In aquatic ecosystems, bottom sediments are crucial because they provide habitat for a variety of macro- and epibenthic species. According to pollution levels, sediments serve as a convenient sink for contaminants where they are concentrated. The health of these species and the entire waterbody could be significantly harmed by contaminated or exposed bottom sediments. Understanding the correlations between sediment-associated chemical concentrations and the incidence of unfavorable biological effects is necessary for evaluating the impact of this risk. Sediment quality standards are scientific instruments that compile knowledge on the connections between chemical concentrations in sediment and any negative biological effects brought on by exposure to these pollutants. The parameter analyses also revealed high values for the CVs, and Han et al. (2006) found that while the CV values of elements impacted by non-natural sources (biological and anthropogenic) are very high, those of elements dominated by natural sources are comparatively low (Han et al. 2006). The pH (in H2O) and pH (CaCl2) CV values in the current study were > 50%, which may be related to the fact that these variables have a defined range and that any influence on them will change either their acidity or alkalinity. The concentrations of the other parameters can be affected at any given time by factors including the parameter's residence time, rate of input along with the concentration, interactions between the parameters, and the current physical ambient circumstances. Sand (73.1%), clay (17.4%), and silt (9.4%) are the overall mean percentage values for sediment texture acquired in this study, which are similar to earlier investigations on sediment composition in Nigeria waterbody. Depending on the parent materials and components from the nearby catchment area, the texture may vary.
The dominant amount of sand in the Owella reservoir may be due to the kind of soil geology in the region and input from surface runoffs, which also contribute to an increase in the percentage of sand there. This study compares favorably to the work of George et al. (2010), which found that sand (73.97%), clay (22%) and silt (27%) were present in Okpoka Creek. However, Ezekiel et al. (2010) found slightly different results, reporting that sand (88.6%), clay (7.09%) and silt (4.31%) made up a percentage contribution to their studies on the Sombreiro River. The narrow temperature ranges for air, water, and sediment temperatures obtained during this study period (24.4–36.0°C, 27.0–33.0°C, and 24.0–34.0°C, respectively) show that the tropical zone does not change as much as the temperate zone. As a result, the influence of temperature on the biota and/or the ecosystem in a typical tropical reservoir that is permanently filled with water throughout the year is typically very small or negligible (Ajuzie, 2012). Wantzen et al. (2006) noticed that tropical locations typically suffer some notable degree of seasonality in rainfall rather than substantial thermal seasonality. Overall Mean pH (in H2O) and pH (in CaCl2) concentrations in Owalla Reservoir sediment were 5.27 0.06 and 4.89 0.05, respectively, and were above WHO (2017) allowed limits. The large intake of organic matter from nearby habitation, agriculture, and washing activities may be the cause of the pH concentration values observed in this study. The sediments' acidic pH value may cause the Owalla waterbody to become acidic. Additionally, metals that can be hazardous to aquatic life are mobilized by acidic conditions (e.g., aluminium). Through prolonged stress, which damages health and reduces the affected individual's capacity to find food, shelter, or mates for reproduction, metal toxicity can result in reduced survival in fish (Mohan and Kumar, 1998). Nathaniel (2001) in the Opa reservoir and Asibor (2008) in the Asejire Reservoir, both in Nigeria, had reported findings that were comparable. These studies' sediment is typically acidic, which contrasts with the acidic pH ranges of 2.70 ± 0.10 to 5.5 ± 0.31 obtained by Umesi (1999) in Rumueme Creek, Port Harcourt, and 5.06–5.85 reported by Ezekiel et al. (2011) for the Sombreiro River. These studies' sediment is typically acidic, which contrasts with the acidic pH ranges of 2.70 ± 0.10 to 5.50 ± 0.31 obtained by Umesi (1999) in Rumueme Creek, Port Harcourt, and 5.06–5.85 reported by Ezekiel et al. (2011) for the Sombreiro River. The variances in ionic content between the fresh water areas are what produce the significant discrepancy between the conductivity of the sediment in this study and those of those areas. A process known as eutrophication, which essentially results in biological death in the Owalla reservoir due to a lack of bio-available oxygen, may have been accelerated by surface runoffs, which may have increased the level of phosphate and nitrate from household waste deposits into the water, from washing, and from agricultural activities. Different anthropogenic activities carried out in the various water bodies may be the cause of variations in the physico-chemical quality of the sediments acquired from this investigation compared to earlier studies. Typically, human activities and natural factors have a significant impact on the sediment physico-chemical quality of any water body. In the current study, the organic matter content of sediments ranged from 0.69 to 14.10%, with a mean of 3.20 ± 0.20. The range of organic matter indicated that the sediments ranged from being low to being organic in nature, and the average could be considered to have a moderate amount of organic matter. Generally speaking, sediments are considered to be organically rich if their organic matter content is greater than 1%. (Chandrakiran and Kuldeep, 2013).
All of the physico-chemical parameters of bottom sediment investigated in Owalla reservoir are significantly impacted by seasonal fluctuations. Except for the sediment temperature, which was slightly lower in the rainy season, the mean values of air, water, and sediment temperature obtained in this study for the dry season (31.90 ± 0.29°C, 30.60 ± 0.18°C, and 27.60 ± 0.23°C, respectively) and rainy season (28.00 ± 0.20°C, 27.40 ± 0.14°C, and 27.40 ± 0.14°C) are significantly different. During the warmer months of the year, the heat from the water is significantly absorbed by lake sediment, and during the colder months, the heat is transferred to the water (Wetzel, 2001). The greater temperatures observed during the dry season than during the rainy season might likely be ascribed to the dry season's typical low relative humidity and high air temperature. The highest mean values of clay and silt were found during the rainy season, whereas the highest mean values of sand were found during the dry season. These considerable differences in clay and sand values between seasons were observed. Although the average depth during the dry season was higher than what was seen during the rainy season period, this difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). In the Ribeirao das Lajes Reservoir in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Guarino et al. (2005) reported that the water level (depth) was highest in the rainy season in April and lowest in the dry season in November. The unusually lower water volume (reduced flooding) of the reservoir in the rainy season compared to the dry season along with overland runoff occurring predominantly during the rainy season may be the cause of the much higher mean sand value during the rainy season than during the dry season. According to Ong et al. (2012), the rainy season is characterized by coarser sediments due to excessive rainfall and stronger water currents. The entry of acid hydrides by precipitation may be responsible for the drop in pH during the rainy season of this study. Except for sand, which has a greater mean percent in the dry season, the mean percentages measured for clay and silt were higher during the rainy season and lower during the dry season. This outcome could be attributed to surface runoffs during the rainy season that contain substantial amounts of clay and silt, whereas the higher percentage of sand during the dry season is a result of water concentration and heavy sand sedimentation in the waterbody. Both the dry season of the research (5.33 ± 0.09, 4.87 ± 0.07) and the rainy season (5.21 0.09 and 4.74 0.07) have extremely acidic mean pH concentrations measured in the reservoir. Metal cations that have been adsorbed onto the surface of sediment compete with hydrogen ions at low pH, which causes them to remobilize into the water column. The oxidation of FeS to H2SO4 may be the cause of the comparatively low pH value during the wet season (Ramanathan, 1997).
In addition to the impact of fresh water, variations in pH values could be linked to redox changes in sediments and the water column (Holmer et al., 1994). The alkaline characteristics of the water from Owalla reservoir can be related to the presence of carbonates and bicarbonates ions, while the acidic characteristics can be attributed to organic acids from decaying plants (Jain and Agarwal, 2012). Dilution of the water from surface run-offs, which would have raised the level of ions in the waterbody, may be the cause of the river's electrical conductivity, which was higher in the rainy season (643.30 ± 67.41 Scm− 1) but lower in the wet season (526.60 ± 61.29 Scm− 1). Aquatic system temporal fluctuations can have both direct and indirect effects on the variables regulating nutrient flows (Thayer, 1971). Seasonal trends have been shown to alter how nutrients are distributed in any waterbody (Baird and Ulanowicz, 1989; Morris, 2000). Seasonal cycles result from imbalances in the mineralization and consumption processes (Morris, 2000). Higher levels of phosphorus (106.78 ± 10.91 gg-1), nitrate (5543.04 ± 211.45 gg-1), and phosphate (375.34 ± 39.55 gg-1) observed during the rainy season may be attributable to dead organic matter from the top layer, while lower levels observed during the dry season may be attributable to the removal of the top layer of sediments by significant flooding during the rainy season. The discharge of household wastes into the river as a result of rainfall, the subsequent sedimentation of suspended particulates from phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers, and these factors may have all played a role in the rise in the phosphorus content of the sediment (Tukura et al., 2005 and Ekeanyanwu et al., 2010). However, discharges containing fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides used by farmers near the water body's catchment area that are washed into the reservoir during the rainy season may be to blame for the phosphate that was abnormally high during the rainy season (Swant et al, 2011). The study's findings about the high levels of phosphorus from run-off during rainy seasons could possibly be explained by the fact that cropland is primarily used around riverine areas in Nigeria. Phosphorus can enter rivers from a number of sources, including solid rock deposits, surface catchment runoff, and interactions between water and silt from dead plant and animal remnants at river bottoms. The nutrient phosphate is regarded as the most important among those responsible for the eutrophication of lakes since it is the main element that spurs the growth of algae and ultimately lowers the levels of dissolved oxygen in the water (Murdoch et al., 2001). The average nitrite concentration across the globe has been calculated to be 1 mg of nitrite/liter, and it is usually believed that nitrite concentrations in freshwaters are minimal (Stanley and Hobbie, 1981; Paul and Clarke, 1989). (Meybeck, 1982).
Because of nutrient enrichment, productivity, degradation, and sedimentation, the watershed's nutrient load is excessive, and as a result, rivers may be destroyed (Adeyemo, 2003). For development, reproduction, and survival of organisms, nitrate, a kind of nitrogen, is an essential nutrient. Nitrate concentrations above 1 mgL− 1 are harmful to aquatic life (Johnson et al., 2000). Low levels of total nitrogen recorded during the dry season may be attributed to the low level of organic matter along the river, while high levels of total nitrogen may be caused by the oxidation of dead plant organic matter that collected on top layer. A higher value of total nitrogen during the rainy season may be caused by riparian cultivators applying nitrogenous fertilizers, or by more nitrogenous organic and inorganic debris being washed into the reservoir from catchment basins during the time of rainfall (Swant et al, 2011). This is due to the fact that initial rains remove deposited nitrate from near-surface soils and that nitrate levels substantially decrease as the rainy season goes on. By introducing leached and eroded materials into the waterbody, organic materials in river sediment are transported from terrestrial biota (allochthonous sources) and primary production within aquatic ecosystems (autochthonous sources). Due to the high concentration of organic matter during the dry season or the nature of the sediment, as well as the rapid rate of sedimentation and decomposition of foliage and other vegetative remains in the sediment, the organic matter content of the sediment increased to 3.72 ± 0.30%. (Saravanakumar et al., 2008).
The concentration of exchangeable cations (Al3+, H+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), anions/nutrients compounds (Cl− and SO42−); P and N) and organic matter generally showed to be significantly higher in rainy season than dry season. According to Swant et al. (2011), the weathering of minerals and eventual deposition of those minerals in sediment during the rainy season may be the cause of the greater concentrations of exchangeable cations and anions during that time. Since sampling at the basin typically took place in the afternoon, when solar radiation and heat absorption are at their highest, the mid-higher basin's significant difference in mean values for air and water temperature over those of other stations is presumably related to this. In comparison to the mid-basin and upstream (lotic) basins, the mean sand fraction of the reservoir sediments was much higher at the downstream (lentic) basin. This might be because most of the stations built downstream of the reservoir were primarily static and located near the littoral zone. In the current study, the pH means values varied amongst the stations (upstream, 5.09 0.10 to 4.62 ± 0.08, mid-basin, 5.27 ± 0.08 to 4.81 ± 0.06, and downstream, 5.46 0.17 to 4.99 013). The pH means values (in H2O) and pH mean values (in CaCl2) were also different. It is not surprising that the sediments in this study have acidic pH ranges because anaerobic processes in the bottom sediments are typical of most freshwater bodies in Nigeria (Ogbeibu et al, 2014). Contrary to the findings of Ogbeibu et al. (2014), no uniformity in the grouping of the mean potential of hydrogen ions in respect to either the lotic or the lentic systems was found for the Benin River. The existence of several fish species in the aquatic environment will be threatened by the pH mean concentration range discovered in this inquiry, which lies between the ranges of 5.09 and 5.46 and 4.62 and 4.99. Natural sources of organic matter included plant materials deposited on sediments and human contributions to aquatic systems (Adeyemo et al, 2008). When compared to the findings from the work of Adeyemo et al. (2008) in Ibadan city, the organic matter concentrations obtained in this investigation were significantly higher (values > 0.31–1.14% of the mean range in this study). These amounts above what was previously reported for the sediment of the Benin River (Ogbeigu et al. 2104). Extreme organic matter concentrations, according to Hyland et al. (2000), may harm benthic communities. Since the downstream can operate as a sink for several ion species as well as other byproducts of heavy human activity at the station, electrical conductivity has higher mean concentrations there than at other stations. The concentrations were discovered to be comparable to those observed in the Warri River (Hyland et al. 2000), but significantly lower than those observed in the Benin River (Ogbeibu et al. 2014) and the Adoni flats in the Niger Delta (Ansa and Francis) (Olomukoro and Egborge, 2004). These variations can be related to how these various aquatic environments and salt water within the ecological type are used for activities at the shed. The sediment's nutrient contents were very similar to those recorded for the country's main rivers. The average phosphorus concentrations appear to be higher upstream and lower downstream. Regarding the spatial patterns in the reservoir regime, there was no discernible fluctuation in the mean concentration of chemical properties such sulphate, chloride, and total nitrogen. The values found in this study fell within the range reported by Kolo et al. (2010) for the Lake Chad Basin in Borno State, Nigeria, but were greater than those of the Warri River (Ogbeibu et al., 2014). These illustrate the nutrients' non-point source input and the strong impact of biological and artificial activities on the nutrients. The lentic habitats' sodium and potassium concentrations varied noticeably; this might be explained by the lentic environments' long water retention times and sink-like characteristics. Alkali metals have a higher possibility of combining with other elements or substances for which they have an affinity because of the water retention time, which was typically longer in the lentic environment than the lotic environment. This could be explained by the fact that both elements have properties that are similar to those of elements found in the earth's crust (both physically and chemically), or by the possibility that these two elements came from the same location in these wetlands, perhaps as a result of weathering processes.
Similar to the trends in the alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals (calcium and magnesium) showed some homogeneity in mean concentrations across all sites. In the upstream and mid-basin, the mean concentrations of calcium and magnesium cations were reportedly greater. The coastal zone of the reservoir had a mean sediment temperature that was substantially higher (p 0.05) than the open water zone. This finding could be explained by Wetzel's (2001) observations that the type of adjacent land forms in the basin appear to be a significant factor in the spatial variation in temperatures within the sediments at similar water depths, as shoreline (littoral) sediments of deep lakes have been found to be significantly warmer than sediment. In the littoral zone compared to the open water zone, the mean value of the sand fraction in the textural structure of the Owalla reservoir was greater. This may be caused by high levels of siltation (sand and gravel) entering water bodies via surface runoff, which tend to settle quickly in shallow water areas whereas finer particles (silt and clay) tend to remain in suspension until they reach the more tranquil deeper water (Mishra, 1980). The distribution of grain sizes is determined by depth, according to a report by Goher et al. (2014); when clay and silt sizes rose with depth, sand fraction fell in the same pattern, albeit some samples may diverge from this trend. The sediment pH levels revealed that the open water zone was more acidic than the littoral zone (significantly lower pH means concentration), and conductivity and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) mean values were significantly higher in the open water zone than the littoral zone, demonstrating an inverse trend with pH levels. The decomposition of organic matter releases organic acids into the sediments, which in turn causes the pH values of lakes to fall (Wondim and Mosa, 2015). Agoston-Szabo and Dinka had previously demonstrated the substantial inverse association between the pH and ORP mean values of the sediment in the Owella reservoir (2009). The fact that the majority of the exchangeable cations, anions, nutrients, and organic matter contents were higher in that region (i.e., open water) than in the littoral region may be the cause of the higher conductivity value in the open water. The phenomena may be caused by the finer sediment fractions (clay and silt), which tend to accumulate more in the open water region than the littoral region with coarser sediment fractions and are typically found to have high conductivity, CEC values, and richer in organic matter.
Higher conductivity is a sign of richer, more charged ionic species, whereas lower electrical conductance is a sign of high silicate materials in sediments. Conductivity or salinity depends on the percentage of ions such as chloride, sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc (Swant et al, 2011). In comparison to the littoral section of the reservoir, the concentrations of nearly all exchangeable cations, anions/nutrient compounds, and organic matter in the sediment of the Owella reservoir revealed significantly higher mean values in the open water region. This can be explained by the fact that the reservoir's open water zone's mean clay concentration of the sediments was much higher than the littoral region. According to Fonseca et al., 2003, finding the fraction of exchangeable cations can change when particle size changes and vice versa depending on the adsorption and cationic exchange processes. In general, the sample points in the piper diagram were grouped into 6 areas based on the Trilinear/or piper plot diagram that was constructed for the Preambular area utilizing the analytical data received from the physcio-chemical analysis: There are six different types: Mg2+-NO3−-PO43 type; (2) Na+-Cl− type; (3) Ca2+-Mg2+-Cl− type; (4) Ca2+-Na+- NO3−PO43 type; (5) Ca2+-Cl− type and (6) Na-NO3−PO43− type. Sediment in the current investigation, however, matched Ca2+-Cl− kinds. Trilinear or Piper plot analysis of the sediment types indicates that the contribution from the weathering of pyroxenes and amphibole in the hard rocks is clearly discernible. Sulfate was the most prevalent cation and magnesium was the most prevalent anion in the sediment samples taken from the Owalla reservoir. This may be because of the area's high terrain, which suggests an inverse ion exchange process. Rock weathering causes calcium and magnesium to enter the water body throughout this process. Sediments in the lower topographic area, however, are primarily composed of magnesium and sulfate ions. Alkaline Earth outperformed alkali metals in this study's sediment type, while strong acid anions outperformed weak acid anions (Chadha, 1999). The six fields as mentioned by Chadha (1999) is given in below. (1) Alkaline earths exceed alkali metals; (2) Alkali metals exceed alkaline earths; (3) Weak acidic anions exceed strong acidic anions (4) Strong acidic anions exceed weak acidic anions (5) Alkaline earths and weak acidic anions exceed both alkali metals and strong acidic anions, respectively.