Chemical modeling
Initially, the Hoagland, Steiner and MS media were selected to study the capacity of normal and T12 plants to remove lead. Before to exposure the plants to the metal, the chemical MINTEQ3.1 program was used to predict the chemical lead species formed, and the percentage of metal precipitation. This information was relevant since the metal can precipitate at the tested concentrations (100–400 mg L− 1). The results showed that about 90% of metal precipitated at all concentrations and media tested (Table 1). According to the program more than 20 species can formed including sulfate complexes [PbSO4, Pb2(OH)2SO4], phosphate complexes [Pb5(PO4)3Cl, Pb5(PO4)3OH, Pb3(PO4)2, PbHPO4], molybdenum complexes (PbMoO4), ferrite, ferrhydrite, and Pb(OH). Since the MINTEQ3.1 program attributed the precipitation to the presence of phosphate, sulfate and molybdenum, these compounds were eliminated from media composition. These new media were designed as modified media.
Table 1
Lead precipitated according to the MINTEQ3.1 program
Medium | Pb precipitated (%) |
100 mg L− 1 | 250 mg L− 1 | 400 mg L− 1 |
Hoagland | 99.9 | 99.9 | 99.9 |
Hoagland modifieda | 0 | 0 | 44 |
Steiner | 99.7 | 99.9 | 99.9 |
Steiner modifieda | 0 | 13.9 | 57.15 |
MS | 90.2 | 92.14 | 99.6 |
MS modifieda | 0 | 12.93 | 55.67 |
aMedia without phosphate, sulphate and molybdenum |
With these changes, the program predicted a significant reduction in lead precipitation, with the lowest precipitation in modified Hoagland´s medium (Table 1). Therefore, this medium was selected to calculate the chemical species present according to pH, and to perform the experiments of metal removal. The MINTEQ3.1 program indicated that lead precipitated at pH higher than 6, and it was mainly due to the PbOH+ formation (Fig. 1). The soluble lead species predicted, at pH 5.7, were Pb2+, Pb2OH3+, PbNO3+, Pb(NO3)2. These data confirmed that the use of the MINTEQ3.1 program was a very useful tool to assure that a high level of lead was bioavailable to plants.
Effect of lead on S. americanus growth
The normal and T12 plants of S. americanus were transferred to Hoagland modified medium, pH 5.7, containing 0, 100, 250 and 400 mg L− 1 Pb. The last concentration was also included because no metal precipitation was observed when the solution was prepared. Data were reported as the increase (∆) in root and stem length, since it is difficult to have all the plants with the same size. The results showed that root length of normal plants in presence of lead was higher than in control without metal (Fig. 2a). The root length at 250 mg L− 1 was three folds longer than in control plants at the end of the experiment.
In the T12 plants, the increase in root length was similar between control and 250 and 400 mg L− 1 treatments, but lower at 100 mg L− 1 (Fig. 2b). In general, the root length in normal plants was higher than in T12 plants. This difference could be attributed to the growth pattern, since T12 plants developed more branched roots, while normal plants have a vigorous principal root.
On the other hand, the stem length increased progressively in normal plants at all lead concentrations until day 6, kept constant until day 8, and decreased rapidly from day 10 (Fig. 2c). In the T12 plants a similar behavior was observed, however, the plants maintained in 400 mg L− 1 Pb exhibited a higher increase in stem length compared with control plants at day 6 and 8. After this time, a rapid decrease in stem growth was observed in all treatments (Fig. 2d).
The reduction on stem growth of normal and T12 plants was observed in plants exposed or not to lead. Therefore, this effect cannot be attributed to metal toxicity, but to a nutritional deficiency possibly caused by the absence of phosphate, sulfate and molybdenum in the media. It is known that phosphate deficiency decreases Rubisco activity, rate of photosynthesis, oxidative phosphorylation, and synthesis of amino acids. The sulfate is a source of sulfur, which reduced forms incorporate to cysteine and methionine. Thus, a reduction in sulfate would affects synthesis of proteins, and antioxidants like GSH. The molybdenum is a cofactor of nitrate reductase and nitrogenase and therefore is involved on nitrogen metabolism (George et al. 2008). Deficiency of these compounds would contribute to reduce the stem growth in S. americanus plants.
At the end of the experiment all plants survived, and had a good appearance even at the highest concentration tested indicating that S. americanus plants were able to tolerate high concentration of lead. In contrast, others species like Medicago sativa, Triticum aestivum, Brassica napus, Ricinus communis, and Acalypha indica presented a shoot and root growth inhibition after lead exposure (Dalyan et al. 2020). Also, the biomass and height of several wetland plants decreased in the presence of 900 mg Pb kg− 1 in soil (Yang and Ye 2015).
Lead removal by S. americanus plants
To perform the lead removal kinetics the selected metal concentration was 400 mg L− 1. The lead content at time 0 in the negative control (medium without plants) was around 240 mg L− 1, and in medium with plants was 215 mg L− 1, indicating that about 41.6% of the metal was precipitated, probably due to lead-hydroxide complexes in the liquid medium (Fig. 3a).
In presence of normal and T12 plants, the lead concentration tends to decrease progressively from day 4 until the end of the experiment. The normal plants removed 63 mg L− 1, while T12 plants removed 49 mg L− 1 from medium at day 8 (Fig. 3a).
To know the metal accumulation pattern in the tissues, the lead content in roots and stems was analyzed. The metal rapidly accumulated in roots of normal (64000 mg kg− 1 DW) and T12 plants (36500 mg kg− 1 DW) until 4 day, and subsequently remained without significant changes (p > 0.05). The roots of normal plants accumulated 1.75 times more lead than those of T12 plants (Fig. 3b). The lead content in stems, of both normal and T12 line, was about 7.5–10% of the value detected in roots, ranged between 4000 and 4800 mg kg− 1 and did not improve with time (Fig. 3b). The lead adsorbed into the root´s surface corresponded to 435 and 317 mg kg− 1 (Fig. 3c). Our results are in accordance with those reported for several wetland plants, which accumulated three to four times more lead in roots than in the aerial parts (Yang and Ye 2015). On the contrary, in Zea mays, the accumulation of lead was higher in shoots than in roots (Jagetiya and Kumar 2020).
It has reported that lead can be transported to the root cell through voltage gated cation channels present in plasma membrane, and by the transporters LCT1, ATM3 and AtPDR12 (Song et al. 2014). The metal introduced to roots could interact with carboxyl groups of galacturonic acid and pectin from the cell wall, or be sequestered in the vacuole. Deposits of chloropyromorphite have been identified in membranal structures and vacuoles of different species (Kopittke et al. 2008). Additional research must be done to know it the metal in S. americanus roots is deposited in cell wall or in vacuoles.
On the other hand, the lead translocated to aerial parts was very low indicating a poor mobility of metal trough vascular bundles. Lead translocation from root to shoot was generally low in most species (Yang and Ye 2015).
The measurement of pH of the medium was also performed. Data showed a rapid pH reduction at day 2 in normal and T12 plants not exposed to lead, which increased until day 6. The reduction on pH, at 400 mg L− 1 was slower but higher, than in control treatment. The pH decreased 1 and 1.2 units in the presence of normal and T12 plants, respectively, at day 4 in relation to time 0 (Fig. 4). Thus, the maximum metal removal from media at day 4, corresponded to the maximum accumulation in the roots, and to the maximum decrease in medium pH. It is possible that in the first days, the roots of normal and T12 plants exudated organic acids, or activated the proton pump causing a reduction in the medium pH, promoting the complexation and precipitation of lead on the rhizosphere.
The T12 plants would be more efficient to reduce the metal internalization by a higher reduction in the pH medium, and in consequence the metal accumulation in tissues would be lower. In the root exudates of S. triqueter a variety of organic acid were identified (hexadecanoic, pentadecanoic, vanillic, octadecanoic, citric, succinic and glutaric acids) after exposure to lead (Hou et al. 2015). It remains to identify the chemical nature of S. americanus roots exudates to verify if they correspond to organic acids.
The data presented suggest that during the first 4 days, the metal is immobilized by a phytostabilization process due to the formation of complexes with the root exudates, and after this time the S. americanus plants removed lead mainly by a rhizofiltration mechanism.
Subsequently, the BCF and TF were calculated to determine the lead accumulation capacity by S. americanus plants. The normal and T12 plants accumulated 69389 and 41063 mg Pb kg− 1 DW, respectively (Table 2). These concentrations were around 300–400 times higher than in S. americanus plants growing in water polluted by municipal and industrial wastewater (Carranza-Álvarez et al. 2008). Considering that an hyperaccumulator of lead accumulated 1000 mg kg− 1 DW (Luo et al. 2016), the normal and T12 plants of S. americanus can be considered as hyperaccumulators of Pb. The lead accumulated in S. americanus plants, also, exceed the concentration reported in Noccaea (23,000 mg kg− 1), Arabis alpine (1484 mg kg− 1), and Phyllostachys pubescens (1048 mg kg− 1) (Dinh et al. 2018; Li et al. 2019; Liu et al. 2015).
Table 2
Bioaccumulation factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF) of normal and T12 plants exposed to 400 mg kg− 1 Pb at day 8
Plant | Absorbed (mg kg− 1) | | Adsorbed (mg kg− 1) | Total (mg kg− 1) | BCF1 | TF |
Root | Stem | | Root |
N | 64000 | 4800 | | 589 | 69389 | 325.76 | 0.075 |
T12 | 36500 | 4000 | | 563 | 41063 | 192.78 | 0.10 |
1 BCF was calculated according to lead bioavailable in medium (213 mg L− 1) |
On the other hand, the BCF indicated that normal and T12 plants bioconcentrated between 192 and 300 times the metal. The TF was lower than 1 in both plants but the normal plants translocated 33% less lead than T12 plants (Table 2).
Antioxidant activities of S. americanus plants
The activity of POX, SOD, CAT, and the content of GSH were determined in normal and T12 plants of S. americanus exposed to 400 mg L− 1 Pb, to know if the tolerance involved the activation of antioxidant mechanisms.
The POX activity in roots and stem of normal plants not exposed to lead increased significantly at day 4 and 6, respectively, but did not improved in presence of the metal (Fig. 5a). In the T12 plants, the POX activity was similar between root and stem at 0 and 400 mg L− 1 Pb (Fig. 5b).
The quantification of SOD activity showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in roots from normal plants exposed to lead in relation to control plants, which in general, improved with time. In the stems the SOD activity was very low and did not increased at 400 mg L− 1 (Fig. 5c). The rotos of T12 plants also exhibited higher activity of SOD but only at 6th and 12th day. The activity in stems or both normal and transgenic plants was similar in control and in presence of lead (Fig. 5d).
The CAT activity improved in roots and stems of normal plants exposed to metal only at day 4 (Fig. 5e). In the T12 line there was a significant difference in the stems of plants exposed to metal at day 8 (Fig. 5f).
The analysis of GSH in normal plants showed an increase in the roots at day 4 and 6, and in the stems at days 6 and 8 (Fig. 5g). In T12 plants the GSH concentration was higher in the roots at day 4 and in the stems at day 2 (Fig. 5h).
Thus, roots of normal plants exposed to lead mainly improved the SOD activity and the levels of GSH at day 4, period at which the maximum metal uptake was observed. GSH increased at day 6 and 8 in the stem suggesting that this response could be due to translocation of metal to this tissue.
In the T12 plants, the activation of SOD was lower but GSH accumulation was higher at day 4 in relation to normal plants. The higher levels of GSH in stems could be related to the higher TF observed in T12 plants. Variations in the antioxidative response to lead, were also reported in Phyllostachy pubescens, where SOD activity decreased, and increased POX activity and GSH levels (Wang et al. 2019), while in Arachis hypogaea (Nareshkumar et al. 2014) and Acalypha indica (Venkatachalam et al. 2017) increased SOD, APX, GPX, GR and GST.
It is reported that lead improved ROS production, including superoxide. This compound promotes hydroxyl-radical formation and DNA damage. The increase of SOD activity in S. americanus plants could be the first defense mechanism by converting superoxide to hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. Subsequently, the hydrogen peroxide could be transformed to water and oxygen by the catalase or by glutathione peroxidase, this last using GSH as an electron donor (Dalyan et al. 2020). These antioxidant mechanisms would be contributing to lead tolerance in S. americanus plants.