Scientific evidence published over the last four decades has shown that retinal light exposure influences our physiology, behavior, and emotion. More specifically, it modulates human sleep, circadian rhythms, alertness, mood, neuroendocrine and neurobehavioral functions 1–5. These influences of light on human physiology and behaviors are collectively known as non-image-forming responses (NIF) of light. The melanopsin-enriched intrinsically photoreceptive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs), which are sensitive to short wavelength-enriched (blue-enriched, ~ 480nm) lights 6, mostly mediate the NIF effects of light.
Light’s influence on chronotype, sleep quality and mood
With the advent of artificial light and self-luminous displays, our retinal light exposure is no more limited to the natural day-night cycle. An extensive body of research suggests that the imbalance of light and dark exposure disrupts our circadian system 7. Subsequently, this disruption gives rise to a series of adverse consequences, including decreased sleep quality, mood, and an alteration of sleeping habits 7–9. Since the natural light-dark cycle is the most vital zeitgeber to synchronize our body clock to the astronomical day, altering this cycle forces us to have different chronotype-disposition for activity early or late in the day 10. Research shows that bright light exposure at night results in a late chronotype 11, and bright light exposure in the morning leads to an early chronotype 12,13. Increased nighttime light exposure is also associated with decreased sleep quality 14,15. However, several studies have reported better nighttime sleep quality after exposure to bright light in the morning in an office environment 8,9,16. Further, Brain regions such as limbic areas and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responsible for regulating mood are susceptible to circadian regulation 17. Thus, it is reasonable to anticipate that the disruption of circadian regulation will disrupt mood regulation 17. Bright light exposure in the morning leads to increased positive mood; however, exposure to bright light in the afternoon enhances negative mood 18–21.
Light exposure, memory, and concentration
Several studies have confirmed that retinal light exposure activates the hippocampus, which is closely associated with memory functions 22–24. Thus, researchers anticipate that retinal light exposure would influence memory. Vandewalle, et al. 25 observed that, compared to green light exposure, blue light exposure improves working memory performance (N = 18). Alkozei, et al. 26 reported enhanced verbal memory for a 30-minute blue light exposure (N = 12) compared to amber light. Huiberts, et al. 27 offered further evidence that light influences memory-based task performances, whereby participants performed better in simple than complex tasks under bright light conditions (N = 64). Retinal light exposure is also associated with improved concentration. Kretschmer, et al. 28 observed an improved concentration among night shift workers (N = 32) under a bright light condition (300–3000 lux). Sleegers, et al. 29, in their studies on the effects of light in classroom environments, concluded a beneficial influence of a dynamic light environment on students’ concentration (N = 181).
Interrelation of chronotype, mood, sleep quality, memory and concentration
Ample research has found that chronotype influences sleep quality. Juda, et al. 30 found that workers with early chronotypes had shorter sleep duration and more sleep disturbances than late chronotypes (N = 371 shift workers). Moreover, late chronotypes had poor sleep quality with non-regular sleeping habits during weekdays due to the misalignment of their preferred activity period vs. real-world demands 31–33. Chronotypes can also influence our memory and concentration 34–36. Schmidt, et al. 34 reported an interaction effect of chronotype and time of day on memory (N = 32). The memory performance of those with early chronotype was better in the morning. In the same vein, the memory performance of those with late chronotype was better in the afternoon 37,38. Researchers have termed it the synchrony effect. Research has also indicated that sleep quality is contingent on mood 39. Positive affect- a state of pleasurable engagement with the environment, is associated with improved sleep patterns 40,41. However, negative affect leads to sleep deprivation, poor sleep quality, and reduced cognitive functioning 42–46. Poor sleep quality also reduces memory functions and concentration 47–51.
The current study
Acknowledging the influence of retinal light exposure on our health and well-being, many researchers have tried to quantify healthy light exposure. They have given recommendations for a healthy indoor light environment 52. However, little effort is visible to study light exposure-related behaviors, which could be an active agent modifying our retinal light exposure. People can control their light exposure through different behaviors by actively seeking or avoiding certain types of light exposure. Understanding these behaviors is essential to develop a healthy light diet-a pattern of light exposure promoting health, wellness, and work performance. In that vein, we have developed the Light Exposure Behavior Assessment (LEBA) 53 tool that categorizes five different types of behavior. First, the propensity of wearing blue light filter glasses indoors and outdoors (LEBA B1). Second, the tendency to spend time outdoors (LEBA B2). Third, the usage of smart gadgets on the bed before sleeping (LEBA B3). Fourth, our inclination to control environmental light before bedtime (LEBA B4). Finally, using electric light sources throughout the day (LEBA B5). However, whether these categorizations of behaviors would predict different aspects of our health, memory and concentration are still unknown.
We posed the following questions: What are the influences of LEBA categories on (a) chronotype, (b) mood, (c) sleep quality, and (d) memory and concentration? To answer these questions, we proposed a theoretical framework (Fig. 1) based on the literature reviewed. We used the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) - most suited to formulate such a predictive model 54,55. Predicting relationships using PLS-SEM is a two-step process where first, a measurement model is used to assess the reliability and validity of the latent variables used in the model. Second, a structural model is used to investigate the precited relationships of the latent structures. In the structural model, (i) the direct effects (DE): influence unmediated by any other constructs in the model, (ii) indirect effects (IE): influences mediated by at least one intervening construct in the model and (iii) total effects (TE): sums of direct and indirect effects of a given construct can be estimated 56.
We predicted that five types of LEBA behavior categories would directly influence chronotype (H1), mood (H2), and sleep quality (H3). We also predicted that mood (H4) and chronotype (H5) would influence sleep quality. Sleep quality (H6), mood (H7), and chronotype (H8) would affect memory and concentration. LEBA categories would directly influence memory and concentration (H9). Lastly, we predicted that LEBA categories would exhibit a significant total effect on sleep quality (H10), memory, and concentration (H11).