Soil microbial population. In current study, soil microbial population was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by various tillage practices and the intensified cropping systems. The colony forming unit (CFU) counts were significantly higher under complete conservation agriculture (CA) with residue retention (CAc) followed by partial CA without residue retention (CAp) treatments and conventional tillage (ConvTill), respectively (Fig. 1). Highest number of bacteria, fungi and actinomycete were seen under CAc followed by CAp. Across the tillage practices, pearlmillet–chickpea–mungbean cropping system (PCMCS) had significantly higher microbial CFU count followed by pearlmillet–chickpea cropping system (PCCS) while pearlmillet–chickpea–fodder pearlmillet cropping system (PCFCS) reported least microbial population. Among various treatment combinations, highest microbial counts of bacteria (82.2×104 CFU g− 1 soil), fungi (63.2×102 CFU g− 1 soil) and actenomycetes (49.5×104 CFU g− 1 soil) were observed in CAc plots with PCMCS system (CAc_PCMCS) followed by CAc with PCCS system (CAc_PCCS) and CAc with PCFCS system (CAc_PCFCS), respectively. Lowest population of bacteria (53.3×104 CFU g− 1 soil), fungi (41.5×102 CFU g− 1 soil) and actenomycetes (29.3×104 CFU g− 1 soil) were perceived under ConvTill_PCFCS which were 35.2, 52.2 and 16.2% lower than the best treatment combination CAc_PCMCS. This may be accrued to the reason the high organic biomass addition under CAc plots improved the soil structure, aggregate stability and uniform soil moisture availability, which in turn might have allowed microbial populations to grow and sustain in the rhizosphere15–18, 22. Combining the CAc practice with legume-intensification also enhanced the SOC input owing to adequate leaf litterfall and root biomass additions from legumes with narrow C:N ratio18,19; which in turn, enhanced the soil microbial diversity17, 23–25. Legume roots also release the root exudates which harbor the microbial diversity in the rhizosphere4,20,26, that’s why the double-legumes system i.e. PCMCS had highest microbial counts of bacteria, fungi and actenomycetes in current study.
Soil microbial enzymatic activities. Different tillage practices had significant (p < 0.05) effect on acid and alkaline phosphatase, glucosidase, dehydrogenase and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) activities (Fig. 2). These enzymatic activities were significantly (p < 0.05) higher under CAc followed by CAp, and ConvTill. Compared to ConvTill, the acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, glucosidase, dehydrogenase and FDA activities were higher by 55.6, 64.3, 16.7, 105.3 and 83.8%, respectively under CAc. The system-intensification had significant effect on alkaline phosphatase, dehydrogenase and FDA activities. Highest activities of alkaline phosphatase (152 µmol p-nitrophenol g− 1 h− 1), dehydrogenase (454 µg TPF g− 1 24 h− 1) and FDA (24.2 µg fluorescein g− 1 hr− 1) were observed under PCMCS, whereas PCFCS had least activities of these enzymes. As, legume-inclusion enhances the SOM4,20,26, thus, resulting in higher soil enzyme activities under double-legume system PCMCS21,27. Likewise, higher SOC enrichment both under CA-based tillage systems and the legume-intensification might have enhanced the FDA activity in our study16,21. The CA practices and legume-intervention also enhanced the dehydrogenase activity due to higher microbial nutrient bioavailability in the rhizosphere16,28,29.
Crop productivity. Different Tillage practices and cropping systems had significant (p < 0.05) influence on the number of pods plant−1 during both years (Table 1). Pods plant−1 during 2020−2021 were 19% lesser than the year 2019−2020. Highest pods plant−1 (40.5 & 32.8) were obtained under CAc_PCMCS compared to rest of the treatments combinations during both years where ConvTill_PCFCS had least pod count plant−1 (31.4 & 26.6). Crop residue-retention improves the soil fertility and moisture holding capacity owing to SOM enrichment and nutrient bioavailability after biomass decomposition13,21,30, which accelerate the plant growth and dry matter accumulation and finally economic yield31. The CA practices are intended to increase carbon inputs, nutrient bioavailability with better physical rhizo-ecology (aggregate formation, moisture permeability and conservation) which directly proliferate the soil microbial diversity with higher crop yields13,16. Similarly, the interaction tillage and legume-inclusion (mungbean) showed significant (p < 0.05) grain and straw yield enhancement in chickpea during both years (Table 1). In general, chickpea grain and straw yield was comparatively higher during 2019−2020 than 2020–2021 owing to uniform rainfall distribution during 2019−2020 compared to 2020–2021 (Fig. 6). Significantly highest grain (1.23; 0.74 t ha−1) and straw yield (3.6; 2.06 t ha−1) of chickpea were recorded from the combination of CAc with PCMCS system over other combinations during 2019−2020 and 2020–2021, respectively. The CAc practice compared to ConvTill had a respective average grain yield increase by ~ 27, 23.5 and 28.5% and average straw yield increase by ~ 48.5, 47.5 and 56% under PCCS, PCFCS and PCMCS in our study. Again, the conventionally tilled PCFCS system had least grain and stover yield over other cropping systems. As, residue retention under CA plots was highly effective in reducing the evaporation losses and conserving more soil moisture, thus, resulting in better crop growth and yield over ConvTill plots13,14. Moreover, chickpea is a deep-rooted crop, therefore, which efficiently utilized the conserved soil moisture under CA plots for realizing higher yields4,32. There existed a significant positive and strong correlation between chickpea productivity and pods plant− 1 during 2019–2020 (R2 = 0.96) and 2020–2021 (R2 = 0.77) (Fig. 3). The overall improvement in chickpea yield under CA plots (CAc & CAp) could be ascribed to pivotal role of crop residues in several physiological, biochemical, chemical and physical processes15–17, 23,24,33.
Nutrient uptake. The experimental results revealed that both CA practices (CAc & CAp) improved the total (grain + stover) NPK uptake in chickpea over conventional tillage (Table 2). Significantly (p < 0.05) higher total N (73.3l; 43 kg ha− 1), P (7.5; 4.3 kg ha− 1) and K uptake (53.3; 30.2 kg ha− 1) were obtained under CAc_PCMCS during 2019–2020 and 2020–2021. Greater nutrient bioavailability as a result of optimal moisture conditions under CA plots could be the major factor for such observations34. Higher NPK uptake may also be accrued to higher yield under CAc owing to improved soil physico-chemical and biological properties9,10. Lowest NPK uptake was recorded from ConvTill_PCFCS owing to poor crop growth and biomass production in ConvTill plots compared to CAc18,19,35. Higher NPK uptake under PCMCS may also be accrued to inclusion of two legumes (chickpea & mungbean) in the system which greatly improved the soil biofertility over the PCCS and PCFCS systems4.
Micronutrient biofortification. Tillage practices and system-intensification had significant (p < 0.05) effect on micronutrient (Zn, Fe) biofortification in chickpea grains and straw (Table 3). Among tillage treatments, significantly (p < 0.05) greatest micronutrient content in chickpea grains as well as straw were obtained under CAc and CAp followed by ConvTill. The Fe and Zn content increased by ~ 2.5 & 1.56; and 8.3 & 10.1% in chickpea grains; and 3.4 & 3.8; and 3.7 & 6.2% in straw during 2019–2020 and 2020–2021, respectively over ConvTill. The improvement in micronutrient content under CAc may be attributed to enhanced microbial activity and synchronous nutrient release during SOM decomposition process of the crop residues16,24,36,37. Likewise, the highest micronutrient content (Zn, Fe) in chickpea grains and straw were observed under PCMCS owing to higher nutrient acquisition and biomass productivity under the influence of two legumes i.e. chickpea and mungbean4. Significant enhancement in micronutrients (2-years’ av.) under different cropping systems was found to be 1.60 and 1.80 (Fe); 3.9 and 3.5 (Zn) mg kg−1 in grain and stover in PCCS and PCMCS, respectively over PCFCS. As, legume-imbedded systems fixed more N with sufficient biomass additions having narrow C: N ratio18,19; thus, speeding-up the biomass decomposition with more C-sequestration vis-à-vis more micronutrient acquisition4,27. The resultant SOM might have also helped in synthesis of organic acids in rhizosphere27, which in turn, acted as micronutrient chelates, influencing translocation and remobilization of micronutrients37,38.
Relative water content. Various treatment combinations significantly (p < 0.05) improved the relative water content (RWC) in fully expanded chickpea leaves at flowering (Fig. 4). The highest RWC (86.3%) was achieved under CAc in PCMCS system. This treatment combination improved the RWC by ~ 20.76% over ConvTill_PCFCS system. The improved RWC under CAc was a consequence of higher moisture retention and comparatively lower moisture stress in residue-retained CAc plots9,10. As, the legume intervention in the crop sequences enhances the water holding capacity due to better physical and biological rhizospheric environment, hence, resulting in favorable plant-soil-water relations with higher RWC18,21,25.
Biochemical properties vis-à-vis moisture-stress tolerance ability. Tillage practices and system-intensification had significant (p < 0.05) influence on biochemical properties vis-à-vis moisture-stress tolerance ability of chickpea (Fig. 5), except ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) activity. Treatments, CAc_PCMCS (22.9%), a combination of complete CA and double legume imbedded cropping system exhibited highest grain protein content (Fig. 5A), with ~ 3.6% higher protein content compared to ConvTill_PCCS. Higher N content in chickpea under CAc_PCMCS may be attributed to increased N-bioavailability in the soil due to double legume-inclusion1,4,18. Higher decomposition rate of crop residues in CAc system might have also enhanced the N-acquisition and protein content in the plants18,39. Grain protein content was least in ConvTill_PCFCS be due to extensive N removal by two cereal components in the system9,10. The proline content was found to be inversely related with RWC. The maxima of proline content (9.5 µmol g− 1 FW) was obtained under ConvTill_PCFCS (Fig. 5B). This treatment combination remained at par with ConvTill_PCCS (7.98 µmol g− 1 FW) and ConvTill_PCMCS (6.84 µmol g− 1 FW) and CAp_PCFCS (7.15 µmol g− 1 FW). The least proline content was noticed in CAc_PCMCS and CAc_PCCS. The reduced proline levels in chickpea leaves in CAc might be due to the increased moisture retention under crop residues, which resulted in low plant moisture-stress25,40. Similarly, chickpea plants grown with CA practices in PCMCS showed significantly higher biochemical properties like superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (28.9 Ug− 1 FW− 1), and glutathione reductase (GR) activity (0.63 U mg− 1 protein− 1 min− 1) which were ~ 11 and 30% higher over ConvTill_PCCS (Fig. 5C, 5D). Statistically non-significant increase was noticed in the CAT and APX activities under CAc (Fig. 5E, 5F). Least proline and higher values of SOD, GR, CAT and APX activity in chickpea under CAc indicate the ability of CA-management on moisture-stress tolerance in the current study2,18. It is evident from various studies that moisture or drought stress causes oxidative stress by decreasing stomatal conductivity in the plants which confines CO2 influx in to the leaves40. Hence, there is reduction in the leaf internal CO2, causing formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) mainly in plant cell, mitochondria, chloroplasts and peroxisomes41. In our study, there was higher production of SOD, GR, CAT and APX activity in chickpea under CAc. As, higher ROS production induces deleterious impact on plant cells; the plant defense system becomes active against ROS42; and releases non-enzymatic antioxidants (proline) and antioxidant enzymes (like CAT, SOD) and ascorbate-glutathione (AsA–GSH) cycle enzymes (like GR and APX) for detoxification of ROS and plant cell protection40–43. It indicates that enhanced SOD, GR, CAT and APX activities under CAc inducts drought-stress tolerance ability in chickpea plants in semi-arid environment.
GHG-emissions. In current study, the CO2 and N2O emissions ranged between 1757–2246 kg ha− 1 and 332–345 kg ha− 1, respectively under various tillage treatments (Table 4). The CAc system emitted relatively larger amount of CO2 followed by CAp and ConvTill. The CAp and ConvTill remained statistically at par in terms of CO2 emissions. Contrary to CO2, the N2O emission was the larger under ConvTill and lowest in CAc plots; however, net GHG-emissions were least under CAc compared to ConvTill. Likewise, the system-intensification (PCMCS & PCFCS) led to slight enhancement in CO2 emissions both of which remained statistically at par. Intensive cropping (PCMCS/PCFCS) didn’t affect N2O emissions where all the cropping systems behaved statistically similar. Zero-tillage with residue retention in intensive cropping systems increased the availability of organic carbon that might have resulted in enhanced soil respiration and CO2 release44,45. Presence of residue-cover reduces the N2O emissions46, and therefore, the slightly lower N2O flux was observed in the CA-systems47.