Here we identified novel virulence determinants contributing to disease severity in TBEV infection. By screening different TBEV strains in mice we identified one highly pathogenic European strain, 93/783. 93/783 is a low passage strain isolated from the sera of a human TBE patient in Sweden, who later developed encephalitis [26]. The human isolate 93/783 has been under selection pressure of a mammalian immune response whereas the other strains are either tick isolates (Torö, M14/10, HM467/11) or references strain with high passage number in cell culture (Hypr, Neudörfl, Aina Sofjin). This might be one factor contributing to the high virulence of 93/783, as passaging of TBEV in cell culture has previously been reported to result in attenuation in vivo [22, 41]. However, when we analyzed the prevalence of the T83 residue in other TBEV strains deposited in GenBank (using: we found only 7 TBEV sequences out of more than 1000, indicating that it is a quite rare amino acid at this position. Furthermore, the viruses carrying this rare amino acid in position 83 are isolates from both ticks and patients [42, 43] and belong to different subtypes, suggesting that it is neither a common mammalian adaptation of the virus, nor a specific trait of a certain subtype.
We found 93/783 to be more neurovirulent than Torö. An immediate increase in viral replication was observed in brains intracranially infected with 93/783 mice, whereas viral replication was only detectable 5 d.p.i in Torö infected mice. Faster spread and higher viral burdens might be due to more infected cells in the brain. This correlated with faster disease development and could be important determinants of pathogenesis. The E protein is involved in receptor binding and membrane fusion and could be of great importance for fast spread and infection within the brain. Apart from its role in receptor binding and membrane fusion, the E protein also constitutes the most important antigenic structure [38]. Previous studies have indicated that the E protein is important for pathogenesis, amino acid changes in the E protein which resulted in increased net positive charge showed lower pathogenicity and neuroinvasiveness in vivo [22, 41, 44]. The increased in positive charge results in stronger binding to glycosaminoglycans which is an advantage in vitro, but reduces the neuroinvasiveness of the virus in vivo by impeding the virus ability to spread from cell to cell [44]. Similar findings have been observed for mosquito-borne flaviviruses [45]. Furthermore, an antibody escape mutant, containing a Y384H mutation in the E protein, also resulted in reduced neuroinvasivness [46] demonstrating the diverse roles of the E protein in TBEV pathogenesis. To test the importance of A83T and A463S amino acids a chimeric Torö93E virus was generated, by transferring the E gene from 93/783 into Torö. We found that the E protein of 93/783 mediated better binding and infection into neurons, and also contributed to the pathogenicity in mice. Since the A83T amino acid substitution is located on the surface it is more likely that this amino acid contributes to increased infection of neurons.
Interestingly, we saw no difference between the strains during the infection in MEFs, indicating that the effect of A83T residue on virus entry and infection is cell-type-specific for neurons. In astrocytes, no difference in number of infected cells were detected between the strains, and this might be due to low number of infected cells and the rare event of TBEV infected astrocytes [34, 47, 48]. The low infection rate could be explained by the fact that the fast type I interferon response of astrocytes prevents the infection of the neighboring cells [25]. However, 93/783 replicated more efficiently in astrocytes compared to Torö, whereas the chimera virus behaved like Torö. This could be explained by amino acid differences in other parts of the virus, both in other structural as well as non-structural (NS) proteins e.g. NS3 and NS5. Which could contribute to pathogenesis. These amino acid differences might explain the moderate change in pathogenicity of the chimeric virus in mice. These differences will be further investigated.
There are two commercially available vaccines against TBEV in Europe. These are considered to be safe and efficacious, however, vaccine breakthroughs occur [14]. In a retrospective study concerning reported TBEV cases in the Stockholm County in Sweden during 2006 to 2015, it was found that 81% of vaccine failure patients were over 50 years old, 26% of the patients had diseases which involved the immune system, the mortality rate was 6% [49]. The exact mechanisms behind the vaccine breakthroughs are not known, but the immune response of the patient as well as the genetics of the viral strain might contribute.
Here we wanted to investigate if natural variation of in the E protein could affect the efficiency of neutralization by the TBEV vaccines. When we compared the amino acid sequence of the E protein of Torö, 93/783 and the two vaccine strains Neudörfl and K23, we found that the amino acid differences among the strains were in previously identified neutralizing epitopes and neighboring residues had been found to affect neutralization [39]. To investigate the role of these amino acid differences for neutralizing antibody titers we tested the sera from individuals vaccinated with either FSME-IMMUN®, Encepur or a combination of both vaccines. We found that sera from FSME-IMMUN® vaccinated patients possessed higher neutralizing titers against the vaccine strain Neudörfl compared to the natural isolates Torö and 93/783. Neutralizing antibodies have been shown to be induced by both FSME-IMMUN® and Encepur®, and vaccine-induced protection against TBEV has been shown to be mediated by antibodies against the E protein [50–52]. The only difference in amino acid sequence of the E protein of Torö and Neudörfl is the I167V which could be important for neutralization and explain the higher neutralizing titers against Neudörfl in FSME-IMMUN® vaccinated patients.
There was no significant difference in neutralizing titers against Torö, 93/783 or Neudörfl in the sera of Encepur® vaccinated individuals. Interestingly, FSME-IMMUN® was shown to the neutralize Swedish strains better compared to Encepur®, where some sera showed borderline neutralizing titers after Encepur vaccination and one serum did not neutralize 93/783 at all. A previous study found that the amino acid K52 is very important for efficient neutralization by Encepur®, this amino acid is found in the K23 vaccine strain [53], however, this is the only TBEV strain found in the gene bank database sequenced that contains this amino acid in that position ( This could also explain why the Swedish isolates which lacks the K52 are not neutralized as efficiently by Encepur®. Thus, genetic divergence from the vaccine strain might reduce neutralizing antibody titers and might be a risk factor for vaccine breakthroughs.