Twenty-eight TCPs were identified in A. hypogaea cv. Tifrunner genome
To investigate the TCP family in peanut, we searched the genome database of A. hypogaea (Tifrunner) and we identified 28 full-length TCPs (AhTCP), naming AhTCP1- AhTCP28 according to their position on the chromosomes (Table 1). The fundamental characteristics including the size of the gene and translated protein, the isoelectric point (pI), the aliphatic index, and the hydropathicity of 28 TCPs based on their genomic and amino acid sequences were analyzed and summarized (Table 1). These AhTCPs are distributed on 14 chromosomes out of 20. The lengths of AhTCP amino acids ranged from 131 (AhTCP15) to 658 (AhTCP16). The molecular weight ranged from 14.16 kDa (AhTCP15) to 72.66 kDa (AhTCP16). The lowest value of the theoretical isoelectric point was 5.22 (AhTCP22), while the highest value of the theoretical isoelectric point was 9.72 (AhTCP25). The aliphatic index value ranged from 51.67 (AhTCP4) to 77.75 (AhTCP3) meant rich aliphatic amino acids in AhTCP proteins. All GRAVY of AhTCP proteins was less than zero, verifying that AhTCPs were hydrophilic (Table 1).
Table 1
The information of 28 AhTCPs
Sequencing ID | Name | Chromosomes | Groups | CDS length(bp) | Protein length (aa) | Molecular weight(kD) | Isoelectric points (pI) | Aliphatic index | Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY) |
arahy.5LBE6G | AhTCP1 | Arahy.01 | CYC/TB1 | 1434 | 477 | 53.17 | 7.03 | 53 | -0.988 |
arahy.6V3SWS | AhTCP2 | Arahy.01 | PCF | 1317 | 438 | 47.45 | 7.15 | 57.76 | -0.82 |
arahy.NAZY29 | AhTCP3 | Arahy.03 | PCF | 417 | 138 | 14.93 | 9.51 | 77.75 | -0.54 |
arahy.7QL5S6 | AhTCP4 | Arahy.03 | CIN | 1938 | 645 | 70.81 | 6.78 | 51.97 | -0.959 |
arahy.UL2QPJ | AhTCP5 | Arahy.03 | CIN | 1752 | 583 | 64.74 | 8.44 | 69.69 | -0.685 |
arahy.ABQ1RQ | AhTCP6 | Arahy.04 | PCF | 1491 | 496 | 51.39 | 6.8 | 55.67 | -0.61 |
arahy.47Q1NW | AhTCP7 | Arahy.04 | CYC/TB1 | 1371 | 456 | 50.57 | 8.47 | 54.41 | -0.905 |
arahy.XF5UIG | AhTCP8 | Arahy.06 | PCF | 1182 | 393 | 42.70 | 6.35 | 69.34 | -0.57 |
arahy.D15RR9 | AhTCP9 | Arahy.08 | CIN | 1059 | 352 | 38.53 | 6.14 | 53.84 | -0.84 |
arahy.CX086V | AhTCP10 | Arahy.09 | PCF | 1347 | 448 | 47.75 | 8.84 | 61.94 | -0.559 |
arahy.DG8AQJ | AhTCP11 | Arahy.09 | CYC/TB1 | 1305 | 434 | 48.81 | 6.47 | 61.13 | -0.838 |
arahy.U9727D | AhTCP12 | Arahy.10 | CIN | 1299 | 432 | 47.82 | 9.33 | 56.92 | -0.697 |
arahy.18WYEQ | AhTCP13 | Arahy.10 | CYC/TB1 | 1287 | 428 | 47.03 | 9.26 | 55.98 | -0.865 |
arahy.Q9YRAB | AhTCP14 | Arahy.11 | PCF | 1320 | 439 | 47.57 | 7.15 | 57.63 | -0.826 |
arahy.M1TALC | AhTCP15 | Arahy.13 | PCF | 396 | 131 | 14.16 | 9.51 | 70.76 | -0.727 |
arahy.T0E7SC | AhTCP16 | Arahy.13 | CIN | 1977 | 658 | 72.66 | 6.23 | 54.48 | -0.876 |
arahy.QI2904 | AhTCP17 | Arahy.13 | CYC/TB1 | 1410 | 469 | 52.33 | 7.79 | 54.14 | -0.979 |
arahy.JF9204 | AhTCP18 | Arahy.13 | CIN | 1416 | 471 | 52.11 | 8.22 | 53.35 | -0.962 |
arahy.22FU97 | AhTCP19 | Arahy.14 | PCF | 1488 | 495 | 51.46 | 6.83 | 56.95 | -0.603 |
arahy.Q1RL33 | AhTCP20 | Arahy.14 | CYC/TB1 | 1416 | 471 | 51.66 | 8.47 | 52.23 | -0.924 |
arahy.KNN8RN | AhTCP21 | Arahy.16 | PCF | 1092 | 363 | 39.32 | 6.11 | 64.57 | -0.668 |
arahy.Q2VML3 | AhTCP22 | Arahy.18 | PCF | 507 | 168 | 17.96 | 5.22 | 65.77 | -0.537 |
arahy.6TI82F | AhTCP23 | Arahy.18 | CIN | 1059 | 352 | 38.52 | 6.14 | 53.84 | -0.84 |
arahy.I9FULJ | AhTCP24 | Arahy.18 | CYC/TB1 | 456 | 151 | 16.61 | 8.95 | 64.11 | -0.868 |
arahy.W24P9U | AhTCP25 | Arahy.19 | PCF | 801 | 266 | 27.83 | 9.72 | 73.8 | -0.406 |
arahy.TU0X8W | AhTCP26 | Arahy.19 | CYC/TB1 | 1233 | 410 | 45.77 | 6.46 | 59.73 | -0.789 |
arahy.5684ZR | AhTCP27 | Arahy.19 | PCF | 1140 | 379 | 39.72 | 5.82 | 60.08 | -0.5 |
arahy.46V6T7 | AhTCP28 | Arahy.20 | CYC/TB1 | 1287 | 428 | 46.99 | 9.2 | 55.98 | -0.868 |
Classification Of Ahtcps Based On The Phylogenetic Tree
The amino acid sequence analysis of TCPs indicated that the TCPs contained a highly conserved 59-amino acid non-canonical basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain, apart from this domain, TCP protein sequences are, in general, highly variable. According to this feature, TCPs in Arabidopsis thaliana, Medicago truncatula, and Glycine max have been identified and reported (Selahattin et al. 2013, Wang et al. 2018, Feng et al. 2018). In this study, besides the A. hypogaea, we also identified A. duranensis and A. ipaensis TCPs using the abovementioned method (Table S1, Table S2).
Multiple sequence alignment of AhTCPs showed that the basic domain of bHLH structure in all AhTCP family amino acid sequences has a highly conserved DRH-K-G-R-P polypeptide. A four amino acids deficiency was found in bHLH region of the TCP domain between class I and class II (Fig S1). A total of 145 TCP TFs, including 24 AtTCPs,22 MtTCPs, 54 GmTCPs, 9 AdTCPs, 8AiTCPs, and 28AhTCPs (Table S3), were calculated to construct the phylogenetic tree using the maximum-likelihood method with 1000 bootstrap replicates by IQ-tree program. All TCPs displayed clear classifications. Then we focused on the cultivated peanut, and it showed that 28 AhTCPs were classified into two classes, that is, 12 were included in class I (PCF) and 16 were class II. In addition, 7 CIN and 9 CYC/TB1 were further separated within class II based on the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1). Arahis hypogaea cv. Tifrunner had a nearly 1 to 1 ratio of class I and class II, and this ratio was also observed in Arabidopsis thaliana, Medicago truncatula, and Glycine max. However, the wildtype peanut A. duranensis and A. ipaensis had a 1 to 3 ratio of class I/Class II group (Table S4).
Similar Gene Structure And Potential Function In Each Group Of The Phylogenetic Tree
To reveal AhTCPs' structure, we executed exon/intron structure and protein motif analysis. AhTCP genes have similar exon/intron gene structures in the same group in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2A). Among 28 AhTCP genes, 9 genes only contained exon, and the other 19 genes at least contained intron. AhTCP4 had the longest exon (1851bp), and AhTCP5 had the longest intron (3150bp). The motif results showed that Motif 1 and Motif 2 were identified as the conserved regions of AhTCPs, and Motif 1 was detected in all AhTCP proteins (Fig. 2B).
To investigate the functions of AhTCPs, cis-acting elements within 1500 bp upstream of the start codon of TCP genes were analyzed. Hormone-related, abiotic stress response and tissue-specific expression elements were found in the cis-acting sequence. Hormone-related and abiotic stress response elements were abundant in most TCP gene promoters. Four EREs (ethylene-responsive elements) were identified in AhTCP12 and AhTCP25, four TCA-elements(salicylic acid responsiveness) were identified in AhTCP15, three ABRE (abscisic acid responsiveness) in AhTCP6 and AhTCP19, three CGTCA-motif (MeJA-responsiveness) in AhTCP21, three LTRS in AhTCP11 and AhTCP26, and three MBS in AhTCP22(Fig. 3).
Asymmetric Tcps Between Cultivated And Wild Peanut, And Purifying Selection Action On Tcp Duplicates
Asymmetric TCPs between cultivated and wild peanut, and purifying selection action on TCP duplicates
Cultivated peanut is an allotetraploid (AABB) containing both chromosomes from A. duranensis (AA) and A. ipaensis (BB). The cultivated peanut chromosomes 1–10 were contributed by A. duranensis (A01-A10) and the chromosomes 11–20 were contributed by A. ipaensis (B01-B10). According to the previous investigation, the AhTCPs were distributed on 14 chromosomes: four on chromosome 13, three on chromosomes 3, 18, and 19, two on chromosomes 1, 4, 9, 10, and 14, and one on chromosomes 6, 8, 11, 16, and 20. Most of the AhTCPs was located at the apex of both ends of the chromosomes (Fig S2). The TCPs distribution of cultivated peanut was not exactly corresponding to two wild ancestral peanuts. AhTCPs were distributed on chromosomes 6, 9, 11, 16, and 19, but no corresponding chromosomes of the wild ancestral peanut contained TCPs. One AdTCP on chromosome A01 corresponded to two AhTCPs on A. hypogaea cv. Tifrunner chromosome 1. In addition, one AiTCP on chromosome B08 corresponded to three AhTCPs on A. hypogaea cv. Tifrunner chromosome 18 (Table S5).
To explore the collinearity relationship of the TCP family between wild ancestral peanut and cultivated peanut, the gene duplication event of the TCP family was investigated using synteny analysis based on the BLAST-based homolog identification method (Table S6). Ten paralogous gene pairs were found in A. hypogaea cv. Tifrunner. Five orthologous gene pairs were found between A. duranensis and A. hypogaea cv. Tifrunner, and five orthologous gene pairs were found between A. dipaensis and A. hypogaea cv. Tifrunner (Fig. 4).
To further analyze the selective pressure of the TCP family in peanut, the Ka (non-synonymous), Ks (synonymous) values, and Ka/Ks ratio of the duplicated gene pairs were calculated. The Ka value ranged from 0 to 0.0465, and the Ks value ranged from 0 to 0.0893. The Ka/Ks ratio of the duplicated gene pairs ranged from 0 to 1.1356 with an average of 0.4116(Table 2). Twenty-two out of 24 gene pairs were subjected to purification selection, except for AdTCP2-AhTCP15 (1.1356 of Ka/Ks value) and AiTCP8-AhTCP28 (1.0635 of Ka/Ks value) duplicated gene pairs. These two duplicated gene pairs were subjected to positive selection.
Table 2
Ka/Ks calculation of each duplicated TCP gene pairs in peanut
Duplicated gene pairs | Ka | Ks | Ka/Ks | Effective Len | Average S-sites | Average N-sites | Selection pressure |
AiTCP4-AhTCP19 | 0 | 0 | NaN | 1365 | 332.50 | 1032.50 | Purify selection |
AdTCP4-AiTCP4 | 0.0098 | 0.0499 | 0.1962 | 1359 | 331.33 | 1027.67 | Purify selection |
AdTCP4-AhTCP6 | 0.0010 | 0.0121 | 0.0802 | 1365 | 333.50 | 1031.50 | Purify selection |
AiTCP6-AhTCP23 | 0 | 0 | NaN | 936 | 217.33 | 718.67 | Purify selection |
AdTCP7-AhTCP9 | 0 | 0.0088 | 0 | 996 | 228.00 | 768.00 | Purify selection |
AiTCP6-AdTCP7 | 0.0014 | 0.0186 | 0.0747 | 936 | 217.33 | 718.67 | Purify selection |
AiTCP1-AhTCP15 | 0.0089 | 0.0149 | 0.5945 | 393 | 90.33 | 302.67 | Purify selection |
AdTCP2-AhTCP3 | 0.0031 | 0 | NaN | 414 | 95.17 | 318.83 | Purify selection |
AdTCP2-AhTCP15 | 0.0300 | 0.0265 | 1.1356 | 384 | 89.75 | 294.25 | Positive selection |
AiTCP8-AhTCP28 | 0.0219 | 0.0206 | 1.0635 | 1269 | 279.33 | 989.67 | Positive selection |
AdTCP9-AhTCP13 | 0.0030 | 0.0214 | 0.1410 | 1278 | 283.83 | 994.17 | Purify selection |
AiTCP8-AdTCP9 | 0.0303 | 0.0893 | 0.3391 | 1269 | 281.00 | 988.00 | Purify selection |
AiTCP5-AhTCP20 | 0 | 0 | NaN | 1164 | 245.17 | 918.83 | Purify selection |
AiTCP5-AdTCP6 | 0.0465 | 0.0787 | 0.5913 | 1131 | 236.58 | 894.42 | Purify selection |
AhTCP2-AhTCP14 | 0 | 0.0265 | 0 | 1314 | 307.25 | 1006.75 | Purify selection |
AhTCP8-AhTCP21 | 0.0263 | 0.0478 | 0.5500 | 1086 | 241.08 | 844.92 | Purify selection |
AhTCP4-AhTCP16 | 0.0151 | 0.0234 | 0.6473 | 1842 | 427.67 | 1414.33 | Purify selection |
AhTCP11-AhTCP26 | 0.0383 | 0.0768 | 0.4992 | 1221 | 262.50 | 958.50 | Purify selection |
AhTCP10-AhTCP27 | 0.0071 | 0.0178 | 0.4006 | 1128 | 283.83 | 844.17 | Purify selection |
AhTCP1-AhTCP17 | 0.0204 | 0.0381 | 0.5351 | 1389 | 295.92 | 1093.08 | Purify selection |
AhTCP6-AhTCP19 | 0.0099 | 0.0494 | 0.1993 | 1479 | 355.33 | 1123.67 | Purify selection |
AhTCP9-AhTCP23 | 0.0012 | 0.0252 | 0.0488 | 1056 | 242.17 | 813.83 | Purify selection |
AhTCP3-AhTCP15 | 0.0265 | 0.0266 | 0.9973 | 384 | 89.42 | 294.58 | Purify selection |
AhTCP13-AhTCP28 | 0.0081 | 0.0587 | 0.1380 | 1275 | 283.17 | 991.83 | Purify selection |
Member Of Each Group Has Similar Expression Pattern Under Normal Growth Condition
The expression patterns of 28 AhTCPs in 22 different tissues were obtained from PeanutBase. All CYC/TB1 groups presented low expression, except two homologous genes AhTCP13 and AhTCP28 were both highly expressed in the flower, suggesting that this homologous gene pair might affect flower growth and development. Most of the CIN group presented higher expression levels in leaf, shoot and seed development stages than the other tissues. In the PCF group, AhTCP25 was highly expressed in the leaf, shoot, root, and flower, especially in the peg tip, suggesting it might play a significant role in the growth and development of A. hypogaea cv. Tifrunner. Four similar phylogenetic relationship genes (AhTCP6, AhTCP19, AhTCP2, and AhTCP14) presented similar high expression levels in fruit Pat.1 stage. In addition, AhTCP6 and AhTCP19 also presented similar high expression levels in shoot tissues (Fig. 5).
AhTCP duplicated gene pairs have the same expression pattern
To investigate whether the AhTCP duplicated gene pairs had gene expression divergence, the expression level ratio of 10 AhTCP duplicated gene pairs in 22 different tissues was calculated and analyzed. AhTCP1-AhTCP17, AhTCP2-AhTCP14, and AhTCP11-AhTCP26 represented a high expression level ratio in leaf, flower, peg tip, and pericarp, respectively (Fig. 6). However, further analysis revealed that the original reads of these expression levels were very low, suggesting these results might be false positives. In general, 10 AhTCP duplicated gene pairs did not show significant expression divergence.
Expression patterns of AhTCP genes in different seed developmental stages
Seed is the most important economic part of peanut, and the TCP gene family is widely involved in the seed developmental stages. Therefore, the expression pattern of AhTCP genes during different seed developmental stages was analyzed. The CYC/TB1 group TCP genes presented low expression and The CIN group TCP genes presented a higher expression level than CYC/TB1 group TCP genes in most of the seed developmental stages. PCF group gene (AhTCP25) expression level was significantly high at the early stage of seed development (Fig. 7A). Notably, the homologous gene pair (AhTCP2 and AhTCP14) presented a gradual increase in expression level with the seed development process (Fig. 7B). This discovery was also verified in soybean. The homologous genes (GmTCP8 and GmTCP43) of AhTCP2 and AhTCP14 in soybean were identified and the expression level was analyzed, and the GmTCP8 and GmTCP43 also presented a gradual increase in expression level with different seed developmental stages (Fig. 7C). The result suggested that AhTCP2 and AhTCP14 pair might play a significant regulatory role in seed development.