By analyzing differential DNAm in female and male SCZ patients separately, this study supported the hypothesis that female patients have a higher dysregulation burden of DNAm than males (Fig. 5), with three major findings: 1) female SCZ patients carry significantly more differential DNAm and larger changes than male patients; 2) females had significantly higher DNAm levels in healthy individuals at the DMP loci and more baseline sex differences in fDMPs than males; and 3) genetic variants associated with SCZ risk contribute more to the differential DNAm in females than in males. Moreover, despite a limited effect of differential DNAm on gene expression detected in this study for both sexes, the DMP-gene relationships represented by DGPs provided one possible mechanism of DNAm-related downstream regulation for SCZ risks. Nearly all of the detected sex-stratified DMPs were mapped to autosomes, suggesting a major contribution of autosomal DNAm to the sex bias in SCZ. The differential DNAm in males and females participated SCZ risk through many different genes and pathways while sharing synapse-related pathways.
This study provided compelling evidence for the female protective model in SCZ where females have a higher dysregulation burden of DNAm than males. The magnitude of SCZ-associated DNAm changes was overall significantly larger in females than in males. Moreover, females had more DMPs than males when the sample sizes of each sex subgroup matched. Quantitative difference dominated the DNAm differences between sexes in SCZ, leading the females’ DNAm liability away from the diagnostic threshold. These may explain why females have a lower prevalence of SCZ. Previous studies surveyed the sex difference in SCZ at the genetic levels instead of the DNAm levels. However, debate exists over whether the heritability of SCZ differs by sex [62–64], suggesting the sex differences in SCZ cannot be fully explained by genetic factors. As observed, sex differences at DNAm levels in SCZ were small but ubiquitous, and quantification of such differences can provide important insight into some biological functions that are perturbed in both sexes but may be more detectable in one sex.
The strong contribution of innately sex-differential DNAm to sex-specific DMPs supported our previous hypothesis about the role of DNAm in the sex-biased risk of SCZ [15], and also extended the female protective model by highlighting their baseline functions. Two major hypotheses about the relationship between sexually dimorphic and disease risk genes are that risk genes are sex-differentially regulated, and/or they interact with sexually dimorphic pathways. This study offered support for both theories. On the one side, the baseline sex differences contributed more differential DNAm effects in female SCZ than in males. With differing baseline DNAm levels, the magnitude of the impact of the risk genes differed by sex, suggesting that baseline sex-differential DNAm were sex-specifically contributing to the SCZ risk. On the other side, indeed, enrichments of sDMPs were slight, with ~ 15% of fDMPs showing baseline sex differences, while only 2% of mDMPs did. A previous study on sex differences in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) found that sex differentially expressed genes were enriched in ASD-related biological pathways but not ASD risk genes [65]. The female- and male-related differential DNAm were enriched in synapse-, immune-, and neuron-related pathways in this study, which were also previously identified as sexually dimorphic pathways [15, 66]. Therefore, baseline sex differences of SCZ risk genes and sexually dimorphic biological processes play critical roles in the sex-biased risk of SCZ.
Nearly all of the detected sex-stratified DMPs were located on autosomes. Previous studies demonstrated a prominent influence of autosomal DNAm in innate sex differences [15, 16, 19, 20]. Our previous study on healthy individuals also uncovered over 75% of autosomal sex-differential DNAm [15]. Consistently, the GTEx Consortium [66] and Hoffman et al. [67] both identified a large fraction of sex-differential gene expression on autosomes in the prefrontal cortex, suggesting a genome-wide regulatory influence of sex. Previous discovery of epigenetic sex differences indicated that sex chromosome genes could regulate autosomal methylation [68], but casual relationships will need further research. These findings strongly implicated the importance of autosomal contribution to the sex-biased SCZ risks.
Although it seems intuitive that chrX CpGs would contribute to sex differences in SCZ risk, very few X-linked DMPs were detected in sex-stratified differential methylations and sex-by-disease interactions. This raises the possibility that the differential DNAm on the chrX were weak and swamped by strong signals from autosomes. When restricting the analysis to the chrX CpGs, only three X-linked CpGs passed the threshold of p < 1e-04 in females, while none were identified in males. Effect sizes of chrX CpGs had DNAm changes in female patients 1.94 times larger than in males. Females have two chrX, but epigenetic modifications silence one to maintain the dosage of single-copy X-linked genes similar to that in males [22, 51]. The limited contribution of chrX to the sex-biased SCZ risk likely involves the silencing of chrX. Out of three X-linked fDMPs genes, one was a previously identified XCI gene, and two were XCI-escaped genes [51]. Additionally, experimental and analytical procedures for autosomes applied to chrX may limit the power to identify chrX-related differential DNAm. Our findings suggest that chrX has a minor but consistent contribution to the DNAm dysregulation burden for females.
Genetic variants were sex-specifically associated with differential DNAm in SCZ. A recent study identified genetic correlation between sexes for SCZ was high (rg = 0.92), although it was significant different from 1 (pFDR = 0.039), indicating the majority of common risk variants were shared between sexes [62]. While common variants associated with psychiatric disorders act through effects on gene regulation [69–71], this raises the question about how genetic variants contribute to the sex differences in SCZ. In this study, a similarly proportion of fDMPs (8%) was under genetic control as in males (10%), but significant enrichment of SCZ GWAS signals was only found in females. SCZ risk SNPs may regulate more DNAm-related risks in females than in males. DNAm effects manifest through SDPs, demonstrating one possible mechanism by which a proportion of common genetic variants associated with altered DNAm indeed contribute to the sex-biased risk for SCZ.
DNAm alterations in brains of female and male patients may impact the downstream expression of risk genes, further contributing to sex-biased SCZ risk. There were 7% of detected sex-stratified DMPs in SCZ manifest as significant DNAm-gene pairs. Several f(m)DGP genes were also SCZ risk genes, such as POU3F2 and EFCAB5 in females and GNA12 and PTMS in males. The directions of DNAm changes for POU3F2-, EFCAB5-, and PTMS-correlated DMPs were consistent between sexes, but a prominent sex-related quantitative bias of DNAm change exists and leads to the significant correlation only detected in one sex. For example, our previous studies found the POU3F2 gene was a risk gene for SCZ that could affect the expression of its co-expressed genes [55, 56]. The negative DGP cg18018027-POU3F2 was prioritized in female SCZ brains. The aberrant expression of POU3F2 could lead to alterations in neuron number [55]. Together these may provide explanation for sex differences in neuron functions in SCZ [72, 73]. Of note, the positive DGP cg11884933-GNA12 was unique for male SCZ brains, while the DNAm change for cg11884933 was in the opposite direction between sexes, although this mDMP was not significant in females. The GNA12 gene was a previously identified sex-differentially expressed gene in healthy brain cortex [66] and also an SCZ DEG [45]. This suggests that DNAm changes of cg11884933 may oppositely influence the expression of GNA12 in females and males and then contribute to the SCZ risk. Thus, these defined f(m)DGPs in SCZ could provide some functional explanations for how DNAm sex-specifically regulates differential expression in SCZ brains.
The integration of SNP-DMP-gene expression also offered insights into sex-biased genomic regulation in SCZ. One DMP was found in each sex to be significantly correlated with several SNPs and expression of one unique gene, including CALHM1 in females and CCDC149 in males. Of note, three SNPs of these four SNP-cg02167201-CALHM1 clusters in females were in LD with one SCZ risk SNP [54]. By leveraging defined SDPs overlapped with DGPs in each sex of SCZ patients, this highlights the role of sex-differential DNAm in linking genetic variation to gene expression, further prioritizing the potential risk DMPs. Unlike genetic variants, DNAm and gene expression are both dynamic. Our recent study indicated that the concerted DNAm-gene expression relationship is highly tissue- and age-specific [44]. More relationships among SNPs, DNAm, and gene expression may remain to be discovered in different cell types, particularly in the developing brains, which could deliver more functional explanations for sex differences in SCZ.
The differential DNAm-related PPI subnetworks in females and males mediate SCZ risk through several different pathways while sharing synapse-related pathways. The contribution of neuroimmune dysfunction to SCZ brains is well accepted [45, 74, 75], but this study showed that dysfunction of immune-related pathways was more extensive in female SCZ patients than in males. In contrast, this study found a male-biased dysregulation of neuron-related pathways. The neuron-related pathways were expected to be enriched for both sexes, but due to these pathways’ enriched genes not being significant in female patients, perturbed in neuron-related function was more detectable in male patients. Sharing of synapse-related pathways between sexes was observed, though the specific genes involved were different. Of note, the synaptic and postsynaptic membrane-related pathways had opposite directions of DNAm changes in females and males. Synaptic sexual dimorphism has been well characterized [76–78]. DNAm and transcriptome studies also noted the association between sex differences with synaptic functions [15, 67, 73]. Directional differences in DNAm changes of synaptic organization might contribute to the sex differences in SCZ brains functions. However, causal relationship of such opposite directions of DNAm changes in females and males needs follow-up studies in cellular or animal models.
Overall, this study provided solid support for the female protective model, where female SCZ patient brains had a higher dysregulation burden of DNAm than males. However, the data utilized here were from the human prefrontal cortex only. Sex differences in other brain regions and through other epigenetic mechanisms remain to be investigated. Investigation in sex-specific epigenetics and its associated regulatory network and biological processes could help us to understand the biology of sex in SCZ.