4.1. Single Crystal X-RayDiffraction
LGAMC crystal belongs to orthorhombic crystal system with lattice parameter a = 5.20Å, b = 6.99Å, c = 17.58Å and volume = 547.23Å3 were confirmed by single crystal XRD analysis. Figure 3 shows the packing structure of LGAMC crystal and three dimensional ORTEP diagram of LGAMC crystal has shown in Figure 4.
4.2 Powder X-Ray Diffraction Analysis
In order to understand the crystalline nature of the LGAMC crystal was examined by the powder XRD analysis. Figure 5 shows the XRD pattern was recorded in the range from10° to 80° at the scan rate of 2°/min with λ=1.5490×10-10m radiation. The fine defined Bragg peaks at specific 2θ angles confirmed the admirable crystalline nature of the
L-Glutamic acid manganese chloride (LGAMC) crystal.
4.3 FT-IRAnalysis
Functional groups of the obtain compound of LGAMC crystal was identified by using the FT-IR analysis. Figure 6 shows the FT-IR spectrum was recorded in the range of 4000 – 400 cm-1. The sharp absorption peak was observed at 544 cm-1 assigned to COO-waging. The presence of COO- reveals that plane deformation and it was confirmed from the peak at714
cm-1. The peak observed at 806 cm-1 corresponds to O-H implanted formation. The O-H bending vibration was observed at 942 cm-1. The C-H and O-H bending modes of vibration are observed at 1517cm-1 and 1635cm-1 respectively. The peak of O-H stretching modes of vibration is assigned at 2653 cm-1and 2741cm-1. The obtained peaks with corresponding wave number are given in the Table 2.
Table 2 FT-IR functional group assignments of the grown LGAMC crystal
Wavenumber (cm-1)
COO-plane deformation
O-H plane deformation
O-H Bending
C-H Bending
N-H Bending
O-H Stretching
O-H Stretching
4.4 Optical Transmittance Studies
The optical transmittance spectrum is essential characterization because the crystal may be used for device application based on the transparent region. The UV-Vis-NIR transmission spectrum of the LGAMC crystal was recorded from 200 nm to 800 nm as shown in the Figure 7. The LGAMC crystal possesses good transparency about 96 % and having lower cutoff wavelength at 244 nm. Lower cutoff wavelength value with high transparency region of LGAMC implies that it is suitable for frequency conversion applications and fabrication of optoelectronic devices.
4.6 Microhardness Studies
The mechanical property of L-Glutamic acid manganese chloride crystal was examined by using the Vickers diamond pyramid indenter. The hardness of the material is a measure of its resistance to local deformation [27]. Vicker’s microhardness number (Hv) was calculated using the following relation.
Where, ‘P’ is thea pplied load (kg), ‘d’ is the mean diagonal length of the indentation (mm).
A graph was plotted between the hardness numbers (Hv) and the applied load (P) as shown in Figure 8. From the graph, it is observed that the hardness value increases with the increasing load. The variation of microhardness values with the applied loads were varied from 25 to100 g. Meyer’s law[28] relates to load and size of indentation.
Where P is the applied load, d is the diagonal length of impression, ‘a’ is the constant for a given material. The work hardening coefficient (n) was estimated by plotting the graph between log p and log ‘d’ as shown in Figure 9. By applying the least squares fit method, the value of ‘n’ was calculated as 1.18. According to Onitsch [29], the value of work hardening coefficient ‘n’ could be 1 and 1.6 which implies hard materials and more than1.6 indicates materials category. Therefore, the grown LGAMC crystal belongs to hard category material.
4.9 Second Harmonic Generation
NLO property (SHG efficiency) of LGAMC crystal was implemented by Kurtz and Perry technique [30]. The source of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (wavelength 1064 nm) beam has been employed. The operating pulse of laser source was 0.70 mJ/pulse and pulse width of 6ns with the repetition rate 10 Hz. The grown single crystal of LGAMC was powdered with a uniform particle size and then packed in a micro capillary tube of uniform pore size and exposed to laser radiation. The second harmonic generation was confirmed by the emission of bright green light (λ=532nm) from the specimen. The observed SHG efficiency of the as grown LGAMC crystal was found to be 1.2 times greater than that of reference KDP.
4.7 Fluorescence Studies
Photoluminescence study is a contact less, non-destructive method of probing the electronic structure of materials [31]. Figure 10 shows the emitted spectrum was measured in the range of 280-900 nm. A high sharp intense peak in the spectrum was observed at 532 nm which concludes that the LGAMC exhibits bright green emission fluorescence [32]. The band gap energy at this wavelength was calculated using the formula,
Eg = hc/λe (4)
Where, the parameters of h, c, λ are constants and λ is the wavelength of fluorescence. The band gap for LGAMC was estimated to be 2.32eV [33].The wide band gap of LGAMC has large transmittance window and low absorption which confirms that this material suitable for nonlinear optical applications.
4.8 TG/DTA analysis
Thermal analysis is used for determining the thermal stability and behavior of the sample with temperature [34]. Thermo Gravimetric (TG) and Differential Thermal (DT) analyses were carried out for the LGAMC crystal using a STA differential thermal analyzer. The sample was tested in the temperature range of 50- 500° C with an inert nitrogen atmosphere at a heating rate of 20°C/min. The obtained TGA and DTA curve is shown in Figure 11. Two peaks were observed from DTA analysis, one exothermic peak was obtained at 105°C due to the presence of chlorine in the sample which may decompose and another peak endothermic observed at 217.8°Cbecause of L-Glutamic acid gets melted. Also, the corresponding weight loss observed from TGA curve was around 5%. The sample has residual 30% which may due to manganese. Hence, the grown sample was thermally stable around 217.8°C. TG/DTA analysis indicates that good crystalline nature of the LGAMC crystal.
4.9 SEM analysis
The scanning electron microscope was subjected to analyze surface morphology, grain size and composition of the crystal in the crystal surface. The different magnification of SEM images of the LGAMC crystal was shown in Figure 12. The crystalline surface shows the regular and linear pattern structure of layered by layer surface and fine particles presented.