Synthesis, structure and X-ray induced emissive properties of Ag+ doped Cs2NaInCl6
The crystals of Cs2NaInCl6 and Ag+-doped compounds are synthesized under hydrothermal methods through the combination of CsCl, NaCl, InCl3 and AgCl with concentrated hydrochloric acid (detailed synthetic procedures can be found in the methods). Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis demonstrates that Cs2NaInCl6 crystallizes in the \(Fm\stackrel{-}{3}m\) space group with an elpasolite lattice.27 Fig. 1A shows that Cs2NaInCl6 displays a typical double perovskite structure where the dense three-dimensional structure is formed by corner-sharing [NaCl6]5– and [InCl6]3– octahedra, with Cs+ residing within the cavities. The pure phase is further confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction analysis (Figure S1). We initially investigated the optical properties of Cs2NaInCl6 under ultraviolet excitation. The direct electronic transitions from the conduction band minimum (CBM) and valence band maximum (VBM) in Cs2NaInCl6 are theoretically predicted to be parity-forbidden.28 Therefore, the absorption peak from 210 nm to 260 nm originates from the electronic transition between the CBM and the lower level VBM (Figure S2A).29 Featuring this electronic structure, Cs2NaInCl6 presents an intrinsically nonemissive feature at room temperature, consistent with recent reports in which a dark transition leads to undetectable luminescence.30, 31, 32 To explore the potential possibilities of storage phosphor in halide perovskite, we doped a trace amount of Ag+ in Cs2NaInCl6 (named 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6, where 0.005 is the feeding ratio) because Ag is often used to adjust trapping centers in other storage phosphor materials.33, 34 Similar to pure Cs2NaInCl6, 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 maintains a nonemissive feature under UV excitation (Fig. 1B). Intriguingly, it exhibits a broad emission with a full width at half maximum of ∼0.7 eV under X-ray excitation, contrasting sharply with that excited by UV irradiation. The X-ray-induced emission in a nonemissive perovskite is unexpected. As demonstrated in recent works, the nonemissive feature of pure Cs2NaInCl6 is governed by strong electron-phonon interactions.30, 31 The X-ray-induced traps may significantly change the lattice vibrations of Ag+-doped Cs2NaInCl6, and we assume that this could change the electron-phonon interactions. We thus investigated the Huang-Rhys factor (S) of 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 under X-ray irradiation. S is the number of phonons emitted with excited state relaxation after photoexcitation.35, 36, 37 The expression is S=∆E/ℏω, where ∆E is the relaxation energy of the excited states and ω is the frequency of the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon.35, 38 Recent theoretical works indicate that Cs2NaInCl6 has an intrinsically strong S of 80.31. Interestingly, under X-ray excitation, we clearly observe that the S of 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 is reduced to 11.66 (Figure S3A and B), implying that the electron-phonon interactions are significantly reduced under X-ray irradiation. This observation demonstrates that X-ray result in a new relaxation process of excited states, and finally, the lattice is prone to be deformable under X-ray irradiation, which presents a high radiative transition probability, as shown in Figure S3C.
More remarkably, the emission intensity of the 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 single crystal significantly increases as the X-ray irradiation dose increases. We further collected the emission spectrum with gradient radiation dosages. As shown in Fig. 1C, after being exposed to a radiation dose of 26.5 Gy, the emission intensity reaches saturation. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between accumulated dose and emission intensity. As shown in Figure S2B, the emission of 0.005Ag+@ Cs2NaInCl6 exhibits nonlinear dependence on the accumulated dose. The luminescence intensity sharply increases under the initial X-ray irradiation and then reaches saturation with increasing dosage. In addition, the emission process can recycle constantly and maintain the stability of intensity, as shown in Fig. 1D. This X-ray-induced emission feature reveals that 0.005Ag+@ Cs2NaInCl6 can accumulate the received radiation dosage in real time. Moreover, we also synthesized other crystals of Cs2NaInCl6 with higher contents of Ag+. The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data show that the different Ag+-doping ratio samples sustain the initial Cs2NaInCl6 structure. However, with increased Ag+ components, the absorption properties display obvious differences and are consistent with the reported results (Figure S2A).31, 32 Correspondingly, the emission properties are also different. For 0.025 and 0.05Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6, they are still nonemissive under UV excitation but possess luminescent processes similar to those of 0.005Ag+@ Cs2NaInCl6 under X-ray irradiation; the difference is the enhancement processes of emission intensity versus dose accumulation (Fig. 1F). In contrast, Cs2Na0.25Ag0.75InCl6 and Cs2Na0.5Ag0.5InCl6 are emissive under both UV and X-ray excitation (Fig. 1F and Table 1), which is attributed to the breakthrough of the parity-forbidden transition after large amounts of Ag+ doping and is consistent with the reported results.31 Moreover, they only have direct scintillating phenomena and no changes in intensity under persistent X-ray irradiation.
Table 1
Summary of the optical properties of Cs2NaInCl6 with different Ag+ and Bi3+ ion ratios.
Perovskites | Optical properties |
UV excited emission feature | X-ray excited emission feature | RL enhanced with dose accumulation | Material classification |
Cs2NaInCl6 | X | X | X | None |
0.005Ag+@ Cs2NaInCl6 | X | √ | √ | Storage Phosphor |
0.025Ag+@ Cs2NaInCl6 | X | √ | √ | Storage Phosphor |
0.05Ag+@ Cs2NaInCl6 | X | √ | √ | Storage Phosphor |
Cs2Na0.75Ag0.25InCl6 | √ | √ | X | Scintillator |
Cs2Na0.5Ag0.5InCl6 | √ | √ | X | Scintillator |
0.025Bi3+@ Cs2NaInCl6 | X | √ | √ | Storage Phosphor |
0.075Bi3+@ Cs2NaInCl6 | X | √ | √ | Storage Phosphor |
Cs2NaIn0.75Bi0.25Cl6 | √ | √ | X | Scintillator |
Cs2NaIn0.5Bi0.5Cl6 | √ | √ | X | Scintillator |
√ means the presence of emission. X means no emission. |
The X-ray-induced trap formation mechanism.
In consideration of the proper emissive character of Ag+-doped Cs2NaInCl6, we speculated that the luminescence may originate from trap recombination induced by X-ray irradiation.39, 40 To understand the trap properties of Ag+-doped Cs2NaInCl6, we tested the thermoluminescence spectrum of 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 under X-ray irradiation. Thermoluminescent measurement is widely used to verify the existence of traps that are generated by irradiation in storage phosphor materials.41 We initially froze the crystals at 213 K and then irradiated them with X-rays at different dosages. After cutting off the X-ray source, we found that the crystal displays significantly longer afterglow at 213 K compared with that at room temperature. The afterglow is directly related to the generation and concentration of traps. In addition, the afterglow time is also longer when higher X-ray doses are given (Figure S4). Until the spectrum of afterglow was almost undetectable at 213 K, thermoluminescence spectra began to be collected along increased temperature with a ramp-up rate of 0.17°C/s. As shown in Fig. 2A, compared to the case with no X-ray irradiation, significant thermoluminescence phenomena are observed under incremental irradiation dosages, which further demonstrates that the X-ray creates substantial traps within 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6. Furthermore, a broad band located at 248.5 K was recorded in the TL curves, implying that X-rays solely generate one type of trap state in 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6.42 In addition, Fig. 2B shows the integral area of the TL curve dependency on the received dosage, indicating that the trap concentration is highly correlated with the irradiated dosage. The above results directly illustrate that a new storage phosphor has been designed in the halide double perovskite Cs2NaInCl6. Based on the TL curves, we can roughly estimate the trap depth in 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 from the equation E = Tm/500, where E is the trap depth in eV, and Tm is the transition point in the TL curve.43, 44 It should be noted that traditional storage phosphor materials usually have deep trap depths higher than 0.6 eV (Table S1), in which external optical/thermal stimulation is required to release the traps.9, 10, 11 However, a distinct trap depth of 0.50 eV is obtained for 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6. This shallow trap depth is inferred to make trapped electrons and holes spontaneously released at room temperature, leading to the dosage accumulation effect. In addition, the peak shape and position of the thermoluminescence and afterglow spectrum are identical to those of X-ray-induced emission, confirming that X-ray-induced emission of 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 predominantly originates from the recombination of the same electron and hole traps. (Fig. 2C).
Different from UV light, X-rays have high enough energy to generate various point defects in bulk materials by ionization interactions, which can serve as electron or hole traps. According to the established theory of X-ray-matter interactions, Cl− will be dislocated and form a well-known Vk center (Cl2−) with another adjacent Cl−.4, 45 Cl2− is one of the typical hole trapping centers and has been widely explored in halide perovskites.41, 46 We thus inferred that Cl2− may play a critical role of hole trapping center in Ag+-doped Cs2NaInCl6. To explore the intrinsic trapping process of excited electrons and holes, we investigated the in situ XPS to reveal the X-ray-induced electron transfer behavior. Under continuous X-ray irradiation, the Cl 2p peaks notably shift to higher binding energies in both 0.05Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 and pure Cs2NaInCl6, which means that electron-losing behavior appears in the Cl atom and indicates that hole-trapping centers (Cl2−) are induced by X-ray excitation (Fig. 2D and S5C). However, the behavior of In 3d in 0.05Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 is totally different from that in pure Cs2NaInCl6. As shown in Fig. 2D and S5A, not only a shift to lower binding energy but also two new shoulder peaks appear in In 3d3 and 3d5 at lower binding energy. This result indicates the electron-withdrawing character of In in Ag+-doped Cs2NaInCl6 under X-ray irradiation. In contrast, there is no obvious change in In 3d in pure Cs2NaInCl6 (Figure S5D). In addition, the microcomponent of Ag 3d also shows a detectable shift to lower binding energy in in situ XPS after irradiation (Figure S5B). These hints suggest that Ag+ doping promotes the formation of electron trapping centers in halide double perovskite Cs2NaInCl6 under X-ray irradiation. Moreover, density functional theory calculations were carried out to clarify the role of the Cl2− hole trapping centers induced by X-ray in Cs2NaInCl6 (detailed calculation methods can be found in the methods). Our calculation shows that two adjacent Cl atoms form a stable Cl20 dimer structure, with the Cl-Cl distance decreasing from 3.63 Å to 2.01 Å (Stage 1 in Fig. 3A). The trap state (red line in Figure S6A) appears in the band gap and serves as a hole trap mainly derived from the Cl-Cl anti-bonding orbitals. According to experimental observations, the traps can be released at room temperature, which is probably due to the destruction of the Cl20 dimer after trapping electrons. Therefore, we introduced an electron into Cl20-Cs2NaInCl6 to simulate the stability of the Cl2− dimer structure. As shown in Fig. 4A, the level of the Cl2− dimer (Stage 2) is 2.10 eV higher than that of the Cl20 dimer in total energy, implying that the Cl2− dimer can spontaneously recover. This state then relaxed into the low-lying energy state by phonon scattering (Stage 3, defined as L-Cl2−). Finally, L-Cl2− fully relaxed to the initial state of Cs2NaInCl6 by capturing an electron (Stage 4). In addition, the calculation indicates that the relaxation of the Cl2− dimer is in a broad energy range due to multiple lattice vibrations. As shown in Figs. 3B and S6, the energy level of traps gradually decreased from 1.88 eV to 0.34 eV, accompanied by Cl-Cl distance relaxation to equilibrium status. The experimental value of 0.50 eV from TL measurements is right in the range. Overall, the in situ XPS and calculation results indicate that Cl2− serves as hole traps to capture holes under X-ray excitation in storage phosphor perovskite. At the same time, the trace doping ratio of Ag+ promotes the trapping of electrons in the In3+ site. Then, the spontaneous radiative recombination of trapped electrons and holes leads to X-ray-induced emission (Fig. 3C).
Regulating trap characteristics of Cs2NaInCl6 for improving detection sensitivity
The above results provide a new type of storage phosphor in Cs2NaInCl6 with a trace doping ratio of Ag+, and the continuously increased emission depending on the accumulated X-ray dose illustrates intrinsic real-time dosimetry. However, 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6 only works in a narrow dosage region, as shown in Fig. 1C. Since the X-ray-induced emission is associated with defect trap state formation, moreover, the In3+ site is the electron trapping center, we proposed that doping guest ions on this site would regulate the trap characteristics of Cs2NaInCl6. We thus incorporate the Bi3+ ions into the lattice that would sustain the structural integration of Cs2NaInCl6.27 Here, we name the samples 0.025Bi3+@Cs2NaInCl6, 0.075Bi3+@Cs2NaInCl6, Cs2NaIn0.75Bi0.25Cl6, and Cs2NaIn0.5Bi0.5Cl6 based on different Bi3+ feeding ratios. The accurate amounts of Bi3+ and In3+ were confirmed by ICO-OES, as shown in Table S2, and the results are consistent with the increased Bi3+ feeding ratio. Clearly, four different samples maintain the initial structure (Figure S7) but exhibit distinctively different lattice vibrations (Figure S8). We investigated the optical properties of these samples under UV and X-ray irradiation. Similar to the Ag+-doped samples, only 0.025Bi3+@Cs2NaInCl6 and 0.075Bi3+@Cs2NaInCl6 with trace amounts of Bi3+ doping exhibit storage phosphor characteristics, as shown in Fig. 4A and S9. In contrast, the samples of Cs2NaIn0.75Bi0.25Cl6 and Cs2NaIn0.5Bi0.5Cl6 show distinct optical properties, manifesting direct UV excited emission and scintillating phenomena (Table 1 and Figures S9). The electronic transition spectra in Figure S10 indicate that a high doping ratio results in efficient electronic transfer between the [BiCl6]3− group and [InCl6]3− group and thus changes the electronic structure of Cs2NaIn0.75Bi0.25Cl6 and Cs2NaIn0.5Bi0.5Cl6. Intriguingly, unlike 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6, 0.025Bi3+@Cs2NaInCl6 has decent detection sensitivity with a dosage response range from 0.08 Gy to 45.05 Gy (Fig. 4A and Figure S11), which substantially covers technical demands in radiation detection fields. The in situ XPS analysis illustrates a similar trapping process of excited electrons and holes with 0.05Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6, as shown in Fig. 4B and 4C. In addition, the electron-lossing behavior in Bi 4f7 shows that Bi may be involved in the hole-trapping process (Figure S12). We also measured the TL spectrum of 0.025Bi3+@Cs2NaInCl6 and calculated the trap depth as 0.51 eV, which is higher than that of 0.005Ag+@Cs2NaInCl6. (Table S1 and Figure S13). By fitting the data in Fig. 4A, we can quantitatively evaluate the emission intensity as a function of radiation dose from 1.33 Gy to 45.05 Gy (Fig. 4D). The equation Y = A·exp(-X/B) + C is then deduced, where A and C are constant parameters and B is a parameter associated with the dosage rate. Figure 4E shows the relationship between parameter B and the dosage rate. A linear dependence was obtained, indicating that 0.025Bi3+@Cs2NaInCl6 has the intrinsic property of dosage accumulation regardless of the variation in the dose rate. The above dose-dependent relationship suggests the application potential in real-time visualized radiation dosimetry. Furthermore, 0.025Bi3+@Cs2NaInCl6 exhibits a relatively long afterglow of more than 63 seconds (Fig. 4F), making it promising for applications such as radiation medical imaging.47 In addition, the dynamic process of enhanced emission intensity and long afterglow are also recorded in the Supplementary Video.