Funding: This is an investigator-initiated study with expenses paid by Pfizer. The pharmaceutical company played no role in the interpretation of data or the writing of this report.
Funding also including NIH grants RO1 EY020249, RO1 EY026572, P30 EY010572, KL2TR002370, and 3T32HL094294-08S1. Funding was also provided by an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness, the Grandmaison Fund for Autoimmunity Research, the William and Mary Bauman Foundation, the Stan and Madelle Rosenfeld Family Trust, and the OHSU Wheels Up Program.
Conflicts of interest/Competing interests: JTR consults for Gilead, Abbvie, UCB, Roche, Santen, Corvus, Celldex, Affibody, Keyverna, Horizon, and Novartis.
Ethics approval: This study was approved by the Oregon Health & Science University institutional review board (IRB 00017902) and was performed in accordance with the ethical standards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments.
Consent to participate: Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.
Consent for publication: Participants provided informed consent for publication of this study.
Availability of data and material: Not applicable.
Code availability: Not applicable.
Authors’ contributions: JTR conceived of the study. JTR, MAF, JS, KO, and PJ designed the study. MAF, BL, KO, JD, DS, and JTR collected the clinical data. JTR, MAF, JS, PJ, MAF, BL, JD, and DS analyzed the clinical data. CH extracted RNA and performed RNA sequencing. DC analyzed transcriptomic data. MAF and BL wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors substantially contributed to this work, all authors critically revised this manuscript for important intellectual contact, all authors approve the version to be publish, and all authors agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We wish to acknowledge the OHSU Massively Parallel Sequencing Shared Resource and the Gene Profiling Shared Resource, which performed all RNA extraction and sequencing for this work; Manny Rodriguez who assisted with the laboratory sample processing; and Puthyda Keath who assisted with patient coordination for this study. We additionally wish to thank the patients who participated in this study.