Leather making process is long and complex: animal hides and skins derived from meat industry are undergone to a series of operations to be converted in leather [1]. Leather processing is commonly divided in three main phases: pre-tanning, tanning and post-tanning. The pre-tanning process comprises activities to clean and store hides; the tanning process converts hides in leather, by modifying the collagen present in the skin fibers and the post-tanning steps are responsible of the final aspect and of the aesthetic and mechanical properties of leather [2].
Among post-tanning procedures, the re-tanning process is crucial not only to achieve uniform leather products, but also to confer new properties to leather, thus increasing its quality [3]: frequently, the addition of fillers is necessary to minimize the imperfections present on hides, such as veiny and loose areas [4]. Filling phase is, therefore, the introduction of substances able to penetrate leather and fill the voids of the fibers [5]. The formulation of the filling agents determines the final properties of the treated leather [6]: the ideal filler has to be highly compatible with leather, well soluble in water, capable to penetrate into leather matrix and to bond itself to collagen, and able to homogeneously fill the loosen parts [7].
To achieve these desired characteristics, several inorganic or organic chemicals are generally used simultaneously; among the organic materials, four classes of compounds are the most used in re-tanning process: i) vegetal tannins, ii) syntans, iii) resins and iv) polymers [8].
In the last decade, the high production costs and the low degree of penetration of vegetal tannins in leather [8, 9], as well as the potential release of polluting and harmful substances (such as free-formaldehyde) due to the use of synthetic fillers [7], have promoted the development and the application of alternative eco-friendly and non toxic compounds, such as proteins and oligopeptides.
Among proteins, collagen resulted to be a very interesting alternative filler [10] thanks to its structural function and its compatibility with leather [11]. In particular, by its cross-linking combined with other molecules, collagen attains new appealing properties, such as thermal stability, elasticity and plasticity [12, 13]. In particular, collagen-casein cross-linking is the key for collagen application in leather processing, being casein able to make collagen more resistant to the thermal stress caused by the re-tanning process [14].
Potential collagen sources are numerous, from mammals to marine organisms [15], including tannery wastes: leather solid wastes are, indeed, composed by raw hides and by semi-processed skins, where collagen is the main protein component [16].
Aiming to a cleaner and circular production flow, applying extracted collagen from leather solid wastes as filler into leather processing has been more than a challenge. Employing back collagen in leather manufacturing has also the advantage of recovering a waste without the need of further purification steps, steps which are necessary for the reuse of collagen in other fields, such as cosmetic and medical applications [17].
Moreover, leather solid wastes represent a critical issue for the environmental sustainability of the leather processing industry: tanned shavings result to be high polluting and potentially toxic due to the presence of tanning agents that, bonding to collagen fibers in the skin, make these wastes hard degradable.
Nowadays, several methods, based on chemical extraction for collagen recovery, were developed [18, 19], but the obtained collagen is completely deconstructed and hydrolyzed in small polypeptides [20], making it hard to be applied in the filling process.
In our previous work, collagen was extracted from leather tanned wastes by enzymatic hydrolysis, thus allowing to recover high quality structured collagen, and providing a protocol for its cross-linking with casein by enzymatic catalysis. Using of enzymes allow to fine tuning the hydrolysis and cross-linking processes, making extracted collagens suitable for application in leather manufacturing.
In the present study, collagen, extracted from different kind of tanned shavings, is integrated in leather manufacturing as filler for low quality leather, exploiting its ability to cross-link with casein through the mediation of a microbial transglutaminase. The re-tanning process was redesigned to apply collagen as filler additive or substitute.