Reduced terrestrial primary productivity by tropical Indian ocean warming
We conducted regression analysis using multiple data sets to quantify the impact of the tropical Indian Ocean (IO) on vegetation terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) over North America. We defined the tropical Indian Ocean SST index (TIO index) as the SST anomalies averaged over a selected region marked by a box (Supplementary Fig. S1a). We used a multi-dataset: the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, 1982–2015), GPP data from an improved Light Use Efficiency model (LUEM, 1982–2016), and GPP data derived from a global network of eddy-covariance towers (Fluxcom, 1982–2011). The regression analysis provided significant evidence that the terrestrial GPP over north America is linked to the tropical Indian ocean. The results showed strong negative vegetation activities in the central and US, Taiga Shield East, and Alaska, while moderate positive terrestrial GPP in northwestern Canada and subtropical steppe in Mexico. The NDVI shows strong negative GPP and vegetation activities over the eastern part of the North American region and Alaska (Fig. 1a). The peak of negative regression coefficients occurs in the central and north US, while weak positive GPP in the west of Canada. The LUEM captures those patterns related to the Indian Ocean in the US and Alaska with a relatively stronger regression coefficient of 40–50 g C m− 2 month− 1 but differently shows a positive regression coefficient in the west of Canada (Fig. 1b). In the Fluxcom, strong negative vegetation coefficients were seen in the US, north of Mexico and east of Canada, while positive coefficient in the west of Canada with similar magnitude of those of the area with negative value (Fig. 1c).
We examined whether the negative impact of TIO on North America GPP reproduced in the simulated GPP data from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP) (Fig. 1e). We used 36 individual models with various driving forcings such as CRU and NCEP reanalysis data. The results show that most models simulate negative GPP changes by TIO warming. Approximately 20% of models show strong negative GPP coefficients linked to TIO warming, which are comparable to the observed. However, poor models show relatively weak GPP coefficients or no significant impact on the GPP. The multi-model ensemble mean of the model is consistent with the satellite-based vegetation index (NDVI) and data-driven model data (LUEM and Fluxcom) although the MME data underestimate the negative impact when compared to the observed.
We also examined the seasonal variance of the impact of TIO on GPP over the United States (US) from LUEM. The maximum TIO warming occurs during late spring (Supplementary Fig. S2a), while the peak of climatological GPP was seen in June-July (Fig. 1d), suggesting that there is a few-month lag between TIO warming and the resultant reduction in terrestrial productivity over the US. Also, the TIO during June is relatively highly correlated to August GPP anomalies over the US with 0.62 of a correlation coefficient (P < 0.05) (Supplementary Fig. S2b). Noted that the correlation coefficients between GPP and TIO are not much changed with increasing lead months. The regressed coefficient of the US GPP on TIO with two months lags shows a peak in August (Fig. 1d). These results suggested that extensive negative terrestrial GPP patterns related to TIO warming commonly occur US region.
Impact of the tropical Indian Ocean on climate over North America
The TIO warming could change climate conditions over north America through atmospheric teleconnection. The drought stress (or water storage limit) induced by TIO may affect terrestrial GPP and agricultural productivity22,23,24,25,26. The warming of the tropical Indian Ocean is linked to higher sea level pressure (SLP) anomalies in the US and higher geopotential height (GHT) in the upper troposphere like a barotropic mode through global atmospheric teleconnection, enhancing local weak heating (Fig. 2a). The heating in the IO also induces SLP meridional dipole pattern over North Atlantic region (Fig. 2c), accompanied by anomalous cyclonic flow in the subtropics, which weakened northward moisture transport of moisture from south of US and reduced strong resultant precipitation (Fig. 2b). Easterly anomalies in the west coast of Mexico may also play some role on reducing precipitation over Mexico regions. The less precipitation induced by TIO contributed to reducing GPP over the US.
The regressed horizontal pattern of near-surface temperature related to TIO show large-scale warming in north America except, Alaska, western Canada, a part of the southwest US, and far-eastern Canada. The peak of the warming was seen in the US. The rising motion by TIO warming generates divergent flow, inducing wave patterns in the upper troposphere - negative GHT in northeast Asia and positive GHT over eastern Siberia, and negative GHT in northwestern Canada and positive GHT over the east US (Supplementary Fig. S3). Noted that this wave propagation reaches to and Europe region through North Atlantic ocean. Strong higher GHT over the US with anti-cyclonic anomalies indicates significant warming by reducing cloud fraction. The horizontal pattern of upper tropospheric GHT anomalies is consistent with those in near-surface temperature anomalies related to TIO (Fig. 2a), suggesting that TIO could contribute to warming in North America.
We hypothesized that the negative GPP changes in the US may be mainly controlled by the changes in the precipitation linked to TIO; the hypothesis was examined using the individual models of MsTMIP. We calculated regressed coefficients of temperature and precipitation onto TIO and ratios of the coefficients to their climatological value. As shown in Fig. 2d, when the precipitation by TIO warming largely decreases, the GPP over the US was significantly reduced with a correlation coefficient of 0.76. The GPP is reduced by 20% for 12–13% of reduction in precipitation. On the other hand, the US GPP tends to be reduced with increasing temperature by TIO. However, only 3–4% of temperature increases for a 20% of reduction in GPP. The results suggested that the reduction in US GPP by TIO warming may be mainly attributed to less precipitation rather than higher temperature. It is also consistent with previous studies, which showed that vegetation activities over the US are mainly dependent on precipitation rather than temperature22,23,24,25,26,27,28.
Indian ocean – US vegetation activities evidenced through historical simulations
To explore whether TIO warmings indeed affect terrestrial GPP, we have conducted two sets of numerical experiments using an Earth system model (see the Methods section). The first is a historical simulation with the observed tropical Indian ocean SST (HIS_OBS). The model was freely coupled in other areas, and external forcings were based on the CMIP6 historical simulation protocol. Similarly, we conducted another model simulation by nudging the climatological SST over the TIO region (HIS_CLM) to remove the impact of Indian ocean warming on the Earth system. The model in this study was integrated from 1900 to 2020 with historical external forcing and 35-year data (1982–2016) utilized for the analysis. The model’s capability in the simulation of the observed TIO-GPP over north America relationship was confirmed by showing the resemblance between the observed regression maps of global GPP onto the TIO for 1980–2020 and those simulated (Supplementary Fig. S4).
The model by the observed SST anomalies over the TIO region (HIS_OBS) captured the observed horizontal patterns of negative terrestrial GPP anomalies reasonably well for the US region but their magnitudes are overestimated (Supplementary Fig. S5a). Corresponding 2m temperature and precipitation patterns over the US (Supplementary Fig. S5b and S5c) are also similar to observation. The model shows strong warming and dryness over the US but their peak shifts westward slightly. The GHT anomalies propagate from the Indian ocean to North America through the Bering sea (Supplementary Fig. S6b). The large positive anomalies over the US could contribute to warming. Noted that the magnitude of positive anomalies is slightly weaker than observation. Cyclonic anomalies develop over the central US during TIO warming, reducing the northward transport of moisture from the south of the US to northeast America and the resultant reduced precipitation (Supplementary Fig. S6a). Note that strong warming and dryness were simulated in Canada, which is due to stronger atmospheric teleconnection by TIO from the model.
On the other hand, the model with climatological SST over the Indian ocean produce positive GPP anomalies over US and Canada (Supplementary Fig. S5d), while negative values were simulated in Alaska. This horizontal pattern is almost opposite to those from the model with observed IO SST (e.g. Figure 3). Cold temperature anomalies are simulated in the west and east of the US, while warm anomalies in north Canada and south of the US (Supplementary Fig. S5e). The precipitation anomalies are positive in most of North America except the central US (Supplementary Fig. S5f). The changes in precipitation seem to be consistent with positive GPP anomalies. The positive GPP may be attributed to strong wet anomalies with enhanced moisture transport. These model results suggest that TIO could induce negative GPP over the US region.
Role of Pacific on Tropical Indian ocean-US GPP relationship
To explore whether the Pacific affects TIO-US GPP interactions or not, we conducted a suite of historical runs with observed TIO SST and climatological Pacific SST. The regression analysis showed the coefficient is very small (Fig. 3, red bar), suggesting the change in GPP by TIO may be not significant under fixed Pacific SST conditions. In observation, the TIO generated cold anomalies over the northern Pacific with anticyclonic anomalies (Supplementary Fig. S7), which may be a favorable condition for atmospheric teleconnection by TIO, resulting in warm and dry climate conditions over North America (Supplementary Fig S8a). On the other hand, we additionally conducted a historical simulation with observed TIO SST and climatological SST over North Atlantic Ocean to estimate the role of the north Atlantic ocean on the TIO -US GPP relationship (Fig. 3, yellow bar). The result shows the negative impact of the TIO on terrestrial productivity with a slightly smaller magnitude than that from historical simulation with observed TIO SST and coupled freely over other ocean basins (Fig. 3, green bar; Supplementary Fig S8b), suggesting that the north Atlantic ocean may play a minor role in TIO-US GPP relationship.
Impact of Tropical Indian ocean on US crop yield
The tropical Indian ocean may affect crop yields because it largely changes air temperature, circulations, and precipitation over the US region during vegetation growing seasons. We examined whether TIO indeed is related to US state-level crop yields. We selected three representative crops, which could be affected by climate conditions, although they are also affected by human activities such as crop management methods. The results showed that all three crop yields are negatively correlated with the TIO, particularly over the US region including the Great Plain. For all three crops, annual yields in the US tend to reduce with warming TIO. The reduction of crop yields by warming of TIO is consistent with the decline in terrestrial GPP over the US. For wheat, negative correlation coefficients are seen in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Alabama but the coefficient is slightly smaller than other crops (< 0.4) (Fig. 4a). Although changes in crop yields related to anomalous Arctic warming show negative relations in most of the regions, a few states in the northwestern United States exhibit positive relations, especially for wheat yield. This pattern can be explained by precipitation increases. For soybean, a higher correlation coefficient was observed in the Kanas and Tennessee (<-0.6), and moderated correlation in Nebraska, Arkansas, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Alabama (<-0.5) (Fig. 4b). The Corn crop yields are closely correlated to TIO with a relatively higher coefficient (>-0.5) in the Nebraska, Kanas, Ohio, and Kentucky. Positive relation with TIO was seen in North Dakota (< 0.5) (Fig. 4c).
Also, we examined how much TIO affects US state-level crop yields. Figure 4d-f shows the composite difference of three crop yields between a warm and cold year in the TIO. Noted that composite analysis was conducted for the year when TIO anomalies are relatively large (> one standard deviation of TIO index). The changes in three crop yields by TIO are approximately 8–30% of climatological annual yields for US states. For soybean, the large impact of TIO on crop yield occurs in the Kanas, Alabama, and Kentucky with a range of 20–30% of annual yields (Fig. 4e). For Corn and Wheat, the impact of TIO is relatively smaller than that of soybean (10–20%). For Soybean and wheat, the composite difference tends to be large with an increasing correlation coefficient, suggesting that the relationship between crop yields and TIO may be significant (Fig. 4d and 4f). However, the composite difference seems to be less sensitive to the correlation coefficient, suggesting that the corn yields are not reduced linearly with increasing TIO index. These results indicate that the TIO index may contribute to estimating near-future crop yields and this issue will be discussed in further studies.