Earthquake tomography is an efficient for the studies of the Earth's detailed interior. The main goal of this tomographic study is to determine the structure of the crust and the upper mantle of Crete’s region, and neighbouring areas that were described in the previous section. Local seismic tomography has been successfully applied to reveal velocity structures associated with fault activation, fluid circulation along major asperities, magma transport and main boundaries on convergent plate boundaries (e.g. Karakonstantis et al. 2019; Matsubara et al. 2019; Koulakov et al. 2020; Gordeev et al. 2022; Yaroshenko et al. 2022). In this study, the inversion of body-wave travel-time date was based on LOTOS scheme as described by Koulakov (2009).
For the inversion procedure, 1208 manually revised events located on the island of Crete and its neighbouring regions were included during the first step. The dataset comprised 23544 P and 19451 S arrival-times, with at least 12 phases per earthquake and ratio of S to P residual smaller than 2.5 (Fig. 12). The inversion algorithm provides two different choices: a) inversion for both VP and VS (VP–VS scheme) using the respective travel-time residuals (dtP and dtS), and b) inversion for VP and VP/VS ratio (VP–VP/VS scheme) using dtP and differential residuals, dtS–dtP. In the current study, tomographic inversion was applied for both schemes, in order to obtain more information on the body-wave anomalies (Koulakov, 2009; Jaxybulatov et al., 2011). Sensitivity analysis for the available dataset was performed by applying the checkerboard synthetic test (Humphreys and Clayton 1988). This method uses alternating anomalies of positive and negative velocity perturbations, on an initial one-dimensional gradient model, evenly distributed in a checkerboard pattern throughout the model.
The available tomographic software necessitates as input data the longitude and latitude of the available network stations and the arrival times from locally recorded seismicity. The coordinates of the hypocenter and the time of origin time are not essential, essential as they are determined during the implementation of calculations. However, if preliminary hypocentral temporary hypocenter locations are available, they can be utilized to reduce the processing time of the operations. In addition, a generic 1-D velocity model and a set of input parameters for performing the convergence iteration steps, comprising parameterization, grid dimensions and damping parameter, were considered (Koulakov, 2009).
The model parameterization of the velocity field should be able to delineate, according to the local characteristics, the shape and perspective of heterogeneities. A nodal representation was used, since the velocity field reconstructed by a three-dimensional grid does not adopt any specific geometry of heterogeneities (Toomey and Foulger 1989). The interdistance of the grid nodes was kept significantly smaller than the expected size of the anomalies (< 5 km) to weaken the distortion of the resulting models due to the grid configuration. The optimal grid mesh has been determined considering the stations/events geometry. In addition, to further reduce the impact of the model parameterization on the solutions, the inversion was repeated utilizing several grid orientations (e.g. 0°, 22°, 45° and 67°). The results obtained were aggregated via a 3-D model of the absolute P- and S-wave velocities by simple averaging.
4.1 Resolution tests
Towards defining the fidelity area in this study, we used the checkerboard method (Humphreys and Clayton, 1988) as an indicator of the resolution and errors associated with the inversion. This method uses alternating anomalies of positive (fast) and negative (slow) velocity perturbations, evenly spaced throughout the model in a checkerboard pattern. Generally, ray-path distribution, model parameterization, and smoothing determine data resolution (Lees and Crosson, 1989). Among the limits imposed of such a test, is the fact that the extent of near-vertical alteration of structure is difficult to be fully recognized due to a structure (checkerboard), where the diagonal elements in the vertical plane are strongly associated with dominant ray directions (e.g. Rawlinson et al., 2014).
Synthetic models are initialized with cells that are the same size as those expected to exhibit anomalies. For the applied method, spiked regions are defined, with ± 10% variability in velocity structure compared with a 1-D velocity reference model. Random noise of 0.25 s for P-wave and 0.40 s for S-wave arrival-time picks, derived by real data inversion, was added to the residuals. Subsequently, travel times for the paths between source and receiver were calculated. This procedural method corresponds to the real observation system that utilizes 3-D ray tracing following the principles of the bending algorithm. After the synthetic travel times are computed, the coordinates, source origin time, and velocity model are no longer available. The restoration of the synthetic model is conducted in the same fashion as actual data processing, such as the enhancement of the 1-D model and the absolute source position. The same free parameter values as in the real case are used to explore the area of fidelity for the values obtained. For the real data 3-D tomographic inversion, the set of variables that provides a greater area of confidence and recreates the model of checkerboard anomalies is used. Errors in the data, including mis-picks, mis-locations, and incorrectly determined ray paths, control the inversion variance. In order to characterize the limitations of our model, we utilized three different sets of anomaly dimensions for the horizontal tests (15x15 km2, 20x20 km2 and 30x30 km2). The variations (%) of body-wave velocity anomalies (± 10%) and the VP/VS ratio distribution are presented in Figs. 13–15 and Figs.S8-S10 (supplementary material), at depths of 10, 40, 50, 60 and 70 km. The first group of anomalies (15x15 km2) was apparently poorly resolved (depth slices of 60 and 70 km) or not resolved at all (depth slice of 40 km), while the other sets (20x20 km2 and 30x30 km2) provide reasonable resolution at shallow depths throughout the rest of the study area (10 km) and it is fully resolved for depth ranges between 20–70 km. These models are reconstructed in the area between Cretan Sea and the southern shores of the island (34.8º-36.0ºN, 23.6º-26.5ºE).
More particularly, in the significant part of the research region (35.0º-35.8ºN, 23.7º-25.75ºE), the anomalies of the 15 km grid size are fairly resolved in the depth slices of 10–20 km depth for the P- and S-wave velocity models, while the respective ones of 20 and 30 km are reasonably restored in all depth intervals (10–70 km). The azimuthal gap of the available seismological stations and the relatively sparse epicentral distribution cause horizontal smearing in the NW and SE parts of the study area. In terms of vertical resolution, tests for the performed cross-sections are shown (Fig. S11).
A similar process was performed in order to examine the vertical resolution. In the vertical sections a separate checkerboard model was created with squared anomalies of 20 × 20 km2. In every cross-section, velocity sign is altered at the depths of 20, 40, and 60 km. In total, six cross-sections were performed. Each pair of profiles was performed from the western (A, B) to the eastern (F, G) part of the island (Fig.S11). The changeover from negative and positive velocity anomalies is fairly reconstructed for a great part of the research region in all the sections, for a depth range between 10 to 50 km, with minor horizontal smearing along ray routes. Sections B and E seem to be less resolved than section A, D and F, particularly in the edge of the profiles (Figs. S12-14). Previous studies have shown that poorer vertical resolution than horizontal one may be related to a trade-off involving source and velocity parameters (e.g. Kasatkina et al. 2014). Both horizontal and vertical synthetic investigations showed that the absolute amplitudes of the body-wave anomalies were up to 4% lower than the initial values of the checkerboard grid.
4.2 Tomographic inversion results
The inversion approach began with initial location and improvement of the 1-D velocity model, producing a mean RMS travel-time residual of 0.35 s after five trials. This is a 38% reduction over the best 1-D velocity model, which had an initial average RMS of 0.51 s. Furthermore, the average P- and S-residuals were lowered from 0.34 s and 0.45 s, respectively, to 0.24 s and 0.27 s (Table 2). The generated P- and S-velocity anomalies with respect to the 1-D starting model are depicted in six horizontal slices at depths of 10 to 70 km in Figs. 16 and 17. The equivalent VP/VS ratio measurements are shown in Fig. 18. The evaluation of the acquired values is restricted to model portions with sufficient reconstruction of the checkerboard model, as illustrated in Figs. 11–13. For P- and S-waves, velocity fluctuations in the shallow depth layers range between + 10 and 10%, while the VP/VS ratio fluctuates between 1.58 and 2.05. According to synthetic modeling tests, the velocity structure is resolvable for depths ranging from 10 to 50 km. This fact, together with the presence of intense ray coverage down to a depth of 50 km, lends confidence to the 3-D inversion results and makes interpretation more viable.
Table 2
Average absolute values of P- and S-wave residuals and their cumulative reduction percentage during the inversion of experimental data.
P-residual (s)
P-residual reduction (%)
S-residual (s)
S-residual reduction (%)
A ~ NE-SW trending discontinuity between slow and fast body-wave velocity anomalies is seen in the Kissamos and Chania gulfs in the western part of the island (Antikythera-Chania) at superficial depths, possibly linked to the local faults of N-S direction (Figs. 16 and 17). This shallow and broad slow VP anomaly down to 20 km depth characterizes the collapsed zones. A similar pattern of body-wave velocity (P, S) anomalies is observed in deeper slices (10–40 km) south of Crete (east of Gavdos Island), with slow and fast deviations from the reference 1-D model to the north and south of the Ptolemy Trench respectively.
A quasi WNW-ESE trending zone of slow VP anomalies and low VP/VS ratio values (1.58–1.62) emerges at shallow depth near Matala, on the southern tip of Crete (Figs. 16 and 18). This anomaly is consistent with the mean distribution of the Neotectonic faults that divides the Mesozoic Pindos Unit basement from the Neogene and Quaternary deposits. Further to the east, some strong lateral velocity perturbations are seen primarily at shallow depths (~ 10 km) in the central part of the study area (Heraklio, Malia) and in deeper depth slices (30 and 40 km). In particular, a discontinuity of fast to the north and slow to the south P-wave velocity anomalies is found at shallower depths (10 km) within the activated area during the Arkalochori earthquake sequence, which matches with the location of most of the concentrated aftershocks for this time frame (2021–2022). This is anticorrelated with the comparable fast velocity S-wave perturbations in the same area, leading to low values of the VP/VS ratio (~ 1.58–1.65), as shown in Fig. 16. This could be ascribed to the local high-density fault pattern of NNE-SSW to NE-SW direction of Central Crete (Caputo et al. 2010; Ganas et al., 2011, 2017) and the thick Neogene to Quaternary sediments (Bonneau 1984; Vidakis et al. 1989; Vassilakis 2006; Vassilakis et al. 2022). In the eastern part of the study area, in Mirambelos gulf, between Agios Nikolaos and Zakros region, strong E-W to ENE-WSW oriented negative P- and S-wave velocity anomalies predominate at depth slices of 40 to 70 km. This part of the research region contains intermediate-depth seismicity (H ≥ 40 km), which can be attributed to subduction processes and upward migration of plunging lithosphere fluids. The model lacks fidelity south of Crete at depth exceeding 50 km and can only be regarded suggestive; therefore, it is not discussed.
To investigate the velocity anomalies in depth, Fig.S11 depicts six, vertical cross-sections performed at N-S and W-E directions, displaying VP (Fig.S16 and Vs (Fig.S17) perturbations, as well as the distribution of absolute VP/VS ratio values (Fig.S18). The first two imply reveal slow velocity anomalies (P and S) in the shallow part of the crust (5–20 km) in the central part of the Chania region, while the fast ones are situated south and north, respectively (section B). The latter (Fig S18) has a significant VP/VS ratio (> 1.82) that goes down to 15–20 km. In sections C (S-N) and D (W-E), in the central region of Crete, show an anomaly of negative perturbations mostly in the shallow part of the profile (< 10 km), and the succession between fast (west) and slow (east) velocities exposes a major structural discontinuity of approximately N-S direction in section D. The main discontinuity between the body-wave (P, S) velocity anomalies and the VP/VS ratio distribution arises in the eastern end of the research area at depths shallower than 25 km in the last two cross-sections (E and F). In particular, at a distance greater than 65–70 km (section E), a negative perturbation exceeding + 10% and VP/VS ratio appear to be linked to the local fault pattern of NNE-SSW direction in Zakros and the bending of the HT towards the NE.