To the best our knowledge, this systematic review and meta-analysis is the first one that assessed the quantitative effect of ALA on Iron metabolism parameters. The results of this study revealed no significant effects of ALA on serum Iron, Hgb, ferritin and TIBC as compared to control groups. Subgroup analysis, based on the participants health status, and duration of the intervention showed a significant increase in Hgb in patients with hematological disorders and in studies with durations > 8 weeks. Our sensitivity analysis Also, revealed that excluding a single study had no significant effects on the overall result. Iron plays an important role in various metabolic pathways, and acts as a cofactor for several enzymes, including nonheme iron-containing proteins or hemoproteins(29, 30). However, it may also exert toxic effects when present in its free form and when the related regulating mechanisms are compromised(11). As a metal chelator agent, ALA may have regulating effects on factors related to Iron metabolism(2, 8, 17). In this regard, several studies have evaluated the effects of ALA on iron status and protein involved in iron metabolism. Goralska et al in a study on human lens epithelial cells indicated that supplementation with lipoic acid decreases the concentration of free iron, reduces the iron uptake from transferrin and increases iron deposition into ferritin, leading to increase in the concentration of this protein(8). Mendes et al showed that supplementation with 600 mg/d ALA for 12 weeks in hypertensive patients significantly reduced transferrin saturation index, TIBC and serum levels of iron(19). However, findings of this systematic review yielded no significant effect of ALA on serum Iron. This may be due to the small number of the studies on the role of ALA on serum Iron and also the high heterogeneity between the included studies. In contrast to that reported by Goralska et al, ALA had no such increasing effect on ferritin level. This discrepancy may be related to the differences in the health status of studies participants. Ferritin is an acute phase protein which its levels can rise in response to the inflammatory process independent of iron status (31, 32). Inflammation usually decreases the predictive values of ferritin for iron stores status(33). As most studies assessing the effect of ALA on Iron metabolism parameters, enrolled participants with a pathological condition or chronic inflammation state, the reduction effects of ALA on ferritin might be related to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity(34). Hence assessment of serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) was required to better discern the effect of ALA on Iron stores(35). However, this issue was not considered in most of the studies evaluated.
In El-Nakib et al study, administration of ALA in the dose of 600 mg/d resulted no significant effect on Hgb and iron store indices in patients undergoing hemodialysis and receiving EPO. Generally, patients in this study were considered non-anemic, with few Hgb values below 10.5 g/dL (18). Therefore, the effect of ALA on Iron related parameter might be dependent on the baseline values of these parameters. In this regard and consistent with our subgroup analysis, Abdell Hamid et al in a study on anemic diabetic patients on hemodialysis revealed that ALA had a significant increasing effect on Hgb. Same results were also observed in a study by Elewa et al on anemic hemodialysis patients(23). Inflammatory cytokines may have a significant role in the development of anemia in patients with chronic condition such as end stage renal diseases(4), fatty liver(26) and sickle cell disease(9). As all the studies in the first subgroup of Hgb were conducted on patients with inflammatory conditions, the increasing effect of ALA on hemoglobin can be related to its reduction effect on inflammatory factors which consequently protect red blood cell membrane from oxidative damage(9).
However, as the baseline hematological indices were not considered as an inclusion criterion in the most of the studies included, interpreting the effect of ALA on hematological indices based on the baseline values are difficult. Therefore, it seems, for assessing the effect of ALA on iron related parameters more strength inclusion criteria are needed.
In the blood, iron is mainly bound to transferrin, and TIBC depends on the transferrin concentration. The fraction of transferrin to which iron is not bound is called “unsaturated iron-binding capacity” (UIBC). The TIBC is equal to the sum of serum iron concentration and the UIBC. TIBC can be used as a diagnostic test for both iron deficiency and iron overload (36). Moreover, TIBC has been reported as a negative acute phase reactant, also diurnal variation in plasma iron, can reduce TIBC diagnostic value (37). Combining the results of the four studies revealed no significant effect of ALA on TIBC. More evaluation of the studies revealed that our study on thalassemia patients account for the major weight of the included studies(28). Compared to the other studies, the baseline level of TIBC in in thalassemia patients were lower, this may be related to the pathologic condition of the patients. As these patients are at higher risk for oxidative stress and inflammation, mainly due to the iron overload and blood transfusion, the increasing effect of ALA on TIBC might be related to the lower baseline values of TIBC and also ALA anti-inflammatory effect, as previously noted. However, considering the small number of the studies and the heterogeneity between studies in regard to participants health status this finding may not be conclusive.
The current study has some strengths. The first of which is inclusion of RCTs assessing the role of ALA supplementation on iron metabolism parameters allowing to achieve more coherent and conclusive results. Adopting a comprehensive and robust methodology to identify available studies that assessed the effect of ALA on iron metabolism parameters, performing sensitivity and subgroup analysis to determine the source of heterogeneity, and evaluating the effects of a single study on the overall result represent additional strengths. However, there are some limitations that should be taken into account when interpreting our findings. According to our risk of bias assessment, three of the eight included studies had a poor quality, which may affect the results for overall and subgroup analysis. Additionally, the effect of ALA on iron metabolism parameters may depend on the baseline values, health status of participants, duration of the intervention, dose of ALA and dietary intake. As most of the included studies did not consider these variables, it is difficult to discern a clear conclusion.