Environmental stresses harm plant development and growth by causing physiological and oxidative damage to plants systems32. Numerous plant species had demonstrated reduced growth when exposed to salt stress33. Several studies have found that abiotic stresses cause serious harm to the growth of crops and lead to yield reduction13. The growth of roots and shoots and roots in salt-sensitive plants were significantly reduced under external osmotic stress solution34. As opposed to that, 33 discovered that sorbitol improved wheat germination quality and quantity, whereas 35 confirmed that sorbitol causes a decrease in maize seedling growth parameters due to osmotic stress. One of the components of seeds required for germination is sorbitol, which are capable of being taken up by plant cells36. 35 also pointed, that the number of seedlings reduced when mannitol level increased, despite the fact that mannitol, like sorbitol, is a suitable solute, but it is not one of the seed components necessary for germination. 37 investigated the effects of salt, osmotic, cold, and heat shocks on two genotypes of Jordanian lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) called Jordan 1 and Jordan 2. They observed that these stresses had a direct influence on seed viability and photosynthetic pigments. Osmotic and salt stress significantly reduced seed germination in 5 Jordanian wheat genotypes23. Furthermore, 21 discovered seed sensitivity and decreased seed germination in various wheat and barely cutlivars exposed to different NaCl treatments. For seedlings growth under salt and osmotic treatments; our results were in disagreement with 38 who found the difference in seedling length among three tomato genotypes exposed to salinity stress, where the reduction reached up to 12% compared with control. The fresh weights data were in direct opposition to the findings that were published by 39, who said that the fresh weight of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) could be enhanced by as much as 28% when it was subjected to salt stress. Despite the fact that numerous research have shown a beneficial relationship between salinity and fresh weight, there are also results showing a detrimental relationship between salt stress and fresh weight. These include a study by 40 on radish plants Raphanus sativus L., and a study by 41 on Brassica campestris L. Salt stress, as established by a large number of studies, causes a reduction in the dry weight of the shoot system. The exact amount by which this reduction occurs varies according to salinity level, kind of salt present, and crop genotype42. Other studies have found different outcomes, including the one conducted by 42. These researchers found that the application of 200 mM of sodium chloride to sea beet (Beta maritime L.) and fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) significantly increased the dry weight of the shoot system for both beet species. Our findings, on the other hand, found that the sodium chloride treatment had the opposite effect.
The rate of photosynthesis and how much dry matter is produced by plants under stress can be estimated from their total chlorophyll content. Researchers discovered that the content of chlorophyll is significantly correlated positively with grain yield43. A reduced chlorophyll content will result in a decreased rate of photosynthesis, which will then lead. to a lower production of dry mater and a lower crop yield. Environmental stress is connected with a reduction in chlorophyll, and the change in total chlorophyll is an useful predictor of the influence that stress has on the development of crops44. 45 identified tolerant genotypes with regard to more leaf chlorophyll retention under stress conditions. Wheat genotypes exposed to long-term soil salinity (NaCl), caused impaired and deteriorated effects on membrane stability index, carotenoids, proline, chlorophyll, soluble sugar, superoxide dismutase and biomass and grain yield46. Chlorophyll biosynthesis was reduced in Zea mays L. under low temperature due to damaged development of thylakoid membranes47. 48 reported that a reduction of chlorophyll contents when the plant is under salt and osmotic stress through enhancing the activity of the chlorophyllase enzyme, which is responsible for the degradation of chlorophyll pigments. Abiotic stress activated the deterioration of chloroplast structure and reduced photosynthesis rate.
Due to membrane lipid peroxidation, the amount of MDA accumulation in plants tissues under stress increased25. This accumulation of MDA under salt and osmotic stress is consistent with the findings of other investigations that found a significant concentration of MDA accumulating in wheat shoots under conditions in which they were subjected to osmotic and salt stress23. Variations in MDA concentrations were also found in rice (Oryza sativa L)49. Under salt stress, lipid peroxidation in both shoots and roots tissues increased in barley genotypes. In addition 50 described that, lipid peroxidation increased in two beet species under salt stress. It was discovered by 36 that individual molecules of sorbitol can be taken up by plant cells. As a result, the three genotypes of barley (Acsad 176, Athroh, and Rum) were not impacted by the treatment with 50 mM sorbitol, as demonstrated in Fig. 1C. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants showed high accumulation of MDA under stress (different concentrations of NaCl)51. At several growth stages, maize genotypes demonstrated a growth loss when exposed to salt stress52. Moreover, 53 desocvered that differing saline systems in hydroponic culture resulted in a growth reduction of the rice genotype54 informed that MDA levels increased in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings shoot and root tissues under hydrogen peroxide and paraquat treatments. 55 informed that barley genotypes indicated a remarkable increase in MDA levels after fungal infection, where the MDA level started to rise at 4 days after infection and reached 185% increase when compared with uninfected control plants after 6 days.
More than half a century ago, the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) shunt was discovered in plants for the first time in the tuber of the potato plant56. The levels of GABA that are found in plant tissue have a tendency to rise in response to environmental stressors such as dryness, darkness, and hypoxia17,18. 57 discovered that Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was readily accumulated at the whole plant level during NaCl application in Arabidopsis thaliana. In addition, the activity of GABA transaminase (GABA-TP), which is utilized as an predector to evaluate the concentration of GABA, rapidly rose in Arabidopsis seedlings in response to treatment with 150 mM NaCl. This was the case even though the seedlings had been exposed to the same amount of salt. This was observed in reaction to the fact that the seedlings were subjected to the salt concentration57. 28 displayed that the GABA shunt metabolite highly accumulated in wheat and barley genotypes when subjected to the stresses of cold and freezing temperatures. The levels of GABA accumulation were found to be closely proportional to the amount of stress that was endured during the treatments. The accumulation of GABA is promoted when non-hardened plants are subjected to exogenous glutamate in a low temperature environment28 GABA levels increase in plant tissue that is exposed to anaerobic and heat stresses58 According to 23, wheat genotypes were subjected to salt and osmotic stress, which resulted in an increase in the accumulation of GABA. In agreement with our findings, 59 discovered that the only non-amino acid intermediary of the GABA shunt that increased under osmotic stress was GABA. Wheat seedlings exposed to 20% polyethylene glycol 6000 for 28 hours as an osmotic stressor experienced a considerable increase in GABA buildup60. In addition, both cold and heat treatments raised the GABA levels in Arabidopsis calmodulin mutants61.
Numerous studies had found evidence to support the concept that GAD and GABA may be components of a signal transduction pathway that is activated in crops when they are subjected to a stressful environment62. Environmental stresses enhance the increase of Ca2+ level in the plant cells63. Anoxia leads to mitochondrial release of Ca2+ into the cytosol under abiotic stress, wind and cold increase Ca2+ signaling pathways in the cytoplasm64. All plant GADs contain calmodulin-binding domains (CaM-BDs). GADs were stimulated by Ca2+/CaM as a binding complex, but not by either Ca2+ or CaM alone65. 66 reported overexpression of glutamate decarboxylase in transgenic tobacco plants in response to the root-knot nematode exposure and heat shock19. Data showed that GAD expression level increased in wheat genotype seedling under NaCl, mannitol, and sorbitol treatments23. In conformity with our findings, GAD activity significantly increased in response to a NaCl stressor, which was correlated with a rise in GAD gene expression in an Arabidopsis thaliana CMSII case. On the contrary, GABA accumulation in Arabidopsis seedlings was prevented under heat stress due to disruption of the GAD1 gene14.
This study found that under salt and osmotic stress, barley seedlings accumulated more GABA, had higher MDA levels, and had lower protein contents. The findings of this research offer substantial support for the proposition that GABA may be an Integrated and Adaptive Mechanism for the Metabolism that aids plant resistance to abiotic stress brought on by salt and osmotic treatments. Protein production in plants may respond differently to environmental stress67. The growth, development, and yield of the crop were all negatively impacted by the presence of abiotic stresses. It has been discovered that plant stress adaptation occurs through changes in gene expression, which modify plant phenotypes. Plants showed different mechanisms at the transcriptional and the enzymatic activities levels overlapping patterns in the reactions of the adaptive mechanisms to various stresses. In agreement with our study, two cotton genotypes revealed significant decrease in soluble protein concentrations under 50 and 100 mM NaCl treatments68. In addition, the protein concentrations of actin-depolymerizing factor, superoxide dismutase, and salt-induced protein in rice were altered as a result of drought and osmotic stress69. Some plants excrete glycine-betaine (GB) in response to abiotic stress (salt and drought stress), where the plant cells accumulate GB for stabilizing the quaternary structure of protein complexes and membrane structures against various abiotic stresses70. Furthermore, GB increase the ability of plant cell to save water without disturbing normal cellular function. GB accumulation in transgenic apple expressed Osmyb4 gene, which is stress regulator gene, was linked to high cold and drought tolerance70.
Furthermore, our findings revealed a strong connection between carbohydrate metabolism and GABA accumulation. This suggests that GABA may function as a regulatory metabolic molecule in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and C:N assimilation during adaptation to salt and osmotic treatments in barely seedlings. Many studies have shown that the carbohydrate content of the shoot system are decreased under various abiotic stresses. Also, 71 noticed a decrease of carbohydrates content in roots of flooded plants. Plants are able to switch between their primary and secondary routes of biochemical glucose metabolism when these conditions are present 72. Despite the fact that numerous studies have demonstrated that stress has a beneficial effect on the amount of carbohydrates in the body and the metabolism, The state of carbohydrates in reproductive structures of crops can become more unstable when there is a drought. Under the influence of the herbicide diclofop-methyl, maize was found to have a greater accumulation of carbohydrates73. Oligosaccharides were also observed to be accumulated in a variety of plants when they were placed under the stress of a low temperature74. Plants respond to environmental stresses by adjusting their nutrient uptake and metabolism18. GABA metabolism is included in the regulation of C:N equilibrium by regulating nitrate uptake, sugar level, and internal N assimilation in response to stress. This study highlighted the direct metabolic role that GABA plays in the metabolism of amino acids and sugars, as well as in the transport and storage of carbon and nitrogen, the assimilation of carbon from glutamate, and the generation of carbon and nitrogen fluxes that enter the TCA cycle. GABA accumulation was found to correlate with increased total carbohydrates and protein levels in response to salt and osmotic stress treatments.