This was the first study to perform APC analysis of risk factors-specific (smoking and occupational asthmagens) asthma death and DALYs rates during 1990–2019 at global and regional levels. There were striking improvements in smoking- and occupational asthmagens-related asthma burden worldwide. Results from APC analysis showed that asthma death and DALYs rates attributable to smoking and occupational asthmagens sharply increased in the middle-aged adults and peak value occurred in the elders, and low and low-middle SDI regions had higher asthma death and DALYs rates than other regions in nearly all age groups. For the period and cohort RRs of smoking-related asthma burden, the most significant improvement occurred in high SDI area. High SDI area also showed the most significant improvements of asthma death rates attributable to occupational asthmagens, but high-middle SDI regions showed more dramatic improvements in these RRs of DALYs rates. Low SDI area showed least progress in period and cohort RRs of smoking- and occupational asthmagens-linked asthma death and DALYs rates than other areas. Besides, there was a sex disparity in asthma burden, male had higher asthma burden than female despite their similar pattern. Our findings show that tobacco control and occupational protection help to reduce asthma burden, and policymakers from lower SDI regions should reinforce tobacco control and make more effort in occupational protection.
Tobacco smoke is an essential risk factor for asthma burden, and the smoking-related asthma burden dropped by more than half in the past three decades. Tobacco smoke could deteriorate inflammation, aggravate respiratory virus infections, induce airway changes, and skew immune responses [19]. In 2019, asthma burden attributable to smoking was high in Southeast Asia and Africa, but the underlying reasons were different. Southeast Asia was one of the world's most extensive tobacco epidemic areas, and almost 50% of males and 40% of females consumed some forms of tobacco [20]. High smoking rates put them stuck at an enhancive risk of severe asthma symptoms and minor response to steroid therapy [21]. But in Africa, the increase in smoking rates and nicotine exposure, lack of trained medical staff and diagnostic apparatus, and inaccessible and unaffordable inhaled medications contributed to high smoking-related asthma death and DALYs rates [8, 22]. The burden of asthma attributable to smoking in men was similar to that in the general population, and gender differences in the pattern of women were correlated with the distribution of smoking rates, with the highest prevalence of smoking observed in women from Europe and Oceania [23]. According to our results from APC analysis, the asthma death rate increased with age and peaked in elders, which was similar to the previous studies [24]. Most smokers had a stable smoking pattern until later life [25], and underwent progressive and cumulative lung damage [26]. Together with aging-induced decline in immunity and lung function [27], elderly smokers were more likely to develop asthma and die. In all age groups, smoking-related asthma death risks in the middle, low-middle, and low SDI regions showed a similar pattern and were significantly higher than that in the high and high-middle SDI regions. Compared with other regions, smoking intensity was lower and smoking quit rate was higher in the high and high-middle SDI regions [23, 28]. Mattiuzzi et al showed that asthma DALYs attributed to smoking reached their peak between 55 and 70 years old in both men and women in the worldwide [29], and in our study, we found the highest global DALYs rate in the 60–64 age group in both sexes. Asthma DALYs attributed to smoking in low and low-middle SDI regions were mainly from YLLs, but YLDs accounted for a substantial part of DALYs in high and high-middle SDI regions. Asthma DALYs rate attributed to smoking was higher in younger populations from high SDI region than other regions, like Europe and the Americas, which might be associated with an earlier age of smoking initiation [30]. The substantial decline in period RR of smoking-related asthma burden may be related to global smoking prevalence declined since 1990, particularly after the passage of the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2005 [31]. Compared with large declines in the Americas and Europe, the Africa and Southeast Asia showed a net increase in male smokers since 2000 [32]. According to the WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic in 2019, 49 of 59 countries that have not taken any MPOWER steps (tobacco control strategies proposed by the WHO) were low-income and middle-income countries, which may lead to less decrease in period and cohort RRs in low-SDI group [33]. Robust tobacco control measures benefited the new birth cohort with a better environment and resulted in lower smoking-related asthma burden. In the future, we should reinforce tobacco control, prevent from initiating smoking in adolescents, and improve accessibility to inhaled medications, especially for people in Africa.
Occupational asthmagens are also important risk factor for asthma, and a survey of 13 countries reported that about 10%-25% of adult asthma was attributed to occupational factors [34]. In developing countries, such as Africa and South Asia, occupational asthma was the second most common occupational lung disease [35], and both occupational asthmagens-related asthma death and DALYs rates were high. In contrast to developed countries, developing countries did not vigorously monitor the workplace or set strict exposure limits. In addition, the constraint of medical resources resulted in healthcare providers not recognizing the key signs and giving definite diagnoses in the early stage of occupational asthma development. What’s worse, some clinicians did not ask about any potential occupational hazards [36]. Furthermore, our results indicated occupational asthmagens-related asthma DALYs rates were higher in Australia, Iceland and Sweden than other developed countries and some developing countries, which depended on the dormant industrial sectors. A review reported Scandinavian countries had higher incidence of occupational asthma than Western Europe, United States of America, South Africa, and Brazil [35]. Diisocyanates is the leading cause of occupational asthma in industrialized countries [37], and diisocyanate-related new cases of occupational asthma was estimated to be > 5000/year in the European Union [38]. We showed that people aged 60–64 years old had the highest asthma death and DALYs rate attributed to occupational asthmagens, which was similar with the previous studies [39], and asthma burden remained high after retirement, suggesting cumulative and lagged effect. After repeating exposure to lower levels of exposure (occupations like professional cleaners, pastry chefs, and oil sprayers), asthma developed insidiously over time [40]. Worse still was even if occupational asthma patients were removed from exposure, respiratory symptoms persisted and aggravated [41]. For occupational asthma death and DALYs rates, our findings demonstrated that the period and cohort RRs showed a declining trend in all regions. Promotion of respiratory protection precautions in industry, introduction of sensitive diagnostic methods, and implementation of occupational avoidance could make conspicuous improvement, and thus lead to sharp decrease in the burden of occupational asthma [37]. In 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration was introduced in the USA, and it was the first occupational regulation. In 1978, the European Community conducted harmonizing measures to protect workers' health, and adopted a legal framework for workplace chemicals in 1980, setting a range of indicative exposure limits [42]. These policies have also achieved some results, for example, in France, the number of cases compensated for occupational asthma fell from 142 in 1991 to 23 in 2016 [37]. Besides, Australian Aluminium Council held regular health panel meetings since 1990, educated employees about occupational asthma and conducted regular health examination to reduce asthma burden44. However, until 2010, Asian organizations did not have harmonized regulations on occupational exposure limit settings or workplace protection [37, 43, 44]. All these may explain why period and cohort RRs decreased more in the high and middle-high SDI areas than other areas. With the rapid development of industrialization in low SDI regions, the related occupational risk factors should be addressed. Creating a good working environment where the exposure value is below the defined hazard range, early recognition of workers with occupational symptoms and diminishment in occupational exposure may reduce the burden of occupational asthma. Although the burden of occupational asthma continued to decrease, there are also massive opportunities to achieve conspicuous improvement by maintaining and reinforcing control of asthmagens. There may be many neglected agents with strong stimulatory effects on the airway, and comprehensive recording and monitoring of traditional and novel irritants in the workplace are necessary.
The present study had several advantages. Firstly, we provided new insights into the global patterns of asthma death and DALYs rates related to environmental risk factors, which would benefit public health policy making and prevent asthma development in a precise manner. Secondly, we analyzed time trends of asthma burden in the five SDI regions, and corresponding findings helped to demonstrate regional disparity and difference in the decrease of asthma death and DALYs rates. Thirdly, the APC model was applied to decompose age, period, and cohort effects on asthma burden, and net and local drifts were generated to evaluate overall and age-specific annual percent changes. However, there were some limitations. Firstly, this study only carried out a descriptive analysis of GBD 2019 data and only two environmental risk factors were available. Other risk factors for asthma, such as air pollutants, environmental allergens, and respiratory viruses, were not included. Secondly, in the GBD 2019, definition of asthma was based on clinical assessment and/or self-report [16], so it is probably influenced by recall bias, acquisition of health services, and different origins of survey questions. Thirdly, because of the fixed and equal age and period intervals required by APC tool, data of people aged ≥ 95 years for smoking-related asthma death and DALYs rates and of people aged ≥ 85 years for occupational asthmagens-related asthma burden were not included in the analyses. And APC analyses for the smoking-related asthma burden of 0–29 age group and occupational asthmagens-related asthma burden of 0–14 age group were not performed due to data availability.