p120ctn is required for turning of the mouse embryo and neurulation
Mice lacking p120ctn have a defective gastrulation and die around mid-gestation [11, 28, 30], but the exact developmental defects beyond the gastrulation stage have not been described in detail. We performed timed matings for generation of p120ctn full KO embryos (Fig. 1a). Recently, we showed that upon genetic ablation of p120ctn preimplantation development and early stages of gastrulation occur normally [29]. However, from mid-gestation (E9.5) on, p120ctn-null embryos exhibited an aberrant morphology, including growth retardation and failure to switch from lordotic to fetal posture, a process which is called ‘turning’ (Fig 1b). In E9.5 control embryos the neural tube is normally closed, whereas E9.5 p120ctn-null embryos displayed a strikingly defective neural tube formation (Fig. 1c,d). At this stage and in line with a recent report [28], p120ctn-null embryos also displayed posterior axis duplication (Fig. 1d, arrows). Growth retardation and developmental defects progressed over time and from E11.5 onwards, all p120ctn-null embryos were resorbed (Fig. 1a,c). In conclusion, mouse p120ctn is important for correct neurulation in vivo.
p120ctn is essential for neurogenesis in mESCs and E9.5 embryos
Next, we wondered whether also neurogenesis was affected in the absence of p120ctn. In E9.5 control embryos, emerging neurons can be identified in their neural tubes by use of neuronal markers such as Nestin and βIII-tubulin (Fig. 2a,b). In contrast, in E9.5 p120ctn-null embryos neural tube formation was aberrant and there was reduced expression of neuronal markers (Fig. 2a,b). On the other hand, expression patterns of mesodermal markers such as smooth muscle actin (SMA) and troponin-T were not affected by the p120ctn ablation (Fig. S1a,b).
To exclude that the lack of emerging neurons in p120ctn-null embryos is due to a developmental delay rather than to the essential need for p120ctn to induce neurogenesis, we performed in vitro neural differentiation experiments in control and p120ctn-null mESCs. We previously reported on the derivation of control and p120ctn-null mESCs [29]. We used such mESCs now to induce either spontaneous differentiation or neural-directed differentiation by using two protocols. Spontaneous differentiation in embryoid bodies (EBs) was analyzed by culturing control and p120ctn-null mESCs for 30 days onto low-adherent bacterial-grade plates, followed by immunohistochemical analysis. Whereas control EBs contained lots of Nestin-positive cells, these were clearly absent in p120ctn-null EBs (Fig. 2c). In the first neurogenesis protocol [31], we cultured control and p120ctn-null mESCs for 6 days in N2B27 medium and found that p120ctn-depleted cells produced a significantly lower number of Nestin-positive neural progenitors compared to control mESCs (Fig. 2d). In a second protocol [32], embryoid bodies (EBs) were made of control and p120ctn-null mESCs and subsequently cultured in N2B27 medium with or without retinoic acid (see details in the Methods section). Similar to the results of the previous approach, a significant reduction of βIII-tubulin positive cells could be identified for two independent p120ctn-null mESCs clones (Fig. 2e). To test the neuronal differentiation potential in vivo, we subcutaneously injected control and p120ctn-null mESCs into athymic nude mice and monitored teratoma formation. Both control and p120ctn-null mESCs formed teratomas although at low efficiency. Only control but not p120-null teratomas were positive for neuronal markers Nestin and βIII-tubulin (Fig. S2). Finally, we performed a rescue experiment [29], using RMCE-targeted p120ctn-null mESCs expressing R26-driven wild-type p120ctn isoform 1A (designated R_1A). We found that neurogenesis was partially restored in R_1A EBs (Fig. 2c,e). These data support an important role for p120ctn, both in vitro and in vivo, in instructing cells to commit to the neurectoderm lineage.
Neural tube defects (NTD) upon p120ctn ablation at sites of Wnt1-Cre expression
To analyze the role of p120ctn during neurulation while avoiding developmental defects in p120ctn-null embryos, we generated mice in which p120ctn deletion was restricted to Wnt1-expressing cells. Wnt1-Cre mediated KO of p120ctn was obtained by breeding mice that had inherited a floxed p120ctn allele [11] with Wnt1-Cre transgenic mice [33]. Cre-negative p120ctnfl/fl littermates were used as controls in all experiments described below. The Wnt1-driven Cre recombinase is expressed in the cranial neural plate, the dorsal neural tube and in all neural crest cells within the early embryo [33, 34]. We have confirmed this expression pattern by performing timed matings with Wnt1-Cre and R26-LacZ reporter mice [35], followed by X-gal-staining of the embryos. Expression was found at the reported sites from the 6-somite stage (about E8.0) on (Fig. S3), but was not observed at earlier stages.
We initially analyzed 42 mutant mice with a p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre genotype and a mixed C57BL/6 and FVB/N background. Of these offspring embryos, 29 (69%) survived after birth and showed only minor brain malformations and craniofacial abnormalities, including a small elevation of the midbrain with respect to the skull and a larger space between the frontal bones. This was determined by E. Descamps and D. Adriaens (Ghent University) using orthogonal-plane fluorescence optical sectioning (OPFOS) microscopy [36, 37]. In addition, these survivors displayed defects in the eyes [38]. The remaining 13 (31%) p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos died prenatally and showed various degrees of NTDs (Fig. 3). Abnormalities in the neural tube of p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos were obvious from E9.5 on (Fig. 3a,b), the time at which the neural tube normally closes, and were similar to these of the full p120ctn KO at E9.5 (Fig. 1c,d). The young p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos showed a defect in anterior neural tube closure at the level of the mid- and hindbrain. Loss of p120ctn was confirmed on sections of the hindbrain of E9.5 embryos, where the strong p120ctn expression at the apical side of control neural folds (Fig. 3c,e; arrows), was convincingly ablated in the abnormal out-folding structures of the p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre brains (Fig. 3d,f; arrows). This indicates that p120ctn is required in Wnt1 expressing cells of the brain to allow proper neural tube closure.
At E11.5, the neural tube was fully closed in control embryos (Fig. 3g,i), but still open in the p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos with NTDs (Fig. 3h,j). In addition, the mutant mice suffered from exencephaly: lateral extensions of the neural folds and a protruding extra brain mass (Fig. 3j). In E13.5 p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos, p120ctn was strikingly reduced in the hindbrain and facial structures, in comparison to control embryos (Fig. 3k,l; arrows), what is in concordance with the expression pattern of Wnt1-driven Cre (Fig. S3). The NTDs did not ameliorate over time and remained obvious as late as E16.5. Eventually, embryos with such severe phenotype died before E17.5. At that time, dramatic defects in frontal, parietal and interparietal skull bones were observed [37].
When we backcrossed p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre mutant mice to the C57BL/6 background for 10 times, the NTD frequency progressively decreased to 1%, while total counts for offspring on a mixed background revealed 18% embryos displaying exencephaly (35 out of 191 p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre+ embryos analyzed). This indicates that unknown strain-dependent genetic factors modulate the final effects of loss of p120ctn on NTDs.
Analysis of early midbrain, hindbrain and proliferation markers in p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos
To analyze whether the NTDs in p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos were due to a major dysregulation of the gene networks regulating brain development, we examined representative midbrain and hindbrain markers (Wnt1, Otx2, En1 and Fgf8) by whole-mount in situ hybridization on mutant and control embryos at E9.5 (Fig. 4). The expression patterns in control embryos (Fig. 4a, c, e, g) was fully in accordance with published studies [39-42]. We observed the same expression patterns in p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos, even in the neural tube opening region of mutant embryos displaying severe NTD (Fig 4b, d, f, h).
Next, we addressed cell proliferation activity by IHC for phopho-Histone 3 (pH3) in control and p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos. Histone H3 is specifically phosphorylated in late G2 and mitosis. Regions of p120ctn ablation were revealed by IHC staining on consecutive paraffin sections. Staining of embryos with 12-13 somites (about E8.5) showed that p120ctn ablation in the elevated neural folds was not correlated with drastically changed pH3 activity (Fig. 5). For older embryos (18-22 somites; about E9.0-9.5), we compared sections of control mice, mutant mice with closed neural tube and mutant mice with unfolded extended neural folds (Fig. S4). Similar activity of pH3 was seen at the apical side of control neural tube, mutant neural tube and mutant unfolded neural folds (Fig. 5d-f).
Abnormal N-cadherin expression in brains of p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos
Since p120ctn stabilizes expression of classic cadherins, including E- and N-cadherin [14, 15], loss of N-cadherin might explain the NTDs observed in p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos. To scrutinize the mechanism underlying the NTD phenotype we investigated by double immunofluorescence the co-expression of N-cadherin and p120ctn in the brains of control and mutant embryos at stages 8S -12S (Fig. 6). In 10-somite mutant embryos, p120ctn expression was locally affected at the top of the neural fold (Fig. 6c, arrow), and this corresponded to local loss of N-cadherin (Fig. 6d, arrow). At the 12-somite stage of the control embryo, expression of p120ctn and N-cadherin nicely colocalized at the apical side of the closed neural tube (Fig. 6e,f). Again, the top of the neural fold in the mutant embryo showed loss of both p120ctn and N-cadherin expression (Fig. 6g,h; arrows). Surprisingly, at the lower levels of this neural fold, p120ctn expression was largely gone, while N-cadherin was still strongly expressed (Fig. 6g,h; arrowheads). At a later stage (18-22S), we compared a control embryo with p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre (mutant) embryos that showed either normal neural tube closure or opened neural folds (Fig. 6i-q). Despite complete p120ctn ablation in the closed neural tube of one KO embryo (Fig. 6j), N-cadherin expression seemed to be normal (Fig. 6m,p). In contrast, in case of the extended neural folds with completely ablated p120ctn expression in the other mutant embryo (Fig. 6k), N-cadherin was also expressed but appeared to be aggregated (Fig. 6n,q). Also in E9.5 mutant embryos (25-30S), N-cadherin was apparently strongly expressed in p120ctn-ablated extended neural folds, both at the well-organized basal side, and at the disorganized and less cohesive apical side (arrows in Fig. S5).
Abnormal E-cadherin expression in brains of p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos
Neurogenesis is characterized by cadherin switching [25]: the epithelial E-cadherin is downregulated and replaced by expression of N-cadherin. The E- to N-cadherin switch was not affected in the p120ctn ablated neuro-epithelial regions of p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre mice (see above). During normal neurulation, a non-neural ectodermal layer apposing the rising neural folds continues to express E-cadherin. In view of the important role of this ectodermal layer in mutual adhesion and fusion of the neural folds at the midline [2, 43], we checked the expression of E-cadherin in our mutant mice (Fig. 7). In control embryos, the E-cadherin-positive non-neural ectoderm nicely overlays the tips of the neural folds (Figs. 7b,i), and forms a continuous lining as soon as the neural tube is closed (Figs. 7d,j), fully in line with the function of this tissue during neural fold contact and fusion. In contrast, in young mutant embryos (12-13 somites), the non-neural ectoderm, featured by E-cadherin expression, stops extending dorsally without covering the tip of the p120ctn-lacking neural fold (arrowhead in Figs. 7f; arrow in Fig. 7k). This defect is even more clear in older mutant embryos, where p120ctn-lacking mushroom structures are not at all covered by E-cadherin-positive cells (arrow in Fig. 7h).
Beta-catenin expression in brains of p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos
The cytoplasmic C-terminal ends of all classic cadherins associate with β-catenin, while the more membrane-proximal domains of these cytoplasmic tails associate with p120ctn. Hence, expression of β-catenin at the plasma membrane reflects the presence of classic cadherins, including several with expression in the neural plate, neural folds or neural tube: N-cadherin, cadherin-6, cadherin-7 [44, 45]. At the 12-13 somite stage, β-catenin colocalized with p120ctn along the whole neural fold of control embryos (Fig. 8a,b arrowheads). Interestingly, when p120ctn was ablated in the neural folds of p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos, this was not associated with decreased β-catenin expression (Fig. 8c,d; arrowheads), except for the very top of the folds (Fig. 8c,d; arrows). The difference in expression between the tips of control and mutant neural folds for both p120ctn and β-catenin reflects the focal absence of the overlying non-neural ectodermal layer in the mutants (see above). At a later stage (18-22S), the opened neural folds in the p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryo were negative for p120ctn, but still positive for β-catenin (Fig. S6d,e; notice the red color in the overlay of Fig. S6f). It is noteworthy that β-catenin was locally aggregated in these opened folds (Fig. S6e, arrows), what is in full accordance with the observations on N-cadherin (Figs. 6q and S5d).
Expression of cortactin and Shroom-3 in brains of p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos
Formation of membrane ruffles, lamellipodial extension, but also formation of cadherin-mediated cell-cell junctions were reported to be dependent on the molecular complex between cortactin and p120ctn [46]. Therefore, we analyzed the expression of cortactin in our control and mutant embryos (Fig. 9). In young 7-somite mutant embryos, we did not observe an obvious decrease in cortactin expression in neural folds with p120ctn ablation (Fig. 9d-f; arrows), as compared to control 9-somite embryos (Fig. 9a-c; arrows). In control embryos of 12-13 somites, the closed neural tube showed high co-expression of p120ctn and cortactin at the ventricular side of the neural tube (Fig. 9g-i; arrows). In p120ctn-lacking neural folds of 12-13S mutant embryos (Fig. 9j-l), the expression of cortactin was similar (arrow in Fig. 9k) to those of 9S control embryos (arrow in Fig. 9b), except for the very tip of the neural folds where defective p120ctn expression correlated with decreased cortactin expression (Fig. 9j-l; arrowheads). Although the latter folds were not closed, they were bended inwards in contrast to the folds of younger 7S mutant embryos (Fig. 9d-f). This indicates that a cortactin defect at the dorsolateral hinge points is unlikely to be a major cause of the NTDs observed in p120ctnfl/fl;Wnt1Cre embryos. On the other hand, a critical role of cortactin at the dorsal fusion point in the midline may be affected in our mutants.
p120ctn has been shown to be necessary for apical junctional recruitment of Shroom3, and to interact genetically with Shroom3 with respect to NTD and ocular malformations [47]. We analyzed the expression patterns of p120ctn and Shroom3 by double immunofluorescence on cranial and posterior neural folds (Fig. 10). In control embryos p120ctn and Shroom3 were nicely co-expressed at intercellular contacts at the top of the ventricular side of the neural tube (Fig. 10a,c,d). In contrast, p120ctn-negative cranial neural folds of mutant embryos displayed loss of Shroom3 (Fig. 10b,e,f), whereas the closed neural tube at the posterior side of these embryos showed co-expression of p120ctn and Shroom3, alike the situation in control embryos (Fig. 10b,g). This indicates that p120ctn loss in our mutant mice displaces the actin-binding protein Shroom3 from the apical side of cranial neural folds what is likely to contribute to the observed NTDs.