This study evaluated the effects of OVAR and visual stimulation on the modulation of the AP and HR. We found that OVAR induces significant modulations of MAP and HR, whereas for the visual stimulus, only the cone induces significant modulations, but only of HR and differently if the subjects are rotating or not.
The higher peak of the MAP modulation cycle appears slightly before the nose-down position (Fig. 2) while the RR-interval is on the contrary lowest slightly before the nose-down position. This finding is coherent with the previous findings by Kaufmann et al. 2 who demonstrated that AP and HR, as well as the muscle sympathetic nerve activity were entrained by OVAR, with the higher peak of AP and lower peak of RR-interval around the nose-down position. The modulation of the MAP by the OVAR could come from the difference in hydrostatic levels of the hand and heart in the nose-up and nose-down positions. However, these hydrostatic level differences were accounted for and cancelled with the help of the dedicated system of Finometer Pro. In addition, the MAP modulation was in phase advance with the actual rotation of the body, and this phase shift was different between subjects, but quite persistent under different conditions for the same subject (Fig. 3). This observation suggests that the modulation is the result of neural regulation, as the hydrostatic phase would be the same for all subjects. Therefore, this study confirms previous findings that the vestibular stimulation by OVAR can modulate the AP and HR in healthy subjects 2.
To analyze the effect of OVAR on modulation of HR and AP, we needed to take into account another strong modulator affecting these parameters, which is the respiratory cycle. Breathing causes oscillations of the AP at the breathing frequency, as well as tachycardia during inspiration and bradycardia during expiration, the phenomenon called the respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Breathing frequency in our data indeed is correlated to the modulation, and the closer the breathing frequency is to the stimulus frequency, the higher the modulation. Therefore, if respiration is not taken into account, the stimulus-related modulation would be blurred and its source could be misinterpreted, especially when the respiratory frequency is close to the stimulus frequency or its harmonics. Indeed, a previous study has demonstrated that OVAR is able to synchronize the respiration in a subgroup of subjects 3. To separate the respiratory effect on the modulation of physiological parameters, we have used the mixed model in the analysis of the data, where we correlated the individual amplitude of modulation of the MAP to the individual frequency of respiration. Having this parameter controlled, the visual and vestibular factors can therefore be assessed. The amplitude of modulation of the MAP is significantly correlated with the individual frequency of respiration, especially for the non-OVAR conditions, that reflects the respiratory-driven part of the modulation. Body rotation by OVAR decreases this dependency, while augmenting the amplitude of modulation, therefore introducing another factor of modulation of the MAP at the stimulus frequency.
Like for the MAP, modulation of the HR also presented individually varying phase shifts. The HR modulation amplitude was also strongly correlated with the breathing frequency, reflecting the respiratory sinus arrhythmia 27. The HR was also modulated by the vestibular part of the stimulation.
Concerning the hypothesis that different visual reinterpretation of the same vestibular input would alter the autonomic response, the results are less clear. The MAP modulation was unaffected by the visual input. The HR modulation was affected by Cone condition, but not by the Cylinder. This was expected, as long as it is the inclination part of the stimulus, which is absent in the Cylinder, that is supposed to provoke the adjustment of the AP. The effect of Cone visual stimulus was different whether the subject was in rotation or not. The HR was modulated differently from the control condition (Darkness/Immobile) when the Cone visual stimulus was projected while the subjects were immobile; however, when the OVAR stimulation was applied, no visual effect was discernible. It seems that the vestibular and visual effects on the HR do not add up independently, but that the vestibular effect overrides the visual one. In sum, the HR can be modulated by visual cues, when only those are available to sense the motion. Moreover, only the motion that includes inclination with respect to gravitational vertical can modulate the HR. When cues from the vestibular system and the body are present, the visual input does not add any additional impact on the modulation. As all of those signals presumably are weighted and combined to form an integrated estimate of tilt, the weight of one signal might be greater than the others for certain types of regulations. The visual impact could also be diminished by the use of virtual reality goggles, which despite its immersiveness stays only an approximation of the natural visual environment. It has been shown that a sensory mismatch in such an internal representation of movement can lead to the rearrangement of the sensory modalities, by calibrating the modality which receives the lowest weight 28.
OVAR is a relatively nauseogenic type of vestibular stimulation 29,30. Therefore, the demonstration of a visual-autonomic effect may be limited by motion sickness which may interfere with the results. The procedure was designed to maximally avoid symptoms of MS but it was not possible to eliminate them completely. MS can be associated with changes in the AP or HR; however, the average values of AP or HR were stable across different conditions. Moreover, when including MS factor in the statistical model for modulation amplitudes, we found that it did not significantly affect the mean or modulation of AP and HR.
It needs to be noted that OVAR stimulates not only the vestibular sensors of gravity, the otolith system, but also the extra-vestibular graviceptors, located in the trunk by Mittelstaedt 31. These sensors add to posture-related autonomic adaptations 3 and perception of vertical 32. Several studies have been dedicated to deduce the proportional effect of vestibular and trunk graviceptors in some functions: it has been found that eye-movement is almost entirely controlled by the vestibular system 33, while the autonomic functions and the perception of the vertical are affected by both gravity sensors 3,32. However, vestibular graviceptors predominate for vertical perception 32 while extra-vestibular graviceptors predominate for autonomic regulations 3.
Finally, the fact that visual stimulus was able to modulate only the cardiac response, but not the arterial pressure, may indicate that the autonomic response is driven by the parasympathetic system. Accordingly, recent data demonstrates parasympathetic activation by visual rotation in healthy male subjects 34.
Overall, we conclude that the graviceptors stimulation by OVAR modulates AP and HR. We also conclude that the visual stimulation that includes illusory body tilt can also modulate the HR, but not the AP, when only the visual stimulation is present. The hypothesis of the visual reinterpretation of the vestibular effect was not confirmed, as the visual effect disappears in presence of the real body rotation. Finally, we conclude that the vestibular and somatosensory effects on the HR modulation override the visual effects.