Altogether 57 men were enrolled. There were 10 drop-outs before starting the intervention (3 due to acute illness, 7 didn’t attend the sessions), so that eventually n=47 men accomplished the study. Mean age of all participants was 77.02 years (SD 6.1) at baseline. Of all n=47 patients, n=11 were randomized into the conventional RT group, n=13 in the WBV group, n=10 in the QG group and n=13 in the SO group. For a detailed overview on anthropometrics at baseline see also Table 1.
At baseline there were no significant differences between the groups, neither concerning anthropometric data, nor in terms of musculoskeletal function and strength. All n=47 patients completed 6 months of training.
Training adherence
Overall mean training adherence was on average ≥ 75% for all groups together, with the highest adherence for the SO-group (85.2%), then WBV group (83.2%), then RT group (71.3%) and the lowest for the QG group (65.1%). All n=47 patients completed 6 months of training and attended the 3 months interim analyses as well as the final assessment after 6 months.
Table 1: Means and SD for anthropometrics at baseline for all participants and exercise subgroups
Mean (SD)
Age (y)
77.02 (6.1)
75.91 (5.6)
5.65 (6.2)
77.00 (7.9)
77.15 (5.5)
Height (cm)
174.77 (7.5)
176.09 (7.2)
7.15 (6.7)
174.40 (9.3)
177.23 (6.7)
Weight (kg)
84.83 (12.1)
87.09 (12.2)
12.18 (9.1)
85.00 (9.9)
89.69 (14.1)
BMI (kg/m²)
27.78 (3.5)
28.20 (4.4)
4.44 (2.0)
28.13 (4.1)
28.47 (3.4)
SMI (kg/m²)
10.19 (1.0)
10.60 (1.3)
1.33 (0.7)
10.18 (0.9)
9.96 (0.9)
Physical Performance
Across all groups, average trunk strength increased substantially by 16.8% from 247.0 nm to 288.5 nm for TSE and by 10.7% from 136.0 to 150.5 nm for TSF. Comparing individual groups, this increase was most pronounced and statistically significant for TSE (p=0.008) and TSF (p=0.008) in the RT group. Trunk strength also increased in the SO and WBV group by TSE +19.1% / TSF +27.5% and TSE +11.6% / TSF +4.8%, respectively, although these improvements were not statistically significant. In the QG group, trunk strength remained largely unaltered (also see Figure 2 and Figure 3).
Figure 2: Changes in trunk strength for extension in all 4 exercise groups
Figure 3: Changes in trunk strength for flexion in all 4 exercise groups
HS improved significantly in the WBV group (p=0.023) while there was no relevant change in all other groups. Regarding SB testing, none of the training interventions elicited a significant improvement. While USG increased significantly only in the RT (p=0.015) group, improvements in the CRT were most pronounced and statistically significant in the SO and WBV groups. There were no significant changes in the overall SPPB-Score, the 6 MWT or the TUG test in any of the exercise groups scrutinized.
In addition, there was no significant change in the lumbar bending total range of motion (ROM) in any exercise group, even though improvements in this parameter and the 6MWT were borderline significant (p=0.053 and p=0.061, respectively) in the QG group.
(For a detailed overview see table 2).
Constitutional parameters including height, weight and along with that BMI and SMI determined by BIA did not change significantly during the course of the study in any of the groups.
Comparative between group analyses considering the 4 different exercise regimens did not provide direct evidence that one exercise modality was in general superior to another with regards to generating muscle strength, function or muscle mass in comparison to the remaining ones.
Safety and feasibility
All 47 participants starting the exercise intervention adhered to the study protocol and concluded the study as intended. Moreover, throughout the conduct of the study, there were no adverse events associated with the interventions.
Table 2: Musculoskeletal assessment results in dependence of exercise modality (median/IQR – except mean/SD for SPPB and Balance)
Sig. assessment developments are in bold characters
Subgroup analysis
In order to evaluate training responses in participants at particularly high risk, subgroup analyses were performed considering the following three at-risk cohorts: All participants ≥80years of age (n=19; 40.4% of all participants), patients with low baseline SMI ≤10.75kg/m² as assessed by BIA (n=30; 63.8%) and men with three or more chronic medical conditions (n=27; 57.4%) fulfilling the definition of multimorbidity (42). Results for these subgroups were evaluated in an aggregated way irrespective of the assigned exercise group.
After 6 months of exercise intervention, the subgroup of patients ≥80years exhibited improvements in trunk strength which were statistically significant for TSF (p=0.017). In addition, there was a significant reduction of the time required time to perform the TUG (p=0.036).
Participants with a reduced SMI of ≤10.75kg/m² attained significant improvements for TSF (p=0.035), HG (p=0.026), CRT (p=0.002) and UGS (p=0.013) after 6 months of exercise intervention. Multimorbid men achieved significant improvements regarding TSE (p=0.001) and TSF (p=0.003), HG (p=0.013) and CRT (p=0.001) at the end of the study. Detailed results at baseline and at 3 and 6 months are provided in table 3, results for TSF are visualized in Fig 4.
Additional subgroup analyses within the at-risk groups did not reveal one exercise modality being superior above all others (data not shown).
Table 3: Musculoskeletal assessment results for subjects at high risk (median/IQR – except mean/SD for SPPB and Balance)
Sig. assessment developments are in bold characters
Figure 4: Changes in trunk strength for flexion in men at risk for muscular deficits