviewed about human consumption.
The trace elements in the sampled waters reported here are inferred to come from the leaching of sediments derived from the historical metallurgical processes of mining in Cerro de San Pedro due to the distribution of elements (Mn, As, Cd, Hg) detected in this area. It is assumed that there may be natural recharge to the deep aquifer in the northeastern margin of the valley, but the record of recent settlements that have been documented allows us to suppose that this process may also be recent or its dilutional effect may be added if the first possibility has been active. That will require other studies not carried out here, which we can assume soon.