Forty-five adult male Lewis rats weighing approximately 250g were included in the study. Lewis rats were selected because they possess the lowest rate of denervation-related autophagy in rat strains and have demonstrated competence in food-rewarded behavioral tasks.20 All aspects of the protocol were approved by the University of Wisconsin Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, designed in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines, and all methods were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations. All subjects were housed in individual cages in the vivarium with a 12-hour light cycle environment.
Behavioral Apparatus
All subjects were trained to perform an isometric pull task with their right forelimb using the MotoTrak system (Vulintus, Inc., Dallas, TX), which has been used previously to train rats in isometric pull tasks under similar conditions.15 The behavioral chamber consisted of an acrylic cage with a 1cm-wide slot through which the animal interacted with the aluminum pull lever at the back wall of the cage (Pull Behavior Module, Vulintus, Inc., Dallas, TX). The lever was mounted on a slide, allowing the lever to be placed at fixed distances relative to the slot in the behavioral chamber, and fitted to a force transducer, which measured the pull force the animal applied on the lever. There was an acrylic fin mounted to the backwall of the chamber immediately to the right of the slot, disallowing the animal from interacting with the lever with their left forelimb when the lever was placed outside of the chamber. A food pellet dispenser was on the back wall on the opposite side of the fin from the lever slot. Each time the subject interacted with the lever and reached the activation force threshold for the given behavioral stage, they were rewarded with a single food pellet (45 mg dustless chocolate precision pellet, BioServ, Frenchtown, NJ). Custom MATLAB software was used to aggregate data on behavioral sessions. A microcontroller sampled the force transducer at 100 Hz, and the data was displayed on the computer monitor real-time for data acquisition and analysis.
Pre-Injury Training
All subjects were trained in two 30-minute sessions daily with a minimum of two hours between behavioral sessions. To incentivize interaction with the lever, animals were food-restricted to 10 g of food pellets per 24-hour period, unless their interactions with the lever during behavioral sessions resulted in greater than 10 g of food pellets rewarded. In which case, animals received only what they were rewarded during their behavioral sessions and were not supplemented further. All subjects were maintained at no less than 90% of their starting body weight. The first training stage consisted of the lever 1.0 cm inside the cage and a non-adaptive activation threshold of 10 g pull force. Food pellets were crushed and mixed with water to create a paste, and this paste was placed on the lever to encourage animal interaction. When the animals had 100 successful lever interactions across two consecutive sessions, they were advanced to the second training stage.
The second stage consisted of the lever beginning flush with the cage wall and an adaptative activation force threshold (10 g minimum, 50 g maximum) without food paste. The adaptative activation force threshold algorithm recorded the median pull force from the animals’ last 10 attempts and set that force as the new activation threshold for the next 10 attempts. This way, the animal is encouraged to give maximal effort pulling the lever. Also, the lever receded from flush with the chamber wall to 2.0 cm outside the chamber wall in 0.5 cm increments every 50 successful lever interactions. When the subject reached 75% success rate (percent of interactions per 30-minute session above maximum activation threshold) with the lever 2.0 cm outside the chamber wall for a single session, they progressed to the third training stage.
The third training stage consisted of the lever 2.0 cm outside the chamber wall and an adaptive force threshold (50 g minimum, 120 g maximum). When a 75% success rate was reached in a single session, the animal was progressed to the final training stage.
The final training stage consisted of the lever at 2.0 cm outside the chamber wall and a non-adaptative activation threshold of 120 g. When the animal had reached 70% success rate averaged over 10 consecutive sessions, they were considered proficient in the isometric pull task, and the average percent success and median peak force over these sessions served as their pre-injury baseline motor functional status.
Functional Sensory Assessment
When the subjects completed their pre-injury training, their baseline functional sensory data was collected using an automated dynamic plantar aesthesiometer apparatus (Ugo Basile, Varese, Italy). This device consisted of six acrylic booths atop a metal grid floor and a Von Frey filament (500 µm diameter) mounted on a force transducer that can move freely under the metal grid floor. This filament then advanced gradually into the center of the animal’s forelimb paw, and when the animal withdrew from the stimulus, the force required to elicit the paw withdrawal flexion response was automatically captured for data acquisition. For rat forelimbs, the manufacturer recommends a 50.00 g peak force and 5.0 s ramp time.21 All animals were allowed a minimum of a one-hour acclimation period in the aesthesiometer booths. Paw withdrawal thresholds were collected in grams. This was repeated six times with a two-minute intertrial period and averaged for each individual animal’s functional sensory assessment session. Functional sensory assessment testing was carried out as described at the pre-injury timepoint (baseline) and at the 2-, 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-week timepoints post-injury.
All subjects that completed the pre-injury training and baseline functional sensory assessment were blocked randomized into one of four groups: (1) sham surgery and sham TNS (positive control), (2) PNI with sham PNS and sham TNS (negative control), (3) PNI with active PNS and sham TNS, and (4) PNI with sham PNS and active TNS. An overview schematic of allocation and treatments for all subjects can be found in Fig. 1.
Injury Surgery
Injury-repair surgeries were performed under sterile conditions with isoflurane anesthesia via nosecone. Post-operative anesthesia was maintained with weight-based dosing of sustained released buprenorphine at 1.0 mg/kg. A longitudinal incision was made in the upper right forelimb from pectoralis insertion to the medial epicondyle of the humerus. In the sham surgery group, a mixture of sharp and blunt dissection was used to carefully isolate the median and ulnar nerve within the upper forelimb. In the PNI groups, the median and ulnar nerves were transected using microscissors 1.0 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle of the humerus. The nerves were repaired individually using a 4 mm silastic conduit (1 mm internal diameter). A single vertical mattress, epineurial suture (9 − 0 nylon) was used to fix the nerves within the conduits, generating a 2 mm gap repair.
In the active peripheral stimulation group, compound motor activation potential (CMAP) was measured using a custom-fabricated bipolar nerve cuff prior to nerve transection. After nerve transection, one hour of continuous electrical stimulation was delivered to the proximal nerve stumps en bloc, using a custom fabricated bipolar nerve cuff (1.85 mm internal diameter). Stimulation parameters were selected based on prior literature (biphasic, cathode leading, charge balanced pulses; 20 Hz; 100 µs pulse width) (Fig. 2).22 All active peripheral stimulation subjects were stimulated at a current that was 80% of their recorded CMAP (median 24 µA, minimum 12 µA, maximum 64 µA).
In the sham peripheral stimulation groups, a sham nerve cuff (1.85 mm internal diameter silastic tube without wire leads) was placed around the proximal nerve stumps for one hour. All subjects were closed in a single layer using a simple running suture (5 − 0 Vicryl). All subjects were allowed five weeks of recovery with ad libitum food.
Trigeminal Cuff Implant Surgery
At the 5-week timepoint post-injury, all animals underwent implantation of a trigeminal nerve stimulation electrode under sterile conditions with isoflurane anesthesia via nosecone. A longitudinal incision was made from the base of the cranium to the glabellum. The periosteum and scalp were raised in a single layer to expose the cranium. Four screws were placed between the coronal and lambdoid sutures. The left supraorbital nerve was dissected free of surrounding frontalis muscle. A custom-fabricated bipolar nerve cuff (0.6 mm internal diameter) was placed around the nerve. The leads were fed through subcutaneous tissue and the pin connector was placed between the screws. This construct was reinforced with bone cement and dental resin. The wound was closed in a single layer using 5 − 0 Vicryl. All subjects were allowed a 1-week recovery period with ad libitum food.
Functional Rehabilitation
Six weeks post-injury, all subjects returned to perform the isometric pull task in two 30-minute sessions daily. The rehabilitation stage consisted of an adaptative force threshold (minimum 10 g, maximum 120 g) and the lever 2.0 cm outside the chamber. The median peak force and percent success were collected for each session and aggregated in weekly epochs. All animals were tethered by their headcap to the commutator for the first five weeks of rehabilitation. Subjects in the active TNS group were stimulated automatically each time they had a successful lever interaction (constant current, biphasic, cathode leading, charge balanced pulses; 30 Hz; 200 µs pulse width; 500 ms pulse duration) (Tucker Davis Technologies, Alachua, FL, USA) (Fig. 3). To minimize aversion to the lever, current was titrated from 0 µA to 10 µA lower than aversion response in the animal in 10 µA increments per session for the first two weeks of rehabilitation (median 25 µA, minimum 10 µA, maximum 80 µA). Aversion response in the animal was defined as a startle response or aggressive grooming of the left forehead post-stimulation. In the final week of rehabilitation (week 12 post-injury), all subjects were allowed to interact with the lever untethered and the active TNS group was not stimulated.
Terminal Surgeries
At the conclusion of the rehabilitation period, subjects were anesthetized with isoflurane and euthanized with intracardiac injection of pentobarbital.
Statistical Analysis
Twelve subjects per treatment group were justified by power analysis (statistical power of 0.8). A two-sample t-test was performed to detect a difference in median peak force, assuming an effect size of 20g mean difference between the active TNS group and sham stimulation groups based on a prior study in similar circumstances.15
All statistical methods of comparison were determined prior to the start of data collection. To compare the functional motor and sensory data between groups, a repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for the averaged median peak force, percent success, and paw withdrawal thresholds for each aggregated weekly timepoint. Post-hoc analysis was performed using differences of least square means. Significance was set 0.05 type I error for all statistical tests. A group was considered to reach functional recovery for median peak force, percent success, or paw withdrawal threshold when the aggregated value for the week post-injury was not statistically different than the pre-injury baseline timepoint. All values for functional motor and sensory outcomes are represented as mean difference from pre-injury baseline ± standard error. A positive or negative mean difference denotes a value that was greater than or less than the pre-injury baseline value, respectively.