Mice: The study design was approved by the University of Saskatchewan’s Animal Research Ethics Board (AUP 20170016) and adhered to the Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines for humane animal use. Six-eight week old male C57BL/6NJ (Stock No. 005304) mice were procured from Jackson Labs (CA, US).
Ozone exposures
For O3 exposures, mice were continuously exposed in an induction box for 2 h (1, 2). These mice had free access to food and water while housed in the custom induction box. O3 (0.05 ± 0.02 ppm) was generated, at 3 litres/minute, from ultra-high-purity air using a silent-arc discharge O3 calibrator cum generator (2B Technologies, CO, USA). Constant chamber air temperature (72 ± 3°F) and relative humidity (50 ± 15%) were maintained. O3 concentrations were calibrated in small box using a real-time O3 monitor (2B Technologies, CO, USA).
Experiment design
Three pre-weighed mice were acclimatized to the cyclotron facility, overnight, and fasted for at least 4 hours before imaging. For a simpler experiment schematic, please refer to Fig. 1. At the beginning of the experiment, mice were prepared for baseline (i.e. without any treatment) imaging. At any given time point, imaging was performed on a single mouse. Immediately after inducing isoflurane (5%) anesthesia, mice were maintained under 1.5–2.5% isoflurane on a warm water circulated heating pad and monitored for vital signs (BioVet, breathing rate 40–100 breaths per min, body temperature 36.5–38⁰C and blood oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry i.e. SpO2 98–100%). Mice were injected with 2–5 MBq of [18F]FDG via a tail vein. At 15–30 min post injection, mice were imaged for 3–5 full-body multiple time-frames (800 µm voxel size), where each frame spanned 5 min (VECTor4CT, MI Labs), for over 25 minutes. [18F]FDG microPET imaging was followed by a 2 minute X-ray CT (2 bed positions). After baseline imaging, the mice were continuously exposed for 2 h at 0.05 ppm O3 as explained above. Immediately after O3 exposure (i.e. 0 h post-O3 exposure), the mice underwent similar full-body microPET/CT imaging. The next day, at 24 h after O3 exposure, the mice were again injected i.v. with 2–5 MBq of [18F]FDG and imaged for 3–5 full body [18F]FDG PET-CT scans. Four hours later, i.e. at 28 h post-O3 exposure, mice were imaged for any residual [18F]FDG activity with similar full-body [18F]FDG scans.
Image processing and analysis: The acquired X-ray and PET-CT image data sets were processed for flat and dark current normalization, reconstruction (MI Lab reconstruction software), co-registration and quantification by Pmod (pmod.com). Thereafter, the images were quantified and analyzed on Image J (https://fiji.sc/#). The image stacks from X-ray CT were threshold-selected to segment out the lungs. Depending upon the data-set, anywhere from 130–160 ortho slices spanned the entire lung region. The selected regions of interest (ROIs) were then copied on to the corresponding [18F]FDG PET image slices across multiple frames (F0-F4). The ROIs, from X-ray CT as well as the PET images, were simultaneously quantified for the various image parameters such as the area, perimeter, mean, median, mode, standard deviation (SD), range and integrated counts. After exporting the data to excel file, data was sorted, filtered and analyzed for corresponding mouse time-points, frames and/or CT parameters. Finally, a SUM of the full-body image Z-stacks, from the multiple frames, was analyzed for the same parameters in order to calculate the full body [18F]FDG SUV (Standard uptake value). Thus, [18F]FDG is quantified for lung slice(s) as well as the full-body and the ratio of these values is termed as the standard uptake ratio (SUR). All scans (baseline and post-O3 exposure) were acquired using the same imaging protocol. The [18F]FDG counts were decay corrected in order to account for time-dependent [18F]FDG decay. The lung CT grey values were plotted against “lung [18F]FDG SUR”, which was overlaid for multiple frames on the same graph. These plots were then smoothened using the second polynomial function (Savistsky-Golay), in order to compute trends in lung [18F]FDG SUV or S.D. and subsequently, % increase in lung [18F]FDG post-O3 exposure. Please refer to Fig. 2 for flow-chart of the image processing.